Tabletop Gaming News for Thursday, 2 May, 2013 [Spell Compendium Review; and a QUESTION! Plus GenCon

EN World News We have a review of the Premium Spell Compendium v3.5 from WotC. "It’s next to impossible to find much fault with the Premium Spell Compendium 3.5, being a “faithful” reproduction of the original with all the errata added in, and bearing an awesome looking cover. If you play D&D 3.5 or d20 variant thereof, I can honestly say this is one of those “must-have” products to keep at...

[h=3]EN World News[/h]
  • We have a review of the Premium Spell Compendium v3.5 from WotC. "It’s next to impossible to find much fault with the Premium Spell Compendium 3.5, being a “faithful” reproduction of the original with all the errata added in, and bearing an awesome looking cover. If you play D&D 3.5 or d20 variant thereof, I can honestly say this is one of those “must-have” products to keep at the gaming table just to help the session run smoother by having at the ready, a complete and easily referenced compendium of all types of spells."
  • Rel talks about how we are what we choose to be or do, and how that applies to an RPG in Act How You Want To Be.
  • Steal This Rule: Trust; an article from Kamikaze Midget which describes one of the best in-game reputation systems he's ever seen. Enjoy! "Relevant, effective, and granular without being overly detailed, this system does more than measure how well-liked a given party is in a region: it helps the DM to sprinkle plot lines, to get an idea of a party’s direction, and even to track time and the changes that the party can bring to an area. "
  • On the right hand side of EN World's home page (lower down) is a "Coming Soon" sidebar. It's been there for a while (before that it wasn't there for a while, and before that it was there for years). I'm trying to decide whether to keep it - it simply lists WotC's and Paizo's major upcoming releases over the next few months. While I appreciate that that info, like everything else on this page and most of the web, can be found also elsewhere, my question is this: is it useful to you? Do you use it? Please let me know in the comments, as I'm trying to decide whether to keep it or not.

[h=3]Dungeons & Dragons News[/h]
  • Beholders: Comparative Analysis -- In this preview of the 2nd Edition re-release of the Monster Manual, we consider one of the game's most celebrated creatures: the beholder!
  • Epic Campain: Storm Over Neverwinter by Aaron Williams -- In this episode of the season, the party braves the Storm Over Neverwinter: "If Lord Neverember had offered a ten grand reward for that guy in the devil mask before, we might have tried harder to keep him from escaping.
  • The Talkative Tavernmaster by Ed Greenwood -- Creating a quick cast of nonplayer characters is something DMs have to do from time to time. This week, Ed provides you with a way to do this that allows you to add more flavor to your campaign—and he does so with an extended example that you can immediately use in your game.

[h=3]Gen Con Industry Guests of Honor[/h]
Every year Gen Con invites the gaming industry to apply to be an "Industry Guest of Honor". These guests host seminars and panels, and consist of the following illustrious people; for more info on them, see GenCon's page.

[h=3]Community News[/h]
  • Game Knight Reviews talks about the roll of Art Director on an RPG publication.
  • The Hidden World is the topic today at Gnome Stew. The hidden world setting is often a world that begins by modeling the world around us, but adds a concealed truth.
  • If you're a fan of gnolls, head on over to Kobold Press and read Gnasty Gnolls: Lore and Adventures.
  • CLASSics: Figher, Part 2 is a a new Tale from the Gazebo from Roleplayers Chronicle.
  • The Kyngdoms have released the May issue of their monthly e-zine, the Zinedoms. This month they take a look at the Longstaff Wizards, a powerful and secretive group of arcane wizards who control much of the magic trade throughout the world.
  • Steve Kenson has a gust spot on the Blog of Games blog, where he talks about Game of Thrones s3e2 and the Song of Ice & Fire RPG.

[h=3]Boardgaming & Other News[/h]



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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The Coming Soon sidebar is one of my favorite vintage/modern ENWorld features. Please keep it.

You have WotC and Paizo on there. Maybe add Goodman or Frog God to cover OSR and you've got the three major flavors of D&D covered.

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I think it helps send the message that D&D is d20 is Pathfinder is D&D. Probably helps Paizo the most. Paizo can't really come right out and say it, but you can. Plus it's pretty and shiny. Maybe Paizo can/should work out an deal with you...


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Tabletop Gaming News for Thursday, 2 May, 2013 [Spell Compendium Review; and a

I think it helps send the message that D&D is d20 is Pathfinder is D&D. Probably helps Paizo the most. Paizo can't really come right out and say it, but you can. Plus it's pretty and shiny. Maybe Paizo can/should work out an deal with you...

I don't think Paizo needs to say that the days ... Brandwise, it's been kicking D&D's ass for a couple of years. Of course, WotC hasn't actually been publishing D&D for those years, so not being #1 in a period where the previous #1 literally stopped publishing would be fairly embarrassing.

I have to admit that I'm excited to see what happens when WotC engages warp drive once 5E launches. I think both companies will get really exciting!

Jeff Carlsen

I say keep it, and some day make it database driven so you can follow thepriz's suggestion. A custom feed of upcoming products from just the games I care about would be immensely useful.

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