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Surprisingly Useful Spells

Jeff Wilder

First Post
Gruns said:
My real pick:
Daze -- So great for those single, big, dumb BBEGs like ogres. I waste my turn, and a level 0 turn to cause you to basically lose your turn and let everyone get past reach. Good trade.
Unfortunately, daze doesn't work on ogres.

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Psychotic Jim

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Tongues and to a lesser degree, Comprehend Languages. These spells always seem to be taken by the spellcaster player in the group. Tongues been used to understand enemies speaking tactics to each other in foreign tongues, understand foreign language arcane lore, and interact with numerous creatures that did not speak Common or another widely known language. The PCs have managed to avoid a number of potentially hostile situations by using these spells to converse with monsters that might attack to due to language barriers and biased assumptions.


First Post
Unseen Servant has been a favorite of mine since I used it to convince the rest of the party in a 1e AD&D game that I was the hottest wizard in town using it. (And got double shares in the treasure! :D) Used in conjunction with Affect Normal Fire it became a stock for my wizard's, ummm, special effects department.

The Auld Grump, a floating cowled black cloak can make a convincing wraith against low intelligence humanoids...

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I would give a clear vote to Pyrotechnics. It is such an unsung spell that WotC forgot to split it into its component parts in 3.5e as they did with so many other spells :mad:

So, given that you have a handy fire source (not difficult), you can either target a Fort save (choking smoke, always obscures within its bounds) or Will save (fireworks over a humungous area blinds all who fail their save).

My sorceress used it to fantastic effect at low levels, and still uses it at high levels too. One particular case was when we were in the open and were charged by 20 mounted barbarians. 120ft radius fireworks is a huge area, so she delayed, warned the party who closed their eyes in anticipation and as they thundered within about 90ft off went the pyrotechnics. 20 mounted barbarians and significantly 20 horses all had to make a DC16 will save. I don't think there was a single mounted pair that was able to complete their charge, and the 2-5 rounds of blindness really enabled us to even the odds nicely.

So Pyrotechnics. Choose to target Fort save or Will save, you can guarantee obscurement and might reduce the effectiveness of creatures in a small radius or you have the chance of causing blindness for a few rounds across a truely huge area.

Pyrotechnics rocks on toast.

Warrior Poet

A cleric of mine has had excellent success through the middle levels (5-10, basically) with shatter.

I've found it a useful way to deprive enemies of certain items, including weapons, armor, light sources, carrying capacity items (bags, packs, sacks, boxes, vials [this is nasty: try it with that vial of alchemists fire the hobgoblin grenadier is holding, or the acid beaker in the evil alchemist's lab as the fight rages around you]), as well as affecting windows, certain portals, chains holding or wrapped around objects, etc. Sure, there's a saving throw involved in some of those cases, but it's still not too bad. Not to mention, good against crystalline monsters. It's certainly not a big blaster like fireball, or a healer, or a buffer, but I find it very handy. Obviously, later on at higher levels it's not as effective, but you never know when you'll have to shatter a beholder's (mundane) mirror or something.

The boards need a "thumbs up" smiley. :)


Warrior Poet


First Post
We've found that the orb spells (orb of cold, orb of acid, etc) are very handy - especially at higher levels. No saving throw versus some parts of the damage! Put them together with the energy substitution feat and they rock.


Plane Sailing said:
I would give a clear vote to Pyrotechnics. It is such an unsung spell that WotC forgot to split it into its component parts in 3.5e as they did with so many other spells

Pyrotechnics rocks on toast.

Just re-read the spell. Yes it does. Very cool. I'm going to have to try this one on the party. :mad:

Voidrunner's Codex

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