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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Vax (Lvl 1)

"You don't seem all that terrifying to me. That other fellow was a bit too quiet for my taste though, how can you judge a man if he never says a word!" he says while looking toward the stairs that the fellow referred to as Blue recently climbed.

Turning to the dwarf across Vax shouts "Cavernous Hode is it? You have a good eye it seems, and she has some attitude about her as well!" he says with a chuckle. "I hope to find an adventure brewing and look forward to gaining the glory that comes with success!" He finishes his sentence practically shouting while thrusting a clenched fist into the air. Clearly the prospect of proving himself and gaining glory is foremost on Vax's mind.

I do believe that Aedger is an Inflict cleric since he has that archetype applied to him. I don't often play clerics so I don't actually know if that means he cannot cast cure spells or not.
[sblock= Vax]

Special: Values in [ ] used when rage is active
AC: 16 [14] (Flat-footed: 14 [12], Touch: 12 [10])
HP: 13/13 [15/15]
CMB: +5 [+7] CMD: 17 [19]
Fort: +4 [+6] Ref: +2 [+2] Will: +2 [+4]
Speed: 30'

Perception: +4 [+4]
Initiative: +2 [+2]

Primary Weapon: Crusher (+5[+7], 2d6+6 [+9]/x3)
Ranged Weapon: Javelin (+3, 1d6+4 [+6]/x2)
Special Attack Options: Power Attack: -1 Attack, +3 Damage
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Vax (Chronikoce) - Living Pathfinder RPG Wiki

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First Post
[sblock=Healering]Inflict clerics can memorize Cure spells, but can't spontaneously cast Cure spells -- in other words, exactly what a druid can do. Cavernous Hode does have a couple of CLW wands and his pet makes a decent scout. He's not really bringing anything to the table otherwise.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
With the new blood in the Tavern I think I see a possible group forming.

Vax - meat shield
Aedger & Blue - back up healing/extra body(that's already dead)
Cavernous Hode - healer(do to wands)/will get to use his tunnelrunner ability so why not tag along ;)
?? - soulnova's new character - If it's a bard then you have the arcanist/face spot filled

Three 1st lvls and a 2nd lvl character.

Let me know what you all think. I wish to have a group set and thus get into the game and the gaining of Time XP as we RP the situation. Before going to the dungeon crawl part.[/sblock]

[sblock=soulnova] If your character's sister is present she could be in one of the back rooms. If you want to run with the new character we can play that Mesem isn't hiding just that they miss each other when things start and the group leaves the Inn.[/sblock]


First Post
Aedger Beinn

Aedger raises his head towards the over eager man's hand. "Right. Glory. I don't know how much of that we might find. From what I've seen, the best adventures are the one that people don't notice. And the ones that people do notice, aren't the ones that are worth undertaking."

[sblock='healify']Yeah, I have one CLW prepared. Ironically, it's probably the first one to get converted to an inflict in a pinch. [/sblock]

Aedger Beinn, Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1
+2 AC: 15, t:12, ff:13
HP: 08
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Speed: 30ft.
Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +5
Resist 5: Cold, Acid, Electric
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
In Hand: Nothing
Special Powers
Channel Negative Energy 1d6, 6/day, Will DC 14 Used: 0
Death's Kiss: 1 round duration, 6/day Used: 0
Command Undead
[Sblock='Spells Prepared:']Orisons:
:) :)Light
:) :)Guidance
:) :)Detect Magic
Level 1: (DC 14)
:) :)Cause Fear (domain)
:) :)Bless
:) :)Cure Light Wounds
Spell Like Abilities
:) :)Daylight (1/day)
Crossbow, Light: +2 Attack, 1d8+0, 19/x2, 80' Bolts: 30
Morningstar: +0 Attack, 1d8+0, 20/x2
Crossbow, Light & Bolts
[Sblock='Pockets']Earplugs (4x)
Chalk (3x)
Ink (1 oz. vial)
Inkpen (2x)
Paper, rice (5 sheets)
Blue, Skeletal Companion (Medium Undead)
+6 AC: 17, t:12, ff:15
HP: 08
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Speed: 30ft.
Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +2
Immune: Cold Undead Traits
DR: 5/bludgeoning
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
In Hand: Nothing
Scimitar +2 (1d6+2,18-20/x2), claw �3 (1d4+1)
or 2 claws +2 (1d4+2)
or Dagger +2 (1d4+2), Range 10'
or Javelin +2 (1d6+2/�2), Range 30' Remaining: 3
[sblock='Backpack']Rope, Hemp (50ft)(x2)
Plank, Collapsable
Wandermeal (4 servings)
Chalk (6x)



First Post
Vax (Lvl 1)

Taken aback by Aedgar's comment Vax turns to him, "If your on an adventure how can people not take notice? When I smack an orc in the face with my hammer I am sure that he must notice! Perhaps he forgets though since he did just get smacked in the face..."

