[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2011


First Post
There was a brief scraping noise, and the front door of the tavern swung open once again. A large and sleekly-muscled mountain leopard strolled in, and paused to survey the room for a moment before it moved in further.

Oddly enough, the beast bore no collar or any other signs of domestication- but it carried a rolled newspaper in its jaws. It pounced up onto the bar, and dropped the (slightly shredded) copy of the newest Inquisitive in front of Brews, then leapt back down to the floor. In a low, rasping growl, it voiced what might have been a single word, or perhaps a name. "Rikka." With a nod towards Bellegon, and another towards Ryk and Spring, the leopard moved over towards the door again, and curled up under an empty table, as if waiting to ambush anyone entering the tavern...

[sblock= OOC]
>mostly done with leveling up- still have few details to finish up.

>Elf druid (predator) 6

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First Post
Karananak Bole, Wilden Druid 4

A strange voice can once again be heard, but not understood, coming from just the other side of the tavern doors. "... An I an I bean tellin yuh dis ere ole time den..." A tall, impossibly thin being stumbles in through the tavern doors, tripping over the threshold. He starts falling forward, into what is sure to be a legendary faceplant, but shatters into hundreds of tiny creatures instead. Every creature anyone in Sharn has ever encountered in a swarm form is represented as the pile surges and sways. The swarm looks as if it might start to disperse, but then pulls itself into a roughly humanoid form and stands up. The individual beasts melt together and the solid, once more humanoid shape of the being stands before everyone. He looks around and grins sheepishly as he dusts himself off and looks back out the entrance.

He has deep brown skin with some sort of pattern on it, and a huge clump of what you guess might be hair on his head like a two foot-wide ball of tiny black leaves. His eyes are large, non-reflective black pools that draw you into them like the darkness down a well. His legs are back bent like some animals ending in a pair of bare, three taloned feet, with toes splayed wide for balance. He wears a tattered hide vest and breeches that have seen far better days, with what might be a stone flute tucked into a sash and a dirty pack. He carries nothing else other than a sturdy hawthorn wood walking stick, carved from end to tip with the shapes of animals and beasts of every type under the sun.

A woman the size of a smallish housecat flies in over the still swinging saloon style doors with a look of embarrassment on her beautiful, if tiny face. She has long black hair that hangs half way down her back and flawless red skin. She has a little pair of horns sticking out of her forehead, a set of full batlike wings and a slender, prehensile tail that is flaired at the end to a point. She smacks her palm to her forehead at her companion's clumsiness and squeaking at him in the language others may have caught coming from outside and lands in the crook of one of the tree man's arms to continue berating him. Wearing nothing to cover her lovely form.

His razor sharp claws dig into the rough wood of the Shard's floor as the crosses the room towards the weathered bar. He pauses to throw a little salute at the large stuffed black dragon next to the massive hearth of the establishment. "Brews me good can, bow tuh week's past an die an I been missun yuh fia wata soam tin fiace, trute. A tall cuh poh yuh hadiest stuff den, if yuh don be mindin iree?"

Brews pauses a moment while the gears tick and whir in his head, translating the thick accent before pulling down a tankard filling it from the huge casque behind the bar. "Ah yes, right away then master Bole." The wilden reaches into his vest and pulls out a tiny mug, handing it to little lady on his arm. She flits to the bar next to his tankard and dips her cup into it several times, draining it between trips.

He then picks up his drink and and after a long swallow finally looks around at the other patrons raising his glass in greeting. "Greetuns an salyuhtashuns tuh duh law tuh yuh den." He loaps over to the table of people giving them a nod. "I an I bein called Karananak Bole." He takes a sip of the drink and almost spills it as he is jabbed in the ribs by by his tiny companion. The skin of his face lightens slightly in what might be a blush of embarrassment for not introducing his impish familiar. "An dis 'ere tiny 'ellcat be Eve. She be me monkey, I be her tree." She squeaks and twitters to Karananak. Whatever she says ammuses him as he takes another sip of ale. "Saw wha tcha be collin yuhselves den?"
[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, pick up drink
Change Shape
Move: Cross room
Standard: Enter Tavern[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 5; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 50/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Summon Shadow Ape
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:
Summoner's Staff +2 (Daily ✦ Summons) Immediate Interrupt. Trigger - An enemy hits a creature Karananak summoned. Effect - Triggering enemy rerolls attack and must use 2nd roll.
Hunting Beasthide Armor +1 (Encounter ✦ Beast Form): Move Action. You shift 2 squares.

Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Woot lvl 5 now, all details adjusted and requesting approval!

You'll have to forgive my attempt at a Jamaican accent, just try to sound it out phonetically or use the translation below. :cool:[sblock=Translation]... And I've been telling you this whole time then...

Brew my good man (can since he's metal :p), about a week has passed and I've been missing your fire water (alcohol) something fierce, truly. A tall cup of your hardiest stuff, if you don't mind, alright?

