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The Banewarrens: Allies and Enemies


Living EN World Judge
Verakka will Charge the nearest Werewolf, with his bastard sword, trying to behead the thing.

Dyrnas will cast another Magic Missile at the closest one.
<not the one Verakka is charging>

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Morden's fireball catches all three werewolves, incinerating two and wounding the last (18 damage). Dyrnas's magic missles hit the last standing target (7 damage). Verakka charges the creature and hits with his bastard sword (11 damage).

Malikar, Titus, and Fallon cast about, looking for the vanished Knight of the Chord. The cleric uses detect magic, but it will be a few moments before he can pinpoint specific auras.

With a growl, the last werewolf shakes off the last effects of Fallon's mind blast.


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Verakka drops the final werewolf unconscious with a solid stroke from his bastard sword.

Titus is able to spot a dim lingering aura from the location where Nicalon stood, but is unable to identify the type of magic used. He scans for other auras in all directions, but nothing reveals the missing Knight of the Chord. The bracers on each of the werewolves are magical.


Malikar looks around, bewildered. How should I know? he shouts at Fallon. We trusted him, and this is how he repays us! Now he has the key! Malikar stomps the ground, angered by Nicalon's apparent betrayal. Do you know what it's going to be like, telling the Church we screwed up? But who is Nicalon working for? The Inverted Pyramid? Nah, then there wouldn't be any werewolves. Maybe that Lamia and Minotaur gang we battled before?


I aim to misbehave
"Perhaps that wasn't even Nicalon we dealt with, maybe it was a shapechanger," Titus offered. "Regardless, he made off with the key and the trail is cool, at least magically speaking. There is some aura there where he was but I cannot determine the type of magic. Also, the bracers on these wolves are magical as well."


Living EN World Judge
Verakka looks to the others as he poised his sword above the chest of the fallen werewolf. Briefly, he saw the face of The Emperor giving the Life-or-Death signal, then he plunged the blade downwards,towards the Beast's Heart. He had had quite enough of betrayels and escaped foes for one week...but he stopped when Dyrnas yelled Wait, hold Verakka!

The elf moved forward saying 'Perhaps I can Detect Thoughts on this thing and gain some insight to this House's motives?
Dyrnas clearly looked uneasy at the manner in which his COmpanion was about to dispatch his fallen foe.
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DM fast forward: engage

No traces are found of the vanished Nicalon. Dyrnas and Verakka secure the captured werewolf and the party turns it over to the Church of Lothian, who are also holding the lamias captured earlier. They will allow Dyrnas to question the creature at his convenience.

Returning to their inn, the party contemplates their next action. What do they tell the Church elders, who wait for news of the key? Will Jevicca Norr have learned anything about the bone rings carried by the minotaur and his allies? Who is Nicalon working for, and what will he do with the key?

Voidrunner's Codex

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