A5E also has more interesting weapon properties, so the "feat tax" to have the additional attack as bonus action is no longer necessary if you use a weapon with the "defensive" trait.Polearm Savant is still great too, although I’d avoid the feat tax given the buff to two-weapon fighting.
So you can have a sword and board berserker (historically plausible btw), that either gains +1 on AC, or can attack with the shield as a bonus action. That attack can either do damage (not much) and eventually trigger furious crits, or you can use it to shove/knock prone.
Also, you can have very similar benefits to the old Polearm Master feat by taking appropriate combat maneuvers.
Or you can move away from Polearm Master: going back to the sword and board example before, you could use the Lean Into It maneuver, so each attack forces the enemy to make a Str save or be knocked prone.