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Tavern Tales Chapter #1: The Forgotten Forge


"I once watched a master of my dicipline, make a whole warforged light up. It was amazing, until I learned it was really simple. Really, really simple. I can make you glow, Hammer. Kinda like an Hammer at a forge. Yeah." Rubbing his chin, Litlow mutters, "Maybe I can make him glow another color, for a challenge, making him glow isn't soo difficult." Bringing himself to the present, "I am ready when you guys are."

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ooc: skipping ahead just a tad, though feel free to carry on with the conversation. :)

Lady Elaydren's map leads the you over skybridges and through plentiful gardens and resting spaces towards a cluster of some of Sharn's more ancient towers. One of these is the Dorasharn tower. Several middling dwellings are carved into the side of the tower as well as a fair tavern or two. But such relative prosperity is quickly despensed with as you descend along the spiral stairs further and further down the tower's height until you reach its base where the lowliest inhabitants reside. The map shows that below this level are the sewers, specfically the E-213 valve cluster which you must reach; unfortunatly, no entrance is marked.

The tunnels and corridors at this lowest inhabited level of the tower are narrow and dark. An occasional window slit looks out upon the crowded walls and foundations of other towers and infrequently placed torches sputter here and there, giving off pallid pools of light and clouds of smoke. Even so, rough and dirty people crowd the narrow corridors, and the smell of sweat and sewage permeates the stale air.

One tunnel opens onto a large chamber, where a mix of goblins, humans, and shifters gather around a small pile of garbage spread across three rotting blankets. One of the goblins shouts, "No pushing! No pushing! There's always enough for everyone at the Rat's Market!"


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Snow-in-Dusk wrinkles her nose at the horrid smell and forces herself not to gag. Several times, she fails, but luckily does not follow through with retching. She pulls a strip of cloth from her backpack and creates a make-shift mask which covers her nose and mouth; it helps a bit, but not much.

She looks to the others, her eyes seeming far larger and more luminious now, accentuated as they are by the mask. "I should think we need torches, oil, and healing ungents, yes? This seems as good a place as any..." Her eyes belie her words, as they look upon the proffered "goods" forlornly.


Litlow looks nervously around at the squaller. He tries to huddle himself closer to other members of his group. "We better watch ourselves, people down here are not necessarily have our best interests at heart. They will take advantage of us, one way or another."


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The shifter pats Litlow on the shoulder, "Stay close to me, m'little one." She smiles kindly to the young gnome.


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The shifter shoots the gnome a playful wink and then moves over to the shouting goblin. "Good sir, I have need of torches, oil, and healing ungents..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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