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SWSE: Living SAGA: Episode the First!


The Cruise ship "Exorbitant" opened its airlocks to you a day ago, and along with a crowd of everyone from tourists to businessmen you were pulled along by its lure of free food and board for the first week to all registered guests. The crowd is immediately welcomed by a host of smiling Bix stewards and Gammorean security in uniform jump suits, and sorted swiftly to various decks and rooms (though a significant sorting had already taken place before the ships left whatever port).

Those of you looking for work make the inquiries, but are told that all questions must be related to the ship's personelle officer, and that a scheduled appointment will be made (and they'll send you the time/place when they have time); in the meantime, you are told that you are free to enjoy the hospitality of the ship until then.

Once sorted, you have the opportunity to see the various parts of the ship (oooh, the Casino! And the shopping!), sample the foods (mmm, lineups at the buffet!), and enjoy the entertainment (everything from Wookie comedians to dancing, nubile Twi'Lek... which one can run faster from a hungry Rancor?). All of it is free, excepting the drinks and the Casinos (which are ridiculously cheap), and glittering with all the splendor possible in a luxury craft owned by one of the chinciest wealthy people on the planet.

As the first day drags on, you find yourself taking a moment of rest, or enjoyment, in a small restaurant and bar situated on the middle levels. Fewer patrons are here than anywhere else, for now, and it seems like a great place to take a rest.

The entire room is a giant fish tank, of a sort. The floors are a series of black catwalks set between massive tanks beneath the plasteel floor and walls. Brightly colored fish, made more so by use of special glowlights, from multiple worlds swim about coral reefs set beneath and around you. Entire schools of fish flit about the massive tanks under your feet, acting as entertainment and decoration all at once. The tables are plasteel as well, as is everything except the cushions on the booth seats and the exterior shell of the bar, allowing an amazing view of the fauna everywhere around you.

In one corner a corpulent Mon Calimarri sits with several incredibly made-up Twi'Lek, er, hostesses to either side of him. He points around the room at the various fish, ordering an R2 unit waiter to bring more and more of them to add to the already huge pile of dishes on the table.
That one's the best, no *that* one. And three more of those... Hey Pinky, try some of the Ameobian sting-frills. he says to one of his companions.
Ew, no. Fish make my mouth tingle.
That's what she said! Bwa-hahahaha! he laughs, banging his fin-like fist on the table. The other girls take a minute to puzzle out what he meant, then give up and just giggle like it's funny.
The R2 unit whistles something distainful-sounding before disappearing behind the bar to fill the order.

A party of Ugnauts bobs up and down at their own table. Otherwise the restaurant is empty but for a collection of patrons from various backgrounds...


[sblock=ooc] Well, here's the first post. I need the following things from each of you:

1) Description of yourself
2) What level of richness you'd likely be given by the Hutt for quarters
3) all OOC comments here and in sblock
4) Your character sheet in your signature until we get our Wiki up and running
5) All rolls using Invisiblecastle.com


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