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Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Ingot accepts Dextyr's offer of a drink with a brief nod of thanks. I'll have whatever he's having, please! it calls over to the barmaid.

The warforged takes a seat at the table. As it moves into the chair, the enormous fullblade attached by a swivel to its hip rotates to keep the weapon aligned with its shoulder, out of the way.

I am a devoted follow of Vulkar, and intend to take the profession of adventurer. I have not had any luck yet with finding work, but I've already had a few new experiences. For example, I have never had a drink before this night. A look of minor wonderment passes over its face. When the waitress returns, I will try my third variety!

As for the Forge, I and most of the warforged of Daunton were born in its fires. It is ancient and requires vigilant maintenance. It is located near the Great Library. Have you visited there yet? It's a place you will find much to read, obviously. Perhaps that would help you in crafting your stories?

Ingot settles back in the chair and waits to see what the barmaid will bring.

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"So...what brings you two into the Hanged Man? I'm always up for hearing a good story"

Having actually been addressed by someone, Stahbur grins and chuckles at the elf's comment about being holed up in the privy and then stands up, scooting both of his chairs out from underneath him, and then walks over toward Dextyr.

"A story, eh? How's this... 'bout six weeks ago I were workin' fer Cap'n Tiygren on The Silent Serpent, offa th' coast a Bacarte, when alla sudden we hears a big BOOOM below decks. Couple o' th' crew come runnin outta the hold screamin 'bout a fire 'n such. That be spellin' bad news fer th' Serpent (always did think it were funny that fire be da worse thing on a ship when you be surrounded by water...), 'specially when ya could hear the blurble o' bubblin watter seepin in ta th' hull. Th' Serpent started tiltin' and I knew she were a gonner! I go divin' offa th' side, in ta th' freezin' waters (thank th' Gods fer me thick coat a fur) an I hear th' Capn' shoutin' somethin fierce a'twards me as I swim away from th' pullin' might o' th sinkin' ship. I drifted fer a bit afore a tradin' ship picked me up. They was a right kind bunch a scallywags, fer takin' in this sorry sight. I paid em back tenfold fer pickin' me up by workin a bit fer th' Mate on board. They was makin' a shipment t' Daunton and couldn't be bothered t' turn around right yet, but they'd drop me off at the port n' I could find a ship what were headin in th' other direction. Problem be that most o' me money went with th' Serpent an now I needs t' find me a job t' earn me some coin. You heard o' anythin' what pays good 'round here?"


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“ Vulkar you say…hmm Vulkar, vulkar..ah yes the god of fire and forge, quite fitting I suppose” Dextyr replies to Ingot. “I am still learning the names you Dauntonians use to refer to the gods”. Dextyr continues “If you couldn’t tell from the accent I’m not from around here and in my homeland the 12 go by different names”

Dextyr then pauses as the barmaid approaches with their drinks, two small tin cups, barely an ounce large, which contain a clear liquid filled right to the top. Dextyr picks up his drink, and holds it up in a sort of salute towards ingot.
“Well Ingot, here’s hoping that your devotion to Vulkar can keep you safe throughout many adventures to come” and with that Dextyr takes the tin cup to his lips and in a flamboyant manner throws his head and cup backward swallowing the liquid in one gulp and then bringing the cup back down to the table with an audible clank. “Ooohh that’s good. Burns going down, but keeps you warm inside for long after” Dextyr states with a grin on his face.

Dextyr then notices the menacing form of a bugbear approaching and his grin diminishes slightly not knowing if his existence is in any immediate danger. As the bugbear tells his story Dextyr drops any sort of natural defenses that may have crept up, and leans in listening intently at the Bugbears story.

When he finishes Dextyr responds “Amazing story you have there…..um, I didn’t catch your name. Anyway, yes, truly wonderful story – tell me, did anyone else survive the explosion, or did Poseeydus only smile upon you? What exactly happened to cause the explosion anyway? What was your cargo that there was such an explosion? Dextyr rambled of the batch of questions like an excited child eager to hear more.

At the mention of finding employment Dextyr calms himself a bit and replies “Well as I mentioned, I was tied up in the back for a while, but someone must have come through here with work not long ago since everyone that was in the tavern before I went to take car of business was long gone by the time I came out. I am sure that it shouldn’t take too long. I have also heard that this is THE place to be for someone looking for exciting employment opportunities – heck, that’s why I am here”

[sblock=ooc]As I mentioned, I'd love to join an adventure right now, but since I wantto play a bard, I have to wait untill that material gets approved (hopefully sooner than later). There seems to be a few characters in the sandbox that I have not yet seen come in here, but I know a few of them are also PHB2 classes so perhaps a lot of people are waiting.[/sblock]


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Stahbur smirks at the rambling bard, happy to have someone willing to listen to him.

"Aye... too right, too right. Poseeydus seems t' be takin' a likin' t' Stahbur (that be me...), though I not be sure if he be th'only one. 'Spose there be a few swimmers what made it away from th' Serpent, but I not be knowin fer truth. Th'cargo in her hold was naught but a shipment o' fruit from Bacarte, so what caused her t'blow be a mystery only Poseeydus be knownin th'answer of now. 'Spose there be a chance of it bein' an accident, what with th'cannons on board, but I 'spect it were no less than sabotage. Spent me life on that ship... if Stahbur ever gets a chance t'find the scallywag what done it... (he pulls out a mean looking serrated boarding knife from a hip sheath) ... well, he won't be sabotagin' no more ships! H'har harr! Glad I am that the Capn' of the tradini' ship I were on were tellin' th'truth o'th'matter 'bout Th' Hanged Man. Hate t'have t'hurt 'im iffen there be no reason t'do so. I just be hopin' it were not t'be a long wait fer a bit o'th'coin t'show up."


