D&D 5E Survivor Campaign Settings II: Blackmoor Wins!


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Birthright 16
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 25
Dragon Fist 6
Dragonlance 16
Eberron 24 Apparently when Jacob Marley inserted a snarky comment he somehow extracted an entire Eberron. I've fixed that.
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 27
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 21
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 24
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 18
Spelljammer 20
Thunder Rift 16
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18 While trying to find out... anything about this, I stumbled across a wiki article for this setting. Under the heading "History" lay only this three word phrase: "There were aliens". Further reading revealed this being not entirely inaccurate. Not that I'm opposed to old school gonzo fantasy/scifi blurriness, but that's not exactly what I would expect in looking for, err... High Fantasy

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Birthright 16
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 26 It's really necessary to say why?
Dragon Fist 6
Dragonlance 16
Eberron 22, f@ck you, glorified droids! Go away, magitek, anti-muggle world!
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 27
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 21
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 24
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 18
Spelljammer 20
Thunder Rift 16
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

Mr. Wilson

Birthright 16
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 26
Dragon Fist 6
Dragonlance 16
Eberron 23- Obviously the best, most logical campaign setting created. Fight me.
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 25 - Boring.
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 21
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 24
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 18
Spelljammer 20
Thunder Rift 16
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18


Birthright 16
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 26
Dragon Fist 6
Dragonlance 16
Eberron 23- Obviously the best, most logical campaign setting created. Fight me.
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 25 - Boring.
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 21
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 24
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 18
Spelljammer 20
Thunder Rift 16
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

My farts are more powerful than the magic of Eberron :p. Yeah, it is a fart joke. I should be ashamed, but I'm not.


Birthright 16
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 26
Dragon Fist 4 Kill it!
Dragonlance 16
Eberron 23
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 26 - All the best, classic modules take place here
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 21
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 24
Pelinore 20
Planescape 22
Ravenloft 18
Spelljammer 20
Thunder Rift 16
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

Tony Vargas

Birthright 16
Blackmoor 22
Council of Wyrms 18
Dark Sun 26
Dragon Fist 4 - don't dragons have claws? wouldn't that hurt? (hurt the dragon making the fist, that is)
Dragonlance 16
Eberron 23
Ghostwalk 20
Greyhawk 27 - because EGG needs more monuments.
Jakandor 21
Kingdoms of Kalamar 20
Lankhmar 21
Mahasarpa 18
Mystara 24
Pelinore 20
Planescape 20 - for knuckling under to the critics complaining about 'that devil game' by filing off 'devil' and writing in 'Baatezu.' Lame. Nor is that nearly the last thing about Planescape that is unforgivably lame.
Ravenloft 18
Spelljammer 20
Thunder Rift 16
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 18

Voidrunner's Codex

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