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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


Fulgrim Ironforge, L1 Barbarian

Fulgrim clambered down from the wagon, dusty and dirty from many days on the road, the sounds of the city greeting him, momentarily giving him pause as he struggled to get used to the sights and sounds. With a shiver of the shoulders he took a step forward and gave nod to one of the caravan guards "Pleasure ridin' with ye! Shame we din't get to bust some more 'eads along the way!"

The guards nod, smiling and shaking their heads at the shaved headed dwarf who is already setting off into the city looking for this Dunn Wright Inn he had heard about. With a bulging pack and great axe bouncing at his back the dwarf spends a fair amount of time tracking down this Inn, too stubborn to ask for help as he finds himself in The Gulls, the salty breeze blowing in from the sea giving an unsmelled scent to the air.

Finally Fulgrim finds hanging placard of the Dunn Wright Inn, the noise of a heavily frequented establishment as the sounds spill out of front door. With no hesitation he gives a heavy tug on the front door and steps boldly inside, his brown eyes quickly scanning the room before making his way to the crowded bar.

Leading with his shoulder, he pushes his way up, people seeming to brush off him and his short, but stout frame. Reaching the bar, he motions to the appealing woman tending to the bar. "Bring me the best ye got missus. None of dat watered down stuff fer me, the road has been long.

As he waits for his drink, his own empty tankard hanging from a loop on his belt pouch he scans the room taking in the patrons. Seeing a diverse clientele he absently plays with several beads carefully braided into his beard, the lighting of the common room glaring off his cleanly shorn head. His bulbous nose prominent on his face, his brown eyes reveal little of this dwarf.

The sound of the mug touching the bar in front of him turns Fulgrim's attention back to the bar. "Thank ye missus." he replies. "I got some... he begins, but she has already rushed off to server other patrons as he lets out an exasperated harumph at being cut short.

Taking a healthy swig of the foam topped ale Fulgrim put it back down scowling slightly, then shrugs, glances around the room and takes another swig muttering something under his breath.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Fulgrim clambered down from the wagon, dusty and dirty from many days on the road,


Taking a healthy swig of the foam topped ale Fulgrim put it back down scowling slightly, then shrugs, glances around the room and takes another swig muttering something under his breath.

Vincenzo raises his wine glass in greeting to the dwarf that has just arrived. He then returns to his conversation to the woman in front of him.


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

He gestures with a tilt of his head toward Markas and Nathan. "They look to have been much more lucrative in their endeavors though."

Nathan tilts his head to one side, as if listening to someone to his left, though there's no one there that might be seen. He chuckles at what he hears from the no one.

"Showing off, am I?" Nathan says. He turns to the red-headed woman an her companion. "We could always spiff up like we did for the opera. That'd really be indulgent, yes?" As he crosses the room, the colors of his clothing seem to run, brightening as he goes. By the time he's reached the other table, his subdued palette has been replaced with brilliant reds and an iridescent silver.

"I'll admit, Markas and I just finished a job, so we have a bit more gold on hand than normal, but by and large, anything flashy 'bout me tends to be a trick of the lights. I'm Nathan. You two been here long waiting for work?"


Elenka Danyllova, Summoner 1

The woman at the bar (a customer, not the server), small, ivory-skinned, with dark red hair and a wicked looking toothed blade at her side turns to greet the newcomers. "She'll collect your coin soon enough, Master Dwarf, never fear." She listens politely as the human-looking man who named himself Nathan speaks. "A pleasure, Nathan. My name is Elenka Danyllova. Vincenzo and I," she motions to the man seated next to her at the bar, "have recently returned to the city after finishing a job and are looking to take on another."

[sblock=OOC]Knowledge check was to see if she could place Fulgrim's accent. She couldn't but doesn't say anything about it.[/sblock]
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Fulgrim Ironforge, L1 Barbarian

Fulgrim sees Vincenzo raise his wine glass in greeting and promptly lifts his mug in return with a little nod, looking the man over along with the other patrons he speaks with at the bar.

