Maenor Thandgur
At Qalabash's interjection Maenor smiles a sad smile.
"A pity. It was an age of many wonders, that only scraps survive is a tragedy." He takes another drink and looks into his glass while he swirls its contents.
"Let me tell you a story from the Golden Age, I doubt it is one you've heard before, you may find it interesting." He reaches into his belt pouch and produces a fat platinum piece which he sets on the counter. At first glance it simply seems like any other coin, but upon closer inspection the writing is strange and unfamiliar; a man with an over-sized nose adorns the face of the coin.
Maenor gestures towards the coin,
"There was a kingdom in the Golden Age that covered the area you know as the Landadel Baronies, this kingdom was ruled by a harsh but fair ruler. The lord had many sons and daughters, and each had their role." He produces three more coins from his pouch: one gold, one silver, and one copper. He lines them up with the first, each bears a face that strikingly resembles the man on the platinum coin. Maenor taps the gold coin,
"The eldest son would one day become ruler, so he filled his days studying history, politics, and etiquette." He then taps the silver coin,
"The son who proved themselves the most cunning would become the eldest brother's right-hand man, the High Vizier." He taps the last coin on the table,
"The best strategist and combatant would become High General, leader of his eldest brother's armies." Maenor pauses a second, his eyes fixed on the copper coin, he shakes himself back to reality and continues.
"On the day that the ruler was to pass his crown to his eldest son something happened, something lost to the sands of time. Waves of energy washed through the capital city and consumed the ruler and his family, all save one." Maenor's look has become very grave,
"I am the one who survived." He reads the inscription underneath the portrait on the copper coin,
"Maenor Thandgur, Eighth son of Thandgur line, Heir to the Shield of Landellia."
[sblock=Maenor Thandgur Mini-Stats]Maenor Thandgur
AC: 15 (11 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +0
CMD: 14
Fort: +3
Reflex: +3
Will: +3
Knowledge (Arcana): +7
Knowledge (History): +8
Perception: +2
Spellcraft: +7
Use Magic Device: +4
Arcane Pool: 4/4
Concentration: +6
Prepared Spells:
Cantrips (DC 13)
• Acid Splash
• Light
Level 1 (DC 14)
• Chill Touch
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None