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D&D 5E Tarras: A Homebrewed Campaign Setting


World of Kulan DM
The Gulf of Sails is going to be my primary start location; although, I'm likely to create a secondary region, on Shol, to develop. This area is the heart of the civilized world, as humanity sees it.

This gulf will have another name as soon as I think of one. It is the human sailors and merchants who often refer to it as the Gulf of Sails.

Gulf of Sails.jpg

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World of Kulan DM

Cities and Towns
Ravenfrost [suggested by Scorponox]

Castles and Keeps
Mount Drogun [suggested by Scorponox]

Tarn [suggested by Scorponox]

Anocca Desert
Blackwood Forest [rainforest]
Gulf of Sails
Hellforge Mountains
Reldred Jungle
Ravenwild Plains
Suncrist Mountains
Tatras Mountains
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World of Kulan DM
Halflings are, well to quote most dwarves, 'Just are, halfings. They can't be anything else but good-natured souls who love food and rarely leave their homes.' Of course, these dwarves are only seeing the top layer of the cake, so to speak. Yes, it is true that most halflings are content to stay close to home and raise large families like rabbits. However, many of them have an adventurous streak that often pushes young halflings into a life that their settled kin cannot fathom (and sometimes fear).

Halfling adventurers are highly memorable. Even elves rarely forget a halfling who goes down in history.

Halflings love the world and try to get along with all the goodly peoples in it. They are fond of gnomes and catfolk. They often learn to respect the constitutions of dwarves and they treat elves much better than most of the stuffy elves treat them. They respect humans that show respect for other races. They are just as likely to treat half-elves and half-orcs as well as they would anyone else. When to comes to full-blooded orcs and other inherently evil races, however, they are highly suspicious. Halflings find dragonborn to be fascinating companions, which usually causes some friction with those dragonborn who don't want halflings as companions.

Halflings are generally Good with no real leanings towards either Chaos or Law.

Patron Deity: Cel.

"Pass the sweetmeats, good fellow." - A typical halfling prayer

  • Feral (RH, p. 7)
  • Lightfoot (PHB, p. 28)
  • Stout (PHB, p. 28)
Feral Halfling
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Cilens.

"Can I eat his toes, at least?" - A feral halfling pleads to his companions
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World of Kulan DM
Humans dominate the world. That is what they believe. In truth, beyond their centers of civilization, they control very little of Tarras. Yes, they are adaptable and numerous, but as a race, they are still young compared to elves and dwarves. If it wasn't for their tenacity and need to expand their territories, they would have been subjugated by hobgoblins or giants ages ago.

Plus, humanity has something else going for them. Wizardry. Yes, elves are the masters of magic, but they tend to use magic in "traditional" ways. Humans are more likely to bend/break the rules of magic in the pursuit of new heights of power. They aren't as likely to become sorcerers since their bloodlines are often diluted. However, they excel as warlocks. Humans often fall to temptation or make pacts with outsiders for the power they so crave.

There are heroes amongst humanity, who rise above the races need to expand. In fact, their heroes often shine the brightest just not for long. Human heroes are born, live, and die before most elves reach maturity. Therefore, they are often forgotten quickly or their fame never reaches great heights making them relatively unknown throughout the world.

Their villains often go down in history, however.

Humans, as a race, do not have a overall world view. Law vs. Chaos. Good vs Evil. Humans can often be found on all sides.

Patron Deity: Varies by Culture (TBD)

"Humans are children. They cannot hope to achieve more than survival." - An elf diplomat in Tantus (he was later found dead)

  • Aalrian
  • Anoccan
  • Sholite
  • Tantuscan
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World of Kulan DM
Centaur [GGR]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Pan.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1, your Dexterity score increase by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Centaurs must mature quickly as they are usually born on the move. A newborn must be able to stand and run shortly after birth. Young centaurs usually stay with their mothers for years before coming under the tutelage of the entire herd. Adulthood is achieved around 50 years and centaurs live around 450 years maximum. However, you are only 40 years old and still an adolescent.
Alignment. Centaurs revere nature and rarely see the value of law or chaos. The values of a good life should stand on its own.
Size. Centaurs typically stand 7 feet tall and weigh well over 1,000 pounds. However, you are still considered an adolescent and are not fully grown. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Centaur Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longbow and pike.
Hooves. You are never unarmed. You are proficient with your hooves, which is a melee weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
Thundering Hooves. When you use the Dash action during your turn, you can make a melee attack with your hooves as a bonus action.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Elvish and Sylvan.
Nomadic Destiny. When you reach 5th level, you must choose between either the Charger of Runt subrace, if you are not a Roanshield. Once you have made this choice, you cannot alter it.
"Run, my children. Run and be free!" - A centaur shaman encouraging his pupils.

