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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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The 24th Diocese

Before everyone gets carried away I'd like to describe the place. As I wrote in the description of Denver, the 24th Diocese is a dance club/bar.

The air inside is thick with artificial fog which is being pierced here and there by multi colored spotlights. There are two dance floors, one on the main floor and one on a balcony overlooking it. Both are packed to maximum capacity with the bodies of young punks in costume. The air smells of alcohol and sweat and you can barely hear yourself think over the loud and raucous atmosphere. There is a DJ high up in a window with a turntable in front of him playing Gothic Rock over the enormous sound system. A bar stretches across the left wall with a rather large but well-dressed man serving drinks.


Upon entering the club you sense that at least 2 and possibly 3 kindred are lurking amongst the crowd.

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24th Diocese...Such a name for a clumb..hmph Ruby pondered as she eyed the sign on the front of the building. Next she spotted two ugly, yet bulky bodygaurds up head. "Great, just one more obstacle in my way between finding my Sire" She gracefully, yet defiantly walked up to the guards who chanted "NEXT....ID?" Ruby's roomate companion from Rumspringa taught her how to get an ID, so she kept the one she used to get in the night she met Prestor. One of the guards eyeballed the ID and then Ruby back and forth.

"New contacts dollface?" one of the guards implied with a smirk. "...eeeehh yep"Ruby had forgot about her newly primal green eyes with their fierce slits.
"well in ya go then" The other guard replied abruptly while folding his arms again.

Ruby headed in the dark room that contained a mass of people disguised as many different creatures. The smell of booze and smoke was in the air and the loudness overwhelmed her and her now acute sense. How she missed the days on the farm..
Suddenly, her senses told her there are kindred in the room somewhere..but where??

"Think, think, forget the visual, use other sense" Ruby told herself as she closed her eyes and allowed her gangrel senses take over. "Different clans... they must know something!" She realized as everything became clearer now.

Ruby weaves in and out of the crowd almost catlike until she spots a female vampire. She is very beautiful, with the most remarkable violet eyes. Someone is causing her distress, a drunken fool as they called in her village. A sudden urge crawls beneath Ruby's skin, and shudders at her spine. A rage instills that she can't explain, and her eyes are glowing green.


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Koln easily moves amongst the ravers and party-goers with relative ease, realizing that there are two floors, he's on the first, which means that more than likely his target is on the second. As his eyes adjust to the bright darkness of the club he turns to the staircase, about to bless himself before laying eyes on his target, but in the corner of his eye he notices that catholic school girl being harassed by two thugs... He stands there for a moment, debating what to do... the Holy See told him to eliminate this vampire above all else... but his underlying goal was to always protect the innocent... especially a fellow Catholic, even though her uniform was way too frickin small. He sighs, figuring that the night is young and his target is not going anywhere, he turns and approaches the girl and the two clowns. He lays a hand on boxman's shoulder, his grip surprisingly cold and very strong, causing him some pain, "Oh.. the box says fragile? Hm, careful with what's inside then, it is probably very small and delicate. Hey, clown, why is your friend suddenly so serious...?"

Koln smirks, and looks down at the girl, gently taking her hand and leading her away, making sure to loudly speak "There you are little sis, was worried about you, father's in the car outside. Best not to worry him, him being a sheriff and all..." He then mutters under his breath to her, "Get the hell out of here, this is no place for a good young soul like yourself. Your friend seems like she can take care of herself, so don't worry about her." As he is speaking, he shoots a cold glance over his shoulder at the two punks, debating in his head a suitable punishment for their collective transgressions against God. He then shakes his head, figuring it probably is not worth it... once this girl leaves, he remembers that he has a much larger task at hand...

However caution is needed... vampires are like wolves, they are almost never alone. Unless he wants to end up like that hunter from Jurassic Park, he knows he must keep constantly alert to his surroundings.


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Koln smirks, and looks down at the girl, gently taking her hand and leading her away, making sure to loudly speak "There you are little sis, was worried about you, father's in the car outside. Best not to worry him, him being a sheriff and all..." He then mutters under his breath to her, "Get the hell out of here, this is no place for a good young soul like yourself. Your friend seems like she can take care of herself, so don't worry about her." As he is speaking, he shoots a cold glance over his shoulder at the two punks, debating in his head a suitable punishment for their collective transgressions against God. He then shakes his head, figuring it probably is not worth it... once this girl leaves, he remembers that he has a much larger task at hand...

However caution is needed... vampires are like wolves, they are almost never alone. Unless he wants to end up like that hunter from Jurassic Park, he knows he must keep constantly alert to his surroundings.

As you lead the girl out of the club and onto the street you swear you see a shadow move in the aly behind the club. At this point the streets are fairly quiet and most of the trick or treating is down the road.


