D&D 5E Survivor Campaign Settings II: Blackmoor Wins!


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Birthright 18 I'm not sure it's the worst setting but it's definitely not the best
Blackmoor 21
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 22
Dragon Fist 12
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 22 This however, is the definitely the best setting on the list. Certainly the best thought out, if nothing else.
Forgotten Realms 5
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 12
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 21
Thunder Rift 20
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20

I was tempted to throw an upvote to FR or NV because neither deserve the hate they're getting. Sure FR is over-exposed at this point and has a lot of major issues relating to that, but it became the iconic setting for a reason. Maybe I'm just at the age group where I was too young to really get into Greyhawk and was introduced to D&D via FR through novels (Icewind Dale) and games (Eye of Beholder, Baldur's Gate) that I've still got a bit of nostalgia for it.

And Nentir Vale might not be very fleshed out, but... have you seen what else is on this list? I mean, there are a significant subset of grognards who insist Greyhawk or Mystara were ruined when they finally got fleshed out. At least NV was doing new and interesting things with its cosmology, even if a lot of it was hampered by the system it was attached to, and then more of it got shoehorned into settings where it had no right being.

But I mean... we all already know how this ends, right? A decisive victory for Thunder Rift, a setting I'm not convinced wasn't solely the fever dream of the Wikipedia editor who put this list together, because absolutely nobody is going to bother downvoting it ever until it's too late.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Birthright 18
Blackmoor 21
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 22 + 1 = 23 First setting I was aware of that acknowledged mega-wizards are not the only cool character class available.
Dragon Fist 12
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 22
Forgotten Realms 5
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 12
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 21 - 2 = 19 People keep telling me how good this is, but I can't find any material to look over myself.
Thunder Rift 20
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20

Tony Vargas

Birthright 18
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 23
Dragon Fist 12
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 22
Forgotten Realms 5
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 10 - Sorry, still not a setting! PoL is a campaign tone, maybe a setting-design philosophy or sub-genre, not a 'default setting,' at all, but the generic suggestion of one. Similarly, the Dawn War isn't a setting, but a Cosmology - a cool one, maybe, but still not a setting.
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 19
Thunder Rift 20
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20


First Post
Birthright 18
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 23
Dragon Fist 10 - I don't know what this setting is and I'm out for blood
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 23 - My first real campaign where I felt like I knew how to DM. Also I love the setting for so many reasons it's impossible to list in this comment. Not even close
Forgotten Realms 5
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 24
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 10
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 19
Thunder Rift 20
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20

Ed Laprade

First Post
Birthright 18
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 23
Dragon Fist 10
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 23
Forgotten Realms 5 -2 = 3.
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 24 +1 = 25.
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 10
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 19
Thunder Rift 20
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20


Jedi Master
Birthright 18
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 23
Dragon Fist 10
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 23
Forgotten Realms 3
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 25
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 10
Pelinore 20
Planescape 23
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 19
Thunder Rift 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20


Devil of Chance
Birthright 18
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 23
Dragon Fist 10
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 24 - UP
Forgotten Realms 1 - FINISH IT!!
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 25
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 20
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 10
Pelinore 20
Planescape 23
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 19
Thunder Rift 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20

I'll be moving on to the lesser settings once FR is dead.

- Zynx, from the EN World mobile app


Birthright 18
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 23
Dragon Fist 10
Dragonlance 18
Eberron 24
Forgotten Realms -1 FATALITY!!!
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 25
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 22
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 21
Points of Light (Nentir Vale) 10
Pelinore 20
Planescape 23
Ravenloft 20
Spelljammer 19
Thunder Rift 18
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 20

Voidrunner's Codex

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