Kickstarter Tabletop Mirror, A New Homebrew & VTT Solution, is Celebrating a Successful First Crowdfunding Campaign

Gehenna Gaming

Tabletop Mirror, a new tabletop roleplaying game platform that helps homebrew dungeon masters take their games to the next level, has HOURS left on its crowdfunding campaign! Part campaign manager, part worldbuilding platform, and part virtual tabletop, Tabletop Mirror is a one-stop shop for game masters looking to truly bring their games to life. On August 5, 2024, the team launched its first crowdfunding campaign on Backerkit and surpassed its initial funding goal of $2,500 within the first few hours of the campaign launch. Now, with just hours left in the campaign, TTM has raised over $42,500, more than 1600% of its original goal. The campaign has unlocked some impressive stretch goals, including the implementation and future development of a Mobile App, full Card Game Support within the TTM platform, 3D Battle Grids, and much more!

Tabletop Mirror was originally conceived by game master, homebrewer, and engineer Varun Singh to manage and track the evolving world of his home game. However, it quickly grew into a platform designed to empower other GMs and players by offering an all-in-one toolkit for running their TTRPGs. With an array of features—including a powerful mechanics editor, an expansive item, spell, and feature wiki, robust lore management, custom timekeeping and calendar tools, a graphical mapmaking interface, campaign management resources, and vibrant community tools—Tabletop Mirror is committed to being the ultimate resource for tabletop gamers. And there are still more exciting features on the roadmap.

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