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The Charming Warden


First Post
Reis, like Jonah, brings his weapons up to guard him as he attempts to stand.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action:
Total defense (AC increases to 21 for one round)
Move Action:
Stand from prone

Dex check against trip (if necessary):

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Jamilee groggily shifts her position to attack one of the wolves worrying at Reis from a good angle, and sets to work with her blades. Despite the state she's in, she manages to pull off a fancy move or two, scoring a beautiful strike on her target.. only it lacks strength and follow-through, barely slowing the beast down instead of being the killing blow it could've been.

[sblock=OOC]-5' step S
-Full attack on wolf #5. I'm assuming Reis survives his attempt to stand up from prone. Main hand attack, damage, off-hand attack, damage. Blessed, flanking target. (1d20+4+2+1=26, 1d6+1=2, 1d20+2+2+1=11, 1d6=3). Critical confirmation, damage (1d20+7=18, 1d6+1=2). Argh, anemic minimum-damage critical.


The 8th Evil Sage
Tibard Mountainbore, dwarven cleric of Hyrag

Tibard turns and swings at the wolf between himself and Reis. He connects easily, but he doesn't seem to inflict much damage. Then he steps around the wolf towards Reis. "Hang on Jamilee! Hyrag willing, I'll get to you."

[sblock=actions]Attack wolf 4. Hit for only 3 damage. Five-foot-step to F-4.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

(Trouvere pointed out that an AoO occurs before the triggering action, so Jonah and Reis are unable to be tripped unless the wolves ready actions. So Jonah is not prone, and Reis's dexterity check is unnecessary.

With that in mind, would Reis still like to take total defense?)


First Post
[sblock=Modification]Hmm... Reis will keep the total defense, but will add a 5' step to F6 in order to flank wolf 4, if that's all right with you.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

Reis stands up, and the wolves flanking him attack! Working in concert, they take advantage of his weak position and tear into the flesh of his stomach, wounding him terribly. (both hit AC 23, total of 9 damage to Reis)

Jamilee nearly brings down another wolf, but not quite.

And Tibard bashes a wolf with his morning star.

The wolf blasted by Christopher just twitches on the ground.

The wolves previously flanking Reis, move in close together, protecting at least one of their flanks. They focus on Reis: One fails to break through the half-elf's defenses, and the other fares no better. (Wolf 5 moves W, both miss Reis)

Jonah, Blue, and Christopher...

[b]Round 4 Initiative:[/b]
[i]Reis[/i]        (blessed)                [color=red][2/16 HP][/color]
[i]Jamilee[/i]     (blessed)                [color=red][2/15 HP][/color]
[i]Tibard[/i]      (blessed)                [color=green][11/11 HP][/color]
---On Round 12 on this count, Tibard's bless spell will end---
[b]Wolf 3[/b]      (uncon., blind, stunned) [color=green][13/13 HP][/color]
[b]Wolf 4[/b]      ()                       [color=yellow][6/13 HP][/color]
[b]Wolf 5[/b]      ()                       [color=red][2/13 HP][/color]
[i]Jonah[/i]       (blessed)                [color=yellow][8/13 HP][/color] <--
[i]Blue[/i]        (blessed)                [color=green][13/13 HP][/color]
[i]Christopher[/i] (blessed)                [color=orange][2/4 HP][/color] [color=magenta](Rolls needed: 2d4 & 1d4)[/color]
---On Round 08 on this count, Wolf 3 will become conscious but remain stunned---
---On Round 11 on this count, Wolf 3 will no longer be stunned---
[b]Wolf 1[/b]      (prone)                  [color=yellow][8/13 HP][/color]


2 XX        ||X
3 X         ||X
4 XX   T    ||X
5 XX 1 45 J ||X
6 XX   Roj  ||X
7 XXX   C 3 ||X

* G - Grease
* 1 - Wolf 1, 2, 3, etc
* J - Jamilee (big J)
* R - Reis
* T - Tibard
* j - Jonah (little j)
* B - Blue
* C - Christopher
* o - fire
* X - dense brush (half movement)
* | - road (normal movement)
*   - grass clearing (the blank spaces, normal movement)


Thy wounds are healed!
Watching in wonder as the colorful fan of magical energy nocks the wolf unconsious Jonah strps up to Christopher.

