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Sylar to play Spock in JJ Abrams' Star Trek re-make!


The EN World kitten
I'm so happy for Zachary Quinto. First a great role on Heroes, which turned into a breakout success, and now this. He's finally made it. :D

The only downside about this is that this means Sylar's going to be gone for a while; he's a kickass villain. At least we know we'll get to see him at least part of the time in season two!

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Ranger REG

Arkhandus said:
And somwhat more recently (a few years ago was it? or a bit further back?) in Futurama. I think that was quite possibly the best Futurama episode EVAR! :D
Only saw the Simpson episode where he narrates.


Vigilance said:
Shatner clearly has "it" and "it" clearly transcends character and time. He's the opposite of typecast. How many people have been the lead character in three successful TV shows? (Hint: Less than five actors)

Out of curiosity, how do you define "successful", and how do you define "lead", and who are your five?

Can a show be successful if it only ran one season? Ted Danson, for example, starred in Cheers, Ink, and Becker... does Ink's one season make it a successful series?

John Ritter starred in Three's Company (and the spin-off series), Hooperman, and Eight Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter... I've never heard of Hooperman personally, but it ran a couple of seasons...

Can someone be considered the lead character if they don't have top billing? Heather Locklear was a 'special guest' for six years seasons on Melrose Place, for example, and appeared in more episodes than anyone except Thomas Calabro. She was the female lead in Spin City for a couple of seasons - would that count? John Larroquette wasn't first billed on Night Court, but would it count? What about shows with two 'stars' - Moonlighting, Jeeves and Wooster, The Dukes of Hazzard - can either one count it as a tick?

Does voice work count? David Jason played Danger Mouse - unquestionably the lead character - in Danger Mouse. Does it count as one of his three?

Do 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' and 'The New Dick Van Dyke Show' count as separate series, given that apart from the name, the two were entirely separate sitcoms? How about 'Mission: Impossible' and 'The New Mission: Impossible', where the premise is the same, but only one character overlaps?



I think Zack Quinto is a thoroughly excellent casting decision. I might even go so far as to call it the best casting decision for the role they could have made.

Seriously - if you are determined to reset the series and recast the roles - who would have been a better choice as a young Spock than Quinto?

Silver Moon

F5 said:
I suspect that lots of people will hate this.

I suspect that lots of other people will love this.

I find the whole notion that "Nobody other than Shatner and Nimoy can ever play Kirk and Spock" to be rather silly. There was a TNG episode which had flashbacks of Picard right after graduating from Starfleet Academy that were played by another actor - and Voyager had various episodes featured flashbacks with younger versions of Chakotay, Tuvok, Tores and Kes - all played by younger actors - without any fans objecting. Heck, a DS9 episode even featured Tony Todd (who frequently played Worf's brother Kern) playing an older Jake Sisko despite the fact that the actors bore little-to-no resemblence to one another and in fan polls that episode consistantly ranks as a top one of that series.

I think that it will work fine, especially if Nimoy and Shatner are there to "bookend" the story - similar to that Young Indiana Jones episode about Chicago in the 1920's that Harrison Ford bookended. What else do the fans want? Nimoy and Shatner could in no way now play young versions of themselves - heck, it was enough of a stretch to accept Frankes and Sirtis playing 12-year-younger versions of their characters in the "Enterpirse" finale.

So you can put me in the "People will love it" camp, I welcome a chance to see Kirk and Spock on screen again.


John Crichton said:
:) I agree with very many of your points above. I can't really add much more and I'm a little torn on the topic but not in any way against this film. I'm looking forward to it. :)

That said ... what the heck is a hard 7?!

I'm assuming you are talking about craps/dice where the combo of doubles (ie. two 3's = a hard 6) makes the term. But seven is an odd number...

It's not like the Kobayashi Maru Scenario where you can cheat to win... ;)

It's something Adama said in the first season of the new Battlestar Galactica that was also quoted by showrunner Ron Moore. I dont think anyone knows what it means on the show either ;)


Hypersmurf said:
Out of curiosity, how do you define "successful", and how do you define "lead", and who are your five?

Wow, way too many, way too technical questions in there.

Anyway, I said less than 5. I read an article awhile back that placed the number of men to lead three different series at two: Shatner and Chiklis.

John Crichton

First Post
Vigilance said:
It's something Adama said in the first season of the new Battlestar Galactica that was also quoted by showrunner Ron Moore. I dont think anyone knows what it means on the show either ;)
Ah, google failed me at finding an explanation. Danke.

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