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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VII

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Removes his hood

"Well hello there Rose,this is my pet his name is Hastur tis a pleasure to meet you."

allows Hastur to run towards her

Azaroth walks over and extends his hand for a handshake.

"It is nice to meet such good company along the road."

sits down at the nearest normal sized chair

"Well what brings you here Rose?"
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"Well, I'm looking for somewhere to learn more about the arcane arts. I--." He cuts off as Azaroth bursts in.
"Well, perhaps I just found an answer. Hastur is a cute little thing. Come here Mr. Azarath, let us get a look at your friend Hastur here. I am Beamer Glimmereyes and this is Rose Marie Lightstar. It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't catch the name of the gentleman at the other table, but apparently he's not overly fond of us 'miniatures' as he calls 'em."


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"Hello Beamer. it is a pleasure to meet you. Why thank you I am sure Hastur appreciates the compliment. So what brings you and Rose around this area? hope for adventure perhaps?"
Looks over at the gentleman Beamer pointed to

"I see he looks like quite an interesting person perhaps he would warm up to a drink."

"Joe would you send another drink to that man please?"
turning back to Beamer and Rose

"So tell me a bit about yourselves."

Rose immediately holds her hand out, showing the back of her hand to Hastur as one would for a dog to sniff and then, if he lets her, she scritches him under the chin.

With her other hand, she awkwardly shakes Azarath's hand. Awkwardly, because her right hand is the one currently busy scritching Hastur's chin. It's obvious she's very taken with the little fella.

"Hello Mr... VanHaydren, wasn't it? Hastur is so CUTE!!!"

After shaking Azarath's hand, she returns her attention to the weasel while Beamer converses, then adds in her bit at Azarath's question.

"Sure, I'm always up for a good adventure. Depending on the adventure, of course. Gotta be a good one and a good reason to do it. Having fun is always a good reason, of course." Realizing she's rambling, she shuts up for a moment and sips at her hot cider.

"Not much to tell 'bout me. I'm just a wanderer, looking for something fun to do. I've been on the road for a while so figured this would be a good place to hang out for a bit. Or to get a real goal in the form of an adventure, since I've just been wandering with no set goal in mind for a while now. Be nice to have a reason to go where I'm going for once. How about you?"


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Hastur allows her to scritch his chin

"heh he seems to like you"

sips his brew

"I agree a good adventure should be fun and while it may not have to be neccessarily good reasons as long as their is not evil intent, I know I would be willing to take it on."

Holds his hand out for a shake from Beamer

"I am still fairly new to the whole adventure route myself, I have been going from place to place looking for a way to increase my knowledge of the arcane and hone my skills. I also have a penchant for learning of demons and peoples encounters with them, I have heard some interesting stories through my travels, and hope to further increase my knowledge of them and their stories."

"Have either of you heard stories or had a personal encounter with a demon?
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Beamer heartily shakes Azarath's hand and appears to be enjoying the conversation like someone who has been alone for awhile.

"I had a fever, which I'm over now, and then began developing sorcererous powers. That fever is the closest I've ever been to a demon. I'm trying to learn more about what's going on. So far I've only found wizards to discuss magic with."
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"I share your surprise towards the nature of our abilities. I was a bit surprised when my powers first began to develop. I thankfully had my Grandma's watchful eye and guidance during my sorcerous-infancy. I guess you could say she was my mentor."

"I have also found Wizards to not have the same view towards their abilities as we have. I mean how could they their power comes from books and study, ours come from within."

"Have you ever given thought to your origin Beamer? I mean I have found myself wondering what caused the first blood caster to be born. Are we decendant of dragons? or is it something to do with divine selection. It is something I have thought about on many nights."
I sip my drink

"Who knows, maybe the origin of our abilities will be revealed to us someday. Or perhaps we may never know."

"What do you think Beamer?"


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after talking with Beamer and Rose for a bit

Azaroth yawns

"Well, I have been traveling for quite a bit today and am in need of a bath and a nice long rest. Tomarrow I will be visiting a local inspector by the last name of Legrasse. I was told he had quite an interesting experience with a demon, from what I have heard of the rumors it was quite a powerful one at that. I am intrigued to find out what happened to him. Hopefully I will see you both tomarrow as I have enjoyed our conversation we have had."

Shakes both Rose and Beamer's hands.

"Have a good night both of you."

Looks to the man he gave the drink

"Enjoy your drinks friend, if you are still here in the morning perhaps we can talk" he calls out

He walks up the stairs

stops at his door and pulls out a piece of chalk

he draws some symbols on his door and enters.
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While Azarath and Beamer discuss things that mean little to Rose Marie, she occupies Hastur's attention. Or perhaps the weasel is entertaining her. In either case, she is slightly disappointed when Azarath announces that he must call it a night.

She gives Hastur one last scritch, then shakes Azarath's hand once again. "It was nice to meet you, sir. Hope to see you around."

Over the next few minutes, she chats with Beamer as she finishes her drink, then a yawn escapes from her and she stretches. After obtaining a room from Joe, she calls it a night as well.


The next morning finds her downstairs, digging into a dish of great breakfast, whatever they have on hand.


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Before Azarath leaves:
"I know of nothing unusual in my ancestry. Perhaps that is where the secret lies."

After Rose Marie decides to call it a night, Beamer checks the job postings and seeing it empty decides to call it a night himself.

The next morning he descends the stairs and grabs some breakfast to go telling everyone in the inn good morning as he passes. He spends the morning looking for a library and stops back at the Red Dragon for some lunch.

Beamer is currently gone from the inn.
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