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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


First Post
Leaving her stool with a little more grace than Jezz, Kris checked her equipment and readjusted her pack before following the farmer out of the inn. Despite her voiced grievances, she was secretly excited to test her skills in proper combat. Even if it was against dogs.

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First Post

Barnibus turns back to the bar. Grabs one final mug of ale and downs it in a few gulps. "Ahhhhh" he says refreshed,"it is time to let the songs of battle sing forth once more. So long brave adventurers and good luck to you. Tonight, we slay us some devils! BWAHAHAHA!" He reaches for his great sword and heads out the door, following the farmer and his companions.

[sblock=ministats] Barnibus the Beautiful

AC: 16
HP: 10
CMB: +3 CMD: 15
Fort: +3 Reflex: +3 Will: +2

Perception: +0
Initiative: + 2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items: None
Raging Songs: 5/5
Cantrips: Summon Instrument, Light, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation
Lvl 1: (0/2 used) Cure Light Wounds, Moment of Greatness


Tamarie the Songweaver
Tamarie slips into the bar with little effort to draw attention to herself. She almost immediately looks to the stage, and then finds a table to seat herself at. Running her fingers over the well-worn wood, she is lost in examination of the various gouges and carvings when Marla clears her throat.

Pulling down the hood of her cloak, Tamarie's unique heritage is put on display for all to see. Large almond eyes and gracefully tapered ears mark her elven blood, a fact that is not lost on Marla at all.
[section]Marla the Barmaid
"Are you the half-elf called Tamarie?" Marla asks, holding something in her hand as she throws a towel over her shoulder.[/section]
Looking up with bright, amber eyes not typical of elves, Tamarie smiles. "Well, I'm Tamarie. And I'm at least part elven-blooded. I guess that's a yes." Even in the poor light of the inn, tufts of dark fur can be seen inside her upper ears.

Marla hesitates for a moment. "Well, a Tamarie is a Tamarie in my book. So here you are, this little shot of gold came from an elf man. Tall guy, chiseled features..."

"Arradon?" Tamarie interjects, wondering.

"Well, he didn't exactly say," replies Marla, seemingly thinking of what all went on.

Tamarie accepts the money and peers inside. "Probably," she says, "I didn't expect this. In any case, let's start off the evening with dinner and see where it goes. Whatever the cook is most recommending tonight." The songweaver smiles, exposing a pair of sharp canines without thinking about it too much.

[sblock=ealt]OK, thank you, picked up.[/sblock]


[section]Francis John, III - Self-Proclaimed Prince of All Halflings

A portly little halfling ties his boar up outside, and proudly returns to the great Dunn Wright Inn. He pulls up a stool next to Tamarie the half-elf, but instead of sitting he stands. "Hey there friend! Quite a hairy experience we had at the end there... you've rightly saved me life! What can I buy you to drink?" He throws some coin on the counter. "Hey Marla... go fetch Old Groggy Bear eh? Oh, put in an order of the Apply Cinnamon Honey Smackers." As he waits for the suly half-orc he takes out his little hand-carved box of pipeweed. He packs a nice bowl, and the sweet aroma fills the inn.


Character Sheet

HP: 21/21

AC: 14 FF:12 T:13
CMB: 1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3 (+2 Fear)

Initiative: +2
: +10

Shortsword +3 d4+1
Light Crossbow +4 1d6

Bolts Remaining: 17/20
Adaptable Luck: 3/3[/sblock]

[sblock=Boots, Viper Familiar]
HP: 10/10

Initiative: 3
AC: 17 FF: 14 T:15
CMB: +1 CMD: 8
Fort: +1 Ref: +6 Will: +3

Melee: bite +3 (1d2-2)
Poison: Fort DC 9, 1/round for 6 rounds, 1d2 CON, cure 1 save

Climb: +11,
Perception: +9
Stealth: +15
Swim: +11
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock]

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock]
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Tamarie the Songweaver
Tamarie smiles as Francis takes a chair. "Ah, Francis, you seem well. Both my jobs so far have had men down in a final battle with some key enemy. Anyway, a after-dinner wine would be nice, as I'm finishing up my meal." Before the songweaver lies a mostly finished roast duck dish, obviously juicy and bearing a fine herby aroma. It stands in testament to the skill of the Dunn Wright Inn's chef.


Grog the Bartender
At Francis' request, Marla looks towards the bar, but doesn't get a word in edgewise before Grog stands up from some menial task. "Ah heard him!" He comes around the bar to the table, twirling a dirty rag non-chalantly as he approaches. "Wut you need, little man? Gonna get trashed again and act like fool? Tat be gud!" He laughs loudly as he slaps his big, well-muscled hand down on the wooden countertop, causing Tamarie's cutlery to make a little hop on the opposite side. He smiles at Francis a toothy grin.


