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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VI

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Thomas Hobbes

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"Ahhh, ca-niiines," says Coom contemplatively, leaning forward to rub Shilo's head, "a man's best friend, to be suuure." He winks at Kirin. "Or possibly a gnooomes." Leaning back, he continues "Also favoored of cer-tain minoor divinities." He prounounces it Deee-vin-a-ties. "It is said that the god Mongrel walks the earth as a stray doog when it suits his faancy."

"In any case, my bonny booy," he says to Rillian in a voice pitched to carry to the whole bar, finally coming to the questions of the assembled adventurers, "my friend's tale, I'm sorry to say, is a sad one." Here he seems to genuinely lose much of his cheeriness. "It is the tale, my friennnds, of the disadvantaged bein' takin' advantaged of in a most craass and ungentlemanly waaay, and they had no where to turn but me, and I, finding myself lacking, have coome to yoou."

"The long and the short of it is that a band of hooly-gans are terrorizing what are colloquially called the slums of our fine cityy, and the pooor honest folk there have no re-course but the charity of you fine people heere." He pauses in his tale to take a drink, and, the perceptive might note, to see what effects his words are having on his audience.

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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Fangor the Fierce said:
"Shilo is a tame dog, only agressive when I need him to be. He will not attack unless attacked and I would welcome a fellow animal trainer to assist in this matter."
kirin laughs and comes over, allowing Cirus to sniff and greet the smaller dog. "Unfortunately I'm not a trainer myself, but my uncle bred and trained Riders for battle use and light riding. Cirus was meant to be the former but ended up suited only to the latter... is Shilo an Earling Bull Baiter?"

OOC - Good question, as I was looking for a breed of dog that would be around 45 lbs, good at guarding and attacking, but not a real brute. Possibly a mutt, if nothing else comes to mind. Mutt - Mixture of breeds to the extent of not being able to determine its heritage.

ooc - Sounds like a small mastiff or bull terrier breed, such as the Staffordshire or American Staffordshire - powerful animals and capable of fighting (or scaring) if neccassary, but if raised well, very friendly and trustworthy with anyone not a active threat. I've made up a locality based name for such a breed in LEW if you want to go with it. (In the same way Cirus isn't a Labador Retreiver or anything, he's a Gnomish War Rider, specificly bred to carry small fighters into combat - unfortunately a bad example of one, and not "brave like a warhorse"... ;) )


First Post
Rillian holds out a hand towards Cirus, offering him a chance to sniff, "May I?" he asks Kirin, with an eager look on his face.

As he waits for Cirus' approval (or lack thereof), Rillian says "Ahhh, bad guys doin' bad things to good people, and here in our own city!?! Well, you can count me in, my pa always says you shouldn't....um well there are some things you shouldn't do in your own back yard, I guess, and I dont think we should let other people do them in our backyard either! What's the plan Coom?"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Thomas Hobbes said:
"The long and the short of it is that a band of hooly-gans are terrorizing what are colloquially called the slums of our fine cityy, and the pooor honest folk there have no re-course but the charity of you fine people heere." He pauses in his tale to take a drink, and, the perceptive might note, to see what effects his words are having on his audience.

Shadowlyn listens intently, and when he hears of the motly crew taking advantage of the less fortunate, his face becomes stern. "It seems as though these ruffians need a little lesson in manners. I am sure that we can take care of this matter quickly and effectively. What else can you tell of this group that attacks your friends? What are their numbers? Where do they like to attack, and do you know of their hideout?"

Kahuna Burger

First Post
RillianPA said:
Rillian holds out a hand towards Cirus, offering him a chance to sniff, "May I?" he asks Kirin, with an eager look on his face.

Kirin nods distractedly while looking at Coom, and Cirus thoroughly cleans the young man's hand with two swipes of his broad tongue. After others have spoken, the gnome says politely "I'd hope for more details of the crimes in question eventually, but this does seem like a worthy cause - if I may be so bold, however... Orussus has not stuck me as a lawless town, or one where highway justice is needed. So I must ask two questions. One, why you could not seek the aid of more structured authorities to resolve this problem, and two, if we will be incuring problems with the law if we find it nessaccary to deal with these hooligans... proactively. If we are to go and deal with criminals 'in the act' this is less of a concern, but if you asking us to act as retribution...?" She trails off with a questioning look.

(ooc: no sense motive, unfortunately, but she has a decent wisdom score)


First Post
Rillian gives Cirus a good scratching behind the ears, and nods in agreement with Kirin's question. He turns and looks intently at Coom as he waits for the answer.

/ooc No wisdom bonus, but maxed Sense Motive (together we might actually have a chance, maybe aid another?)


First Post
Thomas Hobbes said:
Leaning back, he continues "Also favoored of cer-tain minoor divinities." He prounounces it Deee-vin-a-ties. "It is said that the god Mongrel walks the earth as a stray doog when it suits his faancy."

Jack pauses for a moment in the middle of a hearty swig of beer to peer suspiciously over the rim of his mug at the vagrant across the room. "Nah," he assures himself, "He couldn't be... Not nearly enough fur nor wiskers."

Having miraculously drunk his own volume in ardent spirits, Jack turns to his noble companion, "Beggin' your pardon, Miss Fant, but I've got a right full purse just itchin' to be emptied, and the quality of my attire no longer suits my fancy, if'n you know what I mean.*hiccough* And I'm thinkin' you do." He certainly does cut a particularly bedraggled appearance, at the moment. "I would be mightily honored, ma'am, if'n you would oblige to accompany me and give your most earnest-like opinions of proper styles of the day."


OOC, okay, before I get yelled at from everyone monitoring the forums, you can have up to three characters correct?

But no more than one at any one post at a time, correct?

So I have Robillard in the Inn of the Red Dragon right now, if I want to go on this adventure and the DM will have me, but I would like to use a different caharacter what do I do? Have Robillard go shopping and leave the Inn and make a new post with the enterence of my other guy?

Would that be correct enough so people won't bash me, much anyway?:)


LEW Judge
DM-Rocco said:
OOC, okay, before I get yelled at from everyone monitoring the forums, you can have up to three characters correct?

But no more than one at any one post at a time, correct?

So I have Robillard in the Inn of the Red Dragon right now, if I want to go on this adventure and the DM will have me, but I would like to use a different caharacter what do I do? Have Robillard go shopping and leave the Inn and make a new post with the enterence of my other guy?

Would that be correct enough so people won't bash me, much anyway?:)

That'd be fine. Or, if you prefer not to strain yourself for an IC reason for Robillard to physically leave and return after this adventure forms its own thread, I'd think it would be enough just to keep him off-camera, so to speak. Say, he's occupied hitting on a barmaid the whole time your other character is in the room, not paying any attention to the group forming around the beggar, and don't try to roleplay his flirtation. The spirit of the "only one in one spot" rule is that they aren't interacting with each other.

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