Sale Templates: The Brick


Now for Champions Now:

So you need a Villain Stat Block NOW!! Yea, so did I. That's why I created these, there are 10 variations of a Brick. From the Lowly Hazard to Outright Villains/Opponents from my own personal Universe.

In this zipfile you get a hi res copy of the cover and a spreadsheet with 10 tabs, one for each of the following: Brick (Hazard), Brick (Minion), Brick (LT 1), Brick (LT 2), Brick (Boss 1), Brick (Boss 2), K'val - Nemesis, K'val - PC, Crimson Maul - Nemesis, and Crimson Maul - PC.

NOW, go make it your OWN!

Grab it here!

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