D&D 5E Talls S&H adventure

As the green thing moves forward towards him and the halfling, Saarthax reacts by slashing his blade at - at what, really? Vines and leaves? What does one target on such a creature? The dragonborn's confusion causes him to slash at random, hitting nothing of significance.

Bertold, too, charges over and takes a defensive position on the other side of Eowyn, attempting to hit the creature with his mace but similarly hitting nothing but leaves.

OOC: Reaction: Attack Saarthax versus Shambling mount (longsword): [roll0] for [roll1] damage (I think that's a miss?)
Attack Bernold versus Shambling mount (mace): [roll2] for [roll3] damage

Current hp: 11/44 (post: https://www.enworld.org/forum/showt...-H-adventure&p=7584588&viewfull=1#post7584588 )
During last short rest, use two hit dice: [roll4] so now on 21/44 hp.

So healing is not very urgent, thanks!

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Eowyn slings a stone towards the mound but it goes wide. Saarthax slashes, but in his haste to defend Eowyn his footing is poor and he can't land the blow. Bernold swings his mace but also can't land a telling blow.

GM: [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] are you still around? It doesn't look like he's posted since April. If he doesn't post early next week I'll have Arcata do something so we can move this combat on.

Orin: 13/43
U'Tempei: 46/49
Saarthax: 21/44
Eowyn: 34/34
Arcata: 32/32

Shambling mound: 156/156

Bertold: 3/3 (Saarthax)
Gavien: 3/3 (Arcata)

Arcanta sends two flaming bolts streaking towards the pile of rotting plant matter, leaving two scorched circles on the surface. Gavein charges in swinging his sowrd, but fails to hit anything.

The giant plant thing lashes out at Saarthax with two arm like appendages. The first misses but throws the dragonborn off balance enough that the second catches a solid blow knocking him unconscious.


Eowyn Rosebud
Early Morning
Round 2

Eowyn gave a gasp as Saarthax went down again. She scampered over and placed her hands on him, whispering like the wind. Healing energy flowed into him, bringing him back away from the brink of death.

Cure Wounds on Saarthax: 2D8+4 = [7, 4]+4 = 15

[sblock=Eowyn’s Actions]
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action:
Conditions: Magic Stone (2/3, 10r)

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +2
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 34/34 HD: 5/5d8+2

Fey Energy Pool: 5d6 dice of healing +1 thp/die spent
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Magic Stone, Resistance
1) 4/4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Healing Word
2) 3/3 Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Pass Without Trace
3) 0/2 Dispel Magic

[sblock=Party Loot]


U'Tempei !Nothen - human eldritch knight
Arcata Dulat - human divination wizard
Saarthax - dragonborn paladin
Orin - warbred mastermind rogue

Saarthax comes to, and looks into the eyes of the halfling woman who healed him. Again. "Thanks," he whispers, thinking he should thank her properly later.

The dragonborn grabs his head, still painful, as he tries to remember what happened. The plant thing missed him, didn't it? Or was that just the first attack? Must've been.

Then suddenly he jerks his head, and yes, the creature is still there and still attacking! Poor Bertold is now facing it without him!

OOC: Thanks for another heal! This had better not become a habit... ;)

I'm assuming Saarthax cannot act on this round anymore, but Bertold can: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Saarthax comes to, and looks into the eyes of the halfling woman who healed him. Again. "Thanks," he whispers, thinking he should thank her properly later.

The dragonborn grabs his head, still painful, as he tries to remember what happened. The plant thing missed him, didn't it? Or was that just the first attack? Must've been.

Then suddenly he jerks his head, and yes, the creature is still there and still attacking! Poor Bertold is now facing it without him!

OOC: Thanks for another heal! This had better not become a habit... ;)

I'm assuming Saarthax cannot act on this round anymore, but Bertold can: [roll0] for [roll1] damage
You can act. You have a full turn. Just need half your movement to stand.

U'Tempei fires two more arrows at the unnatural creature.

Attack 1 (sharpshooter) [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 (sharpshooter) [roll2] Damage [roll3]

AC: 15
HP: 38/49

OOC: Thanks, I figured my turn would be before Eowyn so I'd have to wait for next round, but if not, then here I go! :)

Saarthax prays to the Gods to keep the gentle halfling druid safe, but to his dismay there seems to be no answer. Mayhap he asked too many favours already?

Then the dragonborn paladin charges forward to aid his friend in defeating the plant monster. Learning from his mistakes, he ignores the distracting leaves and instead slashes his sword at the big mass of seemingly solid branches that form a sort of body.

OOC: Casting Shield of Faith on Eowyn, which grants her +2 AC. (bonus action) Then move forward if needed, and attack the shambling mound: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing damage (action)

Current hp: 15/44

Edit: Darn, I already used all my spell slots for level 1... So no Shield of Faith, sorry!
Last edited:

Eowyn's healing magic brings Saarthax back from unconsciousness, allowing him to attack once more. This time hacking at the solid branches of the monster. Bertold lands a god bow that severs a branch, but the thing seems unaffected. U'Tempei looses two arrows, one skitters through leaves and branches but the other makes a much more solid thud.

GM: [MENTION=6886148]Herosmith14[/MENTION] is up

Orin: 13/43
U'Tempei: 46/49
Saarthax: 15/44
Eowyn: 34/34
Arcata: 32/32

Shambling mound: 97/156

Bertold: 3/3 (Saarthax)
Gavien: 3/3 (Arcata)

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