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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn II

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Thomas Hobbes

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Fant stiffens and her hands shifts towards the hilt of her sword, but she loosens her grip upon hearing Janos' apology, and the tension in her face lessens a bit. "Lady Fant will do nicely. And perhaps I should apologize as well- I have been told I am too quick to take offense." She then listens to his explanation to the situation, and says "Aye, if you speak the truth, it is right of you to avenge this fratricide. That is office enough, if the law in your country will not object. Which country might that be, sirrah?"

ooc: Janos, Fant will be both attempting to discern the truthfulness of Janos's statements (he seems shifty enough to arouse her suspicion) and meanwhile attempting to get a feel for the personalities of everyone at the table. Sense Motive +6.
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Jack Haggerty

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"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies, as my dear old mother, gods rest her bones, used to say, Ma'am." Jack gives the distinct air of a rogue, a scoundrel, a scalawag, a rapscallion and a mountebank... Someone who is most likely as unconcerned with ranks and privelege as he is with vast majority of laws. He most likely picked up that particular habit wherever he gained the gypsy accent. "And as my father taught me well, Mister Audron, nothing's illegal unless you get caught."

Janos Audron

"Lady Fant, my country is a long, long way from here, I doubt you'd know the name...I didn't even know the name of this country untill I arrived here, it was the legendary Inn that is know in my country...And I assure you that you won't have any troubles with the law."

As Fant listens to Janos and thinks about the explanation, something bothers her. Janos just doesn't seem like the kind of man that would hire people to avenge someone, he'd probably do it himself...and enjoy it. She feels that, even if this story is true, he probably has other goals he hasn't talked about...
[Is that good enough for a Sense Motive Check?]

"Well, Jack, you certainly had very wise parents" Janos says with a grin, "Mine weren't as in touch with reality as yours, I'm afraid."

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
ooc: Well, it's DC 20 to develop a "hunch", like "get the feeling that someone is trustworthy" (Sense motive description). So that's probably more specific than a hunch, but it didn't tell me anything I hadn't figured out anyway....

"Lady Fant, my country is a long, long way from here, I doubt you'd know the name...."

"Try me," says Fant conversationally. "My education was extensive, and included lands far from my own. Speaking of which, if your land is so far away, how do you propose to get us there? And how long is the trip?" Fant ignores, for now, Jack's and Janos' respective announcements of their apparently lackadaisical approach to the law. It is a subject, Fant decides, best dealt with when problems arise, and no sooner.
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Jack Haggerty

First Post
Jack Haggerty said:
"And as my father taught me well, Mister Audron, nothing's illegal unless you get caught."

Janos Audron said:
"Well, Jack, you certainly had very wise parents" Janos says with a grin, "Mine weren't as in touch with reality as yours, I'm afraid."

"By and far, the easiest and surest way to not get caught, of course, is to not do it in the first place," Jack elucidates around guzzles of whiskey, "My dam and sire might have pragmatic, Mr. Audron, but neither were they stupid." He sits back and glares at the dangerously low level of liquid contained within the whiskey bottle, and waits to hear Janos' excuses and explainations. Lady Fant was, after all, asking some pretty good questions, and he saw no reason to interrupt her interrogation.
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Draven is well on his way to taking down a tankard of ale, "Education, manners...bah. All such things fade away like the mists the closer ye gets to the sword. We all be judged by our righteousness in battle in the eyes of the generals of the celestial hosts!!"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Jack Haggerty said:
Lady Fant was, after all, asking some pretty good questions, and he saw no reason to interrupt her interrogation.

Draven, apparently, disagreed.

jasamcarl said:
Draven is well on his way to taking down a tankard of ale, "Education, manners...bah. All such things fade away like the mists the closer ye gets to the sword. We all be judged by our righteousness in battle in the eyes of the generals of the celestial hosts!!"