He takes a moment to ponder this thought. "Besides if you adventure with others then they at least must take notice and who better to boast of great deeds with over some ale than those who were there!"

Suddenly Vax looks like he has had a revelation "Wait, you have never tasted the sweetness that is glory have you!?" Shaking his head back and forth while a look of great pity crosses his face "Do not fear, I am sure if you stick with me that we will turn your terrible gloriless life into one worthy of boasting about!" He finishes by patting Aedger on the shoulder probably with a bit more force than was absolutely necessary.

I am definitely willing to go adventure. If a meat shield is required Vax would be more than happy to fill the role. Hopefully the fates will smile upon him and his role as meat shield will be long and fruitful hehe.


First Post
"Hey, you know... I just got a place-" but then she stopped, realizing that was one of the things her sisters told her boys said to 'win them over' (before she went and punched them in the face). Her lips formed a thin line, unblinking, and then went back to finishing her chicken with her face all red.

Mesem looks up from his porridge innocently, clearly not reading the insinuation Galandra feared. "Oh?" he asks. "So you are not of Venza?" He blinks, clear-eyed, waiting for her answer, genuinely interested.


[sblock=Stats]Mesem Adrarda
Status: Unbound
[sblock=Bound Stats]Initiative: +1, Perception: +8
HP: 16/16 real + 16/20 temporary
AC: 21 (Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 20)
AC: +2 vs evil
CMB: +6 CMD: 17
Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +8 (+10 vs enchantments)
Saves: +2 vs evil

Natural Weapons:Bite (+6, 1d6+4), 2 Claws (on feet) (+7, 1d4+4)
[/sblock][sblock=Unbound Stats]Initiative: +0, Perception: +7
HP: 18/18 real
AC: 10 (Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 10) CMB: +1 CMD: 11
Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +8 (+10 vs enchantments)[/sblock]Current Weapon in Hand: Nodachi: +6, 1d10+6, 18-20/x2

Summon Monster I: 4/4
Spells: 0 - Infinite, 1 - 3/3

Active Magic:


Galandra is slightly relieved he didn't take it wrong. "Me? No, no. The city is too crowed. I'm from the Tritower area, a small village. Surely you haven't heard of it..." she shrugged "I actually came looking for my sister. She kinda ran away from home. My old man asked me to look out for her and make sure she was ok. You know, that no one had brought her here with lies or that kind of stuff. But to tell you the truth, I would believe Damaris could have take care of herself. She does have a way with people..."

Just then, a teenager entered the bard like she owned the place. Golden and bright wavy hair. Eyes as blue as cerulean sky. Lips red like strawberries; but as she looked around to measure the quality of the tavern, suddenly her eyes bucked when she saw the back of a woman sitting in the far corner of the room. "Oh gods" she could recognize that hair -anywhere-. She tried to step back, but some other patrons were already blocking the exit and trying to get in. She cursed and quickly hurried off to a back of the establishment.

"Please, don't mind me." she apologized with a smile and peeked outside the backroom to see if Galandra had spotted her. She had not. Then, someone mentioned boasting about glory and that immediately caught her attention. "Well, that sounds interesting" she turns around, now less concerned of her sister.

[sblock=Holy Man]There. :D

I would have to make the character sheet and wait for approval. She is going to be a bard. [/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=soulnova]No problem, I'll help go over the character and I'm sure the judges will get her approved way before you get enough XP to level up.

So Mesem (wrong character) Damaris is in the back and I'm sure she can sneak out the way she sneaked in. :) [/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Mesem nods, listening intently. "I see. I wish you luck with your sister. Family is...important," he finishes, being selective with his words.

Taking another bite of porridge, Mesem catches sight of the newcomer out of the corner of his eye. Not knowing who she is, however, he simply takes her in silently, like everything else he sees, as he chews.


[sblock=Stats]Mesem Adrarda
Status: Unbound
[sblock=Bound Stats]Initiative: +1, Perception: +8
HP: 16/16 real + 16/20 temporary
AC: 21 (Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 20)
AC: +2 vs evil
CMB: +6 CMD: 17
Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +8 (+10 vs enchantments)
Saves: +2 vs evil

Natural Weapons:Bite (+6, 1d6+4), 2 Claws (on feet) (+7, 1d4+4)
[/sblock][sblock=Unbound Stats]Initiative: +0, Perception: +7
HP: 18/18 real
AC: 10 (Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 10) CMB: +1 CMD: 11
Fort: +3 Ref: +1 Will: +8 (+10 vs enchantments)[/sblock]Current Weapon in Hand: Nodachi: +6, 1d10+6, 18-20/x2

Summon Monster I: 4/4
Spells: 0 - Infinite, 1 - 3/3

Active Magic:


First Post
Aedger's gentle smile fades, and this part of the tavern goes quiet as the patrons turn and listen to Aedger's words.

