The Adventures of Baabby and Sam - a Skylanders Campaign



PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 5
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 5​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 5​

Game Session Date: 29 April 2017

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The heroes were back on their troll airship, heading toward Mount Mabuvius, which Xacho had saved from erupting centuries ago. On the plus side, this was somewhere Baabby and Sam were familiar with - it was the location of the Rift-Weaver's Trial, the puzzle-dungeon where they had earned the Magic Rune for Baabby's greatsword. On the negative side, though, the trip would take a full four days.

Still, that gave Sam plenty of time to devote to training his new animal companion. "Look at this!" he said excitedly to Baabby on the fourth day, and the baabarian stared expectantly at Shelldon the snail, perched - as usual - on the little crow's shoulder.

When Sam was sure he had Baabby's full attention, he commanded "Stay!" to Shelldon - and sure enough, the snail didn't move an inch. "Pretty good, huh?" Sam enthused.

"Aare you serious?" asked Baabby. "How long haave you been training him to do thaat?"

"Only three and a half days!" replied Sam. "But watch this, he knows ever more!" Looking down at the snail, he called out, "Shelldon: play dead!"

For a moment, the snail did nothing. Then, slowly (how else?), he pulled his head into his shell.

"Eh? Eh?" prompted Sam.

"I'm...speechless," said Baabby, not wanting to disappoint his diminutive friend.

"Guys," interrupted Sapphrina. "We're approaching Mount Mabuvius."

"Good," said Baabby, eager to be able to turn his attention from a motionless snail.

"Actually, not quite as good as I had hoped," admitted Sapphrina.

"Oh? Why?" asked Baabby.

"Because it's not supposed to be smoking!" As the airship approached closer to the floating island containing the once-dormant volcano, the heroes could see wisps of smoke curling up from the mount's top. Worse yet, as the ship got even closer they could see some of the smoke was coming from the Mabu village at the base of the volcano.

As the animated statue of Xacho's son brought the airship to a non-crash-landing for once at the base of the volcano, Baabby and Sam leaped over the rails and started sprinting toward the village, Sapphrina following close behind through the air, her translucent fairy-wings flapping earnestly. The village seemed deserted at first, but as they'd find out soon enough the Mabu were all hiding in the buildings made of stone. The reason for this was obvious: most of the wooden buildings were already at least partially on fire. And the reason they were on fire was also obvious: running around the village were six flame imps - small, animated balls of fire who liked nothing better than setting things ablaze.

"Hey! Stop that!" commanded Sam as he shot an explosive arrow at a flame imp setting a wooden hut on fire. His arrow struck true and the flame imp exploded in a little ball of fire which only aided in the hut's eventual destruction as even more of it went up in flames. Baabby raced past his friend, his Rift-Weaver's Blade out and ready for action. Noting he was in the middle of a patch of barren earth with nothing combustible around him, he decided to let the flame imps come to him. "Come and get me!" he called. "Nice, juicy mutton ready for searing!"

"Much, much tastier than poultry!" added Sam. In the meantime, Sapphrina took in the contents of the little village and spotted a stone well off to one side with a few buckets stashed nearby and made a bee-line for it. She wasn't particularly geared for combat but she could certainly help try to put the fires out. While she was loading her first bucket, a flame imp approached a wooden platform - it looked like a place for the Mabu leaders to make announcements to the rest of the village - and started a corner of it ablaze with its flaming body.

As three flame imps surrounded Baabby, another approached Sam, apparently ignoring his warnings about how poorly he would taste when compared to his hulking partner. They all snapped at the heroes with their flame-teeth, their teardrop-shaped bodies containing little more than a head and a pair of tiny feet to get them where they needed to go. Neither attack did much damage to the heroes, but enough to cause them to be concerned that a continued series of such bites could start to add up fairly quickly.

Taking a step back, Sam shot at the flame imp that had been gnawing at him. He hit it and it exploded, but the little crow had miscalculated when estimating how wide the radius of the previous flame imp's dying explosion had been. On the one hand, he easily slew his opponent; but on the other, he found himself still standing within the blast radius and managed to inflict more damage on himself by being engulfed in flames than the flame imp had managed to do with its snapping teeth. "Hey!" cried Sam, his black feathers starting to singe. "No fair!"

Seeing the two heroes having a bit more trouble with these flame imps than she'd have guessed, Sapphrina used her only attack spell - a ray of frost - to deal a piddling amount of cold-based damage to the flame imp setting the wooden stage on fire. Surprisingly, the meager damage was enough to kill the beast, but even more impressively, it didn't explode when it died! "Guys!" she called out. "Cold damage stops them from exploding!"

A wide grin broke out across Baabby's face, for he already had the Water Rune active on his Rift-Weaver's Blade and he knew from past experience that it enhanced the damage he dealt with the weapon with a bit of cold damage - certainly more than that present in a ray of frost spell. With a yell, he cut one of the three flame imps standing before him in half, then allowed his swing to carry over into the body of the second one in line, slaying it as well. Neither flame imp exploded - they just kind of "popped" like a bubble and were gone.

And then another kind of opponent entered the fray. It rose up from the flames on top of a burning hut, looking like an undersized gargoyle made of flames. With an evil grin splitting its face, it sent a scorching ray smack-dab into Sam, singeing his feathers even more. Sam yelped in surprise and pain, then looked down at his shoulder to see if Shelldon had weathered the attack okay. Fortunately, he was still playing dead, all snug inside his shell, so he was fine.

Baabby killed the last of the three flame imps that had been attacking him with relative ease, just as another fire mephit popped up from the flames on another roof. This one mirrored its partner's tactics, starting battle with a scorching ray - but unfortunately, it had targeted Sapphrina as its victim. She screamed in pain as the flames engulfed her, and she staggered where she stood, dropping the bucket of water. If Baabby and Sam hadn't known it before, this was ample evidence that their fairy friend was no combatant!

Sam shot an arrow at the mephit that had scorched him, hitting him squarely in - and then through - the chest. As the crow started grumbling about enemies whose bodies were made of solid flame, the fire mephit leisurely flew over and swiped at the archer with its claws. Sam ducked the blow just in time and scrambled to scoot back out of range for another shot.

Baabby was too far away from the mephit that had shot Sapphrina, so he headed that way at a run while pulling the spare shortbow from his back, nocking an arrow, aiming, and letting it fly. That focused the winged critter's attention away from the fairy and onto the baabarian, just as Baabby had hoped. Sapphrina, in the meantime, shook her head to clear it, grabbed the bucket back up, and flew over to dump its contents on the nearest fire.

Sam's next shot was an explosive arrow that took out his fire mephit opponent and the crow was pleased to see that these creatures didn't explode when you killed them, the way flame imps did. He was getting tired of singed feathers and was glad that his feathers had started out black anyway so you couldn't see how badly they'd been burned. The other mephit made the mistake of closing in to claw at Baabby, and found out that getting within reach of the Rift-Weaver's Blade was never a good idea. On the plus side, that was a mistake he'd never make again...but that was only because one swing of the greatsword was all it took to snuff out the mephit's life.

Their opponents all slain, Baabby, Sam, and Sapphrina devoted their attentions to putting out the remaining flames, a task in which they were aided by the Mabu villagers, exiting the stone buildings now that it was safe to do so. They thanked the heroes profusely; Baabby shrugged of the praise and devoted himself to casting healing spells on himself and his friends.

"You arrival was timely indeed!" said the Mabu leader. "Today is the Wizard's Day celebration, when we commemorate the day Xacho saved our village from the eruption of Mount Mabuvius, many hundreds of years ago! Now, as you can see, it looks like the protections he put in place are wearing off - or, worse yet, somebody's doing something to undo them!" The head Mabu offered to pay the heroes handsomely if they could prevent the volcano from erupting. Sam was about to inquire as to exactly how much but Baabby cut him off with an immediate agreement to do all they could. Then, before Sam could wring any more hints about the exact nature of their financial compensation, he was forced to race after Baabby to prevent being left behind.

Mount Mabuvius was a fairly tall volcano but the climb wasn't all that difficult; fortunately, there was a winding ledge that spiraled around it that looked to lead all the way to the top. Struggling to keep up with Baabby - the crow's legs were much shorter than his hulking baabarian friend's - Sam managed to find the breath to cast a resist fire spell on himself, figuring this would be a very good time for some fire protection. After all, you just had to figure they'd be fighting enemies with fire-based attacks on a volcano of all places!

The first defender the heroes met up with on the winding path was a rock walker - a hunk of animated stone that looked rather like a stone golem with no arms and just a head atop a pair of strong legs. Sam was bummed at first, thinking he'd wasted his spell - but that was before the rock walker stepped forward and belched lava in Baabby's direction.

There was no way for Baabby to avoid the incoming lava barf: not only was it a wide-spraying attack, but Baabby was just in the middle of receiving an enlarge person spell from Sapphrina, making him an even easier target to hit. But at his larger size, Baabby was able to step back from the pile of smoldering lava-barf the rock walker had just spewed out and still slam his blade into the beast's rocky side. Sam shot an explosive arrow at the rock walker for good measure, but it seemed as if this thing could take quite a bit of damage before being taken down. Sapphrina cast a bull's strength spell on Baabby, then flew off the side of the path and out of harm's way.

Baabby struck at the rock walker again with his Rift-Weaver's Blade, this time causing chunks of stone to crumble off of the beast's hide. Sam shot another arrow at it and stepped forward, carefully avoiding the lava-barf puddle. The rock walker, still very much in the fight despite having a big chunk missing from his side, stepped forward and gave Baabby a mighty kick. But Baabby's retaliation was swift and deadly, and the rock walker collapsed into a pile of gravel at the sheep-man's last swing. The heroes moved on, turning a corner along the volcano's winding ledge.

The next two enemies the heroes met up with were a pair of fire mephits, but these were out in the open and unable to hide in pre-existing flames. They tried hiding anyway, hugging each other and hoping to be mistaken for a small campfire, but they weren't fooling anyone. Sam hit them both with an explosive arrow from his Dynabow 3.0. That got his spirits up, especially now that he'd been healed of his former damage and his feathers were back to being black and glossy, instead of black and singed. Sapphrina flew up behind the crow and cast a cat's grace on him, making him even more dexterous than normal, and the Son of Archery felt ready to take on anything the Skylands could toss their way. In the meantime, Baabby finished both fire mephits off with one cleaving swing of his greatsword, leaving the winged fire-gargoyles less than impressed with their impromptu strategy.

Around the next corner, though, was another rock walker. Sam only had a regular arrow in his Dynabow 3.0, so he sent it flying, knowing ahead of time it would do an inconsequential amount of damage. It was enough to alert the rock walker of the heroes' approach, though, and it spun to face this new threat. Extra-large Baabby hit it with his greatsword, just as Sam followed up with an explosive arrow that managed to get the rock walker on the side and not include the baabarian in its blast radius. But to do so, the crow had had to advance up closer, and this gave the rock walker an alternate target instead of the hulking sheep-man. One lava-barf later, and Sam was glad for his resist fire spell - but he was desperately wishing there was such a thing as a resist barf spell. Maybe he'd ask Sapphrina after they were done fighting.

Baabby, as expected, gave the final blow that slew the rock walker; neither Sam nor Sapphrina had guessed it would be otherwise. "Let's go!" said Baabby, racing further up the trail to see what their next challenge would be.

"Not so fast!" griped Sam. "I've still got barf on me!"

But Baabby wouldn't be slowed down from his next combat. This time it was a pair of elementals, one of fire and one of earth, each about Baabby's normal size when he wasn't under the effects of an enlarge person spell. The fire elemental was the first to react, stepping forward to slam Baabby with her fists - but she didn't even get within striking distance before she was cut in half by a single swing of Baabby's greatsword, snuffing out her flames and her life in one blow. Seeing this, the earth elemental fused into the side of the volcano, its rocky body gliding effortlessly into the solid stone.

"I don't like this!" cried Sam. "It can pop out at us at any time! Quick: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" And this time, instead of the cowardly suggestion it usually was, it was a solid bit of tactical advice. All three heroes raced as fast as they could up the curving slope, hoping to put so much distance between them and where the earth elemental slid into the stone that when it popped out to attack them, they'd be long gone.

It was a pretty good plan, too - it would have been an even better one if Sam had recalled that earth elementals could rely upon their innate tremorsense to know exactly where their nearby foes were running, even if they couldn't be seen. A massive arm ending in a rock-solid fist whizzed by Sam's head as he raced up the slope, missing by only the narrowest of margins.

And then Sam's plan got retroactively even worse, for blocking their path just ahead was yet another rock walker. Now the heroes were pinned between an earth elemental behind them and a rock walker blocking their way forward!

Sapphrina reacted by making a swipe at Baabby - but only to pull off the spare shortbow and the quiver of arrows from his broad back. Once they left his possession they reverted back to their normal size and that made them perfect for the fairy. She flew perpendicular away from the volcano, flying above empty space so the earthbound enemies couldn't hit her, and let fly with an arrow.

Sam, in the back, knew he had no chance of taking down either the earth elemental or the rock walker on his own any time soon. He also knew the rock walker could survive several attacks by the Rift-Weaver's Blade, judging by the duration of the fights with the two previous rock walkers. But he guessed that Baabby could probably take out the earth elemental fairly quickly, based on how the fire elemental went down after one blow.

"Baabby!" called out the little crow. "You take care of the elemental - we'll hold off Mr. Barfy!" And he shot past Baabby's arm, hitting the rock walker. Sapphrina followed suit, and although both arrows hit, it was obvious that neither caused the rock walker much more than a mild irritation. But it gave Baabby enough time to swing his Rift-Weaver's Blade down at the earth elemental, chopping it in half like a cord of wood up against an axe. The earth elemental shattered into a pile of rocks as its two halves hit the ground, a look of total surprise still present on its stony face.

The rock walker belched forth a blob of lava onto Baabby's broad back, but then realized it had just cut itself off from its foes once the lava puddle sizzled on the ground between them. So it turned tail and ran further up the trail, the heroes in hot pursuit behind it.

"My ploy worked!" muttered the rock walker with a smile, suddenly spinning around to face the heroes now that they had sportingly followed within reach. It kicked out a leg at Baabby, stubbing its rocky toes on the baabarian's knee. But then Baabby cut it down with his greatsword. As it fell to the ground to shatter into a pile of small stones its last thought was, I take it back - my ploy failed!

There was one more corner up ahead before the path led them to the top of the volcano's caldera. Guarding it was yet another rock walker. Sam softened it up with an explosive arrow, causing it to advance on the heroes, smoke drifting off its charred body. Sapphrina passed by a cave carved into the side of the volcano and was momentarily distracted by the glint of gold. Sure enough, there were sacks of gold coins spilling out onto the floor in the shallow cave - little more than an overhang, really. She flew sideways into the cave, readying an arrow in case she was attacked but more concerned about rescuing the gold once the two heroes had taken care of the rock walker.

Baabby stepped forward, using his extra-large body to block the rock walker from getting access to his friends, for the path was narrower in this section of ledge. Sam scooted over by Sapphrina to give himself room to shoot an arrow at the rock walker without hitting his baabarian friend. Sapphrina loosed her arrow at the rock walker at the same time; once again, both arrows struck true but once again, they seemed to do little damage to a creature made of solid stone.

Baabby channeled all of his strength into a massive swipe with his greatsword - and missed. That gave the rock walker the opportunity to lava barf all over the baabarian. This did absolutely nothing to improve Baabby's mood - quite the opposite, in fact: Baabby let the rage build in his body until he exploded outward with his greatsword in a blur of motion. It took several such swings, but within half a minute the rock walker was dead. That was enough time for the crow and the fairy to finish stuffing the sacks of gold coins into Sam's extradimensional backpack; they had tired of combat against a foe they had a hard time reaching with Baabby in their way, and besides - gold coins! Who could concentrate on battle when there were gold coins to be swept up?

"Ready?" asked Baabby, looking down at his friends and then up at the caldera. Then, without waiting for an answer, he called, "Let's go!" Sam and Sapphrina, once again, took pains to try to keep up with their battle-eager friend.

The volcano's interior presented quite a sight: down at the far end stood a magical gateway, flanked on either side by a robed body floating above the ground - a fire spell punk and an earth spell punk. Before them stood a fire elemental, this one even taller than Baabby in his enlarged state. Most of the ground was still solid rock, but there were "puddles" where magma seeped up out of the earth.

Baabby, still caught up in his battle-lust, raced down into the caldera's interior, charging towards the fire elemental. Sam jumped down into the volcano's interior as well, trying to remember the respective powers of earth and fire spell punks. He was pretty sure the fire spell punks could shoot off little fireballs, but he now recalled that the earth spell punks could cast a protective covering around their allies that made it harder for them to be seriously hurt. And since a spell punk's spells snuffed out when he was slain, Sam targeted the earth spell punk first, with an explosive arrow.

Sapphrina, finding herself once again in the midst of a pitched battle, opted to buff up her friends in lieu of actual combat herself. Flying up behind Baabby and then Sam in turn, she cast a bear's endurance spell on each of them.

The earth spell punk did its best to ignore the pain from Sam's arrow and continued fiddling with the gateway - if he could open the gateway fully, he could cause the volcano to erupt instantly! In the meantime, his fire spell punk partner shot a blast of fiery energy at Sam but the little crow instinctively dodged at the last moment. At the same time, the large fire elemental slammed Baabby with a flaming arm, sending a wave of pain - and singed wool - down the baabarian's side.

"Help me take out the earth spell punk!" called Sam to Sapphrina, and the two each shot a normal arrow at the floating mage. As they struck true, Baabby sent his blade swinging into the fire elemental's flaming body, but she was encased in a sort of hardened stone, so his sword didn't cut anywhere near as deeply as it should have. The earth spell punk fiddled desperately with the controls of the magic gateway, determined to overcome Xacho's protections before these blasted heroes cut him down.

But it wasn't to be; Sam's next arrow was an explosive one and it cut down the earth spell punk before he could open the gateway. As the mage's body fell to the ground, the damage reduction on the fire elemental winked out of existence.

The grin on Baabby's raging face was terrible to behold, once he realized what his friends had just done. With a powerful swing, he cut the fire elemental in half, just as he'd done to the smaller one further down the volcano's winding path.

Sapphrina, seeing only one enemy still before them, shot an arrow at the fire spell punk, just as he fired a blast at Baabby. Baabby grinned through the pain of the fiery explosion, then stepped forward and cut down the fire spell punk with one blow of his greatsword.

"Yeah!" enthused Sam. "Way to go, Baabby!" They waited until the baabarian's battle-rage had subsided, then convinced him to cast some more of those lovely, lovely healing spells of his.

"Now whaat?" asked Baabby, looking around for a way to stop the volcano from erupting.

"I think we need to go through the gateway," suggested Sapphrina.

"Won't that cause the volcano to erupt?" asked Baabby.

"It shouldn't - not at once, in any case. But I'm willing to bet the key to preventing Mount Mabuvius from erupting is inside there - as is the Fire Rune for your sword."

"So how do we get in?" asked Baabby.

"How soon you forget," chided Sapphrina. "Remember the Magic Rune's power?"

"Oh yeah," said Baabby sheepishly. Then he made a cutting motion with his greatsword through the middle of the gateway and the Rift-Weaver's Blade wove a rift through space and time and opened up the extradimensional space on the other side of the gateway.

Remembering the last time they'd done something similar they'd ended up fighting a goliath drow, Sam and Baabby went in with weapons at the ready. And sure enough, standing in the extradimensional space was another large fire elemental. Not "another" one, actually - the same one they'd just slain in the caldera!

"Hold!" commanded the fire elemental in a regal voice, raising a flaming hand. "There is no need for further combat; I was under the domination of the spell punks and unable to control my own actions; now that they are slain, I once again enjoy my own free will."

"Yeah," argued Sam Crow, "but speaking of being slain...weren't you, too?"

"I cannot be truly slain," explained the fire elemental. "I am the eternal spirit of the volcano. My name is Incinceria."

"Okay, that certainly sounds like a trustworthy name," said Sam, giving Sapphrina a look that said, "No way should we trust her!"

"I know why you have come," replied Incinceria, "and your actions are noble. I will help you gain the Fire Rune for your sword, but I give you this warning: the last wielder, Xacho, found that the Rift-Weaver's Blade at full power was still insufficient to slay the terrible monster it had been built to destroy. You will need even greater power than that of the Rift-Weaver's Blade, even with all eight runes intact." But she reached forward and touched the blade of Baabby's greatsword, causing the flames of her arm to dissolve as they were absorbed into the blade. Looking at his weapon, Baabby could see the Fire Rune was now filled in with what looked like crackling flames.

"So how do we prevent the volcano from erupting?" asked Sapphrina.

"You have my word," answered Incinceria. "Besides: who wants to go back out there? It's cold out there!"

Baabby looked at Sam. Sam looked back at Baabby. "I guess that makes sense," they agreed.

"Hey, and that means we can return to the Mabu village and claim the reward!" exclaimed Sam, rubbing his hands together in glee. "Did you hear that, Shelldon? We're going to be even richer!"

Shelldon didn't respond; he was still curled up in his shell, hidden from view.

"Don't mind him," scoffed Sam. "He's still playing dead. He's a method actor - very much into character."

"So whaat's next?" asked Baabby.

"Now we return to the Rift-Weaver's Trial, remember?" replied Sapphrina.

"How far away is that?" asked Sam. "Will I have time to teach Shelldon any tricks?"

"I doubt it," answered Sapphrina. "It's just on the other side of the volcano, on a ledge about halfway up the back."

"Oh, yeah," replied Sam. "I remember that ledge. And all those lousy puzzles in that dungeon."

"I'm sure there will be more puzzles once we go back," replied Baabby.

"Oh, yippee," grumbled Sam.

"You don't like puzzles?" asked Sapphrina.

"They give him a headache," replied Baabby. Then, in a rare show of wordplay, he added, "It's because Sam here is a bird-brain."