"Eh? Do that ta dem. Knock'em out without killin'em." He says urging Christopher to step up and use his magic, pointing at the other two wolves. He stands ready incase it doesn't work.

Blue growls and looks tense ready to jump in and fight, "Heel, Blue!" Jonah says and the big dog obeys almost instantly.

5' step south
Standard action - Ready attack vs. wolf should one attack Jonah or Blue [/sblock]

Christopher Greeneyes, Katara Sorcerer 1

"Eh? Do that ta dem. Knock'em out without killin'em." He says urging Christopher to step up and use his magic

Christopher is about to reach for a crossbow bolt, when his attention is caught by Jonah's plea.

Christopher starts to explain, "The incapcitation will last less than..." he begins, but he sees the emotion written on the human's face, and he cuts himself off.

With a growl of frustration, Christopher anxiously looks around, then ducking behind Jonah and Jamilee, releases another spell, unfortunately catching Jonah within the area affected.

[sblock=OOC] Christopher moves past Jonah in H6, and Jamilee in I5, to arrive at I4. He then launches a color spray towards H5, thus the following squares will be affected: F5, G5, H5, G6, H6, & H7. Thus Wolves 4&5 and Jonah will all be in the area of effect.

Color Spray Will DC: 16 to negate.

I am not sure if I need to roll once for the duration, or individually for each creature that fails their save.

Spell Slots Left 0th:5/5 1st:0/5

Rae: I think the duration of the spell on wolf 3 need to be adjusted.
It should be uncouncious, blind and stunned for 5 rounds,
blind and stunned for 3 rounds,
then stunned for 1 round.

Rae ArdGaoth

Jonah steps aside and Blue backs down, while Christopher moves into position and blasts more wolves. Both of his targets succumb

(Jonah, Will save DC 16, please)

(Christopher, 2d4 and 1d4 for color spray durations, please)

The wolf previously calmed by Jonah bares its fangs and lunges to the defense of it's fallen companions, going for the weakened Reis. But it cannot break through his defenses. (up from prone, 5' step east, atk Reis, fail)


Reis, Jamilee, and Tibard...

[b]Round 5 Initiative:[/b]
[i]Reis[/i]        (blessed)                [color=red][2/16 HP][/color] <--
[i]Jamilee[/i]     (blessed)                [color=red][2/15 HP][/color]
[i]Tibard[/i]      (blessed)                [color=green][11/11 HP][/color]
---On Round 12 on this count, Tibard's bless spell will end---
[b]Wolf 3[/b]      (uncon., blind, stunned) [color=green][13/13 HP][/color]
[b]Wolf 4[/b]      (uncon., blind, stunned) [color=yellow][6/13 HP][/color]
[b]Wolf 5[/b]      (uncon., blind, stunned) [color=red][2/13 HP][/color]
[i]Jonah[/i]       (blessed)                [color=yellow][8/13 HP][/color] [color=magenta]<(Roll needed: DC 16 will save)[/color]
[i]Blue[/i]        (blessed)                [color=green][13/13 HP][/color]
[i]Christopher[/i] (blessed)                [color=orange][2/4 HP][/color] [color=magenta]<(Rolls needed: 2d4 & 1d4)[/color]
---On Round 08 on this count, Wolf 3 will become conscious but remain blind and stunned---
---On Round 11 on this count, Wolf 3 will regain sight, but remain stunned---
---On Round 12 on this count, Wolf 3 will no longer be stunned---
---On Round 4+2d4 on this count, Wolves 4 & 5 will become conscious but remain blind and stunned---
---On Round 4+2d4+1d4 on this count, Wolves 4 & 5 will regain sight, but remain stunned---
---On Round 4+2d4+1d4+1 on this count, Wolves 4 & 5 will no longer be stunned---
[b]Wolf 1[/b]      ()                       [color=yellow][8/13 HP][/color]


2 XX        ||X
3 X         ||X
4 XX   T  C ||X
5 XX  145 J ||X
6 XX   Ro   ||X
7 XXX    j3 ||X

* G - Grease
* 1 - Wolf 1, 2, 3, etc
* J - Jamilee (big J)
* R - Reis
* T - Tibard
* j - Jonah (little j)
* B - Blue
* C - Christopher
* o - fire
* X - dense brush (half movement)
* | - road (normal movement)
*   - grass clearing (the blank spaces, normal movement)

Voidrunner's Codex

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