Tell me About Your Character!


Any character from any game. PC. NPC. The only rule is that you were the one playing them, and that you actually played them in at least one complete session.
I prefer to GM but my current character is fun. He is a (5E) warlock of the Undying one named Maggart Aimes and he is a sneering, sniveling little bastard who is only exploring Rappan Athuk because that was part of the deal with his Patron. He doesn't like the other party members, and they don't like him, but we acknowledge our mutual usefulness. Unfortunately, Maggart is cursed and something skips through time and space (this is a function of my attendence being necessarily uncertain due to other obligations). He wil sometimes simply disappear for weeks at a time.

Recently, we have taken over an old castle and started to build a base for ourselves, including a fane for Maggart's research into how to release himself from his pact while maintaining his own power. Unfortunately, he discovered a ghost in the fane and now has an insufferable "roommate" in the form of a deceased wizard that wants to return to life. Maggart suspects this is a punishment visited on him by the Undying One but he can't be sure.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I'm going to ignore one of the requirements because our first session is tomorrow.

My daughter is going to be running Curse of Strahd for the Saturday game. I'll be playing Posco Moorwood, a halfling blood hunter with a haunted one background. I usually eschew too much tragedy in my backstories, but 1) this is Ravenloft and 2) when we rolled up some trinkets, I got "a necklace from a sibling who died the day you were born" and that set me on the road I'm on. Posoco is a bit of a Van Helsing type in the sense that he totes around a set of tools for dealing with monsters. Ultimately, he's a weapon honed by his mother (who researched and performed the hunter's bane ritual on him) to use against the monstrous forces that took his elder sister.


I'm going to ignore one of the requirements because our first session is tomorrow.
Ill Allow It Spanish GIF

My daughter is going to be running Curse of Strahd for the Saturday game. I'll be playing Posco Moorwood, a halfling blood hunter with a haunted one background. I usually eschew too much tragedy in my backstories, but 1) this is Ravenloft and 2) when we rolled up some trinkets, I got "a necklace from a sibling who died the day you were born" and that set me on the road I'm on. Posoco is a bit of a Van Helsing type in the sense that he totes around a set of tools for dealing with monsters. Ultimately, he's a weapon honed by his mother (who researched and performed the hunter's bane ritual on him) to use against the monstrous forces that took his elder sister.
Very cool. Good luck!


In Curse of Strahd I’m playing Gaius, an arcane domain cleric. He was born in a lonely village covered in a strange fog, which he grew to have a phobia of; and there was always a feeling that he could never really connect with his fellow villagers, like he could look into their eyes and question if they really noticed his presence even when they talked to him. One day he was wandering the outskirts when he found a corpse of a traveler, an unfortunately familiar sight. But the medallion the traveler held had a strange pull on Gaius. He picked it up and took it home.

That’s when he started hearing voices he could just barely make out, saw figures at the corners of his eyes, and began doing some really weird stuff himself, summoning sparks of light and flame to disperse stands of mist that got too close. He realized that the voices had empowered him in some way, and decided to go on a journey to find out what was going on. On the road, a very thick mist overcame him, and when it cleared he found himself in a whole new place, with a clear sky full of stars and people with life in their eyes. He could never find the location of his village, and eventually joined a cloister of scholars where he studied and trained his power to be an exorcist.

Later Kairos, one of the nobles of this new land (and one of the other PCs) hired Gaius to join her expedition to some old ruins. When they arrived, mist enveloped the group once more and they found themselves in Barovia.

In truth, Gaius originally came from the Land of Mist, and his medallion invokes the power of both Ezra and the Dark Powers, who subtly compete for his soul. He was meant to return to the Mist, his time outside was only a brief reprieve. The more he learns about Barovia, the more these facts stare him in the face.

More than any other party member, Gaius sees Barovia as an almost personal being in its own right, and thinks of it as his enemy more than he does for any of its inhabitants. That said, he’s become far more cynical towards its people after finding out how the dream pastries were made. He wants to talk with Strahd to find answers about what’s going on, but doesn’t trust him at all. In the party he serves as a stabilizing influence, trying to keep everyone else from coming to blows and subtly guiding them to keep focused on the task at hand.


Front Range Warlock
Fezenclop, my perennial favorite 5e character, is named after the mysterious magic-user in 30-Sided Adventure and Other Tales. He's a degenerate gambler turned warlock who made a pact with a fiend to wipe his gambling debts clean - in exchange for a new debt to said patron in true degenerate gambler fashion. He's really just kicking the can down the road. BUT he had a backup plan, cloning himself across the D&D multiverse. Unfortunately, something went wrong along the way and, so, the minds of all of his clones were wiped clean (they all awoke with a hazy memory and have slightly different names that are a variation on Fezenclop, beginning Adventurer's League play at Level 1 with different classes than the original).

Fezenclop himself progressed through life to become a Tier 4, pure class, fire-based, warlock. On his last outing (which was a few years ago now, I think), he and his compatriots vanquished Halaster Blackcloak (although they did have to call upon the power of a wish to do so). He has since retired to study the multiverse, hoping to make contact with his multitude of clones so that he may restore their memories and call them together to solve the issue of his aforementioned "fiend debt". He may make another outing in AL someday, should the opportunity present itself (Tier 4 adventures are rarely run locally).


From the pit of the 9th
Jumping in months later…

I am playing a magic academy of wee jas dropout. She is demanding and he was not “gifted” with a 10 int. His mother was a wizard devotee to Wee Jas. She left on a quest and never came back.

He was abandoned in a sense and a bit of a reject. His peers locked him in a large catacomb. When he emerged a few days later, he spoke of conversations he had with the dead while there meant he found some
Measure of grudging respect…

His iron will, supposed contact with the long dead, sterling worth ethic (and belief that things must be earned) (16 wis; LN alignment of you are into it) did translate into being an efficient acolyte of Wee Jas!

He pushes ahead through trials and took many of the worst tasks without complaint. This with his large appetite led to young man of some girth and physical power (str 16; dex 8). He is overweight but strong.

He has a big chip on his shoulder and is quick to see insults.

(Mechanical stuff…took heavily armored and later fey touched). Domain: Arcana. He is on a quest to earn a place of privilege, find his mother or what happened to her and grow in magical might.

***edited for typos
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