"Hey!" squawked Sam at the unexpected teasing as he followed Baabby and Sapphrina back to the caldera and then down the winding trail. "It's not my fault if I'm not so great at puzzles!"

Then, after what he considered a sufficiently lengthy pause, he added "...I'm part dodo, on my mother's side."

- - -

Harry pointed out at the beginning of this adventure that we were fighting bad guys and having to worry about putting out fires at the same time. He's pretty quick to catch on when things are different than in previous adventures.

Logan used a village map from one of the Paizo "Flip-Mat" series for the Mabu village, and then for the volcano he did something I thought was rather clever: he used a Wasteland Flip-Map that had streams of magma as the base of the volcano, and then overlapped that with a series of cards from the Paizo GameMastery "Perilous Paths" set. Our "winding pathway" ended up with some right-turn angles as a result, but I thought that was a very cool way to design a volcano map.

And for the Medium and Large fire elementals, he used two of the Infernia stand-up tokens I had originally made for our Wing Three campaign! In that campaign, Logan had run a human conjurer who had summoned a Small fire elemental as a familiar, and later used polymorph spells to change her size as needed. I was certainly surprised to see Infernia making an appearance in our Skylands campaign, even if it wasn't really her.

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PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 6
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 6​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 6​

Game Session Date: 6 May 2017

- - -

"Yep," said Sam. "This is the same ledge, all right. I definitely remember this ledge."

The heroes had gathered their reward from a grateful Mabu village, returned to their troll airship, and had their trusty animated statue pilot fly it around to the other side of the volcano, where the Rift-Weaver's Trial was located. Now the airship hovered at the edge of the entry ledge. Baabby was the first to notice the entry tunnel was completely dark; the first time they'd been this way, light from the three doors within had illuminated the tunnel in patches of green, red, and purple.

That wasn't the only difference, either: in the back of their minds, the three heroes could hear an incessant ringing, like an alarm bell going off.

"It sounds like the dungeon's defensive systems have been activated," said Sapphrina. "The area must be under attack!"

"I have an idea," said Sam. "Let's let Baabby go in first."

"Thaat's fine by me," said the fearless baabarian, unsheathing the Rift-Weaver's Blade from his broad back as he entered the dark corridor alone. The magic greatsword's blade glowed - specifically, the runes the sheep-man had gathered thus far glowed: Fire, Life, Magic, Undead, and Water. From their faint illumination he could see the three doorways were still in place but the spaces between them - which earlier had glowed with the colors of their respective elements - were dark. There was nobody but the sheep-man in the empty passageway.

That changed once Baabby got halfway down the short corridor. Then, materializing in an instant, were three humanoid figures, each as tall as the baabarian. One was red and made of living flames; another was green and female in form, with a body composed of swirling vapors; the one in the back was purple and somewhat monstrous in appearance, with long claws growing out of its two-fingered hands. Each sprang into being immediately in front of the door which had once glowed in their respective colors.

"Elementals!" called out Sapphrina with no small measure of fear in her voice, for fairies were particularly susceptible to the various elemental energies.

The fire elemental, being the closest to Baabby, stepped forward and swung a flaming fist at the baabarian. Baabby ducked under the blow but then was struck by the life elemental's slam, which made a hissing noise when it made contact with his fleece; as the pain registered, Baabby realized the life elemental's body was composed of acid!

But it was the magic elemental that had Sam worried. Not only was it the fiercest-looking of the three, with its nasty claws, but you could never tell just what something composed of magic might be capable of - there so much magic available, the possibilities were almost endless! With that in mind, he aimed an explosive arrow at the magic elemental, waited until Baabby shifted out of the way as he battled the other two elementals, and then let fly. He smiled in appreciation as his arrow detonated on target, causing easily twice its normal damage; he'd just had Sapphrina upgrade his Dynabow 3.0 with some of the money he'd been given by the Mabu and while he had been saddened to see the coins vanish in the upgrade ritual, the extra damage potential looked like it was going to be worth it.

Sapphrina had been given Sam's old shortbow and she put it to good use now, shooting an arrow at the fire elemental still trying to set Baabby ablaze with its fists. But she needn't have worried; Baabby almost contemptuously swiped his greatsword at the fire elemental and cut it in half. As its body lost cohesion, wisps of flame shot off in the direction of the doorway, restoring its normal red glow. Baabby continued the arc of his swing into the life elemental's body and dealt it some damage as well, but not enough to destroy it just yet.

Down at the end of the corridor, the magic elemental's body underwent a startling transformation. It began swirling around and around until it was a virtual whirlwind, then went racing down the passageway past Baabby and over by Sam and Sapphrina. Once it was about equidistant between the trio, a barrage of magic missiles went flying from its body in all directions. All three heroes were struck, Sapphrina almost to the point of losing consciousness. She panicked, flying back out of the cave entrance along the side of Mount Mabuvius and around the corner where it was safe.

Baabby, seeing how dangerous the magic elemental was, opted to take care of it next. Stepping away from his fight with the acidic life elemental, he brought the Rift-Weaver's Blade crashing straight into the heart of the arcane whirlwind. Just as had happened with the fire elemental, the magic elemental's body went to pieces, flying back to its designated doorway, which then blazed back to life and started shedding its violet light once again.

The life elemental took the opportunity of Baabby's inattentiveness to slam him from behind, scarring him further with her acid. Sam, only able to shoot a normal arrow this time around, sent it flying at the life elemental, and if he did any significant damage it was difficult to tell. Sapphrina, having seen the magic elemental was no more, returned to the cave opening and shot an arrow at the life elemental, which she needed fear nowhere as much as the magic elemental which had had ranged attacks. Her arrow may have done damage as well, but it was Baabby's next attack - a swipe of his greatsword's magic blade - that snuffed out the life elemental's life force and sent the acidic particles streaming back to the doorway, which reformed its green glow immediately thereafter.

Baabby took the time to cast a few healing spells for those who needed them. "Looks like the doors are back to normal," said Sam, pointing out the obvious. "I assume we go through them like the first time we were here?"

"That's correct," confirmed Sapphrina, although she hadn't been with the group then. "We'll want the red door this time."

Going through the red doorway spilled the three heroes into a room with three parallel tunnels ahead of them, each spilling a different color of smoke from a brazier on the floor at the far ends. "The green door's the next one we want," recalled Sam.

"Let's think this through," said Baabby. "If elementals are going to pop up once we get haalfway down these corridors, that means we'll be facing another fire, life, and maagic elemental. Why don't we each take a different corridor and attaack where the doorways should be - thaat's where the elemental should show up."

Sapphrina agreed to the plan but had several alterations to make. First of all, rather than go down her own smoke-colored corridor, she opted to travel with Baabby down the central one. And she insisted on not only casting an enlarge person spell upon the baabarian but a reduce person on herself, making herself a smaller target for the deadly elemental energy she'd be facing. Sam opted to cast a resist fire spell upon himself, knowing at least one of the enemies they'd be facing had fire-based attacks. So, once all preparatory spells had been cast, the fairy followed Baabby down the wider, central corridor while Sam raced down the left-most one, which if memory served should be the one where the magic elemental would be appearing.

Once Sam was over halfway down the corridor he fired an explosive arrow straight ahead of him and was pleased to hear it impact against something that grunted in pain. In the central corridor, Sapphrina looked back and saw a fire elemental pop into existence in front of the doorway they'd used to enter this section of the Rift-Weaver's Trial - they'd been so worried about the three doorways ahead of them they'd forgotten that the doorways behind them were also part of the dungeon's defenses. But then the life elemental showed up directly in front of Baabby, reaching out to burn him with her acidic touch. Fortunately, with his extended reach due to being twice his normal size, he was able to spear her on the tip of his greatsword before she could even reach him. Her body dissolved, only to re-energize the green doorway from which she'd come.

But the two fire elementals now flanked Baabby and Sapphrina - one approaching from the front and one from the rear. The fairy instinctively crouched into as small a ball as she could, ducking behind Baabby's spell pouch at his belt, and the fire elementals both chose the hulking baabarian as the target of their flaming fists.

Sam lucked out, in that the magic elemental apparently chose not to waste its whirlwind magic missile attack when it could only affect a lone target, for the arcane humanoid ran up to the little crow and slashed out with its claws. Sam ducked, but the attack was enough to convince the crow to flee back the way he'd come - partly because he now realized their collective strategy had made it impossible for the now-giant sheep-man to even enter the narrow corridor from which Sam now fled. "Baabby!" he cried. "Come back the way we came!"

That might have sounded like something currently beyond Baabby's abilities given he was blocked by a fire elemental on either side of him. But the baabarian knew from recent experience that fire elementals weren't likely to survive a single blow from his greatsword, and such proved to be the case in this instance. One cleaving blow slew both fire elementals, and then Baabby was racing back the way he'd come, positioning himself just outside the entrance to the tunnel from which Sam was just now exiting.

When the magic elemental emerged from the smoke-filled corridor, the Rift-Weaver's Blade was waiting for it. One mighty swing later and the magic elemental was no more.

"Phew!" said Sam. "Thanks, Baabby!"

Sapphrina had to dismiss her enlarge person so Baabby could fit through the green doorway, but then the three were teleported to the next section of the dungeon. Sam and Baabby recalled that there were three dragon's heads in the winding corridor ahead, and then an animated suit of armor waiting for them in the Trial of Strength in the room beyond. "We won't need to fight the armored warrior," Sapphrina said. "He's part of the defense system - he should react to the presence of the Rift-Weaver's Blade."

Sure enough, rather than having to face the warrior in combat, it reported to Baabby as if to a superior officer. "The Trial is under attack by forces unknown, sir," it said. "You'll need to gather the three attunement orbs from the Path of Ordered Steps and the two portal stones from the Hall of Burning Greed."

"Let's go!" said Sapphrina, flying through the red doorway. Baabby and Sam followed suit, assuming the fairy knew where she was going. Sure enough, that way led to the statue of Xacho, only this time, as they entered the room, there was an audible click and a door to the left - which had been locked the first time they went through this dungeon complex - swung open. Passing through the door, the group saw carved on the wall before them the legend, "THE ORDER RECEIVED IS THE ORDER AHEAD." There were other rooms to the left and the right: to the left, an area of leaping flames; to the right three stones, each the size of an apple. They glowed slightly, in the colors of green, red, and purple.

"These are the attunement orbs," said Sapphrina.

"One for each of us, I aassume," said Baabby.

"Well, you're obviously Life," said Sam, "what with all those healing spells of yours. So you should get the green orb. I imagine Sapphrina's Magic, what with being a fairy and all, so she should get the purple orb."

"So that would make you Fire," said Sapphrina, frowning in puzzlement.

"Well, yes, obviously," agreed Sam. "That makes perfect sense, me being Fire."

"Hmm - because of your explosive arrows? That's a Tech device causing that."

"No, not because of that," scoffed Sam. "Isn't it obvious? It's because I'm so hot!" And he struck what he no doubt considered a sexy pose, while the fairy turned away in disgust.

"We should probably pick up the orbs in the order we gained the Runes on my sword," suggested Baabby. "That would be, let's see, Maagic, then Life, then Fire."

Sapphrina picked up the glowing purple orb, and behind her, some of the flames went out in the other room. Then Baabby picked up the green attunement orb and half of the remaining flames were extinguished. "Best for last!" announced Sam, picking up the red orb, and the last remaining flames went out. Exposed where the flames had been were individual tiles in the colors of red, green, and purple.

"Hmm," said Baabby. "I guess we have to step on a purple tile, then a green one, then a red one. Aand then baack to purple, and so on until we get to the other side."

"That's one possibility," said Sam. "But there's another: maybe Sapphrina should go first because she's purple, and she should only step on purple tiles, then you cross stepping on green tiles, then I cross stepping on red tiles."

"I'm a fairy," pointed out Sapphrina. "I don't step; I fly." It was admittedly true; in the Skylands, fairies were only humanoid in shape from the waist up; below, their bodies trailed off in smoke like genies. Without legs, they couldn't "step" anywhere.

"Well, fly over," amended Sam. "Same deal."

"Either way, it sounds like me going first. Which way should I try it, Baabby?"

"Do purple-green-red," suggested Baabby. Sapphrina flew over a purple tile, and nothing happened. From there, she could move over a tile of any of the three colors, depending on which way she went.

"I'm telling you, purple-purple-purple" makes more sense to me," chided Sam.

"Okay," agreed Baabby. "Stick to the purple ones." Sapphrina moved over to the next adjacent purple tile and a bolt of arcane energy came shooting down at her from the ceiling.

"...Of course, I could be wrong," admitted Sam, frowning.

With a black scowl, Sapphrina flew over a green tile, then a red one, then a purple, and repeated the pattern until she was across the colored tile section and into the room beyond. Then Baabby retraced her route and Sam followed suit. Once they were all safely past the colored tiles, Sam gave the fairy a sheepish grin and said, "Sorry - I'm not so great at these puzzles. As you'll recall, I'm part dodo on my mother's side."

"More than just part, I think!" snapped Sapphrina, flying over to one of the portal stones they'd been sent to fetch, which stood on a platform at the far end of the chamber. She then followed a safe route back to the statue of Xacho and down a different corridor, bringing them to another door, which opened into another chamber. There were four platforms in the middle of this room, each filled with piles of gold coins. A door to the left was closed. "This must be the Hall of Burning Greed," said Sam. "And hey! - I'm Fire, and I'm greedy! It all makes sense!"

A voice echoed throughout the chamber. "Only the Master may touch the treasure. Who is the Master?"

"Hmm," said Sam, rubbing his beak. "Well, there's Master Eon the Portal Master, of course, but he might be a bit obvious...."

"Baabby," said Baabby, strolling into the room, the Rift-Weaver's Blade gripped in a meaty hand. The fact that his answer was correct was proven by the clicking sound as the door to the left unlocked. In the small room beyond was the second portal stone. Baabby grabbed it up.

"Now whaat?" he asked.

"We head back to the hallway," answered Sapphrina. "The door across the way leads to the Portal."

"Wait a minute," interrupted Sam, turning towards Baabby. "Since you're the Master and all, could we please have your permission to rescue these poor, defenseless coins from just being abandoned here? They're meant to be spent, not left behind to get all dusty!"

"Hurry up," agreed Baabby, knowing Sam would be unlikely to concentrate on the job at hand knowing there was treasure they'd left behind. With a cry of joy, the little crow started scooping the loose coins into his extradimensional backpack. "Okay, ready, Master!" he said when he was done. Hey, they were now 12,000 gold pieces the richer - who was he to complain about Baabby getting a fancy title in a stupid dungeon riddle?

With both portal stones in hand, the heroes stepped into a portal in the room beyond and were whisked away to another place altogether. This was the Inner Sanctum, which consisted of a large area with a raised structure in the middle; circling this structure was a set of curving steps, much in the same mold as the winding ledge along Mount Mabuvius which had gained the heroes entry to the volcano's interior at the top. From the central chamber were four spherical side-chambers; of these, three were sealed up by force fields while the forth had been almost nearly sealed off by an earthquake centuries ago.

However, that wasn't all the heroes saw inside the Inner Sanctum. The three force fields were red, green, and purple, and hovering next to each was a robed figure: a fire spell punk, a life spell punk, and a magic spell punk. Each was concentrating on attempting to dismantle the force field before it, to the extent they hadn't yet noticed the intruders.

Baabby charged at the magic spell punk, who, just to the right, was the closest one available. His single cut with the Rift-Weaver's Blade was enough to slay the spell punk outright. As its body fell to the ground, purple energy rose up out of its body and flew to the back of the chamber, behind the central platform with the spiraling steps. In addition, the magical effects the spell punk had produced since its arrival in the Inner Sanctum were sundered as well. Instantly, other creatures began fading back into view, their invisibility purged upon the magic spell punk's death.

At various places across the Inner Sanctum, the forms of an air spell punk, an earth spell punk, an undead spell punk, a water spell punk, and - up at the top of the central platform - a tech spell punk materialized. And now visibly waddling around the sides of the central platform were several bone chompies.

Sapphrina was the first of the heroes to react. Seeing they were vastly outnumbered, she did what she could to help even the odds. One haste spell later, all three of the heroes were moving faster than they'd ever moved before.

Several bone chompies advanced upon the heroes from either side of the platform, while their undead spell punk master shot a blast of necromantic energy at Baabby. Fortunately, the sheep-man dodged the blast, no doubt at least partially due to his increased speed.

Sam looked enviously up at the tech spell punk, specifically at his position at the top of the central platform. From there, you'd be able to shoot down at anyone else in the entire Inner Sanctum! Making the decision to reserve that spot for himself, Sam shot an explosive arrow up at the tech spell punk, then dodged his way past three bone chompies - two of which managed to get in a bite - and started making his way up the spiraling steps. But having made his first one-third arc around the platform, Sam found himself in the line of fire of both the air and tech spell punks (the latter of which would be able to target Sam no mater where he stood in the Inner Sanctum). Sam winced under the dual assault but continued running as fast as his little crow legs would take him.

With the magic spell punk dead, the purple force field was no longer under attack. But the fire and life spell punks continued their work unabated, certain that their companions could handle a small force of three heroes.

The water spell punk had the misfortune of both hovering directly next to two bone chompies and being within Baabby's reach. That made him an irresistible target; one massive swing of the Rift-Weaver's Blade later, Baabby had cut completely through the water spell punk and the two bone chompies adjacent to it. Once again, life energy - this time blue - rose up from the fallen spell punk's body and over to the back of the Inner Sanctum; from Baabby's new vantage point he could see it heading to an open rift in the back - no doubt, the means of entry for the spell punks and their bone chompy allies.

The earth spell punk fired an orb of some kind at Baabby but missed. Nearby, the undead spell punk summoned another bone chompy out of thin air, sent it after the baabarian, and then fled at full speed in the opposite direction. He'd just witnessed the sheep-man cut down his brother spell punks of magic and water and wasn't about to be next!

He wasn't; the earth spell punk and another bone chompy were Baabby's next victims, the dual recipients of the next single swing of his greatsword. Those in the vicinity could see the look of combat fury on the baabarian's face - Baabby had let his battle-lust fuel his strength and durability and was now a combat monster let loose upon the spell punks!

Sam shot an arrow up at the tech spell punk as he circled along the steps; only now did he notice he had three bone chompies following in his wake, but under the effects of the haste spell he had no worries about them catching up to him until he reached the zenith and had nowhere else to run. The arrow was well-placed, but the tech spell punk stubbornly hung on to life. In fact, he returned fire, sending a blast of tech energy crashing into the crow's body; Sapphrina, seeing him wobbling as he ran, flew up to Sam and imbued him with a bear's endurance spell which gave him enough energy to keep on fighting. When he made it to the top of the spiral, he surprised the tech spell punk by stabbing forward with his shortsword, piercing the floating mage through his middle, Then the highest perch was all Sam's; the crow noticed the tech spell punk's orange life energy - and his shadow, which was kind of weird! - both flew across the Inner Sanctum and into the open rift, which seemed to shrink a bit in size as a result of the returned energy.

The air spell punk opted to reinforce his allies by casting spells upon his fire and undead brethren. This gave each of them an outer layer of rushing winds, likely able to fling away any ranged attacks - like Sam's arrows! - that might be sent their way.

Seeing the fire spell punk still laboring away at the red force field, Sam sent an explosive arrow his way. That nearly slew the mage outright, but once again he held on to life by his nonexistent fingernails. The attack did cause him to stop his attempts at bringing down the force field; instead, he blasted a fiery stream of energy up at Sam. But Sam's resist fire spell was still in effect, so it dealt nowhere near the damage the spell punk might have hoped for.

Looking over at the commotion and surprised that the others were taking such a beating, the life spell punk stopped his own attempts at bringing down the green force field and cast healing energy at his fire spell punk associate. (From the top of the central platform, the anguished cries of "No fair!" could be heard.) But that was the life spell punk's last act; he'd failed to notice Baabby was within striking distance and that proved to be lethal.

The air spell punk sent a blast of energy up at Sam which knocked the crow out cold. But as Sapphrina flew up to the top of the crow' perch to feed him a healing potion from his belt, Baabby slew two more spell punks: undead and fire, who had made the mistake of floating too near each other. As their energies and shadows raced to the ever-dwindling rift, all of the bone chompies suddenly popped back out of existence, their summoner having been slain.

That left only the fire spell punk. Baabby raced up to it and slashed at it with his greatsword, causing it to gasp and groan in pain. But for once it was Sam who got the finishing shot; having been revived by Sapphrina, he was able to send a normal arrow across the Inner Sanctum to grab the final kill from Baabby's grasp. (And as the baabarian glared up at Sam, the little crow was suddenly very glad of the distance between them!)

With the fire spell punk's essences fleeing back to the rift, it closed. However, in its place were two other spell punks, looking nothing like any the heroes had ever seen. One wore a white robe with a sun emblem on its hood; the other, a robe of pitch black adorned only with the symbol of a crescent moon.

The light spell punk was the first to react. It raised a curved claw and pointed it at Baabby; a blinding flash of energy shot off from it and struck the baabarian, then reflected off his body and went blasting over Sam's way. Neither hero was able to avoid the full effects, although the further distance meant that Sam suffered much less than Baabby, having received a tinier portion of the energy's full blast.

Still, Sam was not in a particularly grateful mood. He shot off three arrows one right after the other, sending each one flying at the light spell punk. However, in this case haste made waste, for only one actually struck its target. And while the dark spell punk was being temporarily ignored, it raised its own claw and a black hole - or what looked suspiciously like one - manifested in the chamber, causing ripples in a large enough radius to include both Baabby and Sam. Each hero felt their haste spell being temporarily negated, and each had the feeling if they stayed within the radius for too long it would start absorbing their own life forces.

So that was not an option. Baabby charged away from the black hole, which coincidentally sent him straight on a path to the light spell punk. He slashed down with his greatsword using all of his might, but the wonky time differential caused by escaping the black hole's power might have throw off his balance because he completely missed the floating mage. However, he was close enough that when the light spell punk started to try casting another of those reflecting light blasts his way, the baabarian was able to cut him down with one blow.

