This Storyteller’s Vault offering comes with a very experienced pedigree. Not only is there a lot of experience on the writing team, but one of them also worked on the official Sabbat book.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I know members of the writing team.
After the Camarilla and Anarch books it was hard to know what we’d get with the Sabbat book. The previous books were very thin on actual detail and rules apart from offering a new clan each. But the Sabbat book was a lot more detailed. So you might be forgiven for thinking you didn’t need anything more about the Sabbat so soon. But the detail here is so useful I find myself wishing we could have had a double size Sabbat book that included all of this.
While this book does have a wealth of Storyteller information, the core of it offers a solid player’s guide. It provides a series of options and examples for Sabbat versions of several of the character creation options. While the corebook options usually still suit Sabbat characters, the options here are a lot more appropriate. You may even find a lot of the detail here useful for a slightly darker Camarilla or Anarch game too.
The book is divided into four chapters: Creation Rites (character options), Vaulderie (Pack and group creation options), Blood Feast (a toolbox of new disciplines, rituals and advantages etc.) and War Party (campaign guidance and loresheets).
FULL DISCLOSURE: I know members of the writing team.
After the Camarilla and Anarch books it was hard to know what we’d get with the Sabbat book. The previous books were very thin on actual detail and rules apart from offering a new clan each. But the Sabbat book was a lot more detailed. So you might be forgiven for thinking you didn’t need anything more about the Sabbat so soon. But the detail here is so useful I find myself wishing we could have had a double size Sabbat book that included all of this.
While this book does have a wealth of Storyteller information, the core of it offers a solid player’s guide. It provides a series of options and examples for Sabbat versions of several of the character creation options. While the corebook options usually still suit Sabbat characters, the options here are a lot more appropriate. You may even find a lot of the detail here useful for a slightly darker Camarilla or Anarch game too.
The book is divided into four chapters: Creation Rites (character options), Vaulderie (Pack and group creation options), Blood Feast (a toolbox of new disciplines, rituals and advantages etc.) and War Party (campaign guidance and loresheets).