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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VI

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A new adventurer joins the inn

So, this was it, the Red Dragon Inn. Though the last months, Garret had heard the name of this place quite a few times from different people he had met.

The last couple of weeks had benn a pain for Garret, the urge to travel and discover what lays outside his little world had been consuming him, and from what he had heard, this place was where one should go to find adventure.

As he entered the bar, a barmaid quickly rushed him towards the owner, and gave him a quick explanation on the newcomer rules.

Taking his time to look at the man who owned this place, Garret greeted him with his best smile (mostly not a frown), and wondered about what he had to do next.

Shout my name and important facts? What is that supposed to mean?. Oh well, here we go.

"Garret Tealeaf here, outdoors scout and guide looking for adventure!"

Feeling more than a little awkward, he thanked Joe for having such a place and went into a nearby empty table to listen to the gossip and hopefully find something to do.

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OOC, thanks, got it

Robillard, losing interest in the conversation subcombs to the begging of children and returns to the hearth to begin yet another tale. Someday he will live the tales he tells, but for now, he withdrawls and begins a tale of another.


Grogg, Son of Grogg, tips his head up from his drink as if for the first time, he hears the conversation engaged of a man in need of help and steps up from his seat, his towering 7' frame plodding to the table of the little man. Solid muscles ripple under his chain shirt and animal furs, his mighty ax placed before him.

"My Grogg, Son of Grogg," he said with a toothy grin, "me father was Grogg, me fathers father was Grogg, I come from Grogg," and he flexed his bulging muscles to show his stock, his Orcish features made him hideous, but that did not bother him.

"You in trouble, me can help, me like to help," he cried as he thumped his thumb to his chest and sat down in the nearest chair, his 450 pound body of solid muscle staining the chair to the breaking point.


First Post
Mintrik joins Coom and the others.

"I'll help out, if you need another"

Mintrik is not about to extend himself any further than that, as his offer to help has been rebuffed before.
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First Post
A mendicant wants aid dealing with hooligans terrorizing the townfolk. I'd rather go on the shopping expedition.

With a sigh, Nielan rises from his seat and heads to the bar for a drink, ignoring the crowd around the old man.


Garret Tealeaft

Thomas Hobbes said:
"The long and the short of it is that a band of hooly-gans are terrorizing what are colloquially called the slums of our fine cityy, and the pooor honest folk there have no re-course but the charity of you fine people heere." He pauses in his tale to take a drink, and, the perceptive might note, to see what effects his words are having on his audience.

Overhearing the conversation, Garret approaches and volunteers his help.

"I might be able to help you track them down, if you are interested"

Kahuna Burger

First Post
As Coom holds forth to a larger and larger audience, a somewhat more dignified figure enters the bar. The tall man in well made clerical robes with an unneccassarily ornate symbol of Hyrag walks hautily to Joe and makes a quiet request. Joe's curt response causes the man's face to turn a shade which doesn't suit him quite as much, but after a few seconds he bitterly produces a small but ornate peice of paper and makes several notes on it before dripping some wax from one of the candles onto the bottom and impressing it with his ring. He drops the slip into a wetter section of the bar in front of Joe and walks to the messageboard to to put up a beautifuly lettered sign. On his way out he walks by Coom, wrinkling his nose in distaste and catches sight of the gnomish woman sitting at the table. His nose mamages to wrinkle even more, and he throws a parting comment to Joe over his shoulder. "I guess you're not concerned at the moral fiber of your clientel these days... better count your silverware." Kirin manages to maintain an expressionless face until he has made his grand exit then begins giggling helplessly, and has to leave the table for a moment to get some more cider.

Anyone investigating the notice finds it reads as follows:

In the Name of the most holy Hyrag, His church seeks aid in establishing the great temple. Brave and formitable souls are sought to remove an evil which prevents the consecration of His newest home. Completion of this task will be rewarded with the Blessing of Hyrag, 5000 ennies to be divided as the respondants choose and any non sacred incidentals aquired in this task. The removal will be easiest for those souls under 4 feet in height, but magical assistance will be provided to those of greater stature. Of those who embark on this task, it is recommended that at least one be capable of activating arcane magic and that a good sense of direction be available. Applicants may gather at the Temple building sight as a group and request the attention of His Grace Leonard.

Other Guy

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“That man deserves nothing,” Loskrad says, referring to the priest with distaste. “Well Coom, a promise is a promise and if Mintrik is going then so will I.”


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Ignatious O'Reilly

The main door creeks open and a bright-eyed young halfling peeks his head through the door. He glances right. Glances left. Turns up an eyebrow at the half orc, but decides it is safe to enter. He has somewhat unruly curly hair, and bright blue eyes. He wears a Grey traveling cloak, trimmed with white, underwhich occationally flashes an array of rainbow colors. "Ignatious O'Reilly, humble graduate of the Academy of the Chromatic Order in Medibaria at your service." he says cheerfully to anyone listening. "Glad to see there's no goblins around this time." he adds much more softly. On his back he wears a backpack. A dagger is sheathed in his belt, another in his boot and he carries a crossbow strapped around his wrist with a leather band. He ambles about a bit, seeming to look for someone or something. Not seeing the object of his search in a chair, he glances under a few tables before sitting down at the bar. "Anyone seen a tall armored, double bladed, warrior named Sara around here? Drinks a lot, but not under any tables currently."

OOC: Yes, I'm resurecting Iggy from the dead Retrieval of Fallon's Key adventure. Perhaps he'll even get some XP for it soon, too...

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Coom doesn't look at the follower of Hyrag, but says in a carrying voice as he exits "Let that be a les-son to the good people here as to the perils of overly starched undergarments. But I digreess."

"My good ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to see so many fine people rush to the aid of someone like m'self with so little hope of rewaard. It gives me hope for the young people of today, hope that has suffered in light of recent events." He gives Grog a once over. "Yes, truly I have before mee the paragons of youthly virtuue.

"You ask good questions, my good gnome, good questions from a good gnooome. The truth of the matter is, even in our fair city of Orussus, may the assorted day-ah-ties keep watch over it, or," he amends giving a respectful nod, "may mortals, depending on your religioust persuaasioon, where the guard deserves more word of praaiise that this humble soul can speak, there are oversights of a most lamentable nature.

"In this paticular case, there are a number of factors at work. Pri-mar-i-lie, and I hesitate to speak ill of Orussus city's finest, there are cer-tain corrupt individuals who may be asked to make sure nothing is done. Were it not for this sad fact, there might have been something done some time ago.

As for secondary and tertiary causes, if you are interested in such de-tails, the facts are as follows. First, those abused posses one or both of the following qualities: fin-nan-chail disenfranchisement, or humility. To beg for help is often foreign to the honest poor, and often they have trouble being heard. For those lacking a dom-i-cile, such as m'self, previous encounters with our fine watch might have gone less than swimmingly, laws being as they arrre. Two, the hooly-gans previously mentioned have not commited any major crimes- which is to say, no large sums of money were involved. Our fine watch is very busy, and petty vandalism is low on their list.

"But circumstances being what they are, I have come to worry about the wel-fare of myself and those I know who lack a roof over their honest heads. The gods move in odd ways, and sometimes those who have done nothing wrong end up in baad play-saays." He gives a nod to Kirin again. "Or as some would say, in an ee-co-nom-ic system based on exploitation of the worker, some are bound to end up poooor.

"My hope in visiting here is to take some weight off the shoul-ders of the worthy gauurd, and expidite justice in a most desirable maneer."

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