The dark spell punk seemed amazed to see his opposite partner get taken down in one blow. He raised a claw in Baabby's direction, only to have history repeat itself: before he could blast the baabarian, the Rift-Weaver's Blade came down on his head, carving him neatly in two.

After that, the heroes gathered together and attended to their wounds, applying potions and Baabby's healing spells as needed. Then, at Sapphrina's suggestion, each strode over to the force field that corresponded to the color of the attunement stone they carried. The magical stones allowed them to walk right through the force fields as if they weren't there while still leaving them intact. As one, each hero stepped into the middle of the magic circle inscribed in their side-chamber, and as one, they vanished from sight.

They ended up in another extradimensional space, where they were confronted by the holographic image of none other than Xacho, the original wielder of the Rift-Weaver's Blade - back when it was still called the Blade of the Elements.

"You have finally arrived here," said the hologram. "Long ago, many years before either of you was born, I used the powers of your greatsword to explore the rifts. In doing so, I discovered a great evil: a being known as the Devourer of Nightmares. I sought the Oracle to learn how I could destroy it, and was told two conflicting prophecies: 'Imbued with all, the Blade of the Elements shall vanquish the Devourer of Nightmares,' and 'Your quest shall fail until the courageous sheep and the cowardly crow finish your work.'"

"Hey!" objected Sam, but Baabby gave him a shushing motion.

"I had no choice but to battle the Devourer of Nightmares," hoping that the power of the eight Elemental Runes on my blade would overcome it. But I failed to destroy it; instead, I managed to seal it away here, in the Rift-Woven Vault."

"Here?" squeaked Sam, looking around rapidly for any sign of the Devourer of Nightmares - not that he knew what it looked like. Still, he was pretty sure he'd recognize it if he saw it.

"Below you, on the seal upon which you stand," said the Xacho image. Sam looked down, saw he was standing on a circular slab of stone inscribed with multiple arcane runes and jumped to the side as if he found himself standing on a hot griddle.

Then, gathering up his indignation - "cowardly crow" indeed! - Sam decided to try a bit of comeuppance on this mouthy hologram. "Well, I hate to break it to you, Xacho old boy, but I don't think the Oracle's prophecies were conflicting."

"Oh? How so?"

"You said you fought the Devourer of Nightmares - that's a long name, by the way; I think I'll just call him by his initials - you fought Don using the power of all eight elemental runes on this sword of yours. Well, of Baabby's now. But that's only eight elements. Current thinking is that there are ten elements: you forgot Light and Dark."

"What?" sputtered the holographic Xacho. "TEN elements? Since when?"

"It's a fairly recent discovery," admitted Sam. "But it was in all the papers a few years ago."

Baabby looked over his blade: he had yet to gather the Air, Earth, and Tech runes, for which there were the appropriate holes cut through the metal of the blade's center - and the Light and Dark runes too, apparently, for which there were no such holes. "There's room on the blade for two more runes," he pointed out.

"We'll have to add them to the list," said Sapphrina. Then, turning to Xacho, she asked, "Can you tell us where to get the other runes?"

"When I dispersed the elemental runes I had gathered after trapping the Devourer of Nightmares--"

"Don," interrupted Sam.

"--they returned from where I had originally gotten them. So I can guide you to the Air and Earth elemental runes, but not the Tech. I never did find the Tech rune."

"Hey, wait a minute!" said Sam. "You said you had gained all of the runes! Well, all eight, in any case."

"I couldn't find the Tech rune, so I improvised," admitted Xacho. "There is a way to gather up smaller pieces of Tech magic and fuse them into a facsimile of the whole rune, but such an undertaking takes time we no longer have."

"How so?" asked Baabby.

"The Oracle said the Devourer of Nightmares--"

"Don," interjected Sam.

"--would escape from his imprisonment one year after the Blade of the Elements was found by the courageous sheep and the--"

"Watch it there, buddy!"

"--and his crow partner," amended the Xacho hologram.

"Doesn't sound like undoing all of those runes was a very smart idea," griped Sam. "Now we gotta go get them all over again."

"There was little choice," replied the hologram. "Intact, with all the runes present, the Blade of Elements could act as a key, unlocking the creature trapped below us. And there are forces even now trying to get hold of the blade so they can free their master from his imprisonment."

"Hrrm," mumbled Sam, not wanting to let the hologram off the hook.

"Very well," said Sapphrina, her mind made up about their next course of action. "I guess we'll gather up the Air and Earth runes first, as they'll be easier. Then we'll see what we can do about finding the Tech rune, and then we'll see if the Light and Dark runes - if they exist - can be added to the sword."

"Sounds like a plaan," agreed Baabby. "So where do we find the Air rune?"

And Xacho told them.

- - -

The maps we used this time were the "Arcane Dungeon" Pathfinder Flip-Map we had used for "The Rift-Weaver's Trial," but this time Logan included more rooms than he'd used for that adventure - including the entire back side of the map, where we fought all of the spell punks. The Rift-Woven Vault was a tile map from the "Extradimensional Spaces" Map Pack and it was particularly thematically appropriate for a Skylanders game, given it was a cluster of small floating islands, some of them chained together.

Incidentally, Dark and Light being new elements is a plot point in one of the video games - "Trap Team," I think - but as of yet there are no dark or light spell punks in the video games. Logan added them as a logical extrapolation, designing their element-themed powers on his own. If the video games ever go down that path, we blazed the trail here first!



PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 6​
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 6​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 6​

Game Session Date: 14 May 2017

- - -

"Whaddaya mean, 'we're here'?" demanded Sam Crow. "In case you hadn't noticed, we're parked at a cloud!"

"Yes, but this is a network of solid clouds," replied Sapphrina. "See the little rainbows? Those are bridges. It's safe to step on any cloud connected by a rainbow like that. Any other clouds are likely to be know, regular clouds. I wouldn't recommend stepping onto those."

"You don't say," retorted Sam. He picked up Shelldon from his shoulder and placed him on the railing of the troll airship. "I think you'd better sit this one out, Shelldon," he told his faithful animal companion. "I wouldn't want you falling through a cloud. Snails can't fly."

"You can't fly, either," pointed out Baabby.

"I can too fly!" retorted Sam, flapping the feathers of his wings. "It's just that so far I've only mastered straight down, at terminal velocity."

"Well, we don't want any of that," said Sapphrina, flying over the side of the airship and into the middle of the first cloud. As Baabby and Sam followed, two figures coalesced from the cloudstuff to become humanoid figures of their own size.

"Welcome," said the air elementals in unison. "You have been expected. If you are ready, your trial by combat will begin at once."

"My whaat now?" asked Baabby.

"We went over this," said Sapphrina. "The air rune was gathered here, at the Cloud Gardens of Valkar. Of course, that was many centuries ago; I doubt Valkar himself is still alive, but his descendants should still be willing to help us."

"If you prove yourselves worthy," replied the air elementals. Across two rainbow bridges, a much larger air elemental rose up from the cloud and smacked his fists together in anticipation of a good fight. "Are you ready to begin?" asked the twin air elemental hosts.

Baabby and Sam looked at each other, then over at the Large air elemental, and shrugged. "I guess so," said the baabarian.

"Good!" said the two air elementals, blasting the two heroes at once.

"Hey! No fair!" squawked Sam. "I didn't say I was ready!" But the crow gathered up his Dynabow 3.0 and let loose with an arrow. He had filled it with explosive energy and fired it at the Large air elemental, having assumed he was the one they'd have to prove themselves against. It was a nice explosion, but the air elemental was still alive and apparently not all that harmed when the smoke cleared.

After having been blasted by one of the hosts, Baabby immediately understood that the two smaller air elementals were part of the test, so with one cleaving swing of his Rift-Weaver's Blade he cut both down to nothingness. Then he and Sam started running across the rainbow bridge to the next cloud island, which was separated by another rainbow bridge from the larger cloud the Large air elemental stood upon.

But before they could get there, another combatant appeared from yet another cloud off to the side. This one coalesced into the shape of a large wolf; its body had barely fully formed before it was off like a shot, running across the air straight at the baabarian.

"Hey!" cried Sam, watching the cloud wolf run right off the island without falling to its death. "No fair!" But then, seeing that the wolf was ignoring him and heading straight towards Baabby, the crow continued his attacks on the Large air elemental. He had to let the explosive energy recharge for a moment so he was limited to normal arrows, and unfortunately those seemed to have even less of an effect against a creature composed of swirling vapors.

Baabby, seeing the cloud wolf nearly upon him, brought his blade crashing down upon the beast's head. The creature's cloudlike body parted, and a pitiful whimpering came from the direction of its dissipating form.

But that seemed to anger the Large air elemental. It spun into a whirlwind, flew over to Baabby and swept him up. For one fearful moment Sam was convinced the elemental would release Baabby in midair and allow him to plummet to his death, but the whirlwind simply released him in the middle of its own solid cloud island. Baabby went spinning around as he was released, but while the air elemental no doubt thought it was due to dizziness, the canny baabarian brought his greatsword out and turned his spinning frenzy into a greater momentum when his blade slammed into the elemental's midsection. Baabby finally stumbled, dizzy from the maneuver, but he smiled as he saw the elemental dissipate back into nothingness from his mighty stroke.

Sam came running over the rainbow bridge to his friend, not wanting them to be separated in this strange environment. Sapphrina flew directly over and the trio looked about in all directions for new enemies to pop up, but all seemed to be clear. "Was that it?" asked Sam. "Is the test over?"

"Unlikely," replied Sapphrina. "But we have at least gained access to the castle." And she pointed to the largest rainbow bridge of them all, which curved upwards such that the heroes couldn't see what lay at the other side - all they could see was the bottom of the cloud island attached to the other side of the bridge. As they ascended the rainbow bridge, though, a castle appeared - and judging by the size of the front doors, this was a castle built for a giant!

"Um," said Sam. "You didn't mention that this Valkar was a giant."

"A cloud giant, yes," answered Sapphrina. "Why? Who did you expect would live on a cloud island?"

"Well, I was hoping maybe some magical mice with wish-granting abilities," replied Sam. "Who had a friendly attitude towards visitors on quests."

"We're here," said Baabby, striding up to the massive door and banging on it with a meaty fist. The doors were immediately opened by two Medium air elementals. The center of the building went all the way to the back, where a regal-looking cloud giantess sat on a throne. Before her was a blazing fire, and between the fire and the front door was a long, wooden table for dining with giant-sized chairs on either side. Standing near the fire was another Large air elemental. Beside the giantess sat another cloud wolf, its tongue lolling out of the side of its mouth. Sam was slightly worried that it looked a bit hungry, and he thought he saw flashes of electrcity leaping from tooth to tooth.

"Greetings," said the cloud giantess. "I am Mystrala. I am impressed with your abilities thus far. Are you ready for the rest of the combat to begin?"

"The rest?" echoed Baabby, looking around the room. "Aare we supposed to fight these elementaals, too?"

"Them, yes," agreed Mystrala. "And Thundergrowl here," she added, patting the head of the cloud wolf at her side. "And me, as well."

"You, uh, want us to attack you?" asked Sam.

"When you're ready," agreed Mystrala. "If you'd like to tend to your present wounds, we can wait until you're finished."

As Baabby began casting healing spells upon himself and Sam, the little crow whispered to his friend, "It's kind of creepy how polite they're being."

"It's aalmost as if they aaren't the least bit concerned about us being a threat to them," agreed the baabarian in a whisper.

"Not particularly," admitted Mystrala, smiling. "If you're ready...?"

"Well, I suppose--" started Sam, then broke off in mid-sentence to lob an explosive arrow between Mystrala and her cloud wolf, hoping to take them off guard. The Large air elemental closed the distance between them in a surprising burst of speed and smacked Sam hard with an air-blast fist, sending the little crow reeling. Baabby opted to repeat his slashing move against the two Medium air elementals, but this time he managed to only kill the first one; his blade hit the second one but failed to slay it outright. It turned against Sapphrina, slamming her hard against the wall; the fairy cast a buffing spell that granted her a heartier constitution and flew away from combat, hiding in a corner.

Thundergrowl raced across the room, leaped up onto the table, and ran across its length to bite at Sam, sending a jolt of electricity coursing throught the little crow's body. "Bad dog!" Sam scolded. "You get down off that table at once!" He thought by scolding it he might trick it into obeying, but no such luck.

Baabby and Sam each looked at their respective opponents and without saying a word between them immediately swapped. The hulking baabarian brought his greatsword down onto Thundergrowl's back, slicing him in twain. The cloud wolf's body fell apart to a fine mist, which then floated across to the back of the room, where it coalesced back into its wolf form. Sam was about to let out a cry of "No fair!" but then noticed the cloud wolf just sat there, observing the rest of the combat with its tongue lolling back out. Apparently it had been defeated in combat and thus wasn't going to attack any more; these were certainly polite foes!

Sam lashed out with his short sword, taking out the last remaining Medium air elemental. It, like its partner before it, didn't bother reforming into a humanoid form after being slain; it just disappeared and did not return.

The Large air elemental focused its attention on Baabby, slamming the sheep-man twice with its blasting fists. Sam shot it in the back with an explosive arrow, and when the smoke had cleared the elemental was gone - the little crow wasn't sure if Baabby had gotten a swing in as well with his greatsword, but decided then and there that if he hadn't actually see Baabby use his sword then it didn't count and mentally assigned himself full credit for taking the creature down.

But by now both Sam and Baabby were hurting. Each had been slammed, blasted, and/or bitten numerous times, and they still had hardly touched Mystrala at all! But talk about polite: the cloud giantess, who had been watching the combat as she strolled unhurriedly from her throne to the dining table, where all the action was, surprised the group with an offer to rest and heal. "You've done admirably," she said. "Please, I insist: take the time to see to your current wounds, and we will resume combat when you're ready."

"This isn't how battles go in real life!" said Sam, then shut his beak once he realized he was trying to argue his way out of taking a breather! Baabby cast a few healing spells on the three of them, and then they were ready for combat against the cloud giantess herself.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Sam. "It feels kind of weird, attacking the hostess in her own castle like this."

"How better to prove your worthiness?' asked Mystrala. "And as you saw with Thundergrowl, no permanent harm will come to me. So, if you're ready...?"

"Oh, I'm ready!" exclaimed Sam, before dashing underneath the wooden table. He raced halfway down its length, barely needing to duck his head, and sent an explosive arrow between the legs of two giant chairs and into Mystrala's rather shapely legs. Baabby ran up to Mystrala with his greatsword swinging; he hit her in the side but she responded with a powerful slam of her fist that sent the baabarian reeling.

Following Sam's lead, Sapphrina darted under the table where she would be the safest in the combat to follow. She was able to track the fight between Baabby and Mystrala by the position of their legs, and she darted out between the chairs at one point to cast an enlarge person spell on Baabby before ducking back to the safety of the giant table.

"This is kind of like being in a kid's pretend fort," observed Sam.

Now the same height as Mystrala, and with consequentially greater strength at his increased size, Baabby found himself on a more equal footing with his foe. The two traded blows, he with his Rift-Weaver's Blade and she with her fists, before Mystrala finally called out. "I yield!" she said, and Sam, still under the table, frowned - he had lined up a perfect shot and his Dynabow 3.0 was fully charged up with explosive energy...but Sapphrina gently pushed the bow down. With a sigh, Sam relented - it would be poor sportsmanship indeed to blast the cloud giantess after she'd yielded, especially as she'd been so polite during this whole ordeal.

Sam and Sapphrina crawled out from underneath the table. "Ah, there you are!" said Mystrala, smiling. "If ever I had any doubts about the veracity of the tales of the courageous sheep and the cowardly crow, you would certainly have dispelled them!"

"Uh, yeah," muttered Sam, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Just living up to my role...."

Mystrala took the heroes to a side room, where various items had been put in storage. In the back of the cluttered room there was a visible portal of glowing energy. Baabby knew just what to do: using the Rift-Weaver's Blade as a key, he opened up a rift to an extradimensional space and the heroes stepped through. The space was a little cloud island, with puffy clouds floating at waist-height, but they were immediately absorbed into the blade of Baabby's greatsword, and after a blinding flash of energy the Air Rune was filled in.

Exiting back into Castle Valkar, the heroes bid Mystrala goodbye. "Farewell, and good luck to you!" she said, waving as they departed back down the rainbow bridge.

"Man, it would be nice if all of our opponents were that polite!" said Sam.

"Not likely," replied Baabby. "But it waas a refreshing change of pace."

- - -

When the adventure was over, Harry recognized that this was the first adventure we'd gone through that didn't feature any Skylanders opponents at all. The air elementals were straight from the Monster Manual; the cloud wolf was a winter wolf with an added airwalking special ability and its normal frost bite (and breath weapon) swapped out for electricity; and Mystrala had a cloud giant's abilities but a hill giant's physical attributes as she was still young. (Logan had painted a cloud giantess miniature to represent Mystrala; the others were all D&D Miniatures we already owned.) Logan was a little ticked that neither cloud wolf got to use its lightning breath weapon before Baabby slew them, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

And he refused to let me call them "air wolves" after I explained "Air Wolf" was an old TV show about a helicopter and its pilot and crew. So: cloud wolves they are, then.

The final battle used a Paizo Flip-Mat called "Giant Lairs" for the interior of Castle Valkar. For the initial battles, Logan used a poster board I had done up for a previous campaign: the poster board was a picture of clouds and I had measured off one-inch squares on it using a yardstick. On top of these he placed cloud islands and rainbow bridges he had made out of paper with a one-inch grid printed on them; it was overall a pretty cool effect.
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Looks like you have your nephew sold on D&D. Your son has been quite creative in tailoring the campaign. Family time at the game table is great!


You're absolutely right on all counts, pogre! I think Harry might be amenable to a "standard" D&D campaign once this Skylanders campaign runs its course; Logan's been hitting the DM ball out of the park; and we're having a ball. We have some company visiting through the weekend, so no session this Saturday, but we should be on for the weekend that follows.




PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 7
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 7​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 7​

Game Session Date: 3 June 2017

- - -

"Wait," said Sam Crow, a confused expression on his face. "The Earth Rune is where again?"

"In the Geode Caverns, which are in the middle of the Perilous Plateau, which is inside the borders of the Foreboding Forest of Forbiddance." repeated Sapphrina, as the three heroes disembarked from their troll airship.

"Man!" scoffed Sam. "Who names these places? So how far away is that?"

"Several miles," said Baabby, proving at least he had been listening to their fairy guide the first time through the explanation.

"So why are we parked out here, several miles away from where we want to be?" griped Sam, ensuring Shelldon was safely anchored to his customary place on the archer's left shoulder.

"I told you," repeated Sapphrina. "This area is infused with Earth-element magic; it repels Air-element magic. The airship would likely fall out of the sky if we tried flying straight where we wanted to go."

"Well, we don't want that," agreed Sam. "That silly ship's been through enough crashes as it is." As the heroes talked, they entered a small village of straw-roofed wooden huts. The place was absolutely silent, though - nothing stirred, there was nobody in sight, and it looked like nobody had been around the area for years.

"Hello?" called out Baabby, strolling toward the closest of the huts. He peeked inside the open window, seeing nobody inside - but signs that the former inhabitants had left in a hurry: toppled chairs, the ancient remains of a former meal turned to mold and rot on abandoned plates.

"There aren't even any birds singing in the trees," observed Sam. "That's a shame: every location can be enhanced by birdsong."

"Aas someone who's heard you sing, I can say thaat's not always true," observed Baabby.

Suddenly, Sam cocked his head to one side, listening intently. "I hear scratching from inside this hut!" he said, approaching another dwelling to the south of the one Baabby had been checking out. The crow peeked through the open window and squawked in surprise: inside was a humanoid skeleton, standing upright, rubbing the stump where its right hand had been against the wooden walls. It turned at the sound of Sam's cry of surprise, then dashed to the door and opened it with his left hand. Then, running through the door, it rounded the hut and attacked the trio of heroes. Around them, the doors of three other huts slammed open, and three more one-handed skeletons came dashing out to join the fray. Unlike normal undead skeletons, these wore the tattered remains of rotting clothing. They formed an arc around the heroes, closing in fast.

Prompted by fear, Sam scrambled back away from the undead horde and shot at a point on the ground between three of them with an explosive arrow from his Dynabow 3.0. His strike was true - it's hard to miss when you're aiming for the ground - and the three skeletons were engulfed by the blast of fiery energy that resulted. As the flames flickered out, all three skeletons fell to the ground, destroyed at once.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Sam. "Did you guys see that? I got three at once! I got three at once!" The crow was used to seeing multiple foes drop all at one time, but in the past it had always been the result of Baabby's Rift-Weaver's Blade and the strength behind the baabarian's arms that were responsible.

"We saaw it," reassured Baabby, cutting the fourth skeleton in half with a casual swing of his greatsword. "Nice one, Sam!" The crow puffed out his chest at the rare praise for his combat prowess.

"Let's check out these huts," suggested Sapphrina, flying over to the one Sam had approached. Like the majority of the others in the small village, it was round with a pointed roof; inside, a line of white powder ringed the inside of the exterior walls. And carved on every wooden surface was the same phrase, over and over: "Imprisoned, he yet feeds."

"That's weird," commented Sam, looking at the white powder. "What is this, sugar?" He dipped a feather-finger into the powder and tentatively touched it to his tongue.

"I'm sure that's bone dust," replied Sapphrina, not really paying attention to what Sam was doing. "That would explain why none of the skeletons had their right hands: they've worn them down to a stub by clawing this phrase over and over on the walls."

"Why would they do thaat?" asked Baabby, intrigued. Unnoticed behind them, Sam was gagging and frantically spitting bone dust out of his mouth.

"A magical compulsion?" guessed Sapphrina. "Judging from the first hut, some of the villagers left here in a hurry, and the others stayed behind and carved the phrase into the walls with their fingers, not even stopping once they'd died." They checked out a few more huts and found the results to be about fifty-fifty: either signs of panicked flight or the same phrase carved into the walls. Their investigations prompted two other skeletal villagers to attack them; Baabby skillfully handled cutting them down without breaking a sweat.