  • Charger
  • Roanshield
  • Runt

Gnolls are vicious by nature. They live for the pack and hunt almost constantly. These caninids are more like wild animals than an intelligent race. Not that they are stupid. It's just that thinking rarely gets them anywhere in their society. Strength and feral instincts are more likely to save their lives when challenged by their own kind. “Fight for right to breed,” is a common gnoll axiom.

Gnoll adventurers, however, are more intuitive. They are usually smarter than the average gnoll, which gives them an advantage, but it can also be a death sentence. Gnoll leaders don't like smart pups. They consider them a threat to their power. Any gnoll that shows signs of being overly cunning or wise is culled from the pack.

Those that survive find themselves without family or mate, which usually turns them savage. Occasionally, a gnoll will go his or her own way before the pack leader becomes aware of their abilities. It is these gnolls that become adventurers or mercenaries. While many are seeking a way to return to their pack and take it over, a few have left their kin behind completely.

Gnolls don't do well on their own, so a gnoll adventurer will try to seek companions to form a new pack (with him or as the leader, of course). Gnolls don't like others being in charge and they will resent being forced to be subservient, if evil. The rare non-evil gnoll will have an easier time trusting, but he or she likely won't be trusted easily. Gnolls, as a race, are not well thought of by other races.

Catfolk, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings, and other races that are usually good will be highly suspicious of a gnoll that tries to be good. Dragonborn, hobgoblins, humans, and ratlings are more likely to give gnolls the benefit of the doubt. Half-orcs and gnolls often bond, as long as leadership is quickly resolved. It would be strange to see a half-elf and a gnoll working together.

Gnolls are highly Chaotic and are almost always Evil. A gnoll that tries to to be good is fighting an uphill battle and most gnoll adventurers tend towards Neutrality in the end. Those that don't find acceptance often become the worst villains.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and either your Dexterity score or your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Gnolls are forced to fend for themselves at an early age. By the age of 12 to 14, they are considered adults. A gnoll's life is a hard one and most don't live past 40 years of age.
Alignment. Gnolls show little restraint, and thus tend toward chaos over law. Gnolls tend to follow the whims of the pack, which usually leads them down a path towards evil.
Size. Gnolls range from 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 feet tall and and weigh an average of 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to hunting and scavenging in the dark, you have superior vision in dark or dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Savage Warrior. You have proficiency with the Longbow and Spear.
Bite. You are never unarmed. You are proficient with your bite, which is a melee weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage.
Rampage. When you reduce an opponent to 0 hit points with a melee attack, you can take a bonus action to move up to half your speed and either bite or make another melee attack with the same weapon.
Languages. You can speak Common and Gnoll. You cannot read or write, however.

Patron Deity: Torog.

"Mercy? What is that?" - A gnoll growls at his next victim.

Alternate Gnoll racial traits: Supreme Slayer's Racial Handbook (p. 9)

Minotaur [GGR]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Laran.

Minotaur Traits
Ability Score Increase.
Your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Minotaurs enter adulthood at around the age of 17 and can live up to 150 years.
Alignment. Minotaurs believe in a strict code of honor, and thus tend toward law. They are loyal to the death and make implacable enemies, even as their brutal culture and disdain for weakness push them toward evil.
Size. Minotaurs typically stand well over 6 feet tall and weigh an average of 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Horns. You are never unarmed. You are proficient with your horns, which are a melee weapon that deals 1d10 piercing damage. Your horns grant you advantage on all checks made to shove a creature, but not to avoid being shoved yourself.
Goring Rush. When you use the Dash action during your turn, you can make a melee attack with your horns as a bonus action.
Hammering Horns. When you use the Attack action during your turn to make a melee attack, you can attempt to shove a creature with your horns as a bonus action. You cannot use this shove attempt to knock a creature prone.
Bonus Proficiency. You can choose one proficiency from the following options: Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, or Survival.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
"Honor thy kin. Kill your enemies." - A minotaur teaching his son while wrestling.

Cursed Minotaur

Description still to be written.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Reduced Lifespan. Cursed minotaurs don't live as long as other minotaurs. Since they were once human, the live only as long as humans and most don't live beyond 60 years, as their lives are difficult.
Alignment. Cursed minotaurs have little sense of honor. Their affliction makes them unpredictable and vicious. Thus, they are most often chaotic and enamored with evil thoughts and tendencies.
Labyrinthine Recall. You can perfectly recall any path you have traveled.
Large Monstrosity. When you reach 9th level, your size increases to Large. Your horns now do 2d8 piercing damage, and your speed increases to 40 feet.
Languages. You can also speak, read, and write Undercommon in addition to Common.

Patron Deities: Surtur or Thrym.

