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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female

~ At the bar ~


Pirvinia glanced over at Samad and gave a wry smile, "Oh, my comment is moot since the bartender has taken his playthings away."

"That is too bad as it looked to be the only excitement about to happen now that the crowd of interesting people has gone yonder in attendance with the man in the top hat. At least the one that smelled of fish has gone with them."

With a gesture of her fingers she used her cantrip to cleanse the air of the last traces of the stinking fish, letting the aroma of the stew stand alone. There is a spicy curry scent to it. She tastes it and nods in satisfaction.

"But, there is some chicken in this delicious smelling stew. Were those your friends that departed?"

[sblock=Service Announcement]The DWI is a great place to RP before heading out on an adventure. It is strongly encouraged to do so and be social with people you will potentially play with in an upcoming adventure. It is an IC thread, and not really a place to post interest OOC and lurk around waiting. Some DMs and players are generally willing to participate with the NPCs or their own characters currently on the sidelines. For example Tyrien and Eanos.

The 1st level characters that just departed are an excellent example to follow.

OpMaxBear said:
how do you create those banners across the top of your posts? When I quote your posts, they disappear, so I can't see whatever code you used.
I think you figured it out. ;) It is in the post title.[/sblock]

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First Post
Eanos stands for a moment that seems to span forever, digesting the quick and gregarious response of the half-elf. He opens his mouth to speak when the already-busy inn becomes positively crowded, job offers, colorful characters, and questionable food flying about willy-nilly. It takes him longer to respond (apparently, the red-haired archer isn't one for doing things without consideration, and the Inn seems quite full of things to consider).

Finally, he slips into a seat, back as much toward the wall as he can, so that his clear, green eyes can continue to scan the commotion with mostly-hidden nervousness.

"Not as good with a bow as those who train in it alone," he offers in response to Tyrien's long-ago question as if the conversation never stalled. He shrugs. "My Lady had other secrets to whisper to me. Comes in handy now and then, being on the right side of a god, yes?" he gives a slight grin at that, and it seems there may be more than he's telling as concerns his own nature with his deity.

[sblock=ooc]Tyrien has no ranks in Know: Religion, so I don't know if she'd realize Issolatha is generally a halfling patron, so it's a bit odd for Eanos to worship her, let alone have divine magics from her[/sblock]

"Dragons, you say?" and here Eanos gives a bit of a smirk. "Seen a few young ones myself, actually. Was meant to be securing them, but my arrows struck a bit too true. Also: not always great swimmers, dragons, especially when they're swimming," he says, then raises the mug of halfling mead he's poured himself surreptitiously.

"To finding one or two of your own, yes?"


First Post
The doors of the Inn fly open and a young woman rushes into the establishment, pushing through various patrons. Tears stream down her face as she stops at the bar.


She screams frantically with her face buried in her hands. Trixie drops her tray on a random table and dashes across the room. She throws her arms around the woman in a protective hug.

Grenish! What’s wrong? What happened?

He did it! He finally did it!

Grenish sobs as Grog quickly walks around the bar and places a large hand on the woman’s shoulder in an awkward attempt to calm her. He leans down and leads the women to a more private corner of the Inn, so the three can quietly discuss what has happened. The woman relaxes some as she quietly tells Trixie and Grog her story.

A large, swollen mark can be seen developing on the woman’s cheek.

Grog straightens and grits his teeth in an obvious display of anger. He speaks with a booming voice.

'ey! Which one of yous wants ta 'elp teach sum' o'er-sized gorilla dat likes to hit girls ah les'on?

GM: Recruitment for all players at or around level three! This conversation will be transposed to the in-game thread. If you plan to participate, please post your responses there. Find the in-game thread:HERE


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female

~ At the bar ~


Pirvinia swivels on her stool at the commotion. The show appears to be over and she resume working on her stew and wine while she was conversing with the man (Samad) beside her.

After a few minutes, her meal is mostly finished as Grog calls out for some people to help teach some bully to mind his manners and receive instruction on better behavior.

Taking her wine goblet and only leaving a few spoonfuls left in her bowl she gets up and says, "I think I better go offer my services. Somebody is going to pay and I might as well help ensure that it is done properly."

Some bluish electrical energy crackles around her hand as she raises it up to make a fist. It is only a minor trick of illusion, courtesy of her prestidigitation. But she doesn't plan to hold back on the real stuff when it is time.

Letting it subside, Pirvinia heads over to the private corner.