Sam checked out a smaller hut that had two tiny totems just outside its door: one was carved like a mantis; the other, a butterfly. Sapphrina, meanwhile, had floated over to the largest hut - apparently a meeting hall. It, too, had two totem poles outside its door, this time an ox and a sheep. But of more importance, the large wooden table inside was covered in unrolled maps weighted down with books. The maps proved to be of the local area, while the books were journals of the village's history.

While Sapphrina (and Baabby, once he'd finished dispatching the last two one-handed skeletons) examined the maps, Sam gave himself over to a search for more important things - like treasure! He cried out in delight when pulling away a rotting carpet of woven jungle fibers revealed a trap door in the floor - nothing more elaborate than a piece of sturdy wood over a hole dug into the dirt floor. Tearing away the wood, Sam pulled out the sole contents of the hidden space: an elaborately carved box with three keyholes on its top. "Now we're talking!" exclaimed the greedy archer.

Squinting at the images carved by the three keyholes - he wanted to make sure they weren't trapped - Sam made out the images of a crow, a sheep, and a butterfly. "Well, that's weird," he muttered and showed the others what they'd found.

"You think they represent us?" asked Baabby.

"Could be," admitted Sapphrina, fluttering her fairy wings, which looked very much like an oversize pair of butterfly wings.

"Here, hold this!" said Sam suddenly, thrusting the box at the fairy as he rushed outside. An idea had suddenly formed in his mind; searching the sheep carving in the totem pole, he poked and prodded until he found a secret compartment. And sure enough, hidden inside it was a small metal key - with the head of a sheep engraved on its end.

"I knew it!" cried Sam, rushing over to the smaller totems of the mantis and the butterfly he'd been looking at earlier. A close perusal unearthed another hidden compartment containing a butterfly key. "Now we just need a crow!" exclaimed Baabby, finding his companion's enthusiasm contagious.

"Everybody needs a crow," agreed Sam knowingly. But a quick search throughout the small village finally led them to another pair of totems, this time a matched hawk and a crow along a path exiting the village. Sam found the crow key and the trio eagerly opened the box. Inside were three necklaces, each with a single ornament carved from a green stone: a sheep, a crow, and a butterfly. "Gee, I wonder which one is whose?" snickered Sam as he placed the crow necklace around his neck. "What do these do?" he asked Sapphrina. She usually knew the answers to such questions.

"I can only assume they'll aid us in some way," said the fairy. "Obviously, somebody here had heard of the Prophecy of the Courageous Sheep and the Cowardly Crow and stashed these away for our use when we came this way."

"Man, that stupid prophecy needs a new name," grumbled Sam. "So now what?"

"We should go check out those journals," suggested Sapphrina. "Great," snorted Sam at the suggestion as he followed his two friends back to the meeting hall hut. "Reading! That sounds exciting!"

It wasn't. Sam left the boring journal-reading to their studious fairy while he went searching the village for a totem pole carved in the image of a snail. "Sorry, Shelldon," he said after his explorations were complete. "I guess they didn't think to make a necklace for you." Returning to the others, he asked if they'd had any luck.

They had. Sapphrina explained that the journals told of an explorer who had come to the village on his way to searching for a rare and magical gemstone. The villagers told him to follow the river but to stay out of the caves. He returned days later with a chunk of the gemstone he'd been looking for, which he'd apparently broken off from the rest of the stone. But then the journal ended suddenly - and the last sentence had looked like it had been scrawled rather hurriedly. "It looks like the gemstone chunk brought the troubles with it to the village," surmised Sapphrina.

"So, it sounds like we haave two options," suggested Baabby. "We caan either follow the river and stay out of the caves, like the explorer was told to do, or we caan try to find this chunk of gemstone aand return it to where it came from." No matter which plan they adopted, their path to the Earth Rune would be taking them the same way the unnamed explorer had gone.

"Well," piped up Sam, "How about we follow the river, stay out of the caves, and if we happen to see any gem fragments lying around we figure out what to do with them when the time comes?" It was as good a plan as any, so the trio left the village through the totem poles of the hawk and the crow and trudged south. As they traveled, Sapphrina's necklace started glowing. "Hey, how come yours is glowing and ours aren't?" demanded Sam.

"I think mine's the only one doing anything right now," she said. "Odds are, it's allowing me to stay in flight, fighting the anti-Air magic infusing the area. And a good thing, too, or one of you would be carrying me." It was true: fairies had no legs, their lower torsos tapering off to a fine mist like a genie. As she was ahead of her companions, she missed out on Baabby and Sam looking at each other, then silently racing to put a finger to their nose in a "Not it!" gesture. Baabby smirked at his victory while Sam sulked at his loss. But then he decided if he was going to lose a competition like that, it was best to do so when the outcome wouldn't matter - Sapphrina's necklace seemed to be keeping her in the air just fine.

After a lengthy troop through the rainforest, made all the more memorable by the two light showers and the constant grumbling from Sam, the trio came to the river. It was about five feet below the surface of the rest of the ground, its winding passage through the jungle having carved a snakelike channel. The river wasn't very wide and probably wasn't very deep, judging from the occasional smooth rocks rising up above its surface. But that wasn't what had initially caught the heroes' attention: rather, somewhat expectedly, their focus was on the massive tyrannosaurus standing on the other side of the river in between a sharp curve. It had been dipping its muzzle in the river, either to quench its thirst or snap at some fish, but it looked up at the heroes' approach.

Everyone froze, too frightened to move. But the tyrannosaur's eyesight was apparently not all that good - or perhaps the heroes would make little more than a light snack to the massive beast - and it returned its gaze to the river below where it stood.

"Whew!" breathed Sam.

And that was when they noticed the dire tigers.

There were two of them, one over behind the tyrannosaur and the other much closer - just on the other side of the chasm from Baabby, who was in the lead of the trio's formation. It had been laying down in the tall grass when it suddenly stretched, stood, and looked the humanoid sheep straight in the eye with a look that said, "Why yes, I think mutton will do quite nicely for dinner tonight!"

Baabby wasted no time. Pulling the Rift-Weaver's Blade from his broad back, he leaped - and landed with a splash into the river below, where he quickly waded away as fast as he could. (He might have been a massively-muscled baabarian, but he was nobody's fool.) He looked up to see the dire tiger watching his every move, ready to pounce - and then saw a cave opening along the side of the riverbank. "In here!" he called, wading into the narrow cave opening and assuming a defensive stance.

Sapphrina followed at once, flying diagonally across the chasm in a bee-line to safety. Her wings brushed Baabby's arm as she flew past him into the dark interior of the cave.

"Well, this is just great!" complained Sam, looking across the narrow chasm at the hungry-looking dire tiger that was apparently deciding that a poultry dish would make an acceptable alternative to the mutton course he had originally planned. In desperation, Sam sent an explosive arrow directly into the tiger's face, then jumped into the water - and ducked. The water was only waist-high, so he wanted to make sure he was completely submerged and hopefully out of view when the dire tiger shook off the sudden attack. Because the former Son of Archery knew full well that a tiger that big wasn't going to be toppled by a single arrow, explosive or otherwise!

And sure enough, it wasn't. With a roar of fury, the dire tiger leaped the gap and landed where Sam had been just moments before. It spun around and spotted Baabby standing at the entrance to the cave, a perfectly good meal. And yet, surprisingly, it didn't leap down at the sheep-man. Instead, its ears flattened against its head, almost as if afraid to go down into the cave with its potential prey.

"That doesn't particularly bode well," sputtered Sam as he rose up from the water at the cave's entrance and followed his companions into the darkness within. "Even the tigers know better than to enter the caves."

"Guys," called Sapphrina from deeper within the cave, after it was apparent the tiger wasn't going to follow them inside. "Come look at this." She showed Baabby and Sam a pile of shattered crystal shards in a pile along one side of the cave tunnel - for from here, they could see there was another cave opening at the other end, opening back into the river chasm. The fairy was visibly shivering at the sight.

"Whaat is it?" asked Baabby, concern in his voice.

"Don't you feel it?" asked the fairy. "Something's...very off about this place."

"Really?" asked Sam in sarcastic amazement. "You mean here, in this cave that the villagers warn people not to enter?"

"We didn't really haave a choice," argued Baabby. "Would you have raather stayed and fought the tiger? And the tyrannosaur?"

"No," admitted the crow. "But still." He looked down at the pile of gem-shards, idly wondering if they were worth anything, but ultimately deciding he didn't want anything to do with gems that could have him scratching "Imprisoned, he yet feeds" until he wore out his bones. Birds had very delicate bones, after all. As Baabby and Sapphrina moved to the other end of the tunnel, though, something else entered Sam's notice: all of the shards were the exact same thickness - almost as if the full gemstone had been hollow....

"Hey!" Sam called, realizing he was the only one left in the cave. "Wait up!"

The baabarian had taken a deep breath before exiting the cave and was now skirting along the bottom of the river - which was a good thing, as he was passing beneath the area where the tyrannosaur stood overhead. Fortunately, there was a downed tree covering the chasm that partially blocked the access to the river below; even if the dinosaur had spotted Baabby, he'd have to move the tree out of the way before he could snap down at him.

As Sam exited the dark cave and blinked in the sunlight, he could see Sapphrina submerge and repeat Baabby's strategy for getting past the tyrannosaur. Something must have caught the beast's eye, for it lunged down with its giant head and snapped the tree in half, sending both chunks falling into the river to be washed away by the current. But by then Baabby had ducked into another riverside cave and Sapphrina soon followed suit. Oh well - nothing for it! thought Sam, taking a deep breath and ducking beneath the water, hoping his dark feathers would keep him fairly well hidden from the dinosaur above.

"You made it!" said Sapphrina when Sam staggered into the cave; the crow was glad to hear the worry in her voice as she voiced her happiness that he'd made it.

"Easy-peasy!" scoffed Sam. "I'm actually part duck on my mother's side."

Meanwhile, Baabby had walked halfway down the tunnel and found another gemstone - this one intact. "Guys!" he called. "Check it out!" He gave the gem a knock with his knuckles.

And it knocked back.

"Um," gulped Sam, moving up to examine the gem. "Is it supposed to do that?" As an experiment, he rapped on its surface three times, and in response it rapped back at him three times. He stared at the gemstone and was sure he could see mist of some type swirling around in there. It was almost hypnotic...but also somehow wrong. "I think I'm getting those heebie-jeebies Sapphrina got in the last cave," he said, starting to shiver.

And then the first crack appeared in the surface of the gem.

Sam leaped back as if the gem had bitten him. Despite its great size - it stood almost as high as the humanoid crow did, so it would likely be worth a fortune intact - Sam wanted nothing to do with the eerie thing. He stepped back, complaining: "'Follow the river,' they said. 'Stay out of the caves,' they said. So what do we do? We follow the river and we enter every single cave we see!"

"It looks like it's trying to hatch!" exclaimed Baabby, who had stepped forward to check out the gemstone himself. Multiple cracks had appeared all over the gem, but they were all on the inside - the outer surfaces were still as smooth as ever. Baabby hefted his greatsword and announced, "I'm going to give it a hand!"

Sam got about two words into his next sentence - which was going to be "I don't think that's a good idea!" - when the Rift-Weaver's Blade smashed through the gemstone, sending shards everywhere. The mist darkened and took form - and suddenly, there in the tunnel with the three heroes hovered a darkness elemental, its alien form (roughly humanoid, but bizarrely so, with gaps and spaces missing from its arms and torso like it was partially skeletal, and with wispy tendrils instead of legs) hovering above the floor of the cave tunnel. Although it was hard to make out facial features, it didn't look as if the elemental creature had a mouth; nonetheless, as its body formed the words "Imprisoned, my master feeds!" could be heard whispering throughout the cavern.

A great fear entered the hearts of all three heroes at the sight of this monstrosity. "I have an idea: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" cried Sam - but for once, uncharacteristically, Sapphrina beat him to it. With a frantic beating of wings (more hummingbird speed than butterfly), the fairy flew back the way they'd come, out of the cave, up the side of the chasm, and straight into the surrounding jungle before the tyrannosaur could even register her presence.

Fortunately, Baabby and Sam weren't as affected by the darkness elemental's frightful presence as their fairy companion had been. Sam sent an explosive arrow into the creature's torso; then, as the flames flickered out, Baabby leapt up and slashed the thing with the Rift-Weaver's Blade. Despite Sam having to wait for a moment before he could charge another arrow with explosive energy (and the apparent uselessness of a normal arrow - it hit the creature but seemed to pass right through), the hulking baabarian was up to the task of taking down the monstrosity he had helped birth.

And once the creature had been slain, the fear left the two heroes as suddenly as it had appeared. Together, they exited at the far end of the tunnel, far enough away from the tyrannosaur's position it was no longer aware of their presence, only to find Sapphrina sheepishly fluttering to meet them. "Sorry about that, guys," she apologized. "I think that was a fear effect - it was like I had no control over my actions."

As luck would have it, there was another cave opening directly across the chasm from where the heroes stood. Without hesitation, Baabby entered it, sword at the ready. "'Follow the river,' they said," repeated Sam dejectedly. "'Stay out of the caves,' they said...."

"Caan it, Sam!" commanded Baabby. "There's another gem in here! We need to destroy it!"

"Couldn't we just leave it alone?" wheedled the archer. "It's stuck in here, not doing anybody any harm...."

"Better that we aactivate it and destroy the monster within," countered Baabby. "Otherwise, somebody could come along and there could be aanother village destroyed. You don't waant thaat, do you?"

"No," replied Sam, knowing when he was beaten. "But before you go cracking it open like an egg, let me try something." Rummaging in his backpack, the little crow pulled out his canvas tent and a 50-foot supply of sturdy rope. He plopped the tent over the top half of the gemstone and wrapped the rope around it. Once he saw what his little partner was planning, Baabby even helped him pull the rope tight so the crow could tie the knot as tight as possible. Then he started tapping on it, only to hear something - the darkness elemental within, they now knew - tap back. When cracks started appearing on the inside of the gem, Sam had everyone step back out of the blast radius and targeted an explosive arrow dead center on the gemstone. With any luck, it would get tangled up in the tent and the ropes, and they could make easy work of it.

It didn't quite turn out that way. It broke through the gemstone, sending shattered pieces tumbling down beneath the bound tent, but the tent and ropes slipped off the elemental like a shed skin. Not that it really mattered all that much, though: Sam got off his shot, and then Baabby rushed in with his greatsword. He took a raking of sharp claws across his chest as he approached, but it didn't deter the sheep-man - instead, it caused the rage to build inside him and further fuel his strength. Several slashes later, the darkness elemental's alien form dissipated into nothingness, but not before whispering a creepy "Imprisoned, my master feeds!"

"Say 'Hi!' to your little pal Don from us!" called Sam, still irritated that his tent trick hadn't worked.

"Don't feel bad," said Sapphrina. "Darkness is kind of hard to tie up, after all."

"Yeah," agreed Sam. "But I blew up my tent."

"We'll get you aanother one," promised Baabby.

Exiting the other end of the cave tunnel, the heroes found themselves back at the river. No further caves were visible, but they floated down the river with their eyes peeled for any new riverbank openings; Baabby was determined to activate and destroy any further darkness elementals they might encounter on the way.

But the rest of their river trip was uneventful and the trio soon enough saw the Perilous Plateau looming ahead.

"Oh yeah," remarked Sam. "I forgot we still have a long way yet to go."

- - -

This adventure was a "travel to the location of the next Rune" adventure, not a "get the next Rune" adventure (as Logan explained to Harry once we were finished playing). Harry accepted it, although he's eager to collect the Earth Rune and be on our way to the next one.

The necklaces each add a +2 to Will saves vs. fear, which were useful against the darkness elementals, although Sapphrina did poorly on her saves anyway and went from shaken to frightened and thus fled. Fortunately, upon killing the darkness elemental its effects faded, so she regained her composure and found her way back to the rest of the group.

Logan picked up a new Pathfinder Flip-Mat for this adventure: Forbidden Jungle. It had the village of huts on the one side and the winding river on the other; he added the six cave openings along the riverbanks using paper overlays he had built and cut out. For the cave interiors, he used three different "Map Pack" cards of cave passageways, explaining away the fact that they weren't the correct size and shape to extend from one cave opening to the other as dimensional distortion.



PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 7
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 7​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 7​

Game Session Date: 10 June 2017

- - -

After an arduous, sweaty hike through the rain forest, the heroes found themselves at last at the Perilous Plateau. And as luck would have it, immediately before them was the opening to a cave; Sam would not have been surprised to find the cave opening to the Geode Caverns at the very top, requiring a lengthy climb. But no: there it was, a dark opening at ground level of the plateau, with glittering light within hinting at the possibility of sparkling geodes just out of sight.

"Finally!" gasped Sam. "Let's go!"

However, he only managed to take a single step forward before everything went wonky. There was a brief moment of dizziness, followed by a lingering sensation of wrongness - as if the universe suddenly tasted purple. And there, writhing in front of the heroes, was the apparent cause of the weirdness: a wriggling tentacle with an eyeball at its tip, rising up from a rift in the ground that hadn't been there a moment before.

<Welcome!> said a buzzing in the back of the three adventurers' heads. <I look forward to tasting your fears! Especially yours, Xacho - it's been so long!>

"Well, you just made a major fool out of yourself, Don," commented Sam. "Does that eyeball of yours even work? Does he" - and here he pointed at Baabby - "look anything like Xacho? Why don't you just wear an 'I'm an idiot' sign around your neck?"

There was no reply from the eyeball-tentacle, except perhaps the telepathic equivalent of spluttering noises.

"Ah--got it! No neck!" replied Sam, answering his own question. "If you like, Don, we could probably fashion a dunce cap or something for you to wear on your eyeball. Or - here's an idea - maybe we'll just blow you up to kingdom come!" And with that, Sam sent an explosive arrow flying at the monstrosity. The explosion caused yowls of pain to manifest in the back of the heroes' heads as the abomination mentally cried out, but then Baabby stepped up and cut the thing in two with a perfectly-aimed strike of the Rift-Weaver's Blade. The rest of the tentacle pulled back into the rift, and the baabarian used his magic greatsword to close the rift behind it.

"Well, we're off to an interesting staart," he commented. "Waas that really the Devourer of Nightmares?"

"A part of him, likely," answered Sapphrina. "He's still supposed to be locked away, though - it's disturbing that he's able to open rifts, even small ones that allow him to poke part of him outside his prison."

"Well, let's not dwell on it," suggested Baabby, leading the way into the cave. "We've got an Earth Rune to fetch."

After a short passageway of normal rock, the cavern opened up into a massive geode, with purple crystals like giant amethysts jutting from every surface. Blending in with the crystals were two creatures of the same color and seemingly made of the same substance. Scorpionlike in build, they skittered forward aggressively at the heroes' approach.

"Crysmals!" Sapphrina exclaimed before they struck. As Baabby was in the lead, he got the brunt of both attacks. Raising their tails in a manner reminiscent of a scorpion, they fired beams of purple energy from their tips. Each struck Baabby in the torso, causing him to cry out in pain.

Sam stepped up and fired an explosive arrow at the purple crysmal on the right - which, he could see, was the closest to the other exit from this cavern, and thus the way they needed to go. The crysmal was engulfed in the explosion, but as the smoke cleared Sam could see the crystalline being seemed not to have been harmed by the fire of the explosion, merely the concussive blast. Bummer! - he wasn't likely to get as much mileage as he was used to with his Dynabow 3.0 against these creatures!

At the crow's side, Sapphrina flew up and fired off a ray of frost spell. All she needed to do was hit the crysmal with her spell for it to take effect, but it went wild, striking a crystal projection off to the left of the beast. But Baabby had better luck with his attack, his Rift-Weaver's Blade chipping a few chunks off the crysmal's crystalline hide by the force of his blow. In response, the creature's tail pointed at the baabarian and another blast of energy was sent his way. The other crysmal, meanwhile, was suddenly no longer where it had been but was now immediately behind the baabarian, lining up a tail-strike.

With his Dynabow 3.0 needing time to recharge, Sam sent a flurry of three normal arrows at the crysmal behind Baabby. Those that hit bounced off the creature's hide, but it flinched as if they had at least hurt somewhat. Sapphrina followed Sam's attack with one of her own, another ray of frost - which missed in just as spectacular a fashion as her last shot. "What's up with you?" demanded Sam. "Do you need glasses all of a sudden?"

Fortunately, Baabby had the situation well in hand. He brought his blade down onto the wounded crysmal, finishing it off, and then spun in place and sent his greatsword slashing into the side of the one who had teleported behind him. The crysmal retaliated by stabbing forward with the sharp point of its tail. Sam sent another trio of arrows crashing into the crysmal's body and Baabby finished it off with a final swing of his sword. Sore from where he'd been blasted by the crysmals' tail-beams, the baabarian cast a quick healing spell upon himself and deemed himself ready to move on.

The rock tunnel led to another massive geode, this one yellow with crystals the appearance of topaz. Standing in the middle of the chamber was a Large earth elemental, parts of its body filled with chips of topaz. At its side was what might have been its pet: another crysmal, this one similarly sporting a yellowish tinge to its crystalline body. Upon spotting the heroes, the elemental lumbered over. However, its speed left something to be desired, for before it could close the distance Sam sent an explosive arrow crashing into its midsection. Sapphrina flew up to Baabby, put a hand on his shoulder, and channeled an enlarge person spell into him. He grew to the same size as the charging elemental, causing the fairy to look over at Sam and declare, "I'm still plenty useful!"

"Just think about getting those glasses, that's all I'm saying," retorted Sam. "There's nothing wrong with the 'hot librarian' look!"

Baabby raced towards the approaching earth elemental at a much faster pace and swung his Rift-Weaver's Blade into its side, eliciting a grunt of pain from the rocky foe. Behind its master, the yellowish crysmal skittered sideways and shot its tail-beam at Baabby. Sam sent three arrows at the earth elemental, but he could tell by the way they snapped in pieces as they hit they weren't doing a lick of good.

