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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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University of Denver

I'll start off the new night here (Tuesday night).

You all awake using 1 bloodpoint.

Ruby has 4 left

Clover has 6 left

Koln has 5 left

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Father Koln's dream time[sblock]
"Pardon..." Koln says, excusing himself from the table. He does not feel right, he suddenly finds himself back at the restaurant with his friends and Mr. Pilthersomthing. Strangely he is unable to remember anything before this moment, but his memory of what follows is strangely clear. Much clearer than his present comprehension of his surroundings which seem to blur and twist as dreams tend to do; similar to that brief moment one feels before their nervous system shuts down and they pass out.
Koln weakly opens the men's room door and enters. As god had foretold,or did he already know, there is "some guy peeing." The fellow, wearing an oddly shaped comically long badge that says "Hello, I'm Dave1123581323IEATYOURFACE" in bright red letters, finishes his business and leaves the bathroom, making sure to slap a round balloon-shaped "God has left the building" sticker on the door before leaving. Figures, he did not even wash his hands...

Koln sighs at this, before turning on the faucet in front of him. He dips his hands into the sink, under the cool running water. Shutting his eyes he brings his hands to his face... strangely, his hands are not wet. Before he can react or realize that these are not really his hands, he feels the fingers grip him by his hair and painfully slam his face into the mirror.
Alarmed, Koln wipes the blood and broken bits of glass from his face, and staring back at the broken visage of the hunter he had slain. In a ghastly, echoing voice that alters between high and low pitch, the familiar figure in the mirror taunts, "You have my blood in you Kolnyr Clergue... And I WANT IT BACK!"
Koln grimaces as the cuts on his face slowly close, and he smashes the cracked mirror with the butt of his gun, revealing a small crawlspace. Forgetting everything except for this moment, Koln scurries inside, wanting to get at the heart of the matter.

Koln stops crawling, uncertain of where he is or what has brought him here, unable to remember anything except the present. Through a grate in the side he peers down at his friends sitting around the table. Remembering, he continues onward to look for and exit.

"An exit you're after?" The old man in the tattered priestly uniform replies, pulling his fishing rod out of the deep green ocean around their small wooden boat. Koln's vision fails him a little after the boat ends, his incredible vision obscured by the incredibly thick fog around them. The fog seems alive, twisting and turning between Koln and the old priest, actually making up the old priest's beard. It is almost as if the old man's face is appearing from the fog, but being rational, Koln deduces that it is merely his sight playing tricks on him.

"Before I show you the exit, there is something I must tell you..." The old man weakly speaks. He opens his mouth one more time, and what sounds like a radio static follows, echoing and booming out of the old man's mouth.The sound is too much and fills Koln's heart with an intense gripping sense of dread, but mutters, "If this be God's Will..." before shutting his eyes...

And opening them again, Koln is drawn to the puddle in the alley outside of the club, having just escaped Mindy, watching what appears to be a small piece of wood in the middle of it. He is soon startled however by the sound of an angry primal growl. Koln lifts his head up to the noise only to come face to maw with what Koln assumes to be a snarling dog, but as his senses slowly come back to him he notices that this canine's body has a number of feline features. Slowly Koln moves his hand to his coat for his gun, but his expression soon changes as the beast stops growling.
"Oh, I forgot, I know... don't you recognize me?" Koln implores of the beast whom merely resumes growling, snapping at him, and runs off down the alley to join with a pack of animals similar to this particular one in appearance. Angry, Koln stands and shouts down at the wild pack, as if they could understand, "Fine, leave me! I will hunt down every one of you, and then you will be sorry. It is in my blood to watch you all die!".[/sblock]

Koln's eyes open once again, as he looks up at the underside of the familiar dorm mattress. He turns over, coiling his own arms around his chest in self-loathing, anger and depression, but most of all frustration at his inability to remember why.

Composing himself, he pokes his head out from under the bed, looking around at who's awake.


First Post
University of Denver

Koln's eyes open once again, as he looks up at the underside of the familiar dorm mattress. He turns over, coiling his own arms around his chest in self-loathing, anger and depression, but most of all frustration at his inability to remember why.

Composing himself, he pokes his head out from under the bed, looking around at who's awake.

