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The Ancient Paths - Path II

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Nae'talis gawks, astonished at the crude rod of wood embedded in his chest. He nearly loses his grip on his staff as the pain sets in, pain the likes of which the Thayan had never experienced before. He drew hard and quick for breath as he blinked rapidly to clear away the haze. He stared at the bard with cold eyes as she healed him, cursing himself for his momentary weakness and mortality. He winced as the wand's magic sealed the wound and expelled the bolt from between his ribs.

His vision clearing, he set his glare towards the group of kobolds reloading their crossbows. He hissed the words to another spell, curbing the pull within him for immediate revenge, he did realize the most important thing right now was to thin the numbers even further and so he cast.

[sblock]Casting Sleep on the group of archers, located of course in the radius that will catch the most in the area of affect.


Spells Remaining:

Level 0 (4 + 1)

Detect Magic *
Prestidigitation *
Ray of Frost **

Level 1 (2 + 1 + 1 + *)

Color Spray
Mage Armor
Magic Missle *

Level 2 (1 + 1 + 1)

Aganazzar's Scorcher *
Melf's Acid Arrow *
Scorching Ray * [/sblock]


First Post
Sabriel grinned as the wand does its job and turns her attention to the tunnel lizards at hand. She attacks the nearest creature, watching the wizard's back while he casts his spell.

Posting for next round. ;)


As the kobold's blood and brains mixed with the stone wall, Rygus turned away from it and advanced towards Dowkan as the dwarf seemed to be having his hands full with the pack that surrounded him.

Seeing the tunnel rats working their crossbows with a reckless speed, Rygus focused in on the one closest to him and prepared to introduce himself, hammer first.

[sblock=ooc]Advance towards the archers and brain any that might be standing after the spell hits, or start finishing them off if they all fall.[/sblock]


First Post
~ The Adventurers ~

Sabriel shoulders her bow and grabs the wand at her waist. She turns to Nae'talis and triggers the magical energy within to heal him fully.
Nae'talis reaches into his robes and produces a pinch of chalk-white sand. He stretches his arm out towards the kobold archers and releases the fine powder into the air where it snakes along on an unseen draft and spreads into a translucent cloud. Four of the kobolds wobble unsteadily as the cloud engrosses them but two of them sneeze loudly and shake off the spell's effects. The other two drop to the ground, asleep.
Dowkan slashes at one of the kobold elite, but the creature twists under his blow again.
The two archers that escaped the clutches of Nae'talis' spell glare at the wizard, aim their crossbows, and fire. One bolt is repelled by an unseen force around the wizard and the other hits him squarely in the chest, again (Critical! 9 Damage). The other two fire at Sabriel and Nae'talis with a smidgeon less fervor. Nae'talis is missed due to his reeling and Sabriel takes a glancing blow to her side (1 Damage).
Rygus stalks over to the still remaining archers and surprises the line by bashing the kobold closest to him to the ground with a squawk (11 Damage)!
One of the elite barely misses Dowkan and the other barely stops itself from tripping over its own spear. Kobold elite indeed.

~ Initiative ~

Sabriel - 17
Nae'talis - 14
Dowkan - 13
(5) Kobold Archers - 12
~ (2) Sleeping
Rygus - 6
(5) Kobold Elite - 3
~ (3) Unconscious, Blinded, and Stunned - 3 Rounds

[sblock=OOC]Those archers have already managed to roll their critical threat range three times...[/sblock]
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First Post
Dowkan, now realising that he was too concerned about showing Rygus his prowess, grimly focuses on the job and putting his waraxe into a kobold.


As another of the tunnel rats fall, Rygus' eyes remain as hard as the granite symbol that rests under his armor.

~It is meet and right...~

Focusing on the remaining archers, Rygus knew he had heard the sound of a bolt striking true twice, but did not have time to worry on whether the jilly story spinner or the weaver had been struck. As the weaver's magic had hit the kobolds twice already, he assumed the man was still standing.

~It must be the girl...it is the only thing that could explain the piss poor aim...~

Bringing his hammer up again, Rygus waded into the cluster of the remaining archers and lashed out with practiced ease, the hammer feeling more like an extension of his soul than a weapon.


First Post
"Damnit," Sabriel curses and fends of the attack of one of the kobolds, knowing that this week, Tymora's eyes sure weren't focusing in on them. Or if it was, she wasn't real pleased at the minute.

Darnit. The dice gods just aren't with Sabriel today. :p


First Post
~ The Adventurers ~

Sabriel draws her sword and turns the healing magic of the wand on to herself. All of her cuts and scratches fade to lighter patches of skin, the only proof there was ever damage done.
Nae'talis, lucky to be alive after such a shock to his body, stares at the blood still flowing from around the bolt in his breast. He stares in wonder and slowly draws the barbed quarrel out with a sickening sucking noise.
Feeling less impressive, Dowkan redeems himself by cutting the head off the kobold that keeps dodging his attacks (13 Damage 1 Cold). His swing follows through and bites deep into the shoulder of the other elite, almost severing the entire right side of its abdomen (9 Damage 4 Cold).
The three archers turn to their new dwarven threat and let loose a barrage of crossbow bolts. Three bolts clang off of Rygus' armor with no more affect than an echo.
The ironfisted dwarf sets his jaw and beats the next kobold to the ground with a ribcage-cracking smash (6 Damage).

~ Initiative ~

Sabriel - 17
Nae'talis - 14
Dowkan - 13
(4) Kobold Archers - 12
~ (2) Sleeping
Rygus - 6
(3) Kobold Elite - 3
~ (3) Unconscious, Blinded, and Stunned - 2 Rounds


First Post
Dowkan spits on the ground in satisfaction and then turns his attention to the nearest kobold, determined to finish this quickly.[sblock=ooc]I'm unsure of distances here, but Dowkan will use whatever means of movement that make the most sense - 5ft step, hustle, or charge - to engage the nearest active kobolds.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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