D&D 5E Survivor Campaign Settings II: Blackmoor Wins!


First Post
Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 16
Dark Sun 28
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 23
Ghostwalk 10
Greyhawk 30
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 25
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 26
Pelinore 10
Planescape 16
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

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Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 28
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 23
Ghostwalk 8
Greyhawk 30
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 27
Pelinore 10
Planescape 16
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

Ghostwalk actually had a book published and yet it's still weaker than settings with only a few free pages on the web, like Mahasarpa.

Jacob Marley

Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 28
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 23
Ghostwalk 8
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 27
Pelinore 10
Planescape 14
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 26
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 24
Ghostwalk 8
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 27
Pelinore 10
Planescape 14
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 26
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 25 - Still has no droids, steampunk, or any of the other sci-fi nonsense people for some reason still seem to believe Eberron has. If you're going to accuse it of genre-bending, at least get genres right; in this case film noir and pulp action.
Ghostwalk 8
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 27
Pelinore 10
Planescape 14
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 16 There were aliens.


Jedi Master
Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 26
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 25
Ghostwalk 8
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 25
Pelinore 10
Planescape 14
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 23
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 16


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 26 + 1 = 27 "Athas. Dark Sun. Desert planet." (with apologies to Frank Herbert)
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 25
Ghostwalk 8 - 2 = 6 just sort of fading away...
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 27
Pelinore 10
Planescape 14
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 16
Last edited:


Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 27
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 25
Ghostwalk 6
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 28
Pelinore 10
Planescape 12
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 16

Tony Vargas

Birthright 14
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 14
Dark Sun 27
Dragonlance 13
Eberron 25
Ghostwalk 6
Greyhawk 31
Jakandor 19
Kingdoms of Kalamar 19
Lankhmar 26
Mahasarpa 17
Mystara 28
Pelinore 10
Planescape 10 - for knuckling under to the lunatics who claimed "D&D teaches you to summon demons," by filing off 'demon' and writing in 'Tanar'ri.' Lame. Nor is that nearly the last thing about Planescape that is unforgivably lame.
Ravenloft 11
Spelljammer 22
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 16

Voidrunner's Codex

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