Greetings and salutations to the lot of you.

I am called Karananak Bole, and this here tiny hellcat is called Eve.

So what do you call yourselves then?
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Walking Dad

First Post
Varis d'Lyrandar , Half-Elf Bard 5

"My name is Varis, I'm bard and adventurer... and I never saw a creature like you..." Varis says wondering to the new strange patron.

Level 3 dragonshard that increases lightning damage (I think it was the Eberron)

[sblock=Mini stat block]

Varis d'Lyrandar
Perception: 19 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +2 vs charm, illusion, sleep
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Lightning Longsword, Vicious Mockery, War Song Strike
Encounter Powers: Burning Spray, Shout of Triumph, Inspire Competence, Impelling Force, Word of Friendship, Majestic Word 2/2
Daily Powers: Stirring Shout, Song of Discord, Extra lightning damage




First Post
Karananak Bole, Wilden Druid 5

He gives the bard a slight bow and a warm smile. "I an I bein called a Wilden. Me peoples be comin from dee Feywild. Some dock powa been ripplin trough dee 'wild' so dee wilden bee takin a peek into dis 'ere wurld uh yaws. We be tryin tuh see where dis 'ere ripplin be comin frome trute." Eve dips her cup into Karananak's again and drains it. He looks a bit annoyed and as she goes toward his cup again the druid puckers up his lips and blows her apart like she was made of ash.

The wilden indicates an open chair at the table questioningly with a sweep of his branch-like hand. If nobody objects he sits down. "I an I jus tbe retonin froam a treep I an I bean takin wit an af-elven muzak speena like yuhsef den. Ee wen tby dee name uh Thalin, buh Tie an I not bean seein im since owa job bean gettin us lot paid wit pretty tings trute." He drains his tankard and waggles it toward Brews who bows his acknowledgement.

There is a rustling from his the druid's foliage and the tiny devil girl steps out of his immense afro onto his shoulder, sliding down his spindly upper arm to quietly sit in the crook of his elbow. "I an I bean studyin dem dare ways uh natchuh since I an I was but uh sproatlin. I an I bean believin yuh call dis ere pat uh dee druids, which be why I an I cun change me form duh way yee saw."

He leans his heavily carved staff against the table and pulls the stone flute from his belt, while he waits for his cup to be refilled. The treeman begins to play a haunting little tune of his people. Rikka immediately recognizes the stone instrument as an earthfall totem, with its bits of feather and beading dangling from its delicate leather straps.
[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, pick up drink
draw flute
Move: sit at table
Standard: Play a tune[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 5; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 50/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Summon Shadow Ape
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:
Summoner's Staff +2 (Daily ✦ Summons) Immediate Interrupt. Trigger - An enemy hits a creature Karananak summoned. Effect - Triggering enemy rerolls attack and must use 2nd roll.
Hunting Beasthide Armor +1 (Encounter ✦ Beast Form): Move Action. You shift 2 squares.
[sblock=Summons]Pack Wolf—Summons 1
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Bite +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6+7 damage, and if the wolf has combat advantage against the target, the target is knocked prone (+1d6 extra dmg).
Instinctive Effect:
If Karananak hasn't given the wolf any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent prone creature. If it can't do that, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.

Shadow Ape—Summons 5
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 — Speed: 6, Climb 4
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Slam +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+7 damage, and all creatures have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If Karananak hasn't given the ape any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.[/sblock]
Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Alrighty then, let's get this non-party started! :p

You'll have to forgive my attempt at a Jamaican accent, just try to sound it out phonetically or use the translation below. :cool:[sblock=Translation]I'm called a Wilden. My people come from the Feywild. Some dark power has been rippling through the 'wild', so the Wilden nation has started an investigation into how far it's corruption has spread into this world.

I've recently returned from a job with a half-elven music spinner (bard) like yourself. He went by the name Thalin, but have not seen him since we got paid for efforts.

I'm a druid, which is why I can change form like you saw when I entered.
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First Post
The door to the tavern opens, a well dressed man enters, shaking off the persistent rains that haunt the City of Towers. He cautiously glances around the rather full tavern, taking time to draw in the large group of people in the Shard. His glimmersilk cravat pokes out from a leather jacket. The man bears an ornate longsword, but carries little in the way of defensive items.

"Greetings, I am Riaan Caldamus. I been advised that this establishment is where one can acquire both companionship and work. It appears that the first is in good supply, but I trust that the second is too?" the man says as he moves to the bar.

He begins asking Brews for some specific wines, including fireburst wine, dark Orla-un wine, and Windshire rainbow wine. Riann gets frustrated when the warforged shakes his head and offers a local Brelish wine, referring to it as swill. Riann ends up with a glass of water instead before he turns his attentions back to the adventurers.