Sapphrina flew forward between Baabby and Sam and cast a haste spell that affected all three of them. "Useful!" she repeated.

Now that the two hulking behemoths were face-to-face, the elemental wasted no time going on the offensive. Twin fists slammed into Baabby's head and side, staggering him from the powerful blows. But he responded with an overhead strike with his greatsword, putting every ounce of strength into it. It was enough; the earth elemental crumbled apart into large chunks of rock and a plethora of gravel.

Her confidence back, Sapphrina targeted the crysmal with another ray of frost spell - and, to her dismay, missed for a third time. "Not as useful!" carped Sam, sending some normal arrows into the crysmal, since he knew they were at least vulnerable to being hit by them. But again it was Baabby who dealt the final blow.

Waving away suggestions of healing, Baabby raced into the next geode cavern. This one was green, with emeralds jutting out at weird angles from the walls, ceiling, and floor. There were three crysmals facing them, each green like the surrounding crystals, but the one in the middle was easily twice the size of the two on its flanks. With a battle cry, Baabby charged into the chamber, swinging his greatsword at the Large creature in the middle (the one Sam dubbed "Mommy Crysmal"). It reacted by shooting its tail-laser at Baabby's face, an act which did not endear it to the screaming sheep-man. Sapphrina cast a bear's endurance spell on Baabby to keep him in the fight longer, because both she and Sam knew he was their best bet at beating Mommy Crysmal; the baabarian's companions would have all they could do dealing with the two smaller ones.

The smaller crysmals both instinctively took Baabby, twice the size of his companions, as the biggest threat they faced, so each targeted the sheep-man with their tail-blasts. Sam saw an opportunity and shot an explosive arrow at the ground between Mommy Crysmal and one of her offspring, engulfing them both in an explosive blast that at least did some concussive damage, if the fire effects were ignored. Baabby swung again at the Large crysmal, only to have his blade skitter across the crystalline surface of the creature's skin, affecting it not in the least. Mommy Crysmal and the farthest offspring both shot tail-lasers at Baabby, whereas the other one retaliated against Sam by targeting him. "Hey!" squawked Sam. "No fair!"

Three arrows clanged against the offending crysmal's body, an indication of Sam's irritation at having been lasered. Baabby got in a couple of good strikes with his blade, wounding the Large crysmal to the point it was wobbling on its arachnoid legs. Sapphrina flew up, touched her thumbs together while otherwise spreading her fingers, and used an old fairy trick to convert a burning hands spell into acidic hands, squirting streams of acid onto Mommy Crysmal and the one that had shot Sam. "Useful yet again!" she called out.

"I concede the point!" called out Sam, not wanting to hear about every time their fairy friend helped in battle. He shot another bunch of arrows at the little crysmal, finally killing it.

Mommy Crysmal, in the meantime, swung her tail into Baabby's face again and blasted him for all she was worth. With a look of abject surprise on his face, the hulking baabarian fell backwards, knocked out from the damage.

"Oh, crap!" cried out Sam. "We're never gonna beat that thing without him! Quick! Feed him one of his potions!" Sapphrina flew over to comply, pulling out a twice-normal-size potion flask from the baabarian's twice-normal-size belt, pulling the twice-normal-size cork off the end, and spilling it into the twice-normal-size mouth of their unconscious combat machine. Baabby sat up, sputtered, and got an immediate sense of the situation. "Thaanks!" he called, grabbing up the Rift-Weaver's Blade and allowing the rage to overcome him. His blow cut Mommy Crysmal in two and then the blade cleaved into the remaining crysmal's body for good measure. Sam shot the crysmal, the crysmal shot Baabby, Baabby cut the crysmal in half with his greatsword, and then that was that. The only excitement after that was calming Baabby out of his rage long enough for him to cast healing spells upon himself.

The next geode was bluish in color, but none of the heroes even gave the sapphire crystals a moment's notice - their focus was on the eyeball-tipped tentacle jutting up from a rift on the floor. <I do so look forward to the taste of your fears> the tentacle-thing thought at the heroes.

"You know my greatest fear?" taunted Sam. "That my good friend Don's eyeball might get sat on by an elephant - and the tip of the tentacle, unable to blink, will get a close-up view of the latter part of the elephant's digestive tract!" He was purposely trying to think of off-putting images - serves anybody right for poking around in his mind, where they didn't belong!

<My name is not "Don"!> came the telepathic reply, and the irritation that came along with the statement showed Sam was hitting a nerve. Another indicator was the beam of energy that shot out from the eyeball, hitting Sam Crow square in the chest. The archer felt a familiar draining of his life energy. <You like that?> came the taunting, telepathic reply. <I'll be continually feasting upon your essence as I deal with your friends!>

"Maybe," replied Sam, grabbing an arrow and charging it up with his Dynabow 3.0. "But I bet you won't be doing much draining once we blow you up!" The explosion made a rather decent bit of punctuation, the little crow thought.

Once again, Baabby stepped up as the explosion ran its course and as soon as the smoke had cleared his greatsword came slicing in for a precision strike, expertly slicing the tentacle halfway down its exposed length. The tip of the tentacle flopped around on the ground like a caught fish, then Baabby used his Rift-Weaver's Blade to close the rift into which the rest of the tentacle had retreated. As the rift closed, Sam felt the draining turn off as if somebody had turned off a switch. "That's much better," he said. "Thanks, Baabby!" The baabarian followed up with a few healing spells to get Sam back up to his full strength, and then the group was ready to move on.

The next geode was red in color, with ruby-crystals extending from all surfaces. In the middle of the geode stood an enormous earth elemental studded with rubies throughout its surface. Baabby was still twice his normal size, the result of Sapphrina's enlarge person spell, but this creature was at least another entire Baabby taller!

"Hey!" called out Sam as the creature started lumbering their way. "We've killed a whole bunch of elementals and crysmals before getting here! What makes you think you'll be any different? Howzabout you just stand back and let us pass, and you can go about whatever it is you do all day when not fighting dashing-looking heroes?" The elemental's plodding speed did not decrease in the least. "Oh well, it was worth a try!" said Sam, turning to comment to Baabby at his side.

That was a mistake! Having taken his eye off the enemy - even momentarily - Sam found himself the target of a massive fist almost as big as he was! Sam practically flew backwards and made a mental note to stand behind Baabby from now on when he was going to allow his attention to wander.

"My master will not allow it!" roared the elemental, long enough after Sam's comment that the heroes had to think back to what their foe was referring to. More than a bit big, this elemental, but more than a bit thick - in both senses of the word!

"Your master isn't named 'Don' by any chance, is it?" asked Sam as he sent an explosive arrow blasting into the earth elemental's torso while Baabby stepped back out of range. "Because we've already beaten him twice already today. I hate to mention it, but he's kind fo a wuss. You might want to go find somebody a little tougher for your next master. Say! I think I know where you might find a chompy...."

"SHUT UP!" cried the earth elemental. "Bird-thing talk too much!"

"That's not actually my fault," countered Sam. "I'm part parrot on my mother's side...." As the archer was keeping the earth elemental distracted, Baabby stepped up and swung the Rift-Weaver's Blade at their foe, but for once the blade did little but glance off the creature's stony hide. Sapphrina, seeing her original spell fade, recast haste on the three heroes, which definitely helped.

As if noticing the sheep-man for the first time (and as Sam had backed off out of range), the earth elemental slammed Baabby with its massive fists. While Baabby reeled, Sam sent three arrows flying at the elemental, but even as they struck he knew they wouldn't be doing anything but possibly irritating the massive foe. Baabby hit the elemental with his greatsword, this time doing some damage, but the elemental's retaliation sent consciousness fleeing from the baabarian at its fastest possible speed.

"Not again!" cried Sam, rushing forward and using one of his own healing potions to revive the baabarian, their only real hope in defeating the earth elemental. Sapphrina flew up and cast a bear's endurance on Baabby as well and together the two measures managed to revive him. Baabby continued the fight, chipping away at the elemental's form bit by bit until he finally laid the final blow that shattered the creature into thousands of chunks of rock and ruby. With its last moment of movement, it glanced down at its slayer as if seeing him truly for the first time, and begged, "Free the Stonefather...."

Nobody was sure what that necessarily meant, but it sure sounded like the elemental had been siding with the Devourer of Nightmares against his will - and that another of his kind was similarly imprisoned, mentally or otherwise. After healing spells brought the heroes to their full fighting trim, they moved on to what would turn out to be the last geode cavern in the entire complex.

This last one was filled with diamonds, and the light was bright enough to cause the heroes to have to squint. Another earth elemental, this one large enough to be given the nomenclature "Earth Titan" (at least, according to Sapphrina) was apparently the Stonefather. If so, the ruby-elemental's plea to free him was a literal one, for his limbs and torso were bound in two massive tentacles that squeezed him as he struggled fruitlessly to get free. Two more tentacles rose up from rifts in the ground, but these two had the now-familiar eyeballs at their tips. And every now and then, as the Stonfather struggled to free himself, Sam and Sapphrina could see through his legs a hovering, robed figure at the back of the chamber.

The eyeballs each shot out a ray of life draining; each hit Baabby and absorbed some of his life energy, but the experience did not shake the baabarian's resolve in the least. Sam stepped out from behind Baabby and shot an explosive arrow at the leftmost eyeball-tentacle, grinning as it went up in flames. Baabby raced into the room and swung absently at the other eyeball-tentacle as he passed it, but the thing was nimble and the blade swooshed by without making contact. Sapphrina, realizing every bit of damage they could deal to their foes would get them that much closer to gaining the Earth Rune for Baabby's greatsword, flew up to the leftmost eyeball tentacle and let fly with an acidic hands spell variant. Sam followed her attack up with three normal arrows, but as each one hit and bounced off with a solid thunk, the crow realized just what kind of spell punk was floating there at the back of the room - and what they could do for their allies.

"Baabby!" he called. "Get the spell punk! He's covered the other enemies in stoneskin spells!"

<You're too late!> came a telepathic taunt from the eyeballs. <You will be defeated, and I will savor the taste of your nightmares for days on end!>

"Ha!" scoffed Sam, readying another explosive arrow. "Says the mighty Don, who we've already beaten twice -- today!"

<You won't best me again!> came the telepathic reply. <I know your capabilities, little crow, and they fail to impress! After're part "Don" on your father's side!>

"Pffft!" cried Sam. "Is that all you've got? You're just trying to scare me with ridiculous ideas about my family tree - which you are in no way a part of!" And he let fly with his arrow, which exploded nicely around the rightmost eyeball tentacle.

Baabby, in the meantime, had skirted around the struggling Stonefather and send the Rift-Weaver's Blade crashing down on the earth spell punk fiddling around with a closed rift in the back of the chamber, trying to get it opened up. By the time he was aware of the baabarian's approach, it was far too late for the spell punk. He died after one strike, and the stoneskins protecting his allies all died with him. Baabby turned his greatsword to the task of freeing the Stonefather by slicing into one of the two massive tentacles pinning him in place.

"That's more like it!" agreed Sapphrina, sending another acidic hands spell squirting acid into the leftmost eyeball tentacle. At this range it was hard to miss - but it was also easy to see that the center of the eyeball's pupil was ringed with teeth! "Yecch!" she cried in disgust.

For her efforts, she was blasted by a beam from the leftmost eyeball, just as Baabby was hit with a similar blast from the one on the right. Sam shot another three arrows into the left eyeball, and this time they managed to inflict no small amount of pain.

Another acidic attack from Sapphrina and another barrage of arrows from Sam left the leftmost eyeball-tentacle staggering and just about to fall. But then Baabby finally cut through the tentacle he'd been working on and shifted over to work on the other one. Freed from half of his wrestling opponents, the Stonefather was able to better apply his own grappling attempts against the lone tentacle remaining, and at last it too had been severed.

"Took you long enough!" grumbled the Stonefather. "I've been trapped here for centuries!"

"I only just recently got the sword!" replied Baabby.

"You're not Xacho?"

"No, I'm Baabby!"

"Eh, you little humanoids all look alike to me...." The Stonefather and Baabby turned as one, facing the only remaining foes in the diamond geode: two eyeball-tentacles poking up out of rifts from the floor. Each eyeball looked at the other one and then in unison each retracted back through its respective rift.

"Oh no, you don't!" called Sam as he raced to the rightmost rift. "Sapphrina! Face the wall!" he commanded.


"Just do it! It's important!" cried Sam as he skidded to a halt at the lip of the rightmost rift and started unbuckling his pants. Then, seeing that their fairy friend's head was averted as requested, he dropped his trousers and squatted over the rift. "Hey Don!" he called. "Specially delivery!" And then he let fly with a disgusting stream of whitish bird poop.

"Heh heh heh!" the archer smirked, incredibly pleased with himself. After hitching his pants back into position, he told the fairy it was safe to look again.

"I don't think I even want to know," she said as Baabby used his Rift-Weaver's Blade to close each rift in turn.

That only left the rift in the back of the chamber, the one the earth spell punk had been fiddling with. Baabby unlocked it with his blade, opening a rift into an extradimensional space. Sapphrina had to dismiss the enlarge person spell so Baabby was able to fit, but all three passed through the rift into a smaller geode with numerous crystals of different colors throughout. The fairy used her powers to channel the Earth energy from the area, and it coalesced into the Earth Rune, which promptly adhered itself to the Rift-Weaver's Blade.

"Mission accomplished," Baabby said with some pride.

The heroes returned to the diamond geode, where the Stonefather thanked them for freeing him. As a tangible form of appreciation, he gave them about 20,000 gold pieces each worth of diamonds from his own geode. "Whoa!" gasped Sam, carefully shoveling each stone into his extradimensional backpack.

"This has been the best adventure yet!" gushed Sam. "The best treasure, and an opportunity to crap on Don in his own prison!"

"Oh, tell me you didn't!" said the fairy, her nose squinching in disgust. Sam just smiled at her and deliberately did not tell her he hadn't.

- - -

According to Logan, the next adventure will find our heroes in an appropriately large city with a substantial library, where Sapphrina does research on the possible location of the Tech rune, while Sam and Baabby go shopping!

For the geodes, Logan purchased a pack of sparkly sheets of paper of different color, then measured out 1-inch squares with a yardstick and drew over the pencil marks with a black Sharpie. The connecting tunnels were more tunnel maps from a Paizo Map Pack set. We used D&D Miniatures for the elementals and Logan had me make up crysmal tokens of the two different sizes. For the eyeball-tentacles, he used some purple, clear-plastic tentacle miniatures he picked up from a game shop some time ago. (We use them to designate the central area of effect of Evard's black tentacles spells, which the wizard in our standard D&D campaign uses frequently.)



PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 8
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 8​

NPC Roster:
Stealth Elf, elf monk 10/rogue 10​

Game Session Date: 1 July 2017

- - -

The troll airship dropped safely to the ground just outside the outskirts of town and its three passengers stepped off. The sun was just starting to sink beneath the horizon, and throughout the town the streetlights were being lit. "You guys get us a room for the night," Sapphrina said. "I'm heading off to the library to research what I can about the missing Tech rune. I'll meet you tonight, after the library closes for the evening."

"Aall right," agreed Baabby.

"Hey," said Sam, watching their fairy friend fly over towards a separate group of buildings in the distance - presumably where the library was located. "We might be able to pick up some equipment in town while we're here!"

"Whaat kind of equipment?" asked Baabby.

"Magic stuff!" enthused Sam as the two walked down the street. Spotting a magic weapons shop, he said, "Like they have in here! C'mon, Baabby!"

Entering the shop, Baabby and Sam noted the Mabu clerk - the owner, no doubt - behind the counter. Besides them, there was only a single other customer, a human wizard by the looks of him, examining the sample of enchanted daggers on display. He looked up at the two adventurers as they entered the shop, then quickly averted his eyes.

"May I help you?" asked the friendly Mabu owner.

"We're just looking for now," advised Baabby, before turning to his crow companion. "What do we need more weapons for? I've got my Rift-Weaver's Blade and you've got your Dynabow 3.0. And Sapphrina's got your spare bow. Do we really want more weapons?"

"Maybe not, but they don't just sell weapons in a place like this. Here, look!" Sam approached a display shelf featuring magic gauntlets and bracers. "Ooh, how much for the bracers of archery?" he asked the clerk.

"Twenty-five thousand for the greater version, and five thousand for the lesser version," replied the clerk. That tracked with what Sam knew about the cost of such things; unfortunately, the little crow had only a tad bit over 23,000 gold pieces at hand. "I don't suppose you have any discounts for incredibly good-looking crow heroes?"

"I'm afraid not, sir," replied the Mabu.

"Pity," sighed Sam. "I guess I'll take this lesser set, then." He pulled out a sack of coins valued at 5,000 gold pieces from his pack, having already separated that amount back on the airship anticipating such a purchase, and handed them over to the clerk. The Mabu did a quick count, then thanked the crow for his purchase and wished him a good day.

"You see anything you want?" asked Sam.

"Not really," replied Baabby. "Like I said, I have all the weapons I need."

"You could always use a good ranged weapon," suggested Sam.

"Naah. I leave the ranged stuff to you guys. And if I need to, I can aalways use an attaack spell."

"Okay, just a suggestion," said Sam. As they left the shop, they could feel the eyes of the human wizard upon them. Sam looked back over his shoulder at him as they exited the building, and then several times as they walked down the street. Sure enough, the wizard departed the weapon shop shortly after the adventuring duo had, and followed behind them at a safe distance.

"Hey, here's a magic clothing shop!" said Sam, spotting a gaudy-looking shop up ahead. "You go see if there's anything in there you like, while I hang out here. Then, when you're done we can swap."

"Problem?" asked Baabby.

"I just want to see what Mr. Suspicious Wizard is up to, is all," replied the archer. Baabby looked over at the wizard in question, who felt the heroes' stares and ducked into a nearby shop selling writing supplies. The baabarian shrugged and entered the magic clothing shop.

"Good evening," said the vampire behind the counter. Baabby was nonplussed by the appearance of the undead shop owner; after all, Undead was one of the eight traditional elements recognized in the Skylands and was seen by most Skylanders as just as valid as any of the others. Plus, most vampires didn't go around attacking people and sucking their blood, any more than most baabarians attacked everyone they met in a blood-red frenzy. Stereotypes abounded, of course, but most folk had the common sense to judge individuals on an individual basis.

"Good evening," replied Baabby. "Do you have any maagic cloaks, by chaance? A friend suggested I might want to purchase one."

"Ve have quite a vide selection," said the vampire. "Did you have any particular qualities in mind?"

"Sam said there are cloaks that can help you evade maagic effects. Do you have anything like thaat?"

"But of course!" said the vampire, leading Baabby to a rack of colorful cloaks and showing him the available cloaks of resistance. "I particularly like this one," he said, holding up a black cloak with a wide collar and red lining - a traditional vampire cape if ever there was one.

"I think I'll take this one," said Baabby, choosing an all-white cloak of protection +3. He then wandered over to a display of leather belts, some thin enough to wear simply to hold up your pants, others wide enough to look like they'd only be worn by weightlifters. "Whaat do these do?" he asked. As the vampire went through their various magical properties, the baabarian stopped him as soon as he started describing the belts of giant strength. "Wait," he said. "You sell belts thaat will make me even stronger thaan I aam now?"

Upon assuring the sheep-man that they did indeed, the vampire soon had a customer very happy with his two purchases. Baabby strode out of the store wearing his new belt of giant strength +4 and his cloak of protection +3. "You're up," he said. "Whaat's our wizard been up to?"

"I've been watching him," Sam replied. "And then he started watching me, only as soon as he realized he was watching me watching him, he ducked into that shop over there. He's still in there, as far as I can tell."

"Got it," said Baabby. "I'll take it from here."

Sam entered the magical clothing shop and jumped a bit at first spotting the vampire clerk - he hadn't strayed too far from his homeland much before meeting up with Baabby, and thus wasn't as used to seeing undead creatures mingling peacefully with the living. Still, his desire for a pair of magical gloves overcame his leeriness of dealing with a vampire clerk. After asking the crow his interests, the vampire took him to the glove section and displayed the various gloves of dexterity. "Ve have many colors," the vampire informed Sam. "The famous undead Skylander, Roller Brawl, has a lovely pair just like these," he said, holding up a pair of bright pink gloves.

"Hmm," said Sam. "Not quite what I had in mind. I think I'll stick to basic black. But do you have a catalogue, perhaps?"

"Ve do," confirmed the vampire. "Vhy?"

"I really want to see a picture of Roller Brawl's lovely pink pair," snickered Sam, trying his best to keep a straight face. Fortunately, the joke went right over the vampire's head - or, more likely, he chose to ignore it. But Sam paid for his black gloves of dexterity +4 and strolled out of the store. Baabby informed him he'd been watching the store the wizard went into, but he hadn't come back out yet.

"Good," replied Sam. "Let's go get those rooms at the inn."

The inn wasn't too crowded; there was a green-skinned female elf in black leather armor at the bar talking to the Mabu bartender and a human drinking a beverage a few stools over. Baabby and Sam approached the bar and arranged to rent two rooms for the night, one for the two of them and one for Sapphrina. The bartender took their money for the rooms and informed the duo that dinner was available if they were interested.

"Do you have worm casserole?" asked Sam eagerly.

"Or graass saalaad?" inquired Baabby. The bartender gave the two a look that said "Boy, we get all kinds of weirdoes in this joint but I'd better be nice to the paying customers," and replied with, "Actually, good sirs, we were serving pizza tonight."

"Oh," said Sam, trying to hide his disappointment. "Okay then. That works, I guess." He and Baabby took a table in the corner and waited for the pizza to be brought to their table. From their vantage point, they were able to see anyone who entered or exited the barroom through the front entrance. And sure enough, minutes after the adventurers had settled at their table the human wizard who'd been trailing them walked into the room, looked around, and headed to the elf sitting at the bar. He pulled a piece of paper from his robe, looked nervously over at Baabby and Sam, pointed at them, and handed the paper over to the elf.

