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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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Clover coughed as she stepped through the rubble and into the cold darkness of the next chamber. She gave a quick look around and wrinkled her nose, "Meh, it smells like a sewer in here."
Then, she looked up at the preacher, finally happy to know his name. She bowed her head in respect for a man of the cloth, "Father Koln? I'm Angelica. Angelica Edwards. But you can call me Clover."
Then, not having been able to say so for quite some time, she swallowed her pride and looked away from him, "And... thank you for saving me. Back in the club. In the alleyway... sort of. Etcetera."
But inwardly, she sighed as though the whole situation was very bothersome. Actually, though she had always harbored such "sweet" thoughts (lol), Clover now found her mind corrupted by a blunt cynicism.
'Well, good job being a meat shield, Father. Never pity the gullible.'

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Jacob Prestor's House

Clover & Koln

There is a hint of the putrid smell of waste coming from the opening created in the wall. You see what looks like a small cavern made of brick walls with the ceiling being just high enough to walk upright in. A few rats scurry off down a hallway that is too dark and long for you to see the end of. You can hear the faint sound of water flowing in the distance.

We'll stop here for now and let Ruby catch up, especially if she wants to try to clear the way into the house.


First Post
Clover & Koln

There is a hint of the putrid smell of waste coming from the opening created in the wall. You see what looks like a small cavern made of brick walls with the ceiling being just high enough to walk upright in. A few rats scurry off down a hallway that is too dark and long for you to see the end of. You can hear the faint sound of water flowing in the distance.

We'll stop here for now and let Ruby catch up, especially if she wants to try to clear the way into the house.

((Ok, some idle RPing from me then))

"It is my honor, Clover.. Make no mistake though... it seems that I have failed you completely and now you can look forward to an eternity of pain and torment...some shephard I turned out to be...gah!" Koln gasps, covering his nose with his sleeve, noticing the putrid smell of the small cavern. He looks inside, squinting and seeing into the abyss, looking too long, and it stares right back into him... until a squeak breaks the silence. He smiles, gently petting one of the nearby rats.

"Ah, it does my heart good to see some god's creatures acting virtuously, doing what they were meant to do for once..." He picks it up and holds it for Clover to pet
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First Post
Clover coughed as she stepped through the rubble and into the cold darkness of the next chamber. She gave a quick look around and wrinkled her nose, "Meh, it smells like a sewer in here."
Then, she looked up at the preacher, finally happy to know his name. She bowed her head in respect for a man of the cloth, "Father Koln? I'm Angelica. Angelica Edwards. But you can call me Clover."
Then, not having been able to say so for quite some time, she swallowed her pride and looked away from him, "And... thank you for saving me. Back in the club. In the alleyway... sort of. Etcetera."
But inwardly, she sighed as though the whole situation was very bothersome. Actually, though she had always harbored such "sweet" thoughts (lol), Clover now found her mind corrupted by a blunt cynicism.
'Well, good job being a meat shield, Father. Never pity the gullible.'
"Damn, theres nothing around to put out the fire" Ruby said as her moral sank. Then she heard a noise of the speed of a wizzing vampire and turned around. The bloody awakened preacher has just bashed into the concrete at the other side of the basement. 'There must have been a weak spot in the wall',she thought. 'Clever newborns' She then turned to the little girl and Mavis, she examined Mavis, not knowing if she was dead yet, then she spoke to the girl. "We must go young one, it is not safe." "No! I can't leave Mommy!"
Ruby's patience was wearing thin, she let out a small growl and carried the girl on her shoulders piggyback style. The she dashed towards the open wall where Clover and the preacher stood observing. The child screamed both from her grieving and from being launched at a high speed across the room on a vampire's shoulders.
Once Ruby reached them she let the girl down and held her hand. Clover told her it was too dark to see through the path. She could here water as well. Ruby attempts to aid them in escaping the house in one piece. She looks at the scurrying rats and tries to envision an escape route.

Escape Artist skill mod 4
<a href="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1800934/">Escape Artist skill mod 4 (1d20 4=7)</a>

[3,4] = (7)


First Post
Clover quirked an eyebrow as Koln held the rat out for her to pet. 'Is he insane? The house is burning down around us, and he has time to stop and pet rats?'
Then, she grinned a little as though the whole situation was a little funny, 'Well, daddy always said that I should learn to stop and smell the roses.'
Sighing, she laughed a little and took the rat from the priest, scrubbing his little furry head with her thumb. Contrary to what people would have thought, she wasn't afraid of rodents. She actually had a pet rabbit back in the dorm room which she sometimes used to practice magic tricks--a little white bunny named Icarus...
Clover jumped a little as a crying Suzy was set down next to her. Ruby climbed through the hole after her, and Vince--'Professor Harrows'--stepped through after her.
Clover crossed her arms and stared pointedly at Ruby, "Nice of you to join us."
Then, she gestured down the path, "It's too dark to see. But I don't think we have a choice, if we want to live."
Suzy continued to cry at her side, "Mommy! We can't leave mommy!"
Clover rolled her eyes. 'God, I hate children.'
Slowly, she knelt down in front of the little girl and smiled, "Don't cry. I think that your mother would rather that you were safe. You will see her again some day." She tried to lay her hand comfortingly on Suzy's shoulder...
Clover recoiled as Suzy smacked her face and screamed in fear, "Waaaaaa! Don't hurt me again!"
Clover huffed in aggravation, remembering how she had manhandled the poor child just a little while ago, 'Damn brat.'


First Post
The Sewer

You hear another loud crack and more debris falls from the ceiling blocking the tunnel to the trap door. A small flame forms on the rubble quickly turning into a large blaze. Suzy screams "Mommmyyyyyyyyy!!!!" and it's all you can do to drag her into the sewer with you.

