Pathfinder 1E Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP Part 2 with your hosts Scotley and MLeibrock


With more observation it becomes obvious that clouds of the ravenous creatures constantly swarm in and out of several large holes spread throughout the riverbed. The closest of these holes on the eastern side of the swarm to the PCs lies about 80 feet from the swarm cloud's edge. The hole itself is a 5-foot-diameter opening. The swarms don't seem concerned with your presence, but their is no way to pass them down the valley. The holes seem the only likely way forward.

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Thorn scowled and started undoing the straps on her armor. "Adamantine," she muttered. "You think mithril's good enough, it only costs as much as a small ship to get armor out of it, but no...adamantine..."

Despite being mithril, the breastplate is enameled a dull black, the better for her stealthy operations.

"This is going to be a hard fight without armor, even if the bugs don't kill us before we find the queen." She holds up the end of her chain. "This is enchanted. Is that enough? If not, I'm going to need SOMETHING to hit that thing with besides a sharp glare."

"Ummm, no, it doesn't work like that.The swarms consist of hundreds if not thousands of creatures and while you can kill number of them, the swarm as a whole ignores weapon damage. And they are demonic so resist fire and acid, two most common alchemical weapons.

Your magical weapon will be somewhat resistant and they are not picking your biggest or most valuable item. They may target your boot or trousers or even necklace. They are not thinking creatures."

The bard thinks for a moment.
"We have an army of paladins. We have several priests. We could go armored in spells if there are those with long enough durations. And wand of mage armor would do wonders. We could probably enter the caves safely if we move slowly and unthreateningly. They seem far enough from the closest opening."


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"I meant the queen," Thorn clarifies. "If we get attacked by a swarm, the best I can do is try to draw them away from the rest of you."

"...this is a terrible plan."


Fortunately for the Thorn, the swarm seems blithely uninterested in the doings of the group. A glance into the hole reveals a new challenge. There is a five foot diameter hole descending 20' and then it opens into a larger space, but the floor is another 20' down. (DC20 climb check to descend or you could use a rope).


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I will go scout while you get down." dragonling puts his head inside, checks the darkness and jumps down.

OOC: No mage armor wands or sanctuaries or something from paladins/priests? I'm going in without personal equipment, save some potions - I need to check duration. Dropping to AC 19 and losing some minor benefits from items. As an insurance, he takes various pieces of extra equipment, belts, bracers and whatever else will fit him for voracious swarm to consume without much damage. Obviously, I'm not jumping if I see the swarm downthere ;)


OOC: Good point. Do we have the abilities of the paladins and NPCs written somewhere?
[MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION], maybe a post in RG would help? Along with army stats that can be updated as the situation changes?


OOC: Good point. Do we have the abilities of the paladins and NPCs written somewhere?
[MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION], maybe a post in RG would help? Along with army stats that can be updated as the situation changes?

OOC: Good thought I'll get something in the RG today.


Warm air fills this crystalline cavern, pulled through a vent in the ceiling twenty feet overhead. A continuous, high-pitched noise issues from the three tunnels ahead, a disconcerting drone melded with the discordant buzz of an angry crowd. The walls, floor, and ceiling of this cave glisten with moisture and are caked with a thick red resin resembling dried mucus, giving the chamber the disturbing illusion of being the interior of some great beast's body. The stone here is porous allow light to filter in and the swarms to come and go easily. Vir suspects the dampness will make climbing or quick moves difficult.


"Perhaps I can appeal to The Way for a single boon. What divine power should I request? I can also cast Gorum's Armor on lessor armor, making all attackers take damage."

Voidrunner's Codex

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