D&D 5E Survivor Campaign Settings II: Blackmoor Wins!


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Birthright 7
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 16 + 1 = 17 Here we go again: the Templar casts Heal Self empowered with Arcane Defiling...
Dragonlance 1 - 1 = 0 ... and maybe you will be 'fortunate' enough to draw the attention of Lord Soth - like Kitiara did?
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 23
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 24
Mahasarpa 16
Mystara 21
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6

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This is basically becoming a battle between the Eberron fans and the Greyhawk fans. Seeing as this forum skews slightly older, Eberron probably is in trouble. Rest assured I will continue to vote off Greyhawk every chance I get.

I think it is slightly more complicated. If you took a straight poll* on this EnWorld forum, my guess is that Dark Sun, Eberron, and Greyhawk probably end up on top. Knowing this, fans (not all, but many) of each of these downvote the others in this set because they are the strongest competitors. This will continue until one of them drops. Fans of the fatality will continue downvoting the others out of spite, and so on until they are all gone. Even a majority in favor of one of these would have trouble defending it because of the x2 power of downvotes. Along the way, some lesser known settings will drop at random. From the ones that don't, we'll get another random result like Birthright.

This is neither a condemnation nor a celebration of the behavior or the system that produces it. It is just my own, probably wildly incorrect, theory about what has happened / will happen.

Furthermore, even knowing that this is or might happen won't stop people from doing it. At least not everyone. For instance, me.:lol:

* I did a search and it looks like no one has ever done this. (??)


Correction ...

Birthright 7
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 16
Dragonlance 1
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 23+1=24
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 24
Mahasarpa 16-2=14
Mystara 21
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6

Birthright 7
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 16 + 1 = 17 Here we go again: the Templar casts Heal Self empowered with Arcane Defiling...
Dragonlance 1 - 1 = 0 ... and maybe you will be 'fortunate' enough to draw the attention of Lord Soth - like Kitiara did?
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 23
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 24
Mahasarpa 16
Mystara 21
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6

Birthright 7
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 17
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 24
Mahasarpa 14
Mystara 21
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


Birthright 7
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 17
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 14
Mystara 22
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


Birthright 7
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 17
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 22
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 14
Mystara 23
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


Birthright 5
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 17
Eberron 18
Greyhawk 23
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 14
Mystara 23
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


Birthright 5
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 18
Eberron 16
Greyhawk 23
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 14
Mystara 23
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


Victoria Rules
I think it is slightly more complicated. If you took a straight poll*

* I did a search and it looks like no one has ever done this. (??)
A straight poll of "favourite setting"? I'm sure I remember such being done at least once or twice...pretty sure FR won one of 'em.

And while I'm here...

Birthright 5
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 18
Eberron 14
Greyhawk 23
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 14
Mystara 24
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


First Post
Birthright 5
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 18
Eberron 14
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 15
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 12
Mystara 24
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6


Birthright 5
Blackmoor 22
Dark Sun 18
Eberron 14
Greyhawk 25
Jakandor 13
Kingdoms of Kalamar 18
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 12
Mystara 24
Spelljammer 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 6

Voidrunner's Codex

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