"I'm going to see what this is all about," decided Sam, getting up from his seat and approaching the wizard. "Hello, friendly and not at all suspicious stranger!" he greeted the wizard. "We're about to have some pizza - would you care to join us?" The wizard blanched, then rushed out of the building in a near panic.

"Whaat's his problem?" asked Baabby, still seated and patiently waiting for the food to come.

But Baabby and Sam had a problem of their own. The elf's eyes narrowed as she approached Sam and Baabby. She held up the paper she'd just been handed, which had a sketch of a pair of faces - a sheep and a crow - and the word "WANTED" in big letters above it. "You boys fit the descriptions of a pair of wanted criminals that have been seen in these parts recently," she declared.

"Really?" asked Sam, the voice of innocence. "What a coincidence! But not only are we not criminals, I don't look a thing like that picture there. Note the beady eyes, the drooping feathers, and the slack-jawed expression in the picture, compared to the powerful slope of my beak, my noble brow, and the overall trustworthiness of my piercing eyes. You know," he confided, "I'm part eagle on my mother's side."

"I'm still going to have to take you in for questioning."

"What?" squawked Sam. "This is an outrage! What are we - law-abiding citizens, and heroes to boot - supposed to have done?"

The elf referred to the sheet before her. "Destruction of a museum, theft of an airship, theft of a valuable artifact, attempting to start a volcanic eruption, and kidnapping a fairy," she read. "Those are some serious crimes," she said, her eyes narrowing even further. "What have you done with the fairy?"

"Nothing!" said Sam. "We're innocent of all charges! Who dares accuse the prophesied Courageous Sheep and, uh, Only-Slightly-Less-Courageous Crow of these devious deeds?"

There was a name at the bottom of the Wanted poster. "One 'Spee L. Poonk'," replied the elf.

"Spell punk!" hissed Sam, turning to Baabby. "That wizard guy was a spell punk!" Turning back to the elf - whom he had yet to recognize as Stealth Elf, one of the fabled Skylanders who worked for the Portal Master, Eon, and who was responsible for protecting all of Skylands from whatever dangers it might face - Sam tried to convince her they weren't the bad guys in this situation. "That guy who handed you this sheet of lies was a spell punk!" he explained. "Quick! Let's go get him and make him explain his actions!"

"You're the one who needs to do some explaining," said Stealth Elf, pulling out a dagger. "You and your baabarian buddy. Let's go!"

Baabby got up from his seat but hesitated at pulling out his greatsword. Instead, he concentrated on a commotion he could hear just outside. It sounded to the baabarian like somebody was saying, "The jig's up! They're right there, inside! We need to abort the mission!"

In the meantime, Sam put a hand on Stealth Elf's shoulder to try to pull her towards the door after the spell punk - big mistake! In a blur of motion, the Skylander's blade stabbed out at Sam, piercing him in the chest. "Hands off!" she demanded.

"Hands off!" agreed Sam, putting his hands in the air. "Look: hands in the air! And completely law-abiding crow not fighting back against the bounty hunter who just stabbed him! Because he realizes she's been led astray by a spell punk who's putting a frame job on us! Come on, let's go outside and find him!"

"He's just outside," pointed out Baabby, who had recognized the voice he'd heard. And now a female voice outside replied, "We have to go on with it! The Master demands it!"

Sam opened the doors to the tavern, with Stealth Elf's dagger pointed at his back and Baabby standing docilely at her side. The human wizard was standing in frenzied conversation with a human woman dressed similarly in purple robes.

"Excuse me!" called Sam. "'Mr. Poonk', was it? Or do you go by 'Mr. Spell Punk' instead?"

"They're on to us!" hissed the female wizard as Sam desperately concentrated, trying to disbelieve whatever illusion was making these two spell punks look like human wizards. While he wasn't able to pierce whatever spell was cloaking them, he did at least recall that spell punks floated above the ground instead of walking. Concentrating on the wizards' shadows, the little crow realized they didn't quite meet up with the wizards' feet.

In desperation, Sam tried one last approach. Summoning all of his convictions, he mentally prepared himself to voluntarily give up money and said to Stealth Elf, "I will give you 100 gold coins if you just go over there and touch that wizard's ankles." Seeing what Sam was doing, Baabby decided to sweeten the pot. "And I'll give you another 100 gold coins," he offered.

Unfortunately, the heroes didn't know who they were dealing with: a Skylander isn't motivated by money, but doing what's right for the safety of the entire Skylands, and there's no way Stealth Elf would jeopardize an opportunity to bring in two dangerous criminals to make a quick couple of hundred pieces of gold. Fortunately, their pleas for her to touch the ankles of the wizards - which would prove the "wizards" to be illusory, for the spell punks would be hovering, not standing on the grand - convinced the spell punks even if they did nothing to persuade the Skylander. "The jig is up!" cried the female "wizard," sending a barrage if magic missiles flying into Stealth Elf's face, before making a dash across the village square. The male "wizard" cast a similar spell, also hitting Stealth Elf without error, but by then she was already in motion.

"Okay, it looks like I may have been wrong about you two!" she called back to Baabby and Sam as she sprinted to the male "wizard" and stabbed at him with a pair of sharp daggers. Her slim blades cut through his robes and the startled mage dropped his illusion, revealing himself as a Magic spell punk. At the same time, a pair of bone chompies suddenly popped into view in the village square, indicating the nearby presence of a pair of invisible Undead spell punks.

"Toldja!" crowed Sam, pulling his Dynabow 3.0 from his back and letting loose with an explosive arrow. The brief explosion encompassed the spell punk Stealth Elf had just stabbed, and while the archer managed to keep the elf out of the blast radius he apparently - judging from the cries of pain - caught several other unseen opponents in its area of effect. Belatedly, Sam recalled that Magic spell punks could turn others invisible - there was no telling how many foes they were actually fighting! But then he remembered that a spell punk's magical effects vanished when he was slain, and he determined to kill the two magic spell punks as soon as possible to bring the other enemies into view.

Stealth Elf stabbed forward again with her blades, slicing two deep gashes in the Magic spell punk. But then a whole chorus of voices called out, from all around the village square, "By eight all was made; by eight all shall be undone."

Baabby raced forward, his Rift-Weaver's Blade in hand, and cut the Magic spell punk in two, the mage's purple robes fluttering to the ground upon his death. All at once, another eight spell punks popped into view: one each of the other seven standard elements, plus a spell punk from the newly-accepted Light element. They were arranged in a half-circle, chanting in unison.

Sam frantically tried to remember what special abilities each of the various spell punks could do - there were too many to keep straight! But he remembered that Earth spell punks could cast stoneskin spells upon their allies, and that ability irritated the little crow to no end because it practically guaranteed the uselessness of his non-explosive arrows. So, targeting the hovering spell punk dressed in the brown robes of an adherent of the Earth element, he let fly with a trio of arrows. Two of them hit, but they failed to bring the foe down. Sam cursed and ducked into a corner of the tavern's exterior, where he had a wall to either side of him and there was no way for an invisible foe to sneak up behind him.

The chanting continued: "By this sacrifice, eight shall become one with the Master; by our sacrifice, we open the window."

Sam saw an opportunity to explode an arrow between a Water spell punk and the other Magic spell punk and went for it. The explosion caught two other unseen foes as well, those whose invisibility had not yet been undone by the death of the one who so hid them. Stealth Elf stabbed at a Life spell punk with her slim blades and brought him down, while Baabby slew an Undead spell punk (causing the bone chompy he'd summoned to pop out of existence), then raced over to the remaining Magic spell punk, wanting all of their foes to be revealed. But before he could close the gap, the chanting finished up: "See us, Oh Great One, and we shall be your vessels; see this land and devour its fear!"

With the last word spoken, the sole remaining Magic spell punk's body exploded into a puff of purple smoke, which was then sucked straight up into the air as if by an exhaust fan. The other remaining spell punks became invisible upon its death, but seven of the now-revealed spell punks also exploded into puffs of colored smoke - each one's smoke keyed to the color corresponding to its element - and was whisked up into the air, where the eight colors mingled into a whirlwind, which opened thereafter into a rift in the sky. On the other side of this rift was an enormous, unblinking eye the size of a transportation balloon, looking down over the town. Wisps of smoke remained, forming a series of bars imprisoning the eye on its side of the rift.

Sam squinted up at the eye, judging distance, and was irritated to discover he wasn't likely to be able to shoot an explosive arrow all the way up there. How much he'd give to be able to explode Don's giant eyeball! So he did the next best thing: threw taunts at the self-styled "Devourer of Nightmares."

"Oh no!" cried Sam as loudly as he could. "I'm desperately afraid that I won't be able to give my good buddy Don another surprise package like I did the last time we met! Seriously: I fear that he won't get to wallow in my specially-formulated poop! How's that fear taste there, Donnie boy? Eat it all up: nom nom nom!"

But while Sam was looking up at the eyeball, he failed to note what the remaining spell punks (Air, Earth, Fire, and Water) were doing now. Reaching into their robes, each pulled out a greenish stone, and from each stone suddenly sprouted a writhing tentacle with an eyeball at its tip. The eyeball-tentacles whipped around, looking for suitable targets. There was also a Dark spell punk approaching Sam from the west, but he wasn't part of the "eyeball-tentacle club." Instead, he used his innate powers to create a black hole in the middle of the square, encompassing Baabby and Stealth Elf within its radius.

Realizing that Stealth Elf probably hadn't encountered these new spell punks before, Baabby called out for her to run as fast as she could to escape its area of effect while he did the same thing. Both ran in slow motion, the black hole causing them to run at half their normal speed.

A telepathic grumbling blasted down from the sky above. <You had to do the ritual here, in front of these guys?> griped the Devourer of Nightmares. <I need to upgrade to a better quality of minion!> At that, the four spell punks holding the eyeball-tentacles cowered in fear, worried about having disappointed their evil master. But Don took out his frustration on Sam Crow, the little bird with the big mouth, sending a beam of energy from the eyeball carried by the Fire spell punk straight into Sam's chest, drawing forth a bit of his life-energy and causing him to be shaken just a bit.

Two other rays shot out at Stealth Elf, but she expertly dodged both. Another hit Baabby in the chest, but he managed to shake off the fear effects.

Out of the gravity well of the black hole effect, Stealth Elf headed over to the nearest spell punk, blades gleaming. Sam got off a shot at the Earth spell punk, killing it, and the stone shattered when it hit the ground, immediately closing the rift on its surface and causing the tip of the eyeball-tentacle to flop around like a fish on land as it began dissolving. As Baabby swung his Rift-Weaver's Blade at the Fire spell punk, killing him, the Light spell punk shot a blast of chain lightning at Stealth Elf. The Skylander easily dodged it, but an arc shot off from where it struck at her feet and hit Sam, singeing his feathers. (Fortunately, as a crow, his feathers were already black so the singeing didn't show.)

The Air spell punk was taken out by a barrage of arrows from the Dynabow 3.0. But the Light spell punk hit Stealth Elf with another blast, this time knocking her unconscious. Immediately, a column of energy whirled around her, causing her to disappear - apparently, Skylanders got whisked back to their Headquarters by Master Eon or his minions when they got taken out in a combat - a definite boon!

"Hey! No fair!" complained Sam. When he or Baabby got taken out during a battle, the other one had to take time to go feed him a healing potion! But the crow took his hostilities out on the Light spell punk, especially since his Tech bow had charged up another explosive arrow. When the explosion finished, the Light spell punk was finished right along with it.

<I'll make a bargain with you> suggested the Devourer of Nightmares from above the town. <Leave the rest of my spell punks alone, and I'll go elsewhere for my sustenance! I'll devour the nightmares of animals in a forest and leave these townspeople, and you, alone!>

"Yeah?" asked Sam. "And why would we trust you?"

<My kind always keeps its word> Don thought at the heroes. <I'll even throw in the answer to any one question you might ask.>

Baabby looked thoughtful, as if trying to decide what would be a good question to ask. "Don't do it, Baabby!" warned Sam. "We can't trust Don! Plus, the fact that he's trying to bargain with us means he's afraid of us winning! Why don't you eat your own fear, there, Donnie Boy - I hope you choke on it!"

Baabby gave Don his answer to the bargain by slaying the Water spell punk with one blow of his magic greatsword, destroying another eyeball-tentacle in the process. That left only the Dark spell punk left, and he didn't look particularly pleased at this turn of events. He started fleeing around the circumference of his black hole, with Baabby trying to cut him off. Sam shot a trio of arrows at the spell punk, softening him up, but the blast the archer received in return knocked the little crow out. It didn't matter in the long run, though - Baabby caught up to the Dark spell punk, and one swing of his Rift-Weaver's Blade was all it took to run him through. With all of the spell punks slain, the rift in the sky overhead began closing, leaving Baabby to wonder how a giant eyeball without eyelids or eyebrows could still manage to glare as well as it did.

But then he ran over to his companion and poured the contents of one of Sam's own healing potions from his belt down his throat. Sam sputtered, sat up, and asked, "Did we get 'em?"

"We sure did, buddy!" replied Baabby, cheerful that the battle had gone their way.

That evening, when Sapphrina met up with the two heroes at the tavern, they had plenty to tell her about their night out on the town. But she had a tale of her own, as well.

"According to my research," she said, "there's an abandoned Arkeyan workshop where they were trying to create a device that would grant 'a single wish, doubled.'"

"What's that mean?" asked Sam.

"It means thaat's where we're going next," guessed Baabby.

"That's right," confirmed Sapphrina. "We just might be able to wish the Tech rune for your sword into existence."

"Sounds like a plan," agreed Sam before turning to call for the tavern keeper. "Hey, do you have any pizza with worm toppings?" he asked.

"Or graass toppings?' added Baabby hopefully. The tavern keeper put on his best "It's certainly a pleasure to deal with you lovely customers" smile and promised to go into the kitchen to look.

- - -

Logan came up with a really innovative idea to represent the black hole effect. From Hobby Lobby he picked up a square foot or so of a black fabric mesh. He then took a piece of cardboard, cut it into the size circle he wanted, and since the mesh was tricky to cut he laid it flat on the cardboard circle and folded it over, taping it in place along the four corners. This gave him the stability needed to cut out a pretty accurate circle of mesh fabric, which was then placed onto our battle mat (he used a Paizo Flip-Mat, Village Square) to represent the black hole's location. I had done something similar years ago using construction paper for acid cloud and obscuring mist effects, but the mesh has the advantage of being see-through, so you can still see the one-inch squares beneath the mesh. It's an elegant solution, one which I'll be using myself as I DM our 3.5 campaign.

Logan also says there are other colors of mesh available at Hobby Lobby, so he's eager to make different-sized and different-colored mesh circles for varying spell effects.

I'm learning quite a lot as a player in this campaign, not only about Skylanders lore but also about Harry's abilities as a role-player and that it's a pretty cool synergy to have two DMs in the same household.



PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 9
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 9​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 9​

Game Session Date: 8 July 2017

- - -

"Hey guys, watch this!" said Sam. "I've been teaching Shelldon math."

Baabby and Sapphrina dutifully stopped what they had been doing - the fairy had been helping demonstrate to the baabarian how to channel spells through his Rift-Weaver's Blade to cause dimension door and teleport effects - and gathered around the crow, whose snail "animal companion" was perched on his usual position on Sam's left shoulder.

"I saw a horse to math tricks once," explained Sam. "You'd call out a math problem and he'd tap the answer with his hoof. So I figured, 'Shelldon's smarter than some dumb old horse.'"

"But he doesn't have any hooves," pointed out Baabby.

"He won't need them," assured Sam to his audience. Then, turning to his pet snail, he asked, "What's zero times zero?"

Shelldon didn't move in the slightest measure. After a few seconds, Sam proudly declared, "...That's right! Here's another one: How much is 100 minus 100?"

Again, there was no reaction from the snail, which might as well have been carved out of stone for all the movement he was demonstrating. "Very good!" cried Sam, beaming with satisfaction.

"Let me try one," offered Baabby. "Shelldon: Whaat's 3 times 4?"

"...divided by itself, then subtracted from one," amended Sam. After a few seconds of silence, the crow once again declared his snail a mathematical prodigy.

"Enough of this," sighed Sapphrina, turning back to Baabby. "Let's get back to our practice." They'd been on the troll airship for almost a week, heading over to where the fairy had determined there was an old, abandoned Arkeyan workshop that had been working on a device that could grant a wish - although the ancient documents she had studied suggested it was "a single wish, doubled." The animated statue of Xacho's son effortlessly and tirelessly piloted the craft through the Skylands, heading for their destination.

"We are approaching the island," he finally alerted the crew, and the three heroes ran to peer over the sides of the airship at their destination. Below them was a small, floating island containing a set of crumbling ruins, six buildings in all. Of the six, five of them were occupied by Arkeyan forces of some type, either a group of soldiers clad in red or blue armor, or, in the case of the small amphitheater, an Arkeyan ultron - an enormous automaton with impressive offensive and defensive capabilities.

"Hey! No fair!" squawked Sam upon seeing these forces ranged below. "I thought this was an abandoned Arkeyan workshop! That doesn't look abandoned to me!"

"That's what my research indicated," offered Sapphrina. "Perhaps they just meant abandoned by the living Arkeyans." As the troll airship passed overhead, none of the figures scattered among the ruined buildings even bothered to look up - they might have been statues for all the curiosity they demonstrated. "Maybe they're all deactivated," suggested - and fervently hoped - Sam.

"We'll find out soon enough," suggested Baabby as the airship landed in a nearby clearing. The three heroes disembarked and silently made their way back to the ruins.

None of the buildings still had a roof, and few had all of their walls intact. The first such ruin the group approached was a simple box of four walls, although two opposite walls had gaps in their respective middles. Along the two fully intact walls stood a total of four humanoid figures in red armor, each armed with a halberd.

"Let's split up," suggested Sam, drawing a diagram in the dirt with the tip of an arrow. "I'll go to the opening on the right, Baabby will go to the opening on the left, and Sapphrina can fly over the back wall. We'll take them from three different directions that way." Following the crow's advice, the three heroes got into position, then Sam stepped into the ruins, his Dynabow 3.0 nocked and ready for action.

The Arkeyan defenders along the back wall jolted into awareness. "Identify yourself," demanded one of the figures - which, Sam could see, was an animated skeleton wearing red armor. All four of the figures were skeletal, yet the voice of the one who had spoken seemed more mechanical than anything else.

"I'm the Dynabow 3.0," said Sam in a funny voice, shooting an explosive arrow at the two armored skeletons along the back wall. The explosion staggered both figures, although neither one dropped its weapon. Seeing the fight had begun, Baabby rushed into the ruined building and approached the other two skeletons. His sword chopped one of the skeletons in two, then he pivoted and with the same swing did likewise to the other one. Sam gaped in astonishment; he'd seriously thought he'd done pretty well with his explosive shot - leave it to the hulking baabarian to show him up!

"Intruder alert!" announced one of the staggering skeletons. "Under attack by marauding forces!" Sapphrina flew over the wall, faced the two remaining skeletons, and cast a burning hands spell that took them out. As their ruined bodies collapsed onto the ground, she said, "I hope those were bad guys we just took out."

"They were undead!" pointed out Sam, still slightly creeped out by the concept of dead things that didn't act like dead things.

"Undead doesn't aalways mean evil," pointed out Baabby. "That vaampire shopkeeper was nice."

"Okay, fine," grumbled Sam. "We'll introduce ourselves nicely to the next group of undead guardians, shall we?"

The trio crept up to the next crumbling building, this one large enough to sport six red-armored skeletons. Sam boldly stepped into the middle of the ruins and once again this prompted the guardians to snap to attention. "Identify yourself," demanded one of the skeletons in a mechanical-sounding voice, gripping his halberd at the ready.

"Why, my name is Sam Crow, and I'm very pleased to make your acquaintances," said Sam in his most sarcastic voice, scowling in Sapphrina's direction as he did so. "Please allow me to introduce my boon companions Baabby, Sapphrina, and Shelldon." He swept one feathered hand in the direction of his two fellow adventurers.

"Incorrect name given!" announced the skeleton. "These are impostors! Deleting Sam_Baabby.prophecy file!" He actually pronounced the file name, calling it the "Sam underscore Baabby dot prophecy" file.

"Destroy the intruders!" replied one of the other six skeletons, halberd raised for combat.

"Wh-what the heck?" spluttered Sam, firing off an explosive arrow at the two armored skeletons in the back of the ruins, confident that Baabby could take care of the two closest ones as he'd done at the last building. As before, the skeletons weren't destroyed in the explosion but were considerably weakened. One of the closer skeletons swiped its blade at Sapphrina, but the fairy managed to fly under the weapon.

Baabby swung his Rift-Weaver's Blade at the closest skeleton, cutting it in half, and then repeating the process with the rest of his powerful swing. As before, he'd taken down two opponents with a single strike of his blade. Sam just shook his head in disbelief and begrudging admiration.

Sapphrina flew up and blasted three of the skeletons with a burning hands spell, taking down one of the three - the only one of the trio previously damaged by Sam's explosive arrow.

Realizing that his Dynabow 3.0 would take a moment to recharge, and that even an explosive arrow wasn't likely to take down a "fresh" skeleton, Sam scrounged in his backpack and pulled out a trollish monkey wrench he'd taken from a foe in one of their earliest adventures. Brandishing it like a club, he brought it crashing down on the head of a skeleton. Had he been Baabby, he'd likely have slain the undead foe, but this was Sam - and the skeleton, although damaged by the bludgeoning weapon, was still up and about and counterattacking with its halberd.

Fortunately, Baabby was near enough that he got into a flanking position with Sam and took it out with his own weapon of choice. Despite being a slashing weapon, the Undead rune in the magical greatsword overcame the skeleton's inherent damage resistance.

