• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Center of Time


Seregal tilts his head to one side. "It might be worth poking around this area, seeing if there's any other ruin or numenera device that may have triggered the map." He looks around, peering through the sweltering undergrowth. "Though that might be a bit tricky. Say, Duncan had the vision this time as well; does that mean the map is now 'aware' that he's joined our expedition?"

He irritatedly scratches at his itching beard; he's never been one for heat. "Let's ask around and find out if any one else had this vision. I'm curious to see by what parameters the map judges people to be expedition members."

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Antor's been riding on one of the wagons and talking with the driver for most of the trip. When they near the area of the jungle, he notices the driver tense up a bit. "I'm sure we'll be fine. That large caravan ahead of us is bound to scare away anything hiding along the way. Should gives us a pretty good trail to follow as well." Antor starts to tell the driver a story his father told him when he is beset by the vision. When the vision ends, Antor looks about for the other members of his group. He sees Father Seren heading towards Echo. He gets down off the wagon and heads that direction as well. When Antor reaches them he can tell by their expressions and Echo's rolling up of the map that they had had the vision as well.

"Any ideas as to what triggered this new vision?" he asks. "It almost seems as if the vision is showing us the path that we must follow and perhaps sites of some importance to our destination. The strange part though is that I felt a sort of sorrow or loss as the images flashed. Did anyone else feel that way? I wonder if this is some kind of cry for help. A sort of distress signal."


First Post
Echo shrugs at the barrage of questions. "It's all speculation at this point, but the symbols on the map change as we move. And the...content...of the vision seemed to be a kind of contact with another mind, reacting what's around us now, and perhaps to what lies ahead of us on this path."

"I think this map is as much a sensor, and perhaps communication device, as it is a navigational aid. In any event, we have more immediate things to attend to."

She nods at the jungle wall.


Seregal scratches at his chin. "The jungle isn't going anywhere. We might check in with Sevarr to see what is plan is, if any. But right now, I'm going to see if anyone else in the caravan picked up on that vision. See if there's anything more we can learn. You're all welcome to accompany me, if you like."

Seregal ambles off, trying to see if there are any guards or other folk with the caravan who look as though they've had a strange, otherworldly vision; (as opposed to people who've imbibed narcotics).


First Post
Xaion always the strong silent type simply does his job on the journey. Some of the new men in the caravan are uneasy with Xaion on watch, they don't trust a man with a blind fold over his eyes to see anything. The men who he has worked with trust him and his eerie senses much more already since they seen him in action. Other than this Xaion rode on his (??? No idea I'm new here, what am I riding on and how big is it.) simply meditating the hours away. He ate little, drank little, and didn't even laugh when the camp would break out into laughter at a bawdy joke. When he got time he simply trained and perfected his form and technique, keeping himself sharp and ready.


After the visions pass he rides over to the others and speaks up "Other visions?"? He doesn't turn his head to look at them, instead looking forward as he keeps riding.

Isida Kep'Tukari

"How long as this 'warm area' been around for?" Seregal asks. "Was there any significant structure or feature around here that was there before the 'warm area' started to grow in and obscure it?"
Wes shakes his head. "This has been around for... lemme see, the last three months. One trip to Wislayn it wasn't here, the trip back a week later and-." He waves at the jungle. "Wasn't a thing here before that, no statue or numenera thing, at least that I remember, and I've been running this route for twenty years. But it's definitely getting bigger faster."

Duncan, you look around the area carefully, but don't spy any enemies that have taken advantage of your preoccupation with the vision.

Echo, as you peruse the map, you notice something just before your roll it up. The Sheer is in evidence on this map, and right about in the middle of it, you notice some new symbols. There are three silver metallic dots - one pulsing with faint light every fifteen seconds, one pulsing every thirty seconds and shooting off a pulse of that light in a line southward until it reaches the south side of the Sheer, and a third that glimmers steadily. This map is very small compared to the area you're in, but it seems these three dots do lie within the jungle zone.

Seregal - any inquiries as to if other people also received the vision come to nothing... except with two of the new guards: that Wisco fellow who was helping Sevarr at a couple of the deep waterfall pools, and Xaion, the masked man.

Sevarr comes up as the group pauses for a conference.

"I want to get in after Kolos' herd. Did you see something worrysome?" he asks, his aneen sidling in nervousness. "Other than that, I mean," he adds, waving at the jungle.


Duncan isn't surprised at finding nothing, though a bit disappointed to be left without a distraction.

"No sign of anything watching us. We can move on," Duncan says to Sevarr. "We should go in while the larger caravan's trail is still fresh."

Isida Kep'Tukari

As you cross the line from the Sheer to the area of greenery, you go immediately from late autumn to high summer, the air hot and muggy. Insects buzz around you as you penetrate the jungle's outer edge, and the heavy, sweet scents of blooming flowers fill the air.

Everyone stays alert, ready for danger, ears pricked and weapons out, and that proves to be wise - After nearly an hour of trekking through the thick jungle without a sound, there's an echo of something up ahead, and a scent of fresh blood on the wind. Then the wind shifts, or something moves closer, because you can hear the sounds of aneen bellowing in pain and humans shouting and screaming. In a gap through the trees, you can see a clearing ahead where part of Kolos Githian's herd is being mobbed by broken hounds, and at least two aneen are already down and being torn apart.

A small part of the pack closest to you suddenly turns and begins crashing through the underbrush, howling their fluting, screeching calls. You have only seconds until they'll be on you!


OOC: Just reminding everyone that you guys roll all the dice. For simplicity and speed, let me tell you that for now the broken hounds are level 2, which means you need a 6 to hit them or dodge them, and they have 6 health. Do a total of 6 points of damage to any single one of them, and it dies. They do four points of damage if they hit you. Remember, if you roll 17 or above on your d20, something special happens. You have a round before the broken hounds arrive to prepare/maneuver/whichever, then go ahead and roll both Initiative (Speed) and attack (or whatever else you're going to do).


First Post
Distracted by her ongoing, and very intent, perusal of the map as the team travels, Echo is taken off-guard by the sudden violence. Her reaction is further complicated by the care she takes in rolling and stowing the map away. Silver liquid beads on her skin and spreads to encompass her until she looks like a statue in quicksilver that's wearing her clothes.

Unfortunately, by the time all this is done, the hounds are nearly upon her, and she's forced to take her shot while scampering back behind the others. Strange little argent needles poke out of her right hand and vanish with little 'pahf' noises...but all they do is kick up dirt and rocks from the ground as her haste compromises her accuracy.

(Raising Ward, moving the heck back behind the meatshields and trying to use Onslaught with fantastic degrees of fail.)

(Initiative 6: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4263894/)
(Attack 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4263898/)

(Sigh. Off to a great start, InvisiCastle. Just great. :erm: )


Antor, all too familiar with the howling of the broken hounds, jumps down from the wagon he's on and pulls his broadsword from its scabbard. He runs his hand down the blade with a trail of sparks leaping from his hands to the blade. When he's done, the blade continues to spark and crackle as Antor turns back to the wagon driver, "Get a weapon and protect the aneen!"

Antor moves towards the oncoming hounds.
He slices at the first broken hound to reach him carving into it's flesh and causing blood to spray upon the ground.
Antor pulls back just as the beast tries locking it's jaws onto his arm


Antor uses 1 intellect for his Shock esotery to enable my sword with electricity for 10 minutes that causes +1 damage.

The linked sentences above corresponds to the following
Initiative - Antor is trained in Initiative
Attack - Damage - 4 +1(electricity)
Defense - Antor is trained in speed defense


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