Mike, I meant to tell you that I really liked the vampire! And not sure if you got my last email, but seriously any others - feel free to send them! hehe
ok, onto another villian of epic proportions....
(well, I wasn't sure what to do with his battlearmor he has in some comics. So I just wrote it up that its 10 lvl powerhouse added to him)
"Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don't share their power with mankind."
Alexander “Lex” Luthor (Brainiac 12 Star 8): HD 20d8+40; HP 138; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; Defense 39, touch 25, flatfooted 16 (+2 Dex, +8 Int, +4 Cha, +15 Class); BAB +15; Atk +17 melee (2d6+2, Unarmed), or +17 ranged (2d4+4, Beretta 92F); SQ Thinker; AL none; SV Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +17, Rec +8; Rep +14; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 26, Wis 16, Cha 18.
Background: Dilettante
Occupation: Mastermind: Perks (Electrical Engineering, Gadgeteer, Gadget Guru, Mechanical Engineering, Professional Reputation, Professional Reputation; Professional Salary, Tech Wizard)
Hobby: Weapons
Skills: Academics (life sciences) 15 (+23), Acrobatics 11 (+13), Chemistry 15
(+23), Computers 15 (+23), Crime 15 (+23), Engineering
15 (+23), Firearms 11 (+13), Influence 11 (+15), Leadership 11 (+15), Legal 7 (+15), Perception 11 (+14), Power Control 23 (+25), Streetwise 11 (+14), Unarmed 12 (+14), Vehicles 16 (+18), Weapons 12 (+14)
Feats: Armor Training, Attack Focus (Beretta 92F), Attack Focus (Unarmed) Book Learning, Critical Strike, Gadgetry, Exploit Weakness, Improved Book
Learning, Precise Shot, Pressure Strike, Smart Defense, Power Level x8, Smart Defense, Superhuman Intelligence, Banter, Endorsement Deal, Expert in your field (Perception), Feint, Followers, Lucky, Public Speaking, Renown, Voice of Command
Access/Contacts/Followers: Complete Access; 3rd Level
Followers (3); Skill Contact: Medicine 19 ranks
Mercy Graves (Powerhouse 8): HD 8d10+24; HP68; Init +1; Spd 35 ft. (25 ft. in armor); Defense 17, touch 17, flatfooted 16 (+1 Dex, +6 Class); BAB +8; Atk +14 melee (1d6+11, Unarmed), +9 ranged (HKMP5K), or +11 ranged (3d6+6, Colt Python); SQ Melee Master; AL Lex Luthor; SV Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +1, Rec +7; Rep +4;
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Background: Criminal
Occupation: Mobster: Perks (Weapons- Aggressive Stance; Professional Salary)
Hobby: Crime
Skills: Athletics 11 (+15), Crime 4 (+4), Firearms 11 (+12), Influence 4 (+5), Perception 4 (+3), Streetwise 4 (+3), Unarmed 11 (+15), Weapons 11 (+15)
Feats: Attack Focus (Unarmed), Attack Focus (HKMP5K), Attack Focus (Colt Python, Greater (Unarmed), Attack Specialization (HKMP5K), Attack Specialization (Unarmed), Greater (Colt Python), Endurance Training, Move-By Action, Point Blank Shot, Strength Training
Access/Contacts/Followers: Confidential Access
Wealth: 15
Possessions: Knife, Colt Python, 18 rounds, HK MP5K, 60 rounds
Forced Entry Unit (9 DR)
Disadvantage: Obsession (DSR 5) Defeating Superman, Obsession (DSR 3) Power Hungry – World Domination
Wealth: 48
Possessions: Knife, Beretta 92F, Light Undercover Shirt (2 DR)
Kryptonite Powered Battlesuit Armor: The power armored Lex is a terror in combat. He relies heavily on his master plans to make up for his inaccurate attacks, but at the same time his already formidable skill as an inventor becomes even more of a problem because you never know what he’ll bring out next in a fight. Since Lex’s suit has relies so heavily on Kryptonite based attacks Superman is going to be in trouble from the moment he enters a fight.
Lex in LexCorp Battlesuit (Brainiac 12 Star 8 Powerhouse 10): HD 20d8+40 and 10d10+20; HP 230; Init +2; Spd 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor); Defense 39, touch 22, flatfooted 16 (+2 Dex, +8 Int, +4 Cha, +15 Class); BAB +6; Atk +7 melee (1d6+,Unarmed), or +8 ranged (11d4+0, energy blast); SV Fort +, Ref +, Will +, Rec +; Rep +22; Str 15 [26] (+), Dex 15, Con 15, Int 25, Wis 16, Cha 18.
Occupation: Mastermind: Perks (Area Effect Blast: 1 hex)
Skills: Firearms 11 (+12), Influence 11 (+15), Perception 11 (+26), Power Control 23 (+26), Streetwise 11 (+10), Unarmed 12 (+12/+17), Vehicles 16 (+18), Weapons 12 (+12/+17)
Feats: Blast - Energy (Worn Device PL +1), Flight (Worn Device PL +1), Force Field (Worn Device PL +1), Life Support (Worn Device PL +1), Power Level x10, Superhuman Strength (Worn Device PL +1)