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Swords and Socialites Part 1: The Forgotten Forge


The situation is grim for Tiberian, and he dispenses with the pleasantries. Snarling, he strikes at his attacker again, with a vicious cut at his enemy's midsection.

11 (d20 roll) +3 (attack bonus) +1 (action point) = 15. In the off chance that this is a hit, however, it deals 13 damage. Odi et amor, excrucior.

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Koren tries one last time against their attacker, concentrating his mental blasts on the pseudo-construct. He then draws his dagger, ready to defend himself from melee combat.

*mind thrust 8 dmg. Will Save DC 15*


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Tiberian slashes brutally at the warforged who barely steps back out of the way of the hallberd.

Grimm approaches Tiberian facing off with the warforged in the staircase carefully. The closest Grimm can get is around the corner from the warforged. (Warforged has cover) He swings his axe, but the warforged is easily able to duck behind the wall and avoid the blow from his new attacker.

About halfway between Lancel and the rest of the party another sewer valve opens up, shootig filth into the sewage channel.

The warforged, moving as if in considerable pain, clumsily takes a stab at Tiberian, missing by a considerable sight.

Lancel stands, undecided, scanning the sewer cross section for signs of the fleeing shifter, alert if they should reappear.

Koren focuses the power of his mind and launches it yet again at the warforged. The warforged assassin's mind appears to put up a small defense against the dream energy before his defenses, mind, and body give way to the power of Koren's mind. The warforged's head plates buckle, and he fall off the stairs at the feet of Tiberian and Grim with a dull, wet thud.


Tiberian's breath is labored, and he spits out a lot of blood. "Wounded again, na' quite so bad. Dol Arrah, I beseech you, heal me." As his breathing and color improve slightly, Tiberian looks around for wounds on his companions and finds none. He grins raggedly.

Cure Minor Wounds on self. Up to 3 hp now. Whee!


"These warforged really want this journal don't they? I wonder who this Lord of Blades is and what awaits us below. Thankfully Grimm, your countenance has worked to our advantage. I believe those were the shifters who were shadowing Tiberian and Lancel in the market. I have little in the way of healing, but Tiberian are you well enough to continue?" says Koren as the party regroups following the battle.


Once again calling on the name of Dol Arrah, Tiberian casts the same orison a second time, and then nods. "Ready enough, I suppose. Not that I've got a lot of magic left to spend. 'Twill have to do. Maybe I can avoid getting stabbed next time around."

Another cure minor wounds spell brings me up to an impressive four hit points.


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Lancel walks back toward the group, checking over his shoulder every so often to make sure he isn't being followed by the shifter thugs.

"So, Koren, there IS a journal! What was that warforged talking about? As for your question about The Lord of Blades...Tiberian and I might have some info to shed on the subject. A trade of information? Or should we each go about this journey in our own very special darkness?"


"I think now might be the time to reveal our secrets to one another, given that we will need the trust such devulsions bring if we are to work together in the blackness below.

"Our adventures began when Grimm, myself and two companions came upon a murdered professor. As we were trying to assertain the professor's condition we were set upon by another of these warforged who killed one of our companions. We fought off the warforged just as the city watch arrived.

"Free to help our fallen friend we took care of burial rites before being contacted by a mysterious woman. She tasked us with finding what the professor had been looking for, a small piece of metal, deep beneath sharn. She said that we would find all we needed to know about why our fallen friend had been killed.

"We are now here, with the professor's journal, looking for answers and a small piece of metal."
says Koren.


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"Ah, that explains this warforged's attacking us. As for the rest, the warforged who killed your friend...he didn't use a big, nasty looking scimitar, did he? The thing is, Tiberian and I got a tip that an old friend of ours from the war might have fallen in with a bad crowd...with a warforged warlord named the Lord of Blades. A friend of ours with connections got word that Scimitar, our old friend, was in Sharn, and that if we didn't talk him out of supporting this Nuts-and-Bolts warlord, emphasis on Nuts, Scimitar would go down with the rest of Lord Blade's cronies. Tiberian and I didn't want to see that happen. I do hope he wasn't the one who killed your friend."

Lancel walks over to the dead warforged's body, flipping it over with his boot. "This clearly isn't Scimitar..."
((OOC Search the body for stuff!))

Voidrunner's Codex

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