[h=3]Dungeons & Dragons News[/h]
[h=3]Community News[/h]
[h=3]Boardgame News[/h]
- Mines of Madness, Part 3 by Greg Bilsland, Scott Kurtz, Kris Straub, Molly Lewis, and Stepto -- "In Part 3, the crew ventures further into the mines, braving moldy death and super-sticky secret doors."
- Walkthrough Map by Jason Thompson -- "Vegepygmies and robots. What more could you need to hear? Let’s go!" In great celebration of the S series of adventures, we'd like to offer the following cartoon -- considering the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks!"
- Dragon #422 -- "Dying is easy; comedy is hard." Those words weren't penned for roleplayers, but they could have been. This month: satyrs, tinker gnomes, and unique character backgrounds! We proudly present for your gaming pleasure, Dragon 422!"
[h=3]Community News[/h]
- The third part of Kobold Press' exorcism series of articles is up. This relaly is agreta little series of articles. If you haven't yet, check out part 1 and part 2 first. "In the first part of this series, Charles began exploring exorcism in the Pathfinder game and provided us with the cost of failure. In part 2, he took us into the commandments exorcists can use, as well as how to handle true names. This time, he provides you with some options that allies might have for assisting an exorcist, as well as some useful spells. "
- Hey, here's an article about D&D!
- Do you want some official Dungeon Bastard wallpaper? Of course you do. Additionally, the Dungeon Bastard offers his thoughts on the best playable monster!
[h=3]Boardgame News[/h]
- Days of Wonder has made the Ticket to Ride Monsters expansion available once again. Alvin and Dexter - A UFO and suspiciously familiar Giant Lizard - are available through the Days of Wonder online store.
- Giant Man for Wizkids Games Heroclix line will soon be available for purchase. He originally appeared as a convention exclusive back in 2012, but Wizkids is now making him available in limited quantities via their eBay store.
- Fantasy Flight Games continues to preview The Search for Skywalker, their second Force Pack for the Hoth Cycle for the Star Wars: The Card Game line. The pack will feature, among other things, a Jabba specific objective and related cards.
- FFG is also previewing Gearworld: The Borderlands. Gearworld is a board game set in a steampunky future where players negotiate, build and conquer in order to earn favor for their tribe. The preview shows off the board and pieces and talks a little about the strategy of the game.