It appears that noone is awake yet. Clover and Ruby are cuddling in the bed above as usual.

You hear Pumpkin whisper "Blood, blood, the power is in the blood..." from her cage. Socrates wakes up soon after you and laughs as he jumps into your pocket.


First Post
Mindy lay, almost lifeless, in Koln's gentle arms. It looked like she was sleeping. But her pale skin said otherwise. Her cold, white flesh. Clover felt helpless when looking at her. All she could think was a mantra, 'What have I done? What have I done?' over and over again. But that was not for now. What was for now was what she had to do to temporarily fix the situation. No turning back. Mindy was blood bound. And she was Clover's responsibility.
"She's lost a lot of blood." Clover wasn't sure who said it. But they were right. And she knew what she had to do.
Huddled in the alleyway like three children inspecting a dead cat, Clover, Koln, and Ruby crowded around the mortal's form. Clover shook. She tried not to think about what she had to do.
Lifting her wrist up, she inspected her own veined flesh for one moment before biting down. Hard. Blood sprang forth from her core for the second time in two nights, and she once again wondered if she would be able to bring herself to stop. She was not a fountain of youth, but one of life. And she said this over and over again in her mind as she made one more easy bite on her wrist and pressed it to Mindy's slightly agape mouth, whispering fervently, "Live!"
No good.
She needed more.
Clover brought her wrist to her mouth again and bit down.


Clover felt a pain in her wrist and a lump in her throat. Blood had begun to seep down and clot, and she hastily whipped her arm out of her mouth and wrapped the bleeding appendage in a bed sheet.
It was early. She could just barely see the last faint traces of daylight beyond the heavily shaded windows.
She sighed at her dream and how stupidly she had bit herself and got up to nurse the would.
She was just returning from the bathroom with a fresh bandage over the patch of what was once skin, and she was just sitting down to her desk to check her email, when she heard a rustling from under the mattress.
Koln popped his head out, and Clover smiled at him a little sheepishly, hoping he didn't see the bandage, "Good evening, Father. Good rest?"


First Post
She was just returning from the bathroom with a fresh bandage over the patch of what was once skin, and she was just sitting down to her desk to check her email, when she heard a rustling from under the mattress.
Koln popped his head out, and Clover smiled at him a little sheepishly, hoping he didn't see the bandage, "Good evening, Father. Good rest?"

Father Koln rolls out from under the bed and stretches. He smirks at her question, noticing her newly bandaged arm, "I guess you can say I slept about as well as you. By the way, Pumpkin has quite the singing voice. Er.. nicely done last night, handling our business in the bank, and keeping composed when fighting that villain. I know you have probably thought about leaving us all... but we would truly be lost without you, you know that. I also wanted to apologize earlier... about threatening to kill you. What I meant was that..." Koln struggles with his own words to say what he has to, and stammers, "well... nevermind what I meant. It's not time to die yet."

Koln tries to smile reassuringly at Clover then sits down on the bed, looking down at Ruby. His intention was a mere glance, and was going to resume talking to Clover, but instead he sits virtually frozen. He moves his hand to her cheek, but retracts it quickly, not wanting to wake her. He prays that the illusion in her slumber is far more pleasant than the reality waiting for her.


First Post
Clover felt sudden discomfort at seeing THAT look on Koln's face again. And try as she might, she just couldn't keep her lips from pressing together sourly. In shame, she stood suddenly and turned towards the door, managing to stammer, "Um... well... no hard feelings. I... I think I'll go check on Mindy. See how she's doing. I'll be back shortly."
And out the door she went.
She was happy to be away from that room.
'Well, I suppose I might as well actually check on Mindy, now that I said I would...'


First Post
University of Denver

Clover felt sudden discomfort at seeing THAT look on Koln's face again. And try as she might, she just couldn't keep her lips from pressing together sourly. In shame, she stood suddenly and turned towards the door, managing to stammer, "Um... well... no hard feelings. I... I think I'll go check on Mindy. See how she's doing. I'll be back shortly."
And out the door she went.
She was happy to be away from that room.
'Well, I suppose I might as well actually check on Mindy, now that I said I would...'

Clover leaves the room. Ruby has just started waking up and Koln is consulting Socrates on what they should do next. Ruby feels hungry.