Dodging another blow from a halberd, Sapphrina flew to the side and blasted a lightning bolt spell at both remaining skeletons. One was taken down immediately, but the other hung on to its semblance of life - just long enough to be taken down by the Rift-Weaver's Blade. Then the baabarian cast healing spells on those who needed them.

"What was all that about?" Sam wanted to know. "I did it your way, and they still attacked!"

"I'm not sure," admitted the fairy. "They seemed to know us, or at least our names - but they said one of them was wrong."

"And did you notice I got top billing in their prophecy file?" asked Sam. "'Sam underscore Baabby' - not 'Baabby underscore Sam.' About time I get the recognition I deserve!"

"By undead forces trying to kill you," pointed out Baabby.

"Well, yeah, there's that," admitted the little crow. "But one thing still puzzles me."

"Only one?" scoffed Sapphrina.

"Yeah. What's 'underscore' mean?" Sam asked, scratching the feathers on the top of his head. Sapphrina told him she'd explain later and the group moved on to the next set of ruins.

This crumbling, roofless building held four more skeletons, but these were more heavily-armored than the others, wearing blue breastplates. Their weapons were different, too: they held greatclubs instead of halberds. And despite their general immobility, every once in a while one of the greatclubs would give off a little spark of electricity.

"Shall we try being nice again?" asked Sam, looking at the fairy as he stepped into the ruins. "Hello, all - my name is Sam!" he said. "That is my absolutely correct name, no doubt about it."

But it made no difference. Upon being activated by the crow's presence, one armored skeleton began speaking to its compatriots. "Network update!" it announced. "Deleting Sam_Baabby.prophecy file! All defenders initiate attack mode against the intruders!"

"I give up!" called out Sam in exasperation. "Next time one of you gets to do the greeting bit!" But as he was concentrating on his grousing and griping, the four armored skeletons had approached him, two of them flanking him from either side. Their electrified greatclubs slammed into him, practically staggering him on his feet. This prompted him to bring back his original battle cry from his first days adventuring with the hulking baabarian, long before the fairy entered into the picture: "BAABBY! HELP ME!"

Baabby obediently stepped up behind Sam, cutting one of the flanking skeletons in half with his blade, then cleaving into another and bringing it down as well. Sapphrina flew into position and slew the other two with a well-placed lightning bolt, for despite their electrified weaponry they were not themselves immune to electrical attacks. Baabby then cast healing spells upon a beleaguered Sam until he was back up to his full fighting strength.

There was one last clump of four skeletons, this group wearing the red armor and wielding the halberds of the first two groups. Sam decided to try something before they entered the ruined building, and did a little dance all around the building, capering and cavorting and wiggling his tail-feathers at the unmoving guardians. "Hmm," he noted. "They don't activate until you enter what's left of their building."

So Sam stepped past the ruined outer walls and the skeletons immediately jolted to life. Then Sam stepped back, and they became immobile once again. "Heh heh heh," Sam chortled, "Check this out, guys!" And the little crow did an impromptu version of the hokey-pokey, putting his left foot in - and activating the armored skeletons - then taking it out, which caused them to instantly deactivate. "Dance, my little puppets!" the archer chuckled with glee.

But Baabby's patience for such shenanigans was limited. Greatsword in hand, he stepped boldly into the ruins, causing the skeletons to animate and stay animated even while Sam pulled his left arm out, but before he put it back in to shake it all about. Two strokes of the Rift-Weaver's Blade cut down half of the skeletal resistance. Sapphrina flew over to the other two and cast a burning hands spell at them, which singed their armor and their exposed bones but failed to bring them down. Seeing that play time was apparently over, Sam shot an explosive arrow at the two remaining skeletons, causing one to crumble to a pile of bones but failing to take out the last one. It attacked the crow with its halberd but missed, and then Baabby quickly dispatched it with his sword.

That left only one ruin still guarded - and that one, the amphitheater, guarded by an Arkeyan ultron, a much fiercer-looking opponent than any they'd yet faced that day. It stood at the bottom of a lowered platform, with three sets of stairs leading down to it among stone benches from a half-circle where the audience would have sat.

Sam tried the same hokey-pokey nonsense and this time got a surprise when the Arkeyan ultron, once activated, stayed activated. It raised a mechanical arm into the air, announced "Targeting," and shot a bomb into the air. The heroes scattered away as the bomb arced in the air before landing right where Sam had stood when "putting his right foot in." There was a massive explosion, much bigger than those from Sam's tech-infused arrows, which had a certain way of bringing the little crow back out of his screw-around mode and straight into full hero mode. This device wasn't fooling around!

The heroes split up, thinking to take on the ultron from three different directions. As such, each headed for a different set of stairs. Sam took the stairway to the right, firing an explosive arrow at the ultron as he ran. This was followed by a charge from Baabby, timed such that as the smoke was clearing from the explosive arrow the baabarian was upon the mechanical device, swinging his Rift-Weaver's Blade for all he was worth.

But for once, Baabby's great strength proved to be ineffectual. Its thick armor plating kept it from being damaged much by the baabarian's greatsword, despite its numerous magical augmentations. Fortunately, the ultron was big enough that Sapphrina could fire a lightning bolt at its side without hitting Baabby as well, and that seemed to do some damage. But then the Arkeyan ultron struck back. Fortunately, Baabby was too close to it for the automaton to shoot at the baabarian, so it merely bonked him on the head - hard! - with its armor-plated arm. Sam tried to divert its attention away from Baabby by shooting a trio of arrows at it, but they just clunked off its armor without having made so much as a scratch.

Baabby, incensed at his attacks being basically ignored by the mechanical foe, channeled all of his strength into his next swing. This swing managed to cut into the device's armor, so he repeated the swing in the same place, cutting the gash even deeper. Gears and other mechanical parts started spilling out of the rent in its armor, and before long Baabby had the ultron on its back, gushing oil onto the amphitheater floor and smoke into the air.

"Thaat was a worthy foe!" he enthused, rubbing the sore spot on the top of his head where he'd been clubbed.

"That was also our last one," noted Sam, looking around at the remaining ruins. "There's got to be a secret panel or something to a lower level, because I sure don't see any wish-granting machines up here!" The trio split up, looking among the ruined buildings. Baabby finally unearthed a lever that, when pulled, caused chunks of the floor to lower into the ground, forming a set of spiral stairs that made a full circuit. "Those sneaky Arkeyans!" griped Sam, noting the hidden entrance to where they really wanted to go was the one building out of six that didn't have any defenders assigned to it. "They had us fight all of those defenders for nothing, when we could have just walked up to this one and found the secret passage without anybody bothering us!"

"What's done is done," pointed out Sapphrina. "There's no use griping about it."

"I can't help it," offered up Sam. "I'm part grouse on my mother's side."

Baabby led the way down the spiraling stairs, followed by Sam and then by Sapphrina. There was an entire lower level, looking to be separate rooms carved out of an old system of natural caverns. There was flickering light throughout, caused by technological devices rather than the half-expected luminous fungus. These electric lights flickered and occasionally shot off a spark or two, but that fact that they still functioned at all after all of these years - centuries, even! - was practically a miracle.

There was a massive gear situated on the floor in the middle of the winding stairs. It was wider than Baabby was tall, and made from solid adamantine - worth a fortune if they could lift it, but they couldn't. Sam glanced back at it wistfully as they left, not wanting to leave behind something worth so much money.

The first door they passed through led them to an even bigger ultron than the one they'd fought outside - this one must have stood 20 feet tall. Fortunately, its left arm was buried in solid rock, no doubt from a collapse many years ago. The ultron had three spaces on its exterior that were missing pieces; a quick investigation revealed that the adamantine gear they'd seen by the stairs would fit perfectly into any of the three slots.

"I think this may be what we're looking for," remarked Sapphrina, examining the unmoving machine. "We should try to find the other missing gears and see if we can repair it."

"Are you crazy?" squawked Sam. "More than likely, we'll repair it and then it'll try to kill us!"

"I don't think so," the fairy replied. "Plus, it's immobilized by the rock fall in any case. I think we should give it a shot."

"We caan't lift the gear, though," pointed out Baabby. "If the others aare the same size, we won't be able to lift aany of them."

"I have some thoughts on that problem," replied the fairy. "But let's go find the other gears first."

Checking out the other adjacent rooms, the heroes discovered another mechanical device. This one was a zelekhut, a robot of centaurian build, with spiked chains at the ends of its arms. "Destroy all intruders!" it announced in a mechanical voice like those of the skeletons the group had fought outside. It started swinging its spiked chains, ready to attack.

Baabby bull rushed straight into the zelekhut, ducking beneath the swinging chains. His sword, however, seemed to do no damage. Sam shot an explosive arrow into the area, targeted to catch the zelekhut in the explosion while keeping Baabby out of it, but it too had a limited effect. Sapphrina, no front-line combatant, opted to stay back from this foe but cast a haste spell on her two friends. That spell, plus Baabby's rage at once again facing a foe that seemed to shrug off the attacks from his greatsword, gave him the advantage he needed. It took only three blows for his Rift-Weaver's Blade to cut the centaurian zelekhut down. As the power left the creature's circuits, it had time only for a quick message to those who had slain it: "Destroy...destroy the beast...we summoned. We should have never...have never...." But then the light left its eyes and it froze in place, to speak no more.

Sapphrina spotted another adamantine gear behind the slain zelekhut's body, but they opted to leave it for later.

Another room nearby was filled with three of the blue-armored skeletons wielding electric greatclubs. Sam shot an explosive arrow into the midst of these Arkeyan defenders, damaging two of the three fairly severely. Baabby rushed in, slaying the one who hadn't been hurt, while a lightning bolt spell from Sapphrina took out the other two. A side cave off that area held the third gear, identical in appearance to the others. Sapphrina led the other two heroes to a close examination of each of the three gears, then back to where the trapped Arkeyan ultron stood.

"Remember what we practiced on the airship," she advised Baabby. "Picture one of the gears in your mind, and then channel a spell through your sword. That will allow you to open a rift directly beneath the gear, opening to a spot directly above where you want to place it on the robot." Baabby concentrated, then cast a spell through his sword. Within seconds, one of the massive gears popped into existence there in the room, dropping into place on the immobile ultron.

"Great!" said Sapphrina. "Now the other two!" With a fierce concentration the likes of which the hulking baabarian was unused to, the other two gears popped into place. The effect was almost immediate: the gears started whirring in place, and the ultron's eyes seemed to focus on the group of heroes.

"Xacho detected," it intoned. "Prophecy confirmed. Beginning creation of Tech crystals."

"Not this again," scoffed Sam. "Listen here, buddy, you're not the first to make this mistake, but this is not Xacho. His name is Baabby - Xacho has been dead for, like, centuries."

"Incorrect," replied the Arkeyan ultron. "Xacho is present in this chamber."

"Oh yeah?" asked Sam, looking around for anybody but the trio of heroes and the obviously mistaken bit of ancient Arkeyan technology. "Where?"

"On your left shoulder."

Sam looked down at Shelldon, sitting perched upon his normal place on the little crow's left shoulder. The others looked at the snail in wonder.

"That's Xacho?" asked Sapphrina.

"Confirmed. When Xacho confronted the Devourer of Nightmares, he was unable to defeat the beast the Arkeyans had summoned through their experimental rituals. The Devourer of Nightmares, however, was similarly unable to defeat the first wielder of the Rift-Weaver's Blade. So he polymorphed Xacho into a form he feared, and made him virtually immortal."

"Don is afraid of snails?" squeaked Sam, holding his hands up to his beak - this was too good to be true! He couldn't wait to tease their foe the next time they met up with one of those eyeball-tentacle things!

"Negative. It was Xacho who harbored a fear of snails," replied the ultron. "He thought they were...icky."

Everyone peered at Shelldon, who for once wasn't completely immobile: he was slowly waving his two eyestalks up and down, in the equivalence to a nodding motion. It seemed the snail was confirming the ultron's story!

The ultron continued with its explanations. The ancient Arkeyans had either created the Devourer of Nightmares or allowed it to enter their reality from another realm entirely. He stood well over 100 feet tall, and the eyeball-tentacle things the heroes had encountered this far were his fingers, which grew back when severed. The ultron also explained what it was currently doing, now that he had been reactivated in accordance with the Prophecy of the Brave Sheep and the Cowardly Crow: he was creating a pair of Tech crystals, one of which would be placed in the Tech rune shape in the Rift-Weaver's Blade. But then, since the combined powers of the eight original elements hadn't been enough to slay the Devourer of Nightmares, the greatsword's blade would need to be modified. The heroes would need to find an adherent to the Light Element and another of the Dark Element and get them to carve their appropriate runes into the greatsword's blade. Then the eight existing runes could be used to convert their power into that of Light and Dark, filling up those rune-slots on the sword at the cost of depleting the original eight element runes - which would then need to be gathered again.

"What?" squawked Sam. "We have to go fetch the eight elemental runes all over again?"

"You're grousing again," pointed out Sapphrina.

"Blame my mom."

"Only with the power of all ten elements will the Rift-Weaver's Blade be able to destroy the Devourer of Nightmares," informed the ultron. "But a part of the elemental power can be infused into the crow's shortbow, allowing it to at least hurt the summoned beast before the greatsword brings him down."

"That sounds good to me!" said Sam, rubbing his feather-fingers together in glee. He didn't care if Baabby got in the final blow - after all, he usually did - but he just wanted a chance to actually cause Don some real pain!

"The process is complete," replied the Arkeyan ultron, presenting Baabby with a pair of crystals, each in the shape of the Tech rune - a miniature, stylized gear. Sapphrina stashed one of the crystals into her pack, while Baabby inserted the other one into his greatsword, causing the rune to flash when installed. Just like that, the Rift-Weaver's Blade had gained the ability to overcome the inherent damage reduction of constructs.

"It sounds like we've got a bunch of more little quests to go on, don't we?" asked Sam.

"We do," confirmed Sapphrina. "We'll need to find adherents to the Light and Dark Elements, which might be a bit of a challenge since they've only recently been accepted as true elements. And then we'll need to gather up all of the other original eight runes again, all within the next year. But besides all of the sword stuff, we also need to see if there's a way to restore Xacho to his original form. I can't imagine he enjoys being trapped as a snail, immortal or otherwise!"

At that, Shelldon's eyestalks slowly slid from side to side, the equivalent of a person shaking his head. Sam looked down at his little animal companion in amazement. If he had doubted the story about this being Xacho before, it was hard to do so now.

- - -

It's taken me a while to write this up, since we had relatives staying with us for the past week and a half. For the same reason, we're not playing through an adventure today - Logan hasn't had time to work on the next adventure.

And we won't be going through an adventure next Saturday, either, but for an entirely different reason: Harry's decided that he's had so much fun playing "Skylanders D&D" that he's ready to join us in our regular D&D 3.5 campaign! Our next session in that campaign is scheduled for next Saturday, so we'll have a place for him at our gaming table, where he's decided he'll be running a half-orc sorcerer with a weasel familiar. Logan went out and purchased a "familiars" pack of minis that includes a weasel, so he'll be painting it this coming week in time for next Saturday. We're all looking forward to it!

Incidentally, the "topside" ruins were a set of Paizo's Game Mastery "Map Pack" cards, this one quite appropriately entitled "Ruins." The lower level was the "Tech Dungeon" (also quite appropriate!) from Paizo's "Flip-Mat" series. I made the zelekhut and ultron minis as stand-up tokens, as well as the blue-clad skeletons (those were, in Skylanders terminology, "Arkeyan defenders"), while we used skeletons from the D&D Miniatures and HeroQuest games for the red-clad skeletons. For the adamantine gears, Logan repurposed some drow floatdisk tokens I had made for our previous D&D 3.5 campaign. (It helps to save things from previous games as you never know when they'll come in handy!)



PC Roster:
Baabby, humanoid sheep barbarian/cleric (Life) 9
Sam Crow, humanoid crow ranger/rogue 9​

NPC Roster:
Sapphrina, fairy sorcerer 9​

Game Session Date: 5 August 2017

- - -

"You really think these guys can help?" asked Sam Crow.

"It's worth a shot," replied Sapphrina. "The library here is quite extensive - and the whole place is run by a Portal Master who might be able to help us to restore Xacho to his rightful form."

"I dunno," sighed Sam, looking down at the snail perched in his place of honor on the little crow's left shoulder. "I kinda like him in his present form."

"Would you like it if somebody cursed you to be stuck in the form of a snail for all of eternity? And not just somebody, but the Devourer of Nightmares?"

"No," admitted Sam. "...But Shelldon's my snail!"

"But he's really Xaacho, not Shelldon," pointed out Baabby as the trio strode through the open doorway into the main hall of the Skylanders Academy Building. There was a short, bespectacled Mabu sorting books along one wall. He looked up at the approaching trio.

"Hello," Hugo greeted the newcomers. "Welcome to Skylanders Academy. How may I-- AAAAAGH! IT'S MY WORST FEARS COME TO LIFE!" And the frightened Mabu went screaming down the hallways, yelling about "the coming sheep uprising" and how he'd "been right all along."

"Wow," commented Sam, looking up at his hulking baabarian friend. "I may not be the most handsome crow ever, but at least my appearance hasn't caused panic in those who look at me. Way to go, buddy!"

"Whaat did I do?" asked Baabby, bewildered.

"Nothing," said an elderly man, approaching down the hallway. "I'm afraid you must excuse Hugo - he has an inexplicable fear of sheep." The man was quite old, with a long, white beard and a staff on which he leaned as he walked. He wore the lengthy robes of a wizard, and a metal skull-cap on his head. "My name is Eon, and I am the Master of these halls. I take it this is the Xacho of whom you spoke?"

"He is," replied Sapphrina.

"Then let us see what can be done," replied Master Eon. Turning, he said, "Walk this way, please," and headed down the hallway to an elegantly-furnished side room. Sam, of course, opted to take the elderly wizard literally and mimicked walking down the hallway while leaning on a staff, until Sapphrina saw what he was doing and smacked him on the arm. "Enough of that!" she hissed.

Stealth Elf was there in the side room waiting for the Portal Master and the three visitors (four, if you counted Shelldon). She had corroborated Sapphrina's earlier tale to Master Eon, vouching for the goodness of the trio of heroes after having fought at their side against a large group of spell punks and the Devourer of Nightmares. "I believe a simple break enchantment spell should do the trick," observed Master Eon.

"Are you going to turn Shelldon back into a human?" asked Sam.

"That is the intention, yes," confirmed Master Eon.

"Then I guess I better get him off my shoulder." Picking up his erstwhile animal companion, Sam said to him, "Don't worry, Shelldon. Everything's going to be okay." He set him down on the floor and took a step back, holding his hands to his beak in a worried posture. Master Eon held forth his staff, said a few magical syllables, and Shelldon's form flashed in a burst of temporary brilliance. Then, a series of small tentacles sprouted from his shell, each one tipped by a glaring eyeball, before they were absorbed back into Shelldon's body and the little snail looked no different than he had before.

"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" gasped Sam.

"No," mused Master Eon. "The curse seems to be much stronger than I originally anticipated."

"Why did he grow eyebaall-tentacles?" asked Baabby. "Aand where did they go?"

"A residual bit of energy from the cause of the transformation, I would imagine," muttered Master Eon, frowning to himself. He stood thinking for a moment, then came to a decision. "I believe some more study is called for. I wonder if you wouldn't mind leaving Xacho here in my care? There are a few tests I should very much like to try."

"Um, okay, I guess," replied Sam, bending over to pick up Shelldon. "You're going to stay with this nice man for awhile," he said to his snail, then added in a whisper, "Try not to be freaked out by his long white beard - he's really very nice." The crow passed Shelldon over to Master Eon, suggesting, "Hey, Shelldon, you can show him that math trick I taught you!" Master Eon passed Shelldon over to Stealth Elf. "Put him in the main lab, please," he said. "And then please bring in our other two visitors."

Master Eon turned back to his guests. "We have two others visiting us at the moment. As dealing with Xacho may well take a few days, I wonder if you might be willing to help us with a matter involving them."

"Of course," replied Sapphrina.

"Excellent," replied Master Eon. "This will be--"

"I hope you're not going to say 'killing two birds with one stone'," interrupted Sam, his arms crossed belligerently. "Because I hate that phrase."

"Actually, I was going to say 'maximizing our resources at hand'."

"Oh. Okay then."

Stealth Elf soon returned, this time without Shelldon but with a pair of elementals. Each stood about eight feet tall; the first, an angelic being seemingly made of pure light, was introduced as Lady Radia; the other, a half-glimpsed humanoid form cloaked in deep shadows, was introduced as Lord Umbros.

"They are the ambassadors from the Twin Kingdoms of Dawn and Dusk," Stealth Elf said, then introduced each of the three heroes to the ambassadors by name.

"Incredible!" exclaimed Lady Radia.

"Remarkable!" declared Lord Umbros.

Sam looked slightly embarrassed as he polished the edges of his finger-feathers on his leather armor. "Well," he blushed, "I don't like to brag..."

"The Dawn Sheep..." began Lady Radia.

"The whaat now?" asked Baabby.

"...And the Dusk Crow!" finished Lord Umbros. "Then the prophecies are true!" Sam gaped at the two ambassadors, then shrugged. Another prophecy involving him and Baabby? It was starting to become old hat. But at least this time he wasn't being billed as "the Cowardly Crow" or anything - in fact, "The Dusk Crow" had a kind of cool sound to it!

"I'm sorry, but what prophecy is this?" asked Sapphrina.

"The Twin Kingdoms of Twilight have only recently been restored to the Skylands as a whole," replied Master Eon. "For untold eons, their floating island was locked away in a pocket dimension, separated from the rest of the Skylands."

"Such has it been since time immemorial," added Lady Radia. "And throughout all of that time, the Kingdoms of Dawn and Dusk have been at war with each other, each striving for dominance over the other. It has been prophesized that the wars will continue until such time as the Dawn Sheep and the Dusk Crow step forward and bring about an everlasting peace between our two warring nations."

"Yeah, that sounds like something we'd do," replied Sam in his most humble-sounding voice.

"Then you will help us?" asked Lord Umbros.