[section]Francis John, III - Self-Proclaimed Prince of All Halflings

Francis' face lights up when he sees Grog. "Top of the evening good sir! I'll put in two orders please. Give me some of your 'good stuff'... I need some more hair on my feet. As for Tamarie here, my savior extraordinaire, give her whatever pairs best with her roast duck. While you get that, let me tell you about that time I blinded a sea hag...." Francis begins to recant his latest adventure while Grog gets to work. By the time he finishes the wretched liquid, the halfling is three sheets to the wind elementals.


[sblock=Fortitude 5]Fortitude: 1D20+1 = [4]+1 = 5
[sblock=Perception 26]Perception: 1D20+10 = [16]+10 = 26

Character Sheet

HP: 21/21

AC: 14 FF:12 T:13
CMB: 1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3 (+2 Fear)

Initiative: +2
: +10

Shortsword +3 d4+1
Light Crossbow +4 1d6

Bolts Remaining: 17/20
Adaptable Luck: 3/3[/sblock]

[sblock=Boots, Viper Familiar]
HP: 10/10

Initiative: 3
AC: 17 FF: 14 T:15
CMB: +1 CMD: 8
Fort: +1 Ref: +6 Will: +3

Melee: bite +3 (1d2-2)
Poison: Fort DC 9, 1/round for 6 rounds, 1d2 CON, cure 1 save

Climb: +11,
Perception: +9
Stealth: +15
Swim: +11
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock]

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock]
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[section]A Snake of a Different Color

A mysteriously colored viper slithers under the great oaken doors of the Dunn Wright Inn. It makes it's way towards the front bar.


[sblock=Stealth 31]Stealth in the Dunn Wright Inn: 1D20+15 = [16]+15 = 31


HP: 10/10

Initiative: 3
AC: 17 FF: 14 T:15
CMB: +1 CMD: 8
Fort: +1 Ref: +6 Will: +3

Melee: bite +3 (1d2-2)
Poison: Fort DC 9, 1/round for 6 rounds, 1d2 CON, cure 1 save

Climb: +11,
Perception: +9
Stealth: +15
Swim: +11
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock]
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Qalabash Baram

Qalabash hurries into the Dunn Wright Inn nearly treading on a mysteriously colored snake though he doesn't realize it. He looks back at the door and a worried look crosses his face. When he sees Tamarie and Francis John no. III he moves quickly across the room to their table, pulls out a chair and sinks into it. He lets out a deep sigh of relief.

"I've been followed every since we left that cursed boat! Some spotted beast stalking me but I think I've lost it."

From the stair leading to the upper levels of the Inn comes a faint cat-sneeze. Qalabash jumps and looks around finally spotting on the stair a raggedy looking tom-cat licking between the pads of a paw and displaying wicked little claws.

"Oh, gods, it's found me," mutters Qalabash. He snatches up one of Francis John's drinks and downs it, only to end up spluttering and coughing at the potent liquor.

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Qalabash Baram[/size] Human Staff Magus 4
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 15
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +6; +8 Trip CMD: 17; 19 vs. Trip Fort: +6 Ref: +4 Will: +3

In Hand: quarterstaff
Conditions: none
Spells Prepared:
  • 2nd level (DC 15): Frigid Touch, Mirror Image
  • 1st level (DC 14): Blade Lash, Grease, Long Arm, Shocking Grasp
  • Orisons: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Root
Concentration +7
Arcane Pool: 5/5 (+1 enhancement for 1 min.)

[size=+1]The Spotted Beast[/size], cat familiar
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 16 (14 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 16
HP: 19 Current: 19
CMB: +? CMD: ? Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +5

In Hand: n/a
Conditions: none


Tamarie the Songweaver
Smiling an uneven smile and nodding as she watches Francis' antics, a look of odd concern crosses the raven-haired woman's face as Francis progresses towards intoxication at an alarming pace. He's well into some story with only a vague similarity to story of the sea hag she was familiar with, when she raises her hand in an attempt to interject something. However, he slaps down the empty mug, and Qalabash's sudden arrival sidetracks her.

Eyeing up the spotted cat at a distance, Tamarie looks back at the frightened Qalabash. Then her eyes stray to the cat again. She squints, stares, and finally, returns her gaze to Qalabash. "Is it... a perspective trick? It's really much larger than it looks?"

[sblock=Grog's Gud Stuf]Ug, that's a rough save to fail, Francis. As I recall, you did much better with it last time. For your reading enjoyment (or curses):

Voidrunner's Codex

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