The man's eyes rest on Karananak as he stares at the strange creature.


Riaan Caldamus, level 7 human swordmage (shielding)|warlock (vestige) here and ready to go. [/sblock]


First Post
The hauntingly alien melody that had been wafting through the Shard comes to a seemingly appropriate end as the newcomer's gaze comes to rest on its orator. The flute finds its way back to the treeman's belt with such a fluid motion as to have always been there, before picking up his drink. "Whale den, salyuhtashuns to yuh as whale on dis ere refreshin aftanoon den good saw. I an I bein called Karananak Bole, an umbole Wilden druid waitin faw dee nex job tuh comb walkin true dem doors den, jus liken unta yuhself trute." He takes a deep draught from his tankard, the action is accompanied all of a sudden by wagnerian snoring from the tiny devil girl asleep in the crook of his other arm.

The druid raises a leafy eyebrow, and after setting down the stein, delicately rubs the back of his demure familiar between her wings and the ear grating sound eventually subsides. "Saw what be yur arena uh studien den, Riaan was it?"

[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, pick up drink
draw flute
Move: sit at table
Standard: Play a tune[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 5; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 50/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Summon Shadow Ape
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:
Summoner's Staff +2 (Daily ✦ Summons) Immediate Interrupt. Trigger - An enemy hits a creature Karananak summoned. Effect - Triggering enemy rerolls attack and must use 2nd roll.
Hunting Beasthide Armor +1 (Encounter ✦ Beast Form): Move Action. You shift 2 squares.
[sblock=Summons]Pack Wolf—Summons 1
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Bite +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6+7 damage, and if the wolf has combat advantage against the target, the target is knocked prone (+1d6 extra dmg).
Instinctive Effect:
If Karananak hasn't given the wolf any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent prone creature. If it can't do that, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.

Shadow Ape—Summons 5
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 — Speed: 6, Climb 4
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Slam +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+7 damage, and all creatures have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If Karananak hasn't given the ape any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.[/sblock]
Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Role playing is how we develop a character's personality so that it isn't so easily disgarded, the way so many characters end up. Especially here on Enworld in the PbP venue. So don't be afraid to just converse or tell a story from your character's point of view.

You'll have to forgive my attempt at a Jamaican accent, just try to sound it out phonetically or use the translation below. :cool:[sblock=Translation]Well then, salutations to you as well on this refreshing afternoon then good sir. I am called Karananak Bole, a humble Wilden druid waiting for the next job to come walking through the doors then, just like yourself truly.

So what is your chosen arena of study then, Riaan was it?


First Post
Riaan's eyes narrow at the Wilden's words, "I have been taught skill with the sword and spell, combining it in a way to protect myself and my companions. Where are you from ... druid?" the man replies.


First Post
"I an I jus bean spendin a bi tuh time wit I an I friends uh dem Ion Gatekeepas, settin off soma dem dare new trappin machines. - Owa did yuh mean at duh beginin guh I an I's pat?" The wilden leans back in his sturdy wooden chair a little, accompanied by the ever present rustle of leaves that go with every move he makes. Karananak lifts one of his deadly looking feet off the floor and gently pushes one of the few remaining empty chairs away from the table, waving over the swordmage. Having been drinking for some time now, the wilden's leafy afro and eyes have changed color to a deep and luscious green. The thorns that were protruding in rows down the backs of his calves and forearms have retracted, and even the color of his bark-like hide has lightened.

"Whale ye see dis ere be dee way it was. Deep beyon dis ere wuld lie sanodor one uh enless green an untalled horras. Dare bein awl manna ruh secret grove sand untold meestree. Dis realm bein called dee Feywild. Oweva,
ova dee las few moons some saw tuh corrupshun began creepun inta dee edge uh dee fawrests. Alien bean suh creestal lan smoke stotted bein seen prolin duh lans, dat non could eva memba sein bafoa. Dem dare very trees stotted dyin oar twistin in on emself, sproatin nitmayorish tings dat nare shood bein grown froam a tree eva."

The druid pauses a moment, obviously disturbed by the story he is telling to the assembled adventurers. Eve has move onto the table and is listening to the story while holding her tiny cup in both hands with wide eyes. "An saw dee councal oaf dee Wilden was called togedduh an bean decidin us lot needed tuh be knowin wear dis ere dockness bean combin froam. Den dem as could, set oat toawd all pints on duh compass tuh be findin dee source an destroyin it. Den we'll be abal tuh restowa owa fawrests to duh untamed state day it should be avin."

Karananak has gripped the edge of the heavy wooden table during the story and his spindly and delicately thin, branchlike fingers have dug into it as if they were forged from adamantine. His form and coloring has shifted back its darkest black warrior state. The thorn-like quills that run down his arms and legs have extended to over 6 inches long, each looking like a deadly weapon in its own right. "Dee pat I an I bean settin oat on been leadin true dee bonedrees uh de wulds an den ere. Saw til I an I be findin cloos towa dis end, I an I be tryin tuh be elpin air I an I can den." He wrenches his finger from the table, jarring everyone out of the story and back into the Tower's Shard.