"I have tasted glory. Maybe not what you would call it, though. I find glory in providing a meal for a family, or knowing that while the city sleeps, someone is watching over them. I find glory in building an aqueduct to bring fresh water to thousands, and in keeping my people safe from plauges. I find glory in the fields, the plains, the sewers, and the streets. I find glory in the lifeblood of my people. I live a glorious life, made ever more glorious whenever someone lives, when they would have died.

"My glorious life may not get me noticed. Those whose lives I benefit will likely never know my name. They may never know how important I was to them. They may never think about why they have what they do. And that is acceptable. I don't look for fame. I don't look for adulation. I have my glory. I have my people.

"Is your idea of glory going out and fighting? What do you fight? Evil? Ridding the world of Evil is ugly, unpleasent work. There is no glory in taking a life. It's a terrible thing. Life should have Purpose, and this Purpose should be fulfilled. That is what glory is. A full life. A fulfilled Purpose. It may not get noticed, but it is glorious. Do you know your purpose Mr. Vax?"

He looks around at the other patrons staring at him, meeting the eye of each of them, then looks deep into his mug, sirls the thin film of ale that coats the bottom, and raises the glass over his head, and removes the last drops. Aedger sets that glass down on the counter, says quiestly, "Those are my thoughts on the topic, anyway," and takes a seat at a nearby table. The bar gradually regains its normal din.

Aedger Beinn, Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1
+2 AC: 15, t:12, ff:13
HP: 08 Perception: +9
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Speed: 30ft.
Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +5
Resist 5: Cold, Acid, Electric
Senses: Darkvision 60ft

Current Effects: None

In Hand: Nothing

Special Powers
Channel Negative Energy 1d6, 6/day, Will DC 14 Used: 0
Death's Kiss: 1 round duration, 6/day Used: 0
Command Undead

[Sblock='Spells Prepared:']Orisons:
Detect Magic
Level 1: (DC 14)
Cause Fear (domain)
Cure Light Wounds
Spell Like Abilities
Daylight (1/day)

Crossbow, Light: +2 Attack, 1d8+0, 19/x2, 80' Bolts: 30
Morningstar: +0 Attack, 1d8+0, 20/x2

[sblock='skills']Skills Total Rank CS Ability ACP Misc
Acrobatics 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Appraise 01 0 0 1 +0
Bluff 03 0 0 3 +0
Climb -01 0 0 0 -1 +0
Craft ( ) 01 0 0 1 +0
Diplomacy 10 1 3 3 +3*
Disable Device 0 0 2 -1 +0
Disguise 03 0 0 3 +0
Escape Artist 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Fly 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Handle Animal 0 0 3 +0
Heal 03 0 0 3 +0
Intimidate 03 0 0 3 +0
Knowledge (Arcana) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Dngnrng) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Engnrng) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Geography) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (History) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Local) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Nature) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Nobility) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Planes) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Religion) 05 1 3 1 +0
Linguistics 0 0 3 +0
Perception 09 1 3 3 +2 (Racial)
Perform ( ) 03 0 0 3 +0
Profession ( ) 0 0 3 +0
Ride 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Sense Motive 07 1 3 3 +0
Sleight of Hand 0 0 2 -1 +0
Spellcraft 0 0 1 +0
Stealth 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Survival 03 0 0 3 +0
Swim -01 0 0 0 -1 +0
Use Magic Device 0 0 3 +0

* +1,Ease Of Faith, +2 Race

Crossbow, Light & Bolts
[Sblock='Pockets']Earplugs (4x)
Chalk (3x)
Ink (1 oz. vial)
Inkpen (2x)
Paper, rice (5 sheets)
Blue, Skeletal Companion (Medium Undead)
+6 AC: 17, t:12, ff:15
HP: 08 Perception: +0
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Speed: 30ft.
Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +2
Immune: Cold Undead Traits
DR: 5/bludgeoning
Senses: Darkvision 60ft

Current Effects: None

In Hand: Nothing

Scimitar +2 (1d6+2,18-20/x2), claw –3 (1d4+1)
or 2 claws +2 (1d4+2)
or Dagger +2 (1d4+2), Range 10'
or Javelin +2 (1d6+2/×2), Range 30' Remaining: 3

[sblock='Backpack']Rope, Hemp (50ft)(x2)
Plank, Collapsable
Wandermeal (4 servings)
Chalk (6x)


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