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The Charming Warden

Rae ArdGaoth

Jamilee misses.

Tibard grabs his shield and weapon, remaining prone.

Reis awakens, and stands up. The wolf next to him snaps at him as he rises, but the arrow in its side causes it to move more slowly, and Reis easily dodges its fangs. He grabs his weapons, which are within easy reach.


Round 1 Initiative:
Jamilee (20)
Tibard (20) [prone]
Reis (16)
Christopher (13) <--
Jonah (11) [prone]
Wolf 1 (9)
Wolf 2 (9) [-7 HP]

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Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

Somewhat surprised at the intelligence of the wolves that allowed them to recognize the unsure footing of the grease spell and move around it, Christopher is at least somewhat satisfied that the wolves, having to move around the spelled area, were not able to charge the party.

Grunting somwhat in frustration, Christopher casts "Grease" again below the uninjured wolf, being carfeful not to catch any of his teammates in the area of effect.

OOC: Spell slots 0th:5/5 1st:3/5 The wolf must make a DC: 16 reflex save to avoid falling prone, and is considered to be balancing on a precarious surface.

Rae ArdGaoth

Christopher's first grease effect now expires.

The uninjured wolf's paws slip out from beneath it, and it falls to the ground.


Round 1 Initiative:
Jamilee (20)
Tibard (20) [prone]
Reis (16)
Christopher (13)
Jonah (11) [prone] <--
Wolf 1 (9) [prone]
Wolf 2 (9) [-7 HP]


2 XX        ||X
3 X         ||X
4 XX        ||X
5 XXGG2R J  ||X
6 XXG1T o   ||X
7 XXX Bj C  ||X
8 XXXXXX    ||X

(note: square E6 is greased)

* G - Grease
* 1 - Wolf 1
* 2 - Wolf 2
* J - Jamilee (big J)
* R - Reis
* T - Tibard
* j - Jonah (little j)
* B - Blue
* C - Christopher
* o - fire
* X - dense brush (half movement)
* | - road (normal movement)
*   - grass clearing (the blank spaces, normal movement)


Thy wounds are healed!
Jonah human male

Jonah wakes groggly from sleep as he had not gone to bed so late in a very long time. From his lying postion he notices everyone drawing weapons and Jamilee holding a bow. Then he sees Christopher finish casting some type of spell. He follows the direction of the "cat-man's" green eyes. And sees the two wolves.

Leaping up and throwing his bedroll off he raises both hands up and holds them between Christopher and the wolves, "Whoa! whoa! whoa! Don't 'urt 'em ! Don't! They ain't gonin 'urt you!" He cries seeing the prone wolf. Blue rises up and putting his head down gives a low growl. "Easy Blue. They're just a protecting whats theirs. We are the outsiders 'ere."

Looking to the group his hands still held out and standing between Christopher and the wolves he says towards Tibard and Reis. "Just'n you two back up slowly now. Nobodys gonna 'urt you."

Move: Stand from prone and if Jonah needs to take a 5' step to get between Christopher and the wolves he will.
Standard: Cast Calm Animals
Calm Animal Hit Dice effected: 2d4+1 = 8 [/sblock]

0lvl- Know Direction, Detect Poison, Virtue
1lvl- Goodberry, Calm Animals

Rae ArdGaoth

(OOC: Whoa! I thought I posted this earlier, but I just realized that ENWorld had rejected my post. Annoying.)

The wolves suddenly back off, staring attentively at Jonah. The wounded one begins to whimper a bit, and the other responds by licking the bloody grey coat.

Nearby, you hear howling. The wolves ears perk up, but otherwise they don't react.

[sblock=Listen: DC 15]You hear distant rustling of brush and leaves. Something is approaching quickly from the east.
[sblock=Listen: DC 20]No, several somethings! And they'll be here within 12 seconds.[/sblock][/sblock]


Jamilee looks confused, and wary. She glances to Jonah, then to the two suddenly docile wolves, then back to Jonah, silently mouthing "what did you do?"

Without waiting for a proper answer, she nocks an arrow, draws, and turns to scan the underbrush. There's probably less friendly wolves about still..

[sblock=OOC]Readying a shot on the first aggressive-looking thing to come out of the underbrush.[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Reis looks around sharply, startled by the lull in the action. The point of his rapier - lined at the wolf in front of him - remains steady, only dropping slowly as it becomes clear that the two wolves seem utterly uninterested in him. He gives Jonah a brief glance, but says nothing.

Reis backs off slightly before bending down and starting to hastily stuff the bedroll into his pack, all the while keeping an eye on the wolves. "We should break camp and move out while we can," he says quietly. "The faster the better."

[sblock=Actions]Reis sheathes a dagger and moves 5' back, still holding his rapier. If there's time, he'll throw his equipment together and shoulder his pack, making ready to leave.

Listen check: 1d20+5=12[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Jonah looks at Jamilee and shrugs as if saying he doesn't know himself. He listens to Reis give some good advice. "Rights, but 'irst we be 'elpin them." he says approaching the wounded wolf.

As gentle as he can Jonah takes and removes the arrow from the side of the wolf. "Dere ye go," he says tossing the ruined shaft down. "Nows go ons and gets yerselves back 'ome."

Not waiting to see if the wolves take his advice Jonah heads to his gear and the priceless stone and gathers it all up. " 'Et's go."

[sblock=OOC] That is probably about three or four rounds of actions so if you need to interrupt any of that I understand. Spell lasts 10 rounds.

Listen = 1d20+2 = 7 [/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
Tibard stands up slowly. "Steady there, fella." He keeps his eyes on the wolf in front of him and takes a step backwards towards the fire. "Even though you sleep, Hyrag, I know you're watching over us. Please, continue to keep us safe."

He scans around the campsite, looking for more threats.

[sblock=actions]Stand up. Five foot step towards the fire. Ready an action to case bless if any sort of fight starts.

As far as I can tell no one in the party is injured, otherwise I'd try to heal them.[/sblock]

Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

OOC: Listen (1d20+1=5) So caught up in the action around the campfire, Christopher is oblivious to everything.

Christopher stares at the now docile wolves, but remains wary of them. He is prepared to cast more spells should they turn threatening once more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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