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress

~ At Tyrien's Table ~


Tyrien was about to answer when the battered woman came in and stole all of the attention of the tavern staff. Glancing at Eanos, she noticed that he did not seem inclined to go help. Getting involved in domestic disputes was not really her thing and she stayed at the table as well.

Turning her eyes to the red-headed man, she resumes their conversation, "So, your wife shares secrets with pillow talk? I have not taken a mate myself, but I had a friend who used to scream out the name of gods when she partook in the pleasures of the flesh. Sounded like a lot of work and rather messy."

The half-elven girl is not very pious at all and hardly even notices the mention of deities, so fixated on the memories of her voyeurism while her friend was bedding the stable boy.

Back on topic, Tyrien continues, "But you have seen dragon!? I have not, only a drake. A tengu priest I adventured with fought and killed a little black one. I think he is the one that mentioned that dragons are like cats. Actually that would explain a lot. I slew a dragonne and it was like a winged lion. So mayhap there is a relation there."


First Post
Samad watched the commotion from a distance. It was troubling to see that so few were offering their aid as of this moment. If this was not a sign that he should help, then he could think little of what else could be.
"Aye, help we should," he replied, though the woman had already left. Very well, he thought as he made his way over.


First Post
Thuk looks over Lightfeather's shoulder at the commotion near the door. He listens to Grog's request for assistance and then goes back to eating
his mutton.

"If d'ere ain't some reward, den I pass. Ain't dat right, Lightfeather." He says with a mouth full of food.

Thuk finishes a flagon of ale and lifts it in the direction of the apparently only working employee, indicating the need of a refill.


First Post
Eanos, too, is temporarily distracted by the woman entering, but as others seem to be coming capably to her aid, he holds himself back. His brow wrinkles as Tyrien speaks of a wife, and as she relates her tale of voyeurism, he nods.

"Apologies. My Lady is my deity, Issolatha, a goddess of secrets. No wife for me. Probably no spouse, at all, way this life goes." he explains.

"But, yes. Little dragons for me, too. Little white ones. Fool was bringing them to study, had no idea how to control them. My bowshots were a little better than I planned when we tried to retrieve them," he admits with a bit of embarrassment. "Trained all my life to spy and kill, makes it harder to wound when that's all you're after, yes?"


~ At Tyrien's Table ~


Tyrien raises an eyebrow, "No wife or a spouse either, eh?" She was not sure she heard that correctly, but it sounded like Eanos was making a distinction between the two and implying that he would take a male mate either. Deciding to leave that bear unpoked, she stifled her curiosity.

Instead, she asks more about the white dragons.

"Wait, let see if I understand. The fool lost the dragons and you were sent after them. You brought them back alive? Hmm, I carry some blunt arrows that are more useful for knocking things out. But trying to use them to not wound and cause less than deadly harm does make it harder. You have to avoid the target's armor and still not accidentally hit them in the eye or something."

"So you were able to capture the little white creatures, then. How many? Two? I imagine they are pretty tough, so if you did fatally wound one, you might be able to use a healing spell on them before they completely bleed out and then revive them. Of course, some of my arrows are pretty deadly and that is not always possible when I hit something vital."

The archeress takes a drink from the goblet of halfling mead as she considers the number of patrons that just found work.

"Hmmm, all these rookie adventurer's heading out on new quests or jobs and here we sit. There must be some trouble that we could get into."
OOC: We probably have time for a 1-shot if you want jkason.


First Post
Eanos returns Tyrien's raised eyebrow as she notes his phrasing. There is a slight upturn at one corner of his mouth--a subtle half-smile. As Tyrien chooses to ask no further, however, Eanos follows suit and makes no further elaboration.

"Wish I'd brought them back alive," Eanos says of the dragons, clearly ashamed of his performance in that encounter. "Showed up just as they burst their crates and were attacking the crew, and had to make a choice between the lizards and the people. Never having fought their like before, my friend got a bit too ... zealous, yes? With the first.

"Was trying to knock the second down, but it got too far out over the water when I managed it, and no one could swim fast enough to save it. Well, they don't have to live in a cage now, which is good for them, yes?"

[sblock=ooc]I don't have any massive need to be in an adventure with Eanos ATM. I'm kind of in the midst of re-acquainting myself with him. I'm fine with the RP between talkative Tyrien and semi-secretive Eanos, myself, so there's no need for you to run anything extra unless you're dying to do so.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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