Sword Coast Legends: Campaign Creation Tools

For those curious about the campaign creation tools in Sword Coast Legends, here's a long (nearly an hour) video delving into them. It features Design Director Tim Schwalk and Community Manager Ash Sevilla.

For those curious about the campaign creation tools in Sword Coast Legends, here's a long (nearly an hour) video delving into them. It features Design Director Tim Schwalk and Community Manager Ash Sevilla.


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Random dungeons. Ugh.
Okay, I love those as an option, but I'm stunned that they didn't prioritize tile-by-tile dungeons so people can build dungeons from classic modules.


I have no problem with random dungeons, in fact I'm thrilled that they prioritize getting random dungeons right over tile-by-tile placement, it makes whipping up dungeons a breeze.

And as they say in the video, they got tile-by-tile tools, they just need to make them available to the players, I'm pretty sure we will get those.



Random dungeons. Ugh.
Okay, I love those as an option, but I'm stunned that they didn't prioritize tile-by-tile dungeons so people can build dungeons from classic modules.
Random dungeons and a stockpile of premade sets from the single player game. I would've preferred tile sets too. ..but this is workable.

Amazing, I can create random dungeons! Wait, I don't want to make random dungeons. The decision to make random dungeons the default and only means of creation is hilarious. Reducing D&D to its most basic element is hardly a means to 'grow the brand'.
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As an option, its great for those who just want a quick, dirty, pick-up-and-play dungeon romp. I'll admit though, in 27 years of gaming, I've never encountered those gamers (one-of games, yes, but never the "let's just kill random monsters for a while"). Well, not in the tabletop gaming world anyway...and if I have encountered them, they hid it well.

Still, with the rather vocal community this game has already developed, it seems the number one request/reaction is that SCL needs to have custom, tile-by-tile map generation. Certainly something I agree with if this game wants to have any kind of longevity.

I have little doubt it's going to be a high, if not top priority for nSpace after launch, and will likely be added as quickly as can be done. That said, I'm not touching SCL until that capability exists. It should have been there for Day 1, not a "Whoopsie! We'll get right on that" situation.

Edit: The more I see of SCL, the less impressive it gets. Exceedingly limited creation tools, seemingly (but not proven) limited-to-no modding ability, lacking the full range of core 5e content...yeah. I suppose it's impressive for a small studio's first foray into self-publishing a large RPG like this, but what it's offering is...well, a nerfed Neverwinter Nights (just with prettier visuals).
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First Post
Also almost no way to set the loot you reward seems off. I understand from a point of view if your someone whats just downloading random dugeons to play off the internet, but if you wanted to create say a campaign for your friends to play through you're really limited in what you can do. Same goes with random dungeons. All in all fairly disappointed in what I saw.

On a side note, I know this was an example dungeon, but did anyone else think some of the encounters rather sucked? A lot seems totally random. An alter just sitting in a sewer room with no rhyme or reason or the woman who said: where am I and I don't know you but I'm assuming you're not bad guys and I'm sending you on a quest that if you don't accept I'll refuse to leave and I'll just die down here. Definitely not a campaign I would enjoy playing in.

Anybody watched the full video? I'm just wondering if there's a breakdown of the highlights for those of us who don't watch many videos and definitely don't want to watch a whole hour.

I'm really curious how Sword Coast Legends turns out, considering how much the 2015 "brand" seems to be relying on it.

DM Howard

The more I see of SCL, the less impressive it gets. Exceedingly limited creation tools, seemingly (but not proven) limited-to-no modding ability, lacking the full range of core 5e content...yeah. I suppose it's impressive for a small studio's first foray into self-publishing a large RPG like this, but what it's offering is...well, a nerfed Neverwinter Nights (just with prettier visuals).

This is how I feel as well. I'm holding off until I can see it "in the flesh" when my friend plays it. I've been burned too many times by games that promise one thing and deliver another. No more.

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