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Still too dumbfounded to speak (strange, even for her) Clover followed the young man out of the club.
'Am I fleeing from one danger into another?'
But despite the fact that he was yet another stranger, she didn't seem to mind his presence, though she could see that there was more to him than there seemed to be at first glance.
The man was dressed like a Puritan preacher and, having been in Catholic school all her life, she was astounded that anyone could have dressed in such an accurate fashion on Halloween and gotten away with it. His outfit seemed much too authentic to be a simple costume.
When he had spoken, his accent had been slightly European. Frech? She wasn't sure. But then, she didn't mind. She was grateful that someone had recognized her plight and saved her.
But at what cost had it come?
As the young man with striking green eyes led her out of the club, he whispered under his breath, "Get the hell out of here, this is no place for a good young soul like yourself. Your friend seems like she can take care of herself, so don't worry about her." All the while, he kept glancing over his shoulder as though both of them were in some danger.
'Good young soul?'
At once, she felt ashamed, as though Father Mathews back at St. Maria High School had found out she had been slitting her wrists. Even if this young man wasn't a man of the cloth, he sure had a way of making people believe it!
Embarrassed, she remained silent as he pulled her out of the club and through an emergency door, 'Shouldn't that thing have an alarm on it?'
Once outside, Clover found herself looking at an allyway. The opening to the street was a few feet away.
It was dark now, and she saw that there were now less children out and about than there had been before.
'Now what? Mindy's still inside. I can't leave. But then...'
She turned and saw that the young man was planning on going back into the club.
Even though he seemed to be in a hurry and in some sort of danger, Clover found that she was caught between a rock and a hard place. She didn't know where she was and couldn't make it back to the University. And she couldn't leave Mindy without her roommate worrying, either. She couldn't go forward or back. At least not alone.
As the young man opened the door again, Clover found herself blurting out, "Wait!"
He turned, but he didn't look at her.
Clover followed his gaze and turned just in time to register a shadow moving behind her....


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Before Ruby's newly Gangrel emotions took over, a new man approached the girl and calmy escorted her out of the club. Her eyes shifted back towards them wondering why they didn't notice or sense her yet as she did. Oh well. She turned her attention to the drunken fools again. Her primal instincts haven't turned off yet. Fighting the urge to start a brawl she gracefully walked over to them.
"You guys should know how to treat a lady right" she snarled in a distinct primal tone.
"Hmph what do you know you prude" One of them joked.
Ruby fought the urge once more and just snarled at them and abruptly turned to leave the club.


First Post
Before Ruby's newly Gangrel emotions took over, a new man approached the girl and calmy escorted her out of the club. Her eyes shifted back towards them wondering why they didn't notice or sense her yet as she did. Oh well. She turned her attention to the drunken fools again. Her primal instincts haven't turned off yet. Fighting the urge to start a brawl she gracefully walked over to them.
"You guys should know how to treat a lady right" she snarled in a distinct primal tone.
"Hmph what do you know you prude" One of them joked.
Ruby fought the urge once more and just snarled at them and abruptly turned to leave the club.
You begin towards the door and are just about there when the Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera gets between you and the door. Of course you know that this is only a costume but it is a very good rendition at that. Between the mask and the makeup the only features that you can make of this man are that he is tall and has slicked back dark hair. He reaches out to kiss your hand.

"My what do we have here? A wild kindred lost in my playground?"

Just so you know Sarah, you are not detecting that Koln or Clover are vampires, they are simply kine. The man in front of you though is a vampire.


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Koln stops in his tracks upon hearing the girl cry out "Wait!" He curses himself under his breath... God help this childe if she costs him his target...

Without looking he asks, as kindly as possible, "What is it now? I already told you that you shouldn't worry about your friend. Now run along home.." he stops, noticing the shadow out of the corner of his eye. He quickly moves over, standing in front of her, with his hand under his coat, holding the handle of his pistol, his other hand reaching in his pocket for his crucifix, unsure if it's just another punk or a much more sinister threat coming.


First Post
You begin towards the door and are just about there when the Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera gets between you and the door. Of course you know that this is only a costume but it is a very good rendition at that. Between the mask and the makeup the only features that you can make of this man are that he is tall and has slicked back dark hair. He reaches out to kiss your hand.

"My what do we have here? A wild kindred lost in my playground?"

Just so you know Sarah, you are not detecting that Koln or Clover are vampires, they are simply kine. The man in front of you though is a vampire.
Ruby timidly but quickly pulled her hand back after the "phantom" kissed it, trying to hid the slight flush of her Porcelain skin. "And..whom my you be sir, and what do you mean by your playground?" She paced back and forth and stopped abrupty, "On top of that, what are you implying by me being wild?" she asked suspiciously. She is bound to find out if this mysterious man knew what she had become...


First Post
Koln stops in his tracks upon hearing the girl cry out "Wait!" He curses himself under his breath... God help this childe if she costs him his target...

Without looking he asks, as kindly as possible, "What is it now? I already told you that you shouldn't worry about your friend. Now run along home.." he stops, noticing the shadow out of the corner of his eye. He quickly moves over, standing in front of her, with his hand under his coat, holding the handle of his pistol, his other hand reaching in his pocket for his crucifix, unsure if it's just another punk or a much more sinister threat coming.
As you approach the spot where you saw the shadow move you hear a scuffling near a dumpster in the ally. As you wait in anticipation a rat pops out from behind the dumpster.

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