[sblock=Actions]Free: Speak, pick up drink
draw flute
Move: sit at table
Standard: Play a tune[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 5; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 50/50, Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Summon Shadow Ape
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:
Summoner's Staff +2 (Daily ✦ Summons) Immediate Interrupt. Trigger - An enemy hits a creature Karananak summoned. Effect - Triggering enemy rerolls attack and must use 2nd roll.
Hunting Beasthide Armor +1 (Encounter ✦ Beast Form): Move Action. You shift 2 squares.
[sblock=Summons]Pack Wolf—Summons 1
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Bite +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6+7 damage, and if the wolf has combat advantage against the target, the target is knocked prone (+1d6 extra dmg).
Instinctive Effect:
If Karananak hasn't given the wolf any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent prone creature. If it can't do that, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.

Shadow Ape—Summons 5
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15, Will: 19 — Speed: 6, Climb 4
HP: 25/25; Bloodied 12
Slam +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+7 damage, and all creatures have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
Instinctive Effect: If Karananak hasn't given the ape any commands by the end of his turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.[/sblock]
Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]I like the picture of the wilden in psionic power pg 30 much better than any in PHB 3.

You'll have to forgive my attempt at a Jamaican accent, just try to sound it out phonetically or use the translation below. :cool:[sblock=Translation]I've just been spending a bit of time with my friends in the Iron Gatkeepers, testing out some new traps. - Or did you mean where I started my journey?

Well you see, this is the way it was. Deep beyond this world lies another one of endless green and untold horrors, where there are all manner of secret groves and untold mysteries. This realm is called the Feywild. However, over the course of a few months some sort of corruption began creeping into edges of the ancient forests. Alien creatures of crystal and smoke started being seen prowling the lands, that none could ever remember seeing before. Then the very trees started dying or twisting in on themselves, sprouting nightmarish things that should be seen growing from a tree ever.

And so the council of the Wilden was called together, and it was decided that we needed to know where this darkness was coming from. Then those that could set of towards all points of the compass to find it's source and destroy it utterly. Then we'll be able to restore our forests to the untamed and uncorrupted state it should have.

The path I set out on lead me through the boundries of our worlds and then here. So until I can find a clue toward this end, I'll try to help others where I can.


First Post
Tana, gnome female swordmage 4

Riaan's eyes narrow at the Wilden's words, "I have been taught skill with the sword and spell, combining it in a way to protect myself and my companions. Where are you from ... druid?" the man replies.

"Where did you study?" Tana asked. "I know House Orien and House Denieth have some students of sword magic, the Eladrin from the Feyspires claim they invented it, and we Zil gnomes have a touch of talent there as well. At least, I'd like to think my teachers were pretty good."


First Post
"Ah, that is good. I had my worries you were with those tree-huggers from the Eldeen Reaches." Riaan says, his voice is hard and a flash of anger flies across his eyes, before returning to their previous state. "I am fairly familiar with the lands of the fey, I would be quite interested to hear more about your plight. My own studies grant me some knowledge of the arcane and perhaps can offer some suggestions?" he adds with a wide grin.

At the gnome's words, the man turns and sizes up the smaller warrior. "Brightness be! Another arcanist? I am not of any of the Houses, nor have I travelled to Zil, although I have read some of your races adaptation of the blade magic. It is certainly a unique method, although you are blessed with a certain amount of inborn arcane talent which I am sure aids you. I was taught as part of my training with the Knights Arcane, I am a warrior of my homeland, Aundair. Perhaps we can demonstrate some of our techniques with each other? I am always interested in others who can channel the arcane.

[sblock=ministats]Riaan Caldamus Male Human Warlock|Swordmage 7
Initiative: 3, Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Normal
AC:23, Fort:20, Reflex:19, Will:19
HP:62/62, Bloodied:31, Surge Value:15, Surges left:13/13
Action Points: 1
Eldritch Strike
Eyes of the Vestige
Sword Burst

Chains of Levistus
Dimensional Vortex
Infernal Moon Curse
Aegis of Shielding

Armor of Agathys
Swordmage Shielding Fire
Charm of Hearts
Swordmage's Decree
Cloak of Resistance +2
Cannith Goggles
Githyanki Silver Longsword +2
Leather Armor of Dark Majesty +2
Potion of Healing (x2)

Important Stuff:
Deals +1d6 damage to cursed target on Warlock powers
Gains 2thp when hitting marked enemy with arcane power
Defenses are 2 higher against cursed foes


Full sheet: http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:PC:Riaan_Caldamus(renau1g)[/sblock]

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