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Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

Isida Kep'Tukari

*The land is a large forest as far as the eye can see, following the undulating rocky hills that bend and ripple the land like waves upon a lake. A bright haze fills the air high above, keeping things in the distance indistinct. It is a hot land, with long, sun-filled days and brief cool nights. Sturdy trees stab skyward, their massive trunks covered with fibrous bark, their roots plunging downward to wrest water from the soil. Ferns and small plants cluster near the bases where the trees' roots trap precious moisture.*

*Entire villages here can be concealed within a fold of the hills, and often are, for the philosophy of all the races is to make as little mark upon the land as possible. Elves make their villages amongst the treetops, connected with rope bridges. Some have gone their entire lives without ever touching the ground. Dwarves make their homes deep underground in the rocky soil, reaping the benefits of the earth. They use volcanic fissures to heat their forges, the vents sending steam and smoke into the air at the surface.*

*Halflings actually live within the trees, hollowing out small spaces like the woodpeckers they keep as pets. Unlike the elves that use rope bridges, the halflings usually simply climb from place to place without anything more than ten strong fingers and toes. An entire village may be within a single tree, with homes at one level, shops at another and so on. Gnomes tend to life just beneath the surface, hollowing out single hills or groups of hills, instead of going deep underground. They share their homes with a variety of burrowing animals that act as companions and guards. Gnomes tend to use their inborn skill at illusion to conceal their homes so well as to look as if they're not there.*

*Humans, of all the races, make the most mark upon the land. Prying stones from the earth, they create stone structures between the giant trees, and even plant trees atop them to further conceal them. As the link between trees and earth, human villages are often bustling centers of trade for all races.*

*Orcs and their goblinoid kin are nomads, restless wanderers with no permanent homes. They sleep in tents of hide, carried upon the backs of their mighty elk steeds. Hunters without peer and bloodthirsty warriors, orcs are feared by other races for their sudden, lethal raids.*

*This is a raw land, bordered by a great ocean on the west, and mountains far to the east. Great storms can occur without warning, earthquakes can shake the land, and hot springs and geysers can suddenly erupt. These fits of nature can set loose dangerous creatures to maraud the countryside and cause great woe. When this happens, strong heroes are needed to stem the tide of destruction.*

*This is your land. This is your home. This is Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky.*

This game will be for, first of all, those people who have been looking for a game here at ENWorld and just keep getting here at bad times. So if you've been looking for a game and keep missing the recruiting posts, now is your time to sign up. No one else gets to sign up until I have a bunch of new people first!

You will be 5th level characters. I would like everyone to roll for their stats using your own dice, or an on-line dice roller, whichever you prefer. 4d6, drop the lowest, six times, arrange as desired. I'm using the honor system on this one guys. The only books available are the three 3.5 core rulebooks and the Arms and Equipment Guide. So please don't ask for others. I have referenced the Arms and Equipment Guide below for some things, and I can elaborate on some of the AaEG stuff if necessary.

Hit points will be max at first level, then 75% + Con each level thereafter. Gold for each character is 11,000gp. No one item can be more than 3,700gp. No two items can total more than 7,400gp. Consider some of the things below before making your character.

I'm making the following minor changes to the races to reflect the world: Elves and half-elves get a +2 racial bonus to Balance checks to reflect their inborn sense of security high above ground. Half-orcs get a +2 racial bonus to Survival checks to reflect their nomadic lifestyle.

Also, here are some considerations: Many races live in or close to the trees. Heavy armor is generally not used because it interferes with climbing those trees. However, it may be used by those who travel upon the ground or under the ground (humans, orcs, dwarves, sometimes gnomes). Also because of the fact that it's relatively hot, most prefer armor made of anything but metal. Leather, bone, leaves, wicker, cord, and hide are more common than metal. (The Arms and Equipment Guide has stats for several of those types of armor.)

The tree-dwelling races have little occasion to ride horses, dogs, or elk. However the tree-dwelling races do train giant eagles, owls, and ravens to carry them long distances. A trained elk runs the same price as a heavy warhorse. A trained giant eagle is 5,000gp, a trained giant owl is 5,000gp, and a trained giant raven is 3,500gp. If someone really, really wants a trained giant bird (because it's out of the price guidelines I set) please let me know and we can work something out.

Heroes of Earth and Sky
Bluecloud - Zan Kai'jin - LN Male Half-Elf Monk 5
unleashed - Gothog Turnskull - NG Male Half-Orc Fighter 5
sword-dancer - Cirlioniel ned Uirlianelen Male - NG Half-Elf Ranger 5
kirinke - Cerithea Rilynn Altinddare - CG Elf Ranger 2/Cleric 3 of Ehlonna
sukael - Erland M. Grauhim - NG Male Human Druid 5
Verbatim - Throreth - LN Male Elf Diviner 5

Ranger Rick
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
I'm signed up as an alternate for Rystil Arden's NeoSpelljamming Campaign Setting and have no other online games at the moment. I'd like to sign up as well. Count me in as an human fighter.


First Post
hmmm. would like to join. Sounds quite interesting. how about an elvish ranger/cleric? Deities I guess would be elvish patheon/normal D&D deities?

I'm only in 2 pbp games right now.


I'm not currently involved in any online games but would be curious to give it a try. Your setting certaintly sounds interesting. How frequently will players be posting? Are other WotC books right out or can we make special requests? I generally like the little guys so I'd perhaps play a gnome sorcerer or a halfling rogue depending on other people's character choices. :)

Isida Kep'Tukari

For frequency of posting, every day would be nice, but I know that things come up. So every other day or so would be great. I have a policy here on posting, and I'll put that up now.

Isida's Game Policy. If someone doesn't post for over three days and they are holding up the game because of it, I will NPC your player until you return (and you can immediately take up the reins agan). Absence for two weeks without prior notice means I bring in an alternate to take over your character (and they are allowed to make changes to them) or I bring in an entirely new player and character.

If we're in a closed environment and someone wants to bring in a new character, I reserve the right to have your character wander off, lose interest, take a new job, switch sides, or even kill them in order to keep the game moving. I do not want to have to play three abandoned PCs, so I will probably find a way to remove them from the party at the first available opportunity.

Please, please, please e-mail me if you realize you haven't posted in several days and real life is keeping you busy. I'd rather know that someone has had a hectic day at work than they found my game boring and quit. And if you find my games boring or confusing, please e-mail me to express your concerns. I'd hate for anyone to be bored playing my games.

As for other WotC books, nope. In deference to keeping this fairly simple I'm going to be strict on book choices. But if you're looking for more book variety, I'm currently recruiting for a different game of mine if you're interested. Gardens and the Graves - OOC

And yes, diety choices are as per PHB chapter 6.

Ranger Rick

First Post
Do you have a full party or do you want more?

If you asked me last week I would have been unlucky, but than poof I got into one, and now I read this. I am just curios if you are closing yet. If not and I still qualify I would like to join.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Sure thing Bluecloud.

Looking at our current line-up, I think we have the core of a very solid group.

For those interested in rangers, here's some suggestions for favored enemies: In a world of large trees and large forests, the animals tend to grow to massive proportions, as do the magical beasts, magical plants, vermin, and oozes. Giants also roam the hills and mountains. Elementals tend to lurk wherever the massive storms have passed. Undead, outsiders, and dragons are fairly rare. Aberrations are neither rare nor common. Of course various humanoids (goblins, orcs, ogres) also roam in great numbers. The most common threat to a human or gnome village is humanoids, giants, or mad beasts. In the trees its animals, magical beasts, and plants most often. Dwarves are most often plagued with humanoids, giants, and oozes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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