D&D 5E Talislanta D&D 5e version crowd fund soon!

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Some Dude

Necro, but it appears there will be a crowdfunding campaign in January:


I don't see it as mocking D&D. I'd say it differentiates itself by aiming to avoid many of the tropes of traditional fantasy. D&D does assume many of those tropes, but I wouldn't say it is mocking D&D, any more than it is mocking Forbidden Lands.
Except it doesn’t really avoid the tropes, IMO, because many of those tropes are universal. I grabbed the Chronicles way back when, and always am checking it out to see what species (probably races in the book) I could pull to make things “different” in my fantasy worlds, and there really isn’t anything compelling. Humans with different skin colors and still pulled from real world cultures. Alien type humanoids with pointy ears and butterfly wings, which look like elves, and sound like elves, but are named something else. Some terms and species names that have the potential to be problematic today.

I’ll be curious what they do with it, as I liked some of the art work and some of the concepts (the flying manta artwork, and the black necromancer dudes - the names escape me), but the “races” they had, at least in Chronicles were meh and repetitive. Nothing I couldn’t get from changing a skin color and picking a new name for something already in DnD.


Except it doesn’t really avoid the tropes, IMO, because many of those tropes are universal. I grabbed the Chronicles way back when, and always am checking it out to see what species (probably races in the book) I could pull to make things “different” in my fantasy worlds, and there really isn’t anything compelling. Humans with different skin colors and still pulled from real world cultures. Alien type humanoids with pointy ears and butterfly wings, which look like elves, and sound like elves, but are named something else. Some terms and species names that have the potential to be problematic today.

I’ll be curious what they do with it, as I liked some of the art work and some of the concepts (the flying manta artwork, and the black necromancer dudes - the names escape me), but the “races” they had, at least in Chronicles were meh and repetitive. Nothing I couldn’t get from changing a skin color and picking a new name for something already in DnD.
Arguably, which is why I said "aiming to avoid", as opposed to "avoiding". You're free to debate whether or not it successfully accomplishes that goal, but to me it seems fairly indisputable that it was an intended goal for the setting.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I'm jazzed about it. At the very least, it's a cool setting and I love those. But it also opens the possibility of using a 5E Talislanta game to introduce new players to the 4th edition Talislanta system (not 4E D&D with Talislanta, but the 4th edition of the Talislanta RPG, i.e., the Big Blue Book). It's a great system and a great fit for the setting.

Some Dude

While a lot of the Talislanta races have the Star Trek problem (i.e., humanoids/humans with "brow ridges"), I'm not sure I agree that they actually have elves just because some of the races are fair or have pointed ears. From a cultural standpoint, I don't really see anything analogous to elves.

One thing I really like about Talislanta is that there isn't a huge buy-in required in order to play one of these races. Talislanta aims for "breadth, not depth." Pick a character, read a short summary of their homeland and customs, boom done. I know not everyone will want such a casual approach, but I prefer tropes to lore anyday.

Some Dude



I crit!
This should be going live in about a week...

Gamefound. I think I’ll change the title of the thread.

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