As you walk down the tunnel you see rats scurying for shelter into their little homes in the crevices here and there in the wall. They almost seem to be talking to the little rat that Clover is carrying. The tunnel ends at a fork that goes left or right. There is water flowing in the middle of the tunnel here that is about ankle deep. Vince peers around the corner of the right tunnel he turns to you and says "This way should lead us away from the house." As you wade through the water following Vince you all can't help but take a slight attraction to their warmth and the images of food that come into your mind when you look at them.

The tunnel ends with a manhole that leads upward. When you climb up you find that you are out on the street just a few blocks down from Prestor's house. You can see the flames still rising into the air from what is left of the burning house. You hear sirens of the ever-timely fire department as they come to douse the flames.


First Post
The Streets


Vince looks more than relieved to be out of the basement. "I'm going to check in with the authorities, I think they should at least know that this girl has lost her mother. After that I'm going to head back to the University, stop by my office when you get the chance."


Vince takes Suzy's hand, the girl seems to be in a rather submissive and shocked state and follows Vince blindly. The pair head down the street towards the burning remains where a crowd of people have gathered. You swear you can almost smell the humanity.

It's well past the time for Trick or Treaters. There are still some people in the streets coming back from parties or going about their normal business. There is a lone pay phone booth on the side of the road and a bus stop. It seems like most of the houses on the street have their lights off and are less than welcoming.


First Post

Vince looks more than relieved to be out of the basement. "I'm going to check in with the authorities, I think they should at least know that this girl has lost her mother. After that I'm going to head back to the University, stop by my office when you get the chance."


Vince takes Suzy's hand, the girl seems to be in a rather submissive and shocked state and follows Vince blindly. The pair head down the street towards the burning remains where a crowd of people have gathered. You swear you can almost smell the humanity.

It's well past the time for Trick or Treaters. There are still some people in the streets coming back from parties or going about their normal business. There is a lone pay phone booth on the side of the road and a bus stop. It seems like most of the houses on the street have their lights off and are less than welcoming.

Koln breathes in the night air, letting it come out of his nostrils in the form of a ghostly mist. Koln still has his white rat, gently petting it... he looks down at it, nodding as if to have picked a name for it, and lets it sit on his shoulder. He then turns and looks down at Ruby.

"You are.. or at least were, a God-fearing girl... Quaker..? No... er... Amish? You came from a simple Christian community, i know that... I'm a special kind of priest, I can see into the souls of people, and ascertain their Christianity. This really helps if I'm carring out an inquisition... er... that is when I did... something tells me I will have to hand in my retirement notice to the Vatican soon... What I want to know is, who did this to me? Was it you?"


First Post
Clover stood in shock.
Next to her, she heard Koln speaking to Ruby. But she wasn't paying attention.
She watched her professor and the little girl walk off.
There was an awkward silence.
Then, she crossed her arms and a vein began to throb on her temple as she ranted internally, 'I knew it. I knew it! You know what? This is exactly the reason why I never leave the dorm! Why was I studying so much? Just to avoid stupidity like this! Because as soon as you step out of the door, out of your nice, warm bedroom, boom! Something :):):):)ing moronic happens and you end up having to pay the price for all the dumb things people throw at you! I knew it. I knew I should have stayed at the dorm tonight. Then, everything would have gone as planned. I would have been up on the roof by now, and...'
She stopped and blanked momentarily. She remembered now that she had wanted to kill herself. Well, didn't this amount to about the same?
Drawing a deep, calming breath, she squeezed the rat in her palm a little tighter. Not enough to hurt it. But enough to feel like a hug.
She felt lonely.
But then, she looked over at Koln and Ruby, talking about something. Like it or not, these two were the only ones who knew what was going on. They seemed to have a purpose in life. And again, Clover felt unbearably insignificant and unsettled.
Koln was asking Ruby a question, "What I want to know is, who did this to me? Was it you?"
She wasn't quite sure what was going on or what he was talking about. But she too waited eagerly for the answer.
'After I find out, I want to take a nice hot shower and hit the hay. I'm so tired.'


First Post
Koln breathes in the night air, letting it come out of his nostrils in the form of a ghostly mist. Koln still has his white rat, gently petting it... he looks down at it, nodding as if to have picked a name for it, and lets it sit on his shoulder. He then turns and looks down at Ruby.

"You are.. or at least were, a God-fearing girl... Quaker..? No... er... Amish? You came from a simple Christian community, i know that... I'm a special kind of priest, I can see into the souls of people, and ascertain their Christianity. This really helps if I'm carring out an inquisition... er... that is when I did... something tells me I will have to hand in my retirement notice to the Vatican soon... What I want to know is, who did this to me? Was it you?"
Ruby looked at the burning remains of Jacob's house and frowned in dissapointment. 'Sigh, all his life's work I can imagine, now how are we going to be saved??'
She then heard the priest's question. "Yes I am Amish. My name is Ruby." She looked into his eyes. "As a man of God do you believe he has given a purpose to each of us..a destiny" "Well I believe he has given me a chance to experience life on the outside, to witness his creations and the people around us, but I don't know what I should do to achieve goodness in His eyes." She clutched her charm around her neck. "I am the sacrificial lamb in this world to carry out the purification of souls, that is why this man, Jacob Prestor, chose to transform me I think... He is trying to make a cure for Vampirism." She bowed her head a little. "I didn't know he was going to transform you two until it was too late, I just came to him for answers of what in the world I am. I want to be angry, but I also don't want to be selfish even though I yearn to be favorable in God's eyes." She bowed her head lower in despair awaiting the Preacher's words...

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