The City of Arches on Kickstarter

Hello friends!

As fans of high quality RPG products, I wanted you to know about the City of Arches Kickstarter going on right now!

You can find it right here:

The City of Arches is a 160 page PDF and hardcover high-fantasy city sourcebook built for Lazy DMs and usable with any version of 5e or other fantasy tabletop RPGs. In this book you’ll find
  • a high fantasy city setting surrounded by countless adventure locations.
  • a setting easily dropped into any existing published or homebrewed campaign world.
  • a setting where any race, species, origin, heritage, and culture makes sense.
  • over a dozen adventure “biomes” with hundreds of adventure locations.
  • three 1st to 20th level campaign arcs.
  • an intro scenario, three adventures, and an adventure toolkit for building your own heist or infiltration adventure.
  • beautiful full-color art, dungeon maps, and overland maps.
  • a player’s guide with background hooks and setting-specific backgrounds.
Download the free 42 page preview on the Kickstarter page. I hope you’ll back this fantastic new book.

And don't forget to tell your friends!

Thank you so much!


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Save me a PDF copy Mike. The Lazy DM's Guide was possibly one of the most important DM supplements for helping me get over my fear of running games, and got me over the hurdle of wanting to run a game, into actually running one!

I will most certainly be dropping the city into my campaign world.

I don’t know if this product is for me but I’ll definitely be checking out the preview to see if that is actually the case. I do like the premise.

I am very tempted, mostly as a way to say "thank you" to Mike for all his great advice and entertaining yammering. The fact that he suggests it can easily be used with Shadowdark is a bonus...

I really admire the design of this city setting. Like a lot of DMs, both I and my players will get excited about a new shiny thing after starting a campaign, and this set-up looks ideal for slotting in adventures and content from anywhere, as well as any kind of player character concept.

I'd like more actual adventures......but I really like the premise, and I like supporting people that give this much to the community....

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