The voice of the woman jars him from his focus. "Dey always got time to collect the coins, don't dey?" Fulgrim says with a chuckle, taking another swig of ale from his mug, his taste getting a little more use to what seems a weak ale to him.

The dwarf sits on his stool, keeping him at the height of the other patrons, his scale armor clinking as he shifts on the stool. He listens to the conversation that can be overheard as he drinks from his mug.

Growing curious as the conversation continues "Work? Seems ye folk congregate 'ere lookin' fer work and drinks, eh? I must be in de right place then."

"De name is Fulgrim Ironforge. Friends call me Grim though." the bald dwarf introduces himself to those conversing near him.


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

The woman at the bar (a customer, not the server), small, ivory-skinned, with dark red hair and a wicked looking toothed blade at her side turns to greet the newcomers. "She'll collect your coin soon enough, Master Dwarf, never fear."

"They always do," Nathan agrees. "But if you're lucky, work might come in before then," he says slyly.

She listens politely as the human-looking man who named himself Nathan speaks. "A pleasure, Nathan. My name is Elenka Danyllova. Vincenzo and I," she motions to the man seated next to her at the bar, "have recently returned to the city after finishing a job and are looking to take on another."

"A pleasure," Nathan says with a smile and a bow.

"You mentioned the opera. Have you been doing work for them? or enjoying the the performances there?"

"The former, and I'm afraid the work we did is likely to put a damper on performances. One of the stars turned out to be at the center of a murder conspiracy. I'm afraid Master Dimplecotton isn't likely to want us back after this."


First Post
Zoryk Wolfheart Lvl1 Fire Elemental Sorcerer

Zoryk smiled at the display happening before his eyes, looking at the dwarf he said with a smile:­ "When modesty came knocking, this one must have been sleeping."

Moving to the table where the red haired woman was sitting Zoryk bowed: "Greetings, my name is Zoryk Wolfheart, I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning work, I myself am just beginning in the noble art of adventuring, any stories or tips to share?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
To da dwarf:

Standing he says, "Well met, Master Ironroge. I am Vincenzo del Vecchio da via della Rosa D'Avorio II, at your service." He bows as he says this, "But please, just call me Vincenzo."

"The former, and I'm afraid the work we did is likely to put a damper on performances. One of the stars turned out to be at the center of a murder conspiracy. I'm afraid Master Dimplecotton isn't likely to want us back after this."

T Nathan: "Did it have anything to do with a missing shipment of Velvet?"
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First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

"Greetings, my name is Zoryk Wolfheart, I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning work, I myself am just beginning in the noble art of adventuring, any stories or tips to share?"

"Well met, Zoryk," Nathan says, extending his hand in greeting. "Have to admit I'm still a bit new to all this, myself. Ran off from home to get away from both heaven and hell, and wasn't quite ready for what the world has in it.

"What little I have encountered tells me this: Since everything else is completely unknown, make sure you trust the folk you adventure with. 'Course, haven't met anyone at the Dunn Wright yet who's run afoul of me. Well, Alnar tried to kill me, but he was charmed by an evil elf at the time, so what can you do?"

T Nathan: "Did it have anything to do with a missing shipment of Velvet?"

"I only wish it were so simple," Nathan says. "No, a local minor noble wound up dead, and his brother hired us to find his killer. Turns out it was his lover, who was a rising star at the opera. Only, well, she wasn't exactly new to the opera, but a notorious elven femme fatale who'd returned to Venza to lure men in and murder them when the riches ran out."

Nathan frowns a moment, adding, "At least, that's the best I've been able to work out of it. There were a great many illusion spells at play, and the aforementioned enchantments, so I'm still not entirely sure if the culprit was Abzienta or someone masquerading as her. It also doesn't help that I think whoever she was and whatever her real name, she's more than a little mad."

[sblock=Know (local) CD 15]Abzienta was an elven opera singer, one of the most beautiful, the most sought after. She became notorious for starting a string of affairs with Venza noblemen. Over time, she stripped them of their wealth through seduction, and would then kill them. She was eventually caught and convicted.

That was all about a hundred years ago, though. Nowadays, she is a bit of a bogeyman in theatrical circles.[/sblock]

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