You go to Mindy's room to find the door propped open slightly. Mindy would do this commonly, especially when taking a shower. You knock and push the door in to find the room empty. You decide to wait a little while to see if Mindy comes back and sure enough, after about 5 minutes she returns. At first she's startled when she sees you sitting in the room but she smiles at you and closes the door behind her. She's wrapped in a towel and carrying her bathroom supplies in a basket.

She puts her stuff down and says "You can stay there Angie, I'll just need a moment." Before you can say anything Mindy drops her towel with her back facing you but completely naked. This isn't the first time Mindy has done this and you and you think you would be used to it by now. You look away quickly but your curiosity gets the best of you. She was stabbed in the back...right? You glance over at Mindy who hasn't put her shirt on yet and look at her back, there isn't even a scratch left there. In fact, you would never know she was close to death at all last night from looking at her now. You assume that Mindy has gained some of your regenerating abilities from feeding on your blood.

Mindy finishes changing into pajama pants and a t-shirt and turns to face you. "I'm glad ya came Angie, I was gonna go down and see you myself but I wasn't sure what to say... you saved me last night...you fed me your blood..."


First Post
Ruby has just started waking up and Koln is consulting Socrates on what they should do next. Ruby feels hungry.
Ruby stretches her arms out and growls a little to herself from the hunger pains in her throat. "Good evening Koln, how was your slumber?" she asked, a little more cheerfully while rubbing her eyes. "It seems I have a dreamless night afterall, that fight has drained me so." She places her hand over his in a warm greeting. She then looks over the other side of the bed. "Where's Clover?"


First Post
Mindy finishes changing into pajama pants and a t-shirt and turns to face you. "I'm glad ya came Angie, I was gonna go down and see you myself but I wasn't sure what to say... you saved me last night...you fed me your blood..."

Clover lowered her head in shame at this. From her perch on Mindy's bed, she raised her eyes just enough to meet the other girl's, "I'm sorry, Mindy. I... well, I never would have done any of this to you if I had thought any true harm would have come to you! I don't even know who that guy was. He was a hunter that wanted to destroy Koln, Ruby, and myself, but I don't know why he singled you out. I'm... I'm just really sorry."
After a moment, though, she managed to crack a smile, "Though, I'm glad that you're fine. Have you looked at your back yet? You're still ok."
After another moment, Clover finally stood and breathed a sweet sigh, as though the whole situation was now water under the bridge. She smiled, a mask of composure, "Say, Mindy? I know you've already changed, but could you do me a favor? I mean, really. Only if you want to. I've lost a bit of blood in the past two days and I'm a little hungry. How would you like to catch me... a bite to eat?" She winked, trying to reassure Mindy that she wouldn't mean a victim any harm.
'Mindy knows lots of guys! Surely she has some... um... "on call" and close by? Maybe even someone my type?'


First Post
University of Denver

Clover lowered her head in shame at this. From her perch on Mindy's bed, she raised her eyes just enough to meet the other girl's, "I'm sorry, Mindy. I... well, I never would have done any of this to you if I had thought any true harm would have come to you! I don't even know who that guy was. He was a hunter that wanted to destroy Koln, Ruby, and myself, but I don't know why he singled you out. I'm... I'm just really sorry."
After a moment, though, she managed to crack a smile, "Though, I'm glad that you're fine. Have you looked at your back yet? You're still ok."
After another moment, Clover finally stood and breathed a sweet sigh, as though the whole situation was now water under the bridge. She smiled, a mask of composure, "Say, Mindy? I know you've already changed, but could you do me a favor? I mean, really. Only if you want to. I've lost a bit of blood in the past two days and I'm a little hungry. How would you like to catch me... a bite to eat?" She winked, trying to reassure Mindy that she wouldn't mean a victim any harm.
'Mindy knows lots of guys! Surely she has some... um... "on call" and close by? Maybe even someone my type?'

Mindy frowns at Clover's request "You mean like...yer gonna drink their blood? Hmm...I dunno how I feel about doing that to my friends...heh. Ya know, maybe we can go to a party or a bar sometime. I'm always getting hit on by these sketchy guys! I wouldn't mind much if they lost some blood!" Mindy laughs but Clover can tell that she seems a little freaked out still.

Voidrunner's Codex

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