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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

Williow looks confused again for the second time in as many minutes. She puts looks closely at her brothers shoulder and the red mark that now resides there. "Hurt? Not found frogs yet but hurt already?" Her apparent aggitation causes Boon to lower his head ever so slightly as a low, rumbling growl issues from his throat, that causes the hairs on the back of everyone's neck in earshot to raise uncontrollably.

Seeing the tension build, Nathan steps forward. "It's not what it looks like," he assures Willow. "It's just magic. A mark. Won't hurt a fly."

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"Yes, yes, zee hand of red, it is zee joke or something." Zitteaux herds the group through the dockside door to the landing where several watermen wait for passengers on their flat-bottomed boats. Zitteaux calls out to a halfling wearing a hat with an unusually long, red feather tucked into it who stands on the landing next to a particularly large boat where two more halflings stand ready to assist passengers into their transport. "Mossimo! Get zee lazy, half-man brothers of yours ready. Zese gentlemen…" He bows to Willow with a toothy smile, "…and zee lady are on zee urgent business! Take zem to zee stinky-marsh and wait to bring zem back to zee Dunn Wright when zey have finished. You know I will pay you well, eh?" He turns his attention to the gathered group of adventurers. "May your hunt for zee frog meet with success!" Satisfied that he will soon have all the frogs he needs Zitteaux disappears back inside the Dunn Wright Inn.

The halfling, Mossimo, smiles and bows to the group though his eyes warily flick several times to the rather imposing Boon. "Watch your step," he says as he moves to assist his passengers into the boat. "Over-sized mouser to the front please." Everyone loads the boat without incident and Mossimo hops in after them all. The three halflings take up long oars and begin slowly rowing them through the city always making their way north-east towards the mainland and the edge of the city.

Frog Hunt
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Fury watches as Nathan, the elfish girl, and the three sporting the mark of the Red Hand Society in various locations on or about their person leave the inn. He turns back to his drink hoping some other work shows up soon. He glances over at the gnomish woman, Zelena. "Can't blame you for not going; me? I've had enough of those marshes and don't plan on going back anytime soon."


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The door to the inn opens to admit another patron. A man enters casually, dressed in a long leather coat with a wide collar. His features are average, though his narrow jaw and slightly pointed ears hint at an exotic ancestory. Stepping to one side of the door he takes a moment to survey the inn and note its occupants. A few new faces, some muscle, an old fellow, and a pair of gnomes. Interesting. With a nod in greeting to the other people around the room, he wanders over to the bar and grabs a free stool. Smiling at the barkeep he says, Hey there, so what's the news in these parts?


Zelenna nods to Fury and is about to say something, but does not and goes back to her meal and remain unnoticed by the cook and the ramblings of frogs. She sips at her ale and looks over at the new comer as he enters and gives him a friendly nod back.


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After paying the barkeep for his drink, the man sips slowly while looking about the room. He notices the appraising look and the nod from the gnome in brightly gleaming scale armor. He hands a pair of coins to the barkeep before heading over to sit near the gnome. With a smile on his face he says, "Hello there, fine day isn't it? The name's Tahn Staful. What's your name?" He looks curiously at the moon on her tabard, trying to place it.


The gnomish woman finishes up a bit of fruit before answering the newcomer, "Merry meet, Tahn Staful. I am Zelena Adu, a priestess of Ral. And yes, a pleasant day indeed."


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"Zelena, a pleasure." He seems to ponder for a moment. "Ral you say? I don't believe I am familiar with your patron. Can you tell me anything about Ral, or their tenets?"

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pari applies half an ear to Zelena's conversation with Ser Staful, and allows the remainder of his attention to wander 'round the taproom.


The gnome nods, "Aye, Ral. Within the country of Tal Hallow, he is known as the Constort to Annaya, the Ruler. Of the faithful, and under the aspect of the moon, I seek to protect and offer those oppressed, freedom. Tal Hallow itself has only just freed itself from the grips of an evil sorcerer. Now that matters within our lands are free again, I am to venture forth and offer aid where I can." Zelenna takes up the mug in both hands and sips more ale while she lets what she has said of Ral, settle for Tahn.

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