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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn III

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Felix is a slender elf with blondish hair and a stylish but rather plain clock of grey evcept for some silver trim. He is carrying a backpack and a bow across his back. His hair is styled to look scruffy in a particularly precalculated way and his clothes are covered in the splash marks of a journey through mud following the recent storm. He enters at the moment that the fetish was being shown by Bron, evidently distracted by this he failed to put on an introduction of the extravagence he would normally stretch to.

"Greetings Everyone, Felixandryr, you can call me Felix..."

His interest in the small talisman in addition meant he failed to move effectively from the doorway and so was almost thrown to the ground as the two men entered with such gusto.

Now he pushes himself away from the rack of dusty cloaks he had been pushed into and brushes himself off and marches to the .

"Agreed!" He announces loudly, "Prove your claims and why we should pay even the slightest heed to them, and this time, if you please, could you tend towards the politer end of the spectrum. Felix draws closer to Telerin and whispers from the side of his mouth...

"What on earth is going on here! My companions and I just returned from a journey, they should be here any second, which is lucky as this could turn ugly..."

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Aranel groaned. "Back to the forest?" She sighed,"Very well but after that we're going to do something more interesti-" The loud bone-armoured men started their announcement and she half turned to continue listening. Her hand still gripping her new crossbow.

Once they were done she was left with a perplexed look towards them. "I think they've been hit on the head too hard, maybe they should try wearing proper armour and it might save whatever is left of their minds." She spoked quietly to Telerin.


A man clad in black leather armor with silver studs and other clothing in a variety of blue hues enters the Red Dragon, his brown hair pulled back into a disheveled ponytail, just as the two men in the stone-like armor begin to speak. He pauses behind them, a perplexed expression on his face, and waits for them to finish speaking.

Once they do so, he proceeds to the bar.

"I'm Troi Delmontes, a student of monsters." He calls out. "Just got back from a job, with that Felix guy over there..." He gives Felix his traditional greeting, index and middle finger raised.

He looks at the two knights. "So... ya think somebody 'ere knows where this guy is? The Demroch, or whatever? An' if nobody here knows, yer gonna keep us here?"

He pauses. "I don't think I like the sounds a that..."

Jack Haggerty

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Creamsteak said:
Two figures enter the bar, both in a suits of what looks like stone. Stone in the shape of bones, a rib cage wrapped and locked around the chest, helmets made of what would definitely appear to be an ogre's skull with the jaw ripped out, if it wasn't made of stone. The legs and arms are covered with interlocked finger bones that coil from the shoulders all the way down each arm, into a gauntlet made of what appears to be a large hand.

"We are Knights of the Brotherhood of the Keep. We've come here in search of a man by the name of Demroch Kazai. You have all been drafted, women included. Your services to the Brotherhood will be rewarded, any disobediance will result in the execution of your person and all your living relatives."

Hundreds of miles away, Jack is struck by a sudden and inexplicable sense of relief. Relief that instead of sitting in the cozy comfort of the Red Dragon Inn drinking a pot of beer and warming his feet at the fire, he is skulking in the shadowed shrubbery outside an alarmed, guarded and trapped house that he has been hired to break into to kill an evil wizard.

The odd thought gives him pause for a single perplexed moment, until he shrugs and gets on with the skullduggery at hand.

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Kahuna Burger said:
Kirin stand up and walks calmly over to the so-called knights. Though the gnome stands only as high as either's belly button, she seems unconcerned.

"I don't think we really need the 'good gaurd/evil gaurd' routine, here. I am new to this region, but I do not believe you have any lawful authority over this tavern. If you are here to use death threats to justify complience, please be honest about it. You are thugs, and criminals, and though you may be capable of killing me, so are the bandits on the road, and you deserve no greater respect. Now cease your talk of Brotherhoods and Templars and trying to convince us that this man you seek is any worse than you. I will leave here when I am ready to and if you choose to kill me it is on your own soul."

She turns and walks over to the old man who had entered ahead of the thugs and says politely "Please excuse the interjection, but I couldn't help but hear you speak of troubles. I am Kirin, dedicated to knowlege and protection of the innocent. If there is any way I can help you, please let me know."
The two stone armored figures turn to each other and then the first begins to speak up, "No, we're not concerned with your kind. The Demroch has nothing to do with your kind. You can come and go as you desire. Just don't get in our way. Insults aside, don't try any of your mischief with me."

Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Then, the two men entered. Telerin's eyebrow raised as they spoke, and he moved Whitefang close to hold onto the Wolf's neck. When they were finished, he said simply, "I am a man of the forest, not of the city. Perhaps someone does know the location of this man you seek, but I do not, and I have other matters more important that need to be attented to for the moment. What reason do any of us here have to believe that you are not simply making this up? You have given no proof to us, only threat filled demands."
The second rebutles subtley, implying something under his breath, "There are only so many kinds of tangible evidence, all that matters is that we find out which among you it is that encountered the Demroch. You will cooperate to this extent, not doing so would see yourself blacklisted."

Arken said:
"Agreed!" He announces loudly, "Prove your claims and why we should pay even the slightest heed to them, and this time, if you please, could you tend towards the politer end of the spectrum. Felix draws closer to Telerin and whispers from the side of his mouth...

"What on earth is going on here! My companions and I just returned from a journey, they should be here any second, which is lucky as this could turn ugly..."
"If you can provide evidence that you have recently returned, then you are exempt from this inquiry. Our claims are to be proven by finding proof of them beyond complex magic, to provide proof that all will accept and be able to move on with."

Gnomeworks said:
"I'm Troi Delmontes, a student of monsters." He calls out. "Just got back from a job, with that Felix guy over there..." He gives Felix his traditional greeting, index and middle finger raised.

He looks at the two knights. "So... ya think somebody 'ere knows where this guy is? The Demroch, or whatever? An' if nobody here knows, yer gonna keep us here?"

He pauses. "I don't think I like the sounds a that..."
"If your a member of the traveling group, then your plight can be ignored. All that is important is that you don't interfere. The Demroch is a blasphemere and heretic, his crimes range from paultry murder to crimes of defiling the very dead which he killed. He is a criminal of the most dangerous corruption."


Joe Smith, behind the main bar at the center of the tavern, has a petrified look to his face. One of horror, those who have taken practice towards sensing the emotions of others can most definitely see that he is afraid of something. One of the barmaids has taken up the cause to see to it that Joe is comforted, pooring the always sober Joe a drink. When he attempts to pick it up, his hands shake and the drink is spilled, only a portion of it's contents making it to Joe's lips. One of the stone-clad knights steps forwards, now aware of the bartender,

"So, your Joe Smith. You've grown fatter and younger than I remember you. Now how, exactly, is it possible to have grown younger over fourty years? I could have sworn that this tavern was called the Red Crawler back then, how did it ever accumulate that statue outside anyway?"


"If your a member of the traveling group, then your plight can be ignored. All that is important is that you don't interfere. The Demroch is a blasphemere and heretic, his crimes range from paultry murder to crimes of defiling the very dead which he killed. He is a criminal of the most dangerous corruption."

"'Blasphemere and heretic', eh?" Troi says, leaning against the bar. "What kinda crap is that? Now, murder and defilin' th' dead, that's kinda... yeah, I can see why you'd go after 'im fer that."

He pauses, looking for a drink. Not finding one within easy reach, he shrugs. "Well, don't mess with me, an' I won't mess with you, eh? I ain't got anythin' to do with this Demroch guy, or whatever, an' I kinda doubt that anybody here'd have anythin' ta do with him, either."


First Post
A fairly young man strides in confidently, wearing a navy blue cotton shirt and brown trousers, over which is an open black calf-length longcoat with a collar. A bandana is wrapped around his head, and he has a battered sword-belt containing a sword as well as various other sundry items.

He calls, "Velbrik here; I see I am among friends, and need little introduction. Greetings, Troi, and hail to you as well, Felix. Too many orcs," he says, pulling out the beaded talon-fetish and spinning it briefly before putting it away, "for my liking, eh? But that matter's cleared up; for now at least."

He notices the men in armor. "What seems to be the problem?" he says to Troi, standing nearby.

GnomeWorks said:
Troi says. "Say somebody here saw 'im."

Telerin spoke up again, "And I know that neither myself or my good friend here saw this man...if you did not either, then it seems these impersonable men have jumped the gun."

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