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“ Vulkar you say…hmm Vulkar, vulkar..ah yes the god of fire and forge, quite fitting I suppose” Dextyr replies to Ingot. “I am still learning the names you Dauntonians use to refer to the gods”. Dextyr continues “If you couldn’t tell from the accent I’m not from around here and in my homeland the 12 go by different names”

Ingot replies, "Are you from the Empire, then? I have noticed that people from there seem to have a more... relaxed attitude towards worshipping the gods. Not everybody around here agrees that it's fitting for me to be a cleric of Vulkar."

Dextyr then pauses as the barmaid approaches with their drinks, two small tin cups, barely an ounce large, which contain a clear liquid filled right to the top. Dextyr picks up his drink, and holds it up in a sort of salute towards ingot.
“Well Ingot, here’s hoping that your devotion to Vulkar can keep you safe throughout many adventures to come” and with that Dextyr takes the tin cup to his lips and in a flamboyant manner throws his head and cup backward swallowing the liquid in one gulp and then bringing the cup back down to the table with an audible clank. “Ooohh that’s good. Burns going down, but keeps you warm inside for long after” Dextyr states with a grin on his face.

Ingot watches Dextyr as the half-elf drains his cup. Then the warforged takes up its own and sniffs at the liquid. "Ahhh! This particular liquid smells like it might be good for cleaning tools and equipment!" Next, it drains the cup in a single gulp and puts it down sharply on the table, just as the half-elf did. "Indeed, I can feel it cutting the grease that had built up in my esophageal chamber. It's actually quite enjoyable!"

Having actually been addressed by someone, Stahbur grins and chuckles at the elf's comment about being holed up in the privy and then stands up, scooting both of his chairs out from underneath him, and then walks over toward Dextyr.

Ingot watches the bugbear and listens to his story with open curiosity. When Stahbur winds down, Ingot extends a hand. "I'm Ingot... nice to meet you, and welcome to Daunton. And don't worry, you're in the right place to find employment, from what I've been told."


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[sblock=OOC -> Don Incognito]
I'm going on vacation tomorrow, back on the 20th.

Don, if Fire and Ice gets going before then, I would still like to participate. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check in, but I'll try to keep an eye on things. It seems like it'll be unlikely for the adventure to get going full bore until after I'm back... I just don't want to lose my place if I don't respond to the recruiting thread right away.



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Having never met a living automaton before, Stahbur is reflexively hesitant to take the metallic hand at first. After a moment, he shook away his worries, sheathed his boarding knife, and grasped Ingot's hand firmly, shaking it up and down it a tight grip.

"Arrr! That be a strong handshake ye got there! Thank ye for th'kind words. Tis appreciated in these hard times. I o'erheard ye sayin that ye be a master prayer t'Vulkar. Now that be a coin earnin profession if e'er I heard o'one! There be not one 'veturer I be knowin' what can last more'n a day er two afore they be needin' some kind o' healin! Ye be fittin' int'groups like grapes n'rat butter (a fav'rite o' mine)! What say ye t'sittin down n' havin' another drink 'r two? Barmaid! Another round o'drinks o'er here!"



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The door opens up and a tall, lean cloaked figure enters the tavern, his pupil-less silver eyes scanning over the crowd as if looking for something. He appears satisfied and steps into the room, carrying little aside from a massive greataxe strapped to his back, nearly as tall as the humanoid is. As he pulls back the travelling cloak, he reveals his bald head and light purple skin.

"Greetings, I am Blade, servant of Maros and seeker of his foes, I am looking for someone and have been lead here by my visions to seek out what is hidden." Blade says coldly, but confidently, with a voice that demonstrates this Deva will broker no insolence.

He will walk over to the nearest table of obvious adventurers, "I believe it is customary to order a drink for new comrades, I will do so now. What is your desire?" Blade asks the others.

He walks over to where Ingot and Stahbur are talking

Lord Sessadore

Soon after Blade enters the tavern, the door opens again. Another heavily cloaked figure stands on the doorstep, this one much shorter and even leaner than Blade. On his back is a large, wickedly curved sword and a longbow and quiver.

Lowering his hood, an elf is revealed. Cool blue eyes and a sharp, angular face are framed by dark brown hair in a mild state of disarray; half is loosely tied in braids of varying sizes, and the rest is loose to do whatever it pleases.

After surveying the tavern for a moment, the elf walks in with an incredibly smooth movement. "I am Tristan," he states curtly, but a budding smile on his lips belies the unfriendliness suggested by his introduction.

Turning to the bar tender, he asks for water, plain and simple. After a befuddled few moments asking if Tristan is sure he just wants water and nothing else, he hands over a beer mug full of water. Moving to stand beside the wall opposite the bar, Tristan examines his water with a curious expression.
[sblock=OOC]Avenger number two! How many can we get by the end of the week? ;)[/sblock]


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Blade glares across the room at the newcomer, not really liking the cut of his jib, especially once he notices the holy symbol hanging around the elf's neck, peeking out ever so often from under the cloak. A less perceptive individual might have missed it, but Blade was always on watch.

[sblock=Lord S.]
Does Tristan worship a deity?

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