"Get Out! Get Out! Leave me be!" - An enraged cursed minotaur

Tantuscan Minotaur
Description still to be written.

Conqueror’s Virtue. From a young age, you focused on one of the three virtues of strength, cunning, or intellect. Your choice of your Strength, Intelligence, or Wisdom score increases by 1.
Sea Reaver. You gain proficiency with navigator’s tools and vehicles (water).
Minotaur Bond. Roll randomly on the Minotaur Bonds table on p. 3 of the Unearthed Arcana: Waterborne Adventures download.
Languages. You can also speak, read, and write Giant in addition to Common.

Patron Deity: Tyr.

"Virtue and honor." - A Tantuscan minotaur battlecry.

Description still to be written.

Racial Traits: Racial Handbook (p. 5).

Patron Deity: TBD


  • Ratling, Blackfur (RH, p. 6)
  • Ratling, Whitefur (RH, p. 6)
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World of Kulan DM
Gnomes are a contradiction between hard-working and fun-loving. They are known as pranksters; they are also known to be resolutely determined. Once a gnome sets his/her mind to a task, it gets done — sooner or later. Gnomes take their time and get things done right, which sometimes means a project will sit on a dusty shelf for years. But it has not been forgotten, just re-prioritized. This is how a gnome's mind works.

And it often drives the other races of Tarras crazy.

Gnomes are fond of half-elves, halflings, and catfolk. Those races are the most enjoyable companions throughout life. Elves, dwarves, and dragonborn are fun too but more for their unique responses to pranks. Humans are interesting to gnomes because, as a race, they are so varied and they are likely to invent new ideas. Even a half-orc is an okay companion, if he/she isn't too savage and brutal (a rarity). In truth, gnomes try to get along with just about everyone they meet. Yes, gnomes have a long-standing rivalry with kobolds but that has more to do with the inability of kobolds to take a joke.

Gnomes love to practice magic — more specifically, magic that hides them or alters the perception of reality. Gnomes often become gifted illusionists. This combined with their mischievous hearts often gets them into trouble. However, it is usually a trouble that gnomes can handle. They are often three steps ahead of their foes.

Gnomes are naturally Chaotic. They are whimsical people with good hearts and steady minds. They gain a sense of calmness as they grow older; gnome elders think more like elves than gnomes.

Patron Deities: Oberon.

"All work and no play would be very boring." - The usual gnome response to all annoyed objections.

  • Gnome, Chaos (RH, p. 2)
  • Gnome, Cityfied (see below)
  • Gnome, Deep (MTF, p. 113-114)
  • Gnome, Forest (PHB, p. 37)
  • Gnome, Rock (PHB, p. 37)
  • Xvart (RH, p. 7)
Chaos Gnome
Description still to be written.

Patron Deities: Loki or Uni.

Cityfied Gnome
Description still to be written.

Subrace Traits
Still to be Done.

Patron Deity: Usually Avandra, but can be any deity.

Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: TBD
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World of Kulan DM
Half-Orc [PHB]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Any

"I do not hunger for your flesh, human. I only hunger for battle. Let us see who Death chooses!" - A half-orc mercenary challenging a Legionnaire of Tantus

Half-Orog [RH]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: TBD

Orc [VG]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Tyr


  • Orc, Embersworn (see below)
Embersworn Orc
Still to be done.

Patron Deities: Tyr or Surtur

"Strength, sword, and flame." - The oath of the Emberlords
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World of Kulan DM
Dragonborn [PHB]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deities: Bahamut or Erathis.

"The Dragonborn? They are worth foes, if not a bit brutal. My axe has sung many songs to them. It honored them, as their weapons have honored my kin." - A Tantuscan Minotaur in response to a human's question.

Kobold [VG]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Zehir.

"They are no fun at all. It's like the gods didn't give them a sense of humor." - A gnome sighs in frustration

  • Dragonscale[RH]

Lizardfolk [VG]
Description still to be written.

Patron Deity: Nethuns.


  • Lizardfolk, Blackscale
  • Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk

Description still to be written.

Racial Traits: Racial Handbook (p. 13)

Patron Deity: Cilens.


  • Troglodyte, Redscale (see below)
Redscale Troglodyte
Still to be done.

Yuan-Ti [RH/VG]
Description still to be written.

Racial Traits: Racial Handbook (p. 14); also see Volo's Guide to Monsters (p. 120) for the racial traits for yuan-ti purebloods. My flamebrood yuan-ti race will be designed based on the official version.

Patron Deities: Tiamat and Zehir.


  • Flamebrood (see below)
  • Halfblood [RH]
  • Pureblood [VG]
Flamebrood Yuan-Ti
Still to be done.

Patron Deity: Surtur.
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