Baabby and Sam looked at each other. "Sure," they replied in unison.

"Excellent!" replied the ambassadors. "We are told you have an airship?"

"We do," replied Sapphrina.

"Then let us fly to the Twin Kingdoms at once! Master Eon, thank you for your assistance in bringing us to these legendary figures."

"I am pleased to have been of service," replied the elderly Portal Master. "I wish you all well in ending your war." The three heroes left the chamber escorted by the two ambassadors. Sam was a bit disappointed in seeing that Baabby's ambassador was a hot chick made of cascading brilliance, while his seemed to be an old man cloaked in shadows. Baabby always got all the luck!

Reaching the troll airship, their statue pilot raised it into the air and spun it in the direction of the Twin Kingdoms of Twilight, per the instructions of the rival ambassadors. "I cannot wait for this conflict to be decided for once and for all," replied Lady Radia.

"Nor I," agreed Lord Umbros. "We cannot get to the Arena of Clashing Shadows fast enough."

Baabby and Sam, standing at the prow of the troll airship watching the cloud speeding by, took a moment to process what the Ambassador of Dusk had just said. "...The whaat now?" Baabby asked.

"The Arena of Clashing Shadows," repeated Lord Umbros.

"Where the Dawn Sheep and the Dusk Crow will fight to the death to determine which Kingdom shall prevail forevermore," added Lady Radia, excited by the prospect.

Baabby and Sam just stared at each other with their mouths hanging open.

- - -

The Arena of Clashing Shadows was a rather impressive structure: oval in shape, with benches for the audience all around its circumference and an opening at either end for the opposing forces to enter the sand-filled arena. Through these doors were the rooms in which the opposing forces trained and were housed until such time as their individual combats arose. The ambassadors explained that over the millennia of their imprisonment, the Twin Kingdoms had evolved their strategies, to the point that all warfare now took place in the arena rather than making their entire floating island one large battlefield.

"Why caan't you just stop fighting altogether?" asked Baabby.

"Because each kingdom wishes to rule the entire island," replied Lord Umbros.

"That might have been a valid point when your island was isolated from the rest of the universe," pointed out Sapphrina. "But now you're back into the Skylands! Why not spread out to new islands, find new lands where your individual kingdoms can each rule separately?"

"Such might very well occur, as time progresses," admitted Lady Radia. "But regardless, each kingdom wishes to rule this island, our original homeland. This is where our respective races were born. My people would see it basking in eternal light!"

"While mine would rather it cloaked in shadows forever," replied Lord Umbros. "But no matter. Tomorrow, whichever of you is victorious, we will have our winning side, and that Kingdom will rule this island forevermore."

"Aand the losing side? They'll just accept their loss?" asked Baabby.

"It is our way," replied Lady Radia. "Those unwilling to live under the rule of the opposing Kingdom will be free to leave. I imagine many on the losing side will choose to do so."

"Still, a fight to the death? Isn't that a bit much to ask of your legendary, prophetic figures?" pushed Sapphrina.

"Yeah!" agreed Sam. He knew full well who'd be coming out on top in a fight to the death between him and Baabby - and things didn't look so good for the good-looking one with the jet-black feathers.

"Whoever dies will merely be reabsorbed into their respective element," scoffed Lady Radia, dismissing the fairy's concerns. "They will simply be reborn, as it has always been."

"That may be how it works for elementals," replied Sapphrina, "but Baabby and Sam are both mortals."

"Indeed?" asked Lady Radia, surprised at this revelation.

"Then we shall see quite a spectacle indeed," grinned Lord Umbros - or at least it sounded like he was grinning in eager anticipation; it was too dark in the shadows he constantly generated for anybody to actually see his facial features.

"Come," said Lady Radia, taking Baabby by the shoulder. "Our respective combatants must be prepared for tomorrow's event." Lord Umbros similarly gestured for Sam to follow him and the little crow did so, not eager for the shadowy being to actually touch him. They went their separate ways, Baabby to the Dawn half of the arena and Sam to the Dusk half. Each looked back at their companion, hoping this wasn't the last time they'd see each other before they became foes in a duel to the death.

Sam was taken to a room under escort by two darkness elementals. These two were more his size and neither radiated an area of shadowy darkness like Lord Umbros did, so Sam took a liking to them more than he did to the eight-foot-tall ambassador. Still, he was slightly miffed that they weren't attractive women like the light elementals all seemed to be. If this was going to be his last night of life, why didn't he get to spend it with hot chicks? Baabby got to - but then, there was very little chance that this was going to be Baabby's last night of life; there was no way Sam could take out the hulking baabarian, even if he had a mind to do so.

"How may we serve you, Dusk Crow?" asked one of the darkness elementals.

"You guys got any chow?" asked Sam. He was incredibly nervous, and he liked to eat when he was nervous. "A worm burger, maybe?"

"I will see what I can do," promised the elemental and departed the room.

"Can I talk to Baabby?" Sam was coming up with all kinds of plans on how to get out of this fight-to-the-death business, but none of them would work if he didn't have a way to talk his plans over with the sheep-man ahead of time.

"That is not permitted," replied the other darkness elemental. "The Dawn Sheep is an enemy, and must be avoided until your fight in the morning."

"Um, okay, How about Sapphrina? The fairy who traveled with us?"

"That is permissible." As the darkness elemental left to go fetch her, another returned with Sam's worm burger. "Here you go, Dusk Crow," the shadowy being said. Then, as Sam approached to grab his food, the elemental whispered to him, "Don't trust Lord Umbros. He--"

That's as far as he got. Then his facial features scrunched up into a grimace of pain as the shadowiness was bleached from his body. Like a photo being developed in reverse, the darkness making up his body lightened until the darkness elemental disappeared completely; in its place was a forward-thrust weapon, the end of which was a glowing ball of light. Sam looked at the weapon's tip, then let his glance travel down the weapon's shaft to its wielder, another darkness elemental about his own size. And standing behind him was Lord Umbros.

"We do not allow traitors to live," remarked the weapon-wielder.

"An excellent policy, which I endorse wholeheartedly!" answered Sam Crow. He fake-spat on the floor. "Traitors! Pah! I hate them!"

"Do you have everything you need, Dawn Crow?" asked Lord Umbros in an oily voice. Sam was quick to nod in the affirmative.

"Then I shall leave you to your meal." And, turning on his heel, the ambassador left, followed by his darkness elementals.

Sapphrina showed up a few moments later. "Am I glad to see you!" he gushed. Then, waiting for the darkness elemental who had escorted her to his temporary quarters to leave, he added, "We've got to get out of here! That Lord Umbros is crazy! He just had one of his own elementals killed for trying to warn me about him!" And Sam filled her in on what had just happened.

"They won't let me talk to Baabby," Sam said. "So you'll have to go talk to him for me. We can't fight each other to the death! Maybe we can refuse to fight...or show up at the arena, and then settle our differences with a handshake or something. If their designated representatives agree on peace, won't the two kingdoms have to follow suit?"

"I don't think it works that way," frowned Sapphrina. "The respective rulers of the Twin Kingdoms of Twilight will be there; I think they get to decide what their kingdoms do, dependent upon the outcome of the arena battle."

"Well then, maybe Baabby and I could each throw a punch at the same time and knock each other out unconscious or something," Sam said, desperation causing him to grab at any idea that struck his imagination. "We'd have to fake it, of course...or at least Baabby would," he amended - the baabarian probably could knock the little crow out with a single punch, if he put all of his strength into it!

"We'll figure something out," promised Sapphrina. "But don't worry: Baabby's not going to agree to kill you in the arena. You know that!" she chided.

"Yeah, well..." said Sam, shivering at the thought of facing Baabby in hand-to-hand combat.

"Everything will be fine," reassured the fairy. "I'd better go now, if I'm going to go talk to Baabby." She turned to leave.

"Oh, and Sam?" she added on her way out the door.


"Your sandwich is escaping." Looking down at the burger he'd set down, he saw the worms bundled between the buns had disentangled themselves and were escaping the confines of the sandwich. Then the fairy departed, to the outraged squawks of "Hey! No fair!" behind her.

- - -

The next morning, both Baabby and Sam entered the arena from opposite ends at the calling of their names - or, more accurately, by the legendary titles they'd been assigned: "The Dawn Sheep" and "The Dusk Crow." The seats were all filled with elementals, half of them from the Light Element and the other from the Darkness Element. Sam couldn't help but notice the absolute segregation between the two kingdoms: half the stadium's seats were filled with light elementals and the other half with darkness elementals. Sapphrina sat in the exact middle between the two; across from her were the two highest seats of honor, one a throne for Queen Photose, the other, a throne for her counterpart, King Shade. Looking across at Baabby, Sam saw the Ambassador from the Kingdom of Dawn, Lady Radia, sitting in an elevated seat behind her champion; looking up at the seat directly above and behind him, Sam saw Lord Umbros looking down at him.

But that wasn't all. Standing on either side of Baabby were two light elementals, each looking ready for combat. There were also two darkness elementals in the arena, one on either side of Sam. "Um, what are you guys doing here?" asked Sam.

"We are your combat support team," replied one of the darkness elementals. "To aid you in your upcoming fight against the Dawn Sheep and his own team."

"Nobody said anything about combat teams!" squawked Sam, his mind racing feverishly. How could he and Baabby come up with a way to tie this contest when there were four elementals in the arena with them, neither of which would go along with any plans of subterfuge?

He had to talk to Baabby! "Let the legendary heroes approach each other!" he called out in a loud voice, then began striding forward towards the middle of the arena. Baabby followed suit. "Hey, buddy!" the little crow said, holding out his hand for the hulking baabarian to shake. After a quick handshake, they turned toward the elemental royalty seated on their thrones.

"King Shade! Queen Photose! We, your representatives in combat, salute you!" called Sam, raising his Dynabow 3.0 in the air. Baabby pulled out his Rift-Weaver's Blade and raised it in the air in a salute to the King and Queen. While the crowd cheered on the two heroes, Sam whispered to Baabby, confident that nobody else would be able to overhear them, "We gotta get rid of those elementals on the field!"

"Agreed," replied Baabby.

"After that, once it's just you and me, maybe we can--" But Sam was interrupted by Queen Photose, calling out to the arena as a whole.

"It has come to our attention that our dueling representatives are mortals," she said. "Bearing that in mind, we - King Shade and myself - have agreed that the combat to follow need not be to the death, merely the defeat of the opposing forces. Our elemental combat teams, if slain, will merely merge back into their respective elements and be reborn. But as the Dawn Sheep and the Dusk Crow each have but one life, and one life only, it seems only fair that they not be asked to give up that one life in the cause of a people not of their own."

"However," added King Shade, "death is not off the table; the combatants should not go out of their way to try to knock out their opponents, as death is also a quite satisfactory outcome."

Easy for you to say! thought Sam. You're not the one out here facing a sheep-man who could rip you apart bare-handed! But he called back, in his loudest voice, "We, your representatives in battle, do thank you for your consideration, Your Highnesses!"

"Let the Dawn Sheep and the Dusk Crow return to their starting positions," commanded Queen Photose. With shrugs of resolution, Sam and Baabby trudged back to their starting positions between their respective pair of elementals. "When we get started, I want you guys to bunch up together and head straight towards the enemy," said Sam. "I'll be right behind you." He was hoping he could get all four elementals close enough that he could hopefully take them all out with an explosive arrow.

"We know best how to aid you, Dusk Crow," replied one of the darkness elementals. Then, when the signal for combat began, each elemental raced straight ahead, not closing the distance between themselves as Sam had hoped. But Baabby's light elementals did likewise, running forward but not closer to each other; it looked like Sam's hopes of getting all four clumped close enough together wasn't going to happen. Figures!

The light elementals each shot a blast of energy at their darkness counterparts, but the darkness elementals dodged in time. In response, though, the darkness elementals - or at least one of them, in any case - created a familiar radius of darkness that completely encompassed Baabby, still striding forward in an unhurried pace. His unhurried pace suddenly slowed even further, and Sam recognized that his baabarian friend was inside one of those slow-time "black holes" that darkness spell punks were capable of creating.

Could darkness elementals make black holes? Sam wasn't sure. But he knew for sure that darkness spell punks could, and he had a sneaking suspicion that the two "elementals" on his side weren't necessarily all that they might seem to be.

Sure enough, as he targeted the ground between his two "combat assistants," he could see, out of the corner of his vision, their forms flicker just a bit around the edges. Illusions? Could be! Sam let fly his arrow, sufficiently charged up with explosive energy from his Dynabow 3.0. It covered both "darkness elementals" in its blast radius, causing an outcry from the crowd at this unexpected betrayal on the part of the Dusk Crow. In part to cover himself, Sam belatedly called out, "Impostors! King Shade, we are betrayed!"

Baabby, meanwhile, exited the confines of the black hole at his top speed - which wasn't, admittedly, very fast under the circumstances. But he exited the range of the effect just in time to see both of his light elementals send blasts of light energy at the darkness elementals (which missed) and both of the darkness elementals send blasts of dark energy at him (which didn't). The pain allowed the sheep-man to open up his body to the power of his rage, which came to the forefront like an old friend.

Through a red haze, Baabby saw his friend Sam at the far end of the arena, and between the two of them what he could clearly see for what they truly were: two light spell punks and two darkness spell punks. The audience still saw them as elementals of the appropriate Elements, but that didn't matter to Baabby. He targeted the nearest darkness spell punk and charged him, his Rift-Weaver's Blade at the ready. The blade swung down, nearly killing the spell punk in a single blow - but somehow, the hovering mage managed to survive the strike.

Sam sent another explosive arrow straight at the other darkness spell punk. It, too, survived the attack - but it seemed to be hanging onto its evil life by the narrowest of margins.

Both darkness spell punks targeted Baabby with their dark-energy blasts, hitting him. Sam realized there was a definite advantage sometimes as being perceived as the weaker of two potential targets - even if that perception was absolutely true! However, the two light spell punks targeted their blasts at Sam, possibly just to continue their ruse of being normal light elemental arena combatants.

Since the two darkness spell punks seemed so close to death, Sam decided to help them over the threshold, killing one with an explosive arrow and the other with a plain old regular arrow to the throat. In each case, when the spell punk died, the illusion it had cast over itself flickered out and died with it - revealing their true selves in death. Gasps of shock and surprise erupted from the crowd and Sam felt he was now vindicated in the crowd's mind for having attacked "his" own forces.

Baabby, staggered by the continued assaults by the two light spell punks, needed to take a moment to cast a healing spell upon himself. Up in the stands, Lady Radia took it upon herself to dissipate the shadowy effect still surrounding Lord Umbros by blasting it with enough of its opposite Element - pure, blinding light - that it collapsed into itself. Without his engulfing shadows hiding his true form, the ambassador was exposed for what he truly was: a horrid, humanoid shape with the head of an octopus or a squid, wearing a wizard's robes and wielding a powerful-looking staff. Gasps erupted from the crowd, including one from the sole fairy in the audience, who exclaimed, "A mind flayer!"

Lords Umbros stood in his seat. "Be silent!" he commanded, and in an instant the entire darkness half of the arena did so; he had somehow dominated every darkness elemental in the stands.

Sapphrina decided she'd spent enough time as a mere spectator. Flying into the arena, she lined herself up and cast a lightning bolt spell that blasted through a light spell punk and angled up to strike Lord Umbros - or whatever the mind flayer's true name was. Baabby took care of the other light spell punk with a swipe of his greatsword, leaving the light spell punk Sapphrina had just blasted as the only enemy combatant in the arena.

This last spell punk cast a chain light spell directly at Baabby, which arced back and hit Sapphrina as well. Sam was glad he hadn't been targeted, because he was busy staring up at Lord Umbros. He had noted something disturbing about the purple-colored hand holding his staff: the rubbery fingers were rather lacking in the bone department, and each one seemed to be tipped with a small eyeball....

As if feeling the crow's scrutiny, Lord Umbros turned to face Sam. "Yes, it is true," he declared. "I am the son of the Devourer of Nightmares! And I will rule in his name for all of eternity!"

"His son, huh?" Sam called up to the mind flayer. "I guess we'll call you 'Donnie,' then? Or 'Junior'?" A sudden thought struck the taunting crow. "Hey, if Big Daddy Don's immortal, does that mean your ages of development are really, really long? I'll bet you're still considered a baby, aren't you? Well, don't worry, Donnie - we'll get all of this straightened out and they we'll make sure you get a nice, yummy ba-ba. And maybe have somebody check your diaper while we're at it. Did all of this excitement cause Wittle Donnie Junior to make a boom-boom in his diaper?"

"Be silent!" commanded Lord Umbros, the purple skin of his face turning red in anger. He sent five separate blasts from the eyeball-tentacle-digits of his left hand shooting at the irritating crow-man. Four of them struck true, and Sam was instantly shaken in fear - but in the back of his mind, he decided it was well worth the inconvenience. What good were demigods if you couldn't heckle them into a frothing rage, anyway?

Sapphrina blasted another lightning bolt spell that finished off the sole remaining light spell punk and also struck the furious mind flayer. Sam sent an explosive arrow blasting into Lord Umbros's face, and was disappointed to see him shrug off the worst of its effects. He shot a normal arrow up at him for good measure, but it missed. Still, he decided to cover it with bravado: "Whassamatta, Donnie Boy? Do you want your blankey?"

Lord Umbros responded by casting a chill touch spell on one of his squidlike face-tentacles and jumping down into the arena to face his verbal tormentor. Sam felt cold energy seeping through his body at the mind flayer's touch, sapping him of some of his vitality and strength. Baabby raced up into position and swung at the mind flayer with his greatsword, but uncharacteristically he missed. Sam frantically backed up and shot another explosive arrow at Lord Umbros - careful to make sure the blast radius didn't also encompass Baabby - and once again the mind flayer shrugged off the worst of the damage. That was definitely an irritating habit! Sam sent a normal arrow flying at the mind flayer's squiddy face, but Lord Umbros slapped it contemptuously away with a tentacle. Then he swung at Baabby with two more of his face-tentacles, each of them loaded up with a chill touch spell as well. Both struck and the baabarian felt his own strength and vitality draining away, as the mind flayer spun and slapped Sam with a fourth tentacle, repeating the process on him.

But entering the arena and engaging the heroes directly in physical combat had been a mistake. Rage coursing through his veins counteracting against the strength-draining power of the chill touch spells, Baabby channeled all of his considerable power into one solid blow of his Rift-Weaver's Blade, and Lord Umbros was nearly cut in twain by the strength behind the strike. As he fell to the sands of the arena, dying, his last words were "'re but mere mortals...."

"Nothing 'mere' about these mortals!" replied Sam, spitting down on Donnie Junior's cooling corpse.

Upon the death of the spellcaster, the domination effect on the darkness elementals was released and they could once again move and talk. They expressed indignation at how they had been duped by this Lord Umbros, who was no darkness elemental at all but some monstrosity.

"Silence!" called a pair of voices from the stands, and Baabby and Sam spun in place, weapons ready to take on whatever this new threat might be. But it was no threat at all, merely Queen Photose and King Shade, standing from their respective thrones, arms raised in a shushing motion. A hush overcame the excited arena spectators.

"It seems we have been duped," stated King Shade. "Lord Umbros was no darkness elemental at all - and the combat assistants to both the Dusk Crow and the Dawn Sheep" - Sam grinned at finally getting top billing - "were spell punks, not elementals at all! There's no telling how long these foul creatures have been working behind the scenes, ensuring our two kingdoms remained at war with each other."

Sapphrina was the first to grasp the ramifications of the king's words. "Does that mean--?" she began.

"It means," said Queen Photose, holding out a hand to King Shade, who took it eagerly, "that the Twin Kingdoms pf Twilight are no longer at war with each other!" The crowd erupted in cheers, which carried on for several loud minutes before the king and queen once again gestured for silence.

"It seems the prophecies were correct," said King Shade. "The Dawn Sheep and the Dusk Crow have brought about an end to the war between our two kingdoms."

"In return," added Queen Photose, "you may ask us for a boon. Ask, and it will be granted."

Sam turned to Baabby and Sapphrina. "Worm burgers?" he whispered to them eagerly.

"Don't you ever stop?" chided Sapphrina, as the fairy nudged Baabby.

Baabby took the hint. Holding aloft his mighty greatsword, he called out, "This is the Rift-Weaver's Blade, a sword of great power. It holds the runes of the eight traaditional Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Life, Maagic, Tech, Undead, and Waater. We are prophesied to use its power to destroy the Devourer of Nightmares, the one responsible for Lord Umbros messing about in your affairs. We aask that you aadd the runes of Light and Daarkness to its blade, to ensure we have the power to overcome our enemy and save the Skylands from his wraath."

King Shade and Queen Photose looked at each other and nodded. "It shall be done." they said together.

"Well, thaat's a relief!" said Baabby, wiping sweat from the fleece on his head as he sheathed his sword in the massive scabbard he wore across his broad back.

"What's up?" asked Sam, looking at the hulking baabarian. The sheep-man looked like he was about to stagger from weakness.

"Residual effects from the mind flayer's spells?" asked Sapphrina, concern in her voice.

"No," admitted Baabby. "Thaat waas just a long speech for me. I'm not...I don't much like public speaking."

- - -

We used a Paizo Flip-Mat for the arena and a four-card set from one of the Map Packs for the meeting room in Skylanders Academy.

Once the Light and Darkness runes get added to the Rift-Weaver's Blade, Sapphrina is going to convert all of the existing runes into filling those two new runes and the heroes already have a spare Tech rune at hand to load back into the sword. But then we have seven other "original" runes to go fetch all over again. Some might be easy to do (the cloud giantess might allow us to regain the Air Rune from her sky castle without too much trouble, for instance), but some of the other runes won't be so easy to get again (the Undead Rune, for example, was obtained by absorbing all of the undead energy from the Forest of Despair; since there's no more undead energy there we'll have to come up with some other way to get an Undead Rune for the sword).

But those are Logan's problems to sort out. Sometimes it's fun just being a player!

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