Fant didn't even blink, but smiled at the younger man across from her. Although niether skinny nor fat, he by no means possesed a warrior physique, and she rather suspected his apparent fervor for battle came more from faith (she could clearly see the holy symbol around his neck) than expierience. She had met adherents of Grendath before (though none were clerics)- they tended to be as good warriors as any, if not better, but their tendency to seek glory in headlong rushes and one-on-one combat made them poor soldiers and sometimes as much liability as asset. Still, perhaps she could work on this one and make sure he survived his first battle; if nothing else, now was no time to make enemies amongst what would presumably become her fellows-in-arms. She turned back to Janos, awaiting her answer.

ooc: By-the-by, if Fant ever acts like something that typing would result in a lot of smileys, don't be too offended; that's just the way she is. :)

Kahuna Burger

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A young man enters the Inn, dusty and travelstained. He walks quickly to the bar to consult with Joe, then after some coins have changed hands addresses the patrons.

"I come to you from the village of RedOak, two days of swift riding north. We have been plauged by a gang of bandits who harrass our people and help themselves to the fruits of our labors. We need help. We are poor in coin, but have gathered a small collection of jewlery to help compensate any who would come to our aid. In addition, we will place the craftsmen of our vilage and all our resources at your disposal, to provide you whatever equipment you may need in this effort or the future. Finally, the carriage and horses which have brought me here and will take you back to my home will be given to you. The four horses are the fastest in our region and should serve you well or bring a better price than we can gather in cash. I beg of you to help us."

He stands akwardly for a moment then sits at a table, looking about the room hopefully.


Entering the bar, a young man dressed in nothing but a red cotton kilt and a baldrick pushes open the door and imediately moves to the nearest emplement of heat.

Other then the clothes mentioned, the young man wears a greatsword in the baldric on his back, his long straight hair is tied into a ponytail with a strip of red cloth, and he wears sandles.

After warming his hands he shakes his well tanned skin and looks around for the first time with a sigh. Seeing Joe motion to him from the bar, he goes over with a smile. Joe motions to the anouncement stage and whispers something to the young mans ear. The young man then turns to the croud in the in while gracefully stepping up to the platform. When under the lights of the stage, you can see a tattoo of a sword, blade down on the center of his forehead.

"I am Quickwhip, Swordsman of the First rank," Everyone can almost here the capital letter in the title when he says Swordsman, but to his meaning is lost on most. He goes through a series salutes that seem well practiced, ending with a bow. "It's a pleasure to be here, and if anyone needs a Swordsman for anything, please feel free to call on me!" With that, he smiles and leaves the stage. "Do you have tea?" the young man asks as he looks around.
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First Post
Mithreander said:
Entering the bar, a young man dressed in nothing but a red cotton kilt and a baldrick pushes open the door and imediately moves to the nearest emplement of heat.

Other then the clothes mentioned, the young man wears a greatsword in the baldric on his back, his long straight hair is tied into a ponytail with a strip of red cloth, and he wears sandles.

After warming his hands he shakes his well tanned skin and looks around for the first time with a sigh. Seeing Joe motion to him from the bar, he goes over with a smile. Joe motions to the anouncement stage and whispers something to the young mans ear. The young man then turns to the croud in the in while gracefully stepping up to the platform. When under the lights of the stage, you can see a tattoo of a sword, blade down on the center of his forehead.

"I am Quickwhip, Swordsman of the First rank," Everyone can almost here the capital letter in the title when he says Swordsman, but to his meaning is lost on most. He goes through a series salutes that seem well practiced, ending with a bow. "It's a pleasure to be here, and if anyone needs a Swordsman for anything, please feel free to call on me!" With that, he smiles and leaves the stage. "Do you have tea?" the young man asks as he looks around.

Draven waves to the young man, a healthy smile on his face, "Come sit, lad! Grendath seems to have given you two oppurtunites and three companions!" He motions to the table at which he, Fant, Jack, and Janos sit before taking another gulp of beer.

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