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Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky


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Gothog Turnskull, Male Half-Orc

*As he approaches the bridge, Gothog dismounts unsure that bridge will support Ironjaws weight. Telling Ironjaw to stay there he wipes the blade of his axe on the grass to clean off the majority of the blood before attaching it to his belt, and then approaches the human guarding the bridge. Towering over the human he asks in his deep, almost growling, voice:*

"May I enter your town to seek healing and speak to the matriarch about the beast? I have come to catch it, but it seems it has instead caught me."

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Cirlioniel ned Uirlianelen

*He follows the tracks a short part before his brain kicks in*
I will need my equipment and my bow in this woods
*And he returns to the apple to get both, when he mets Gothog at the bridge he asks him*

"Warrior, we `ve spoken... with.. the.. magistrate... and. the.. track... is.. fresh, if one of the... other... could help.. with... you both... with... your wounds, I will return.. in a moment... with... my gear and then.. we could follow together..."


First Post
Gothog Turnskull, Male Half-Orc

*While he awaits the guard's response...*

"I would be most pleased to hunt the beast with you, once I have my wounds tended half-elf...I am Gothog."

*Gothog growls and thrusts out his large hand to grip the half-elf's arm in a warriors greeting.*
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Isida Kep'Tukari

The guard nods and waves Gothog through. "You're a good fighter," the dour guard offers, looking faintly impressed. Ironjaw can crawl over the bridge with little trouble. The guard lifts a horn (a natural one, made from the horn of some beast) to his lips and gives a call. Shortly a green-haired woman, slight and ethereal, arrives at a run. "Oh my, what in the name of the Great Forest happened to you?"


Cirlioniel ned Uirlianelen

*He nods to Gothogs Words*
"Well met...Gothog.." *he answered with his harsh croaking voice as he respnded to the grip and hurries then on to the apple*


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Gothog Turnskull, Male Half-Orc

"I was travelling to your town to hunt the beast, but instead the beast seems to have been hunting me...it had been following me for several miles before it abmushed me just outside your town!" Gothog replies indignantly.


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"Cirlioniel you said the creature was under a curse?" she asks, turning breathlessly to the more experienced ranger. "We, at least I am not strong enough to dispel it. How are we supposed to stop it without killing it?" she asks seriously.


Cirlioniel ned Uirlianelen

"No" *he answered whispering* "but.. this...could.. be the ...man, a good man, under curse,...and when it ..is.. him, i will find a way!" *The last words are determined*
" We must... trap... him"
*then he begins to search for the tracks of the creature*

OOC: 9 + 6 = 15


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The elf mutters something vile under her breath, but sees the value in her older friend's argument. "Alright, you aren't doing this alone." she says and goes to help him track it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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