The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)


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I guess we don’t have to sblock anymore.

Not-Palindrome smiles, thinly. "I believe there are some noble metals involved, yes, and..."

Ignoring Woe proves to be costly, however, as the fighter plunges his electrified spear deep into the creature's side, sparking with power. No blood flows from the wound, though, and as Woe yanks his spear free it is already beginning to close up.
"Well, that didn't work, but--honestly--can you blame us for trying? How about we take a step back, calm down, and talk about us performing your task for monetary rewards that don't involve us being torn limb-from-limb as you feast on our life fluids?"

Words of Friendship + Diplomacy (1d20+10+5=32)
“Indeed, you’ll have to excuse this Skyborn custom of spontaneous stabbing. It’s a traditional greeting among us when approached by mysterious strangers in tombs – you were meant to dodge them all, naturally.”

Relaxing as much as you can while tied up by shadowy tendrils, Woe digs out one of the flasks he filled with rum earlier and takes a swig, then offers it to their potential employer.

“I mean, what kind of mercenary would I be if I didn’t throw out a little demonstration of my skill? Besides, I can’t deny having had the urge to cut up this body for some time.”

Recognizing the creature’s nature, Woe withdraws his offer of rum and reminds himself that he could offer goblin blood instead.

“Please, do continue. Tell us more about these noble metals, what you need done, and who you need perforated.”

[sblock=Skill Checks]
Aid Another - Diplomacy 10 (Hacker’s result is improved to 34), Religion 16 (Woe recognizes the creature as a vampire).

What did Woe’s earlier Insight 21 check tell him?[/sblock]

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The vampire stares at you in disbelief for a long moment, still poised to strike, then suddenly laughs. He releases the magical bonds that hold you in place. Kathalia's mind clears, and she regains control of her actions. "Well, you do not lack for courage, that is certain. And perhaps it is best this way; now you know for certain that you are helpless against me. Very well, we shall continue our discussion. But know this: one false step, and you will be mine forever. I shall not stay my hand a second time.

Now then. You wish to hear more regarding compensation, and I wish to discuss how it is that you can assist me. More than you already have, that is. First, the treasure. If you were clever enough to have defeated the goblin, and his... creation... I trust you will have found his key. The lock it opens is there,"
he points toward a corner of the crypt. "A chest hidden beneath the flagstone there. Go ahead, open it. When you have satisfied yourselves that I speak only truth, I shall continue."

The flagstone in question has not been visited recently, as its thin layer of dust attests, but neither does is have the deep, years-old filth of much of the rest of the crypt. The flagstone is some six feet square, of solid granite, and takes all of your combined efforts to lift it, but at last you succeed. Beneath is indeed a large chest, with a lock that opens to the goblin's key. Inside are several vials of translucent red liquid, a large round shield with a stylized sunburst chased in bronze around a central boss shaped like a lion's head, and a significant pile of gold and silver coin.

[sblock=treasure]2 potions of healing, a throwing shield, and 500g in assorted coinage.


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"But know this: one false step, and you will be mine forever. I shall not stay my hand a second time."
"No, no. Got it in one. Hell, you could issue a diploma for how well we've learned that you can kick our *****."

"When you have satisfied yourselves that I speak only truth, I shall continue."
"You might not want to want for that, as we're a hopelessly paranoid and suspicious bunch, except--that is-- for Kathalia."

Hacker performs a quick calculation in his head and divides the gold evenly between his comrades and himself (but not withholding a portion for Atreus). "Y'all mind if I take one of them there potions?"

So, the throwing shield is a LARGE shield, huh? Guess Hacker won't be doing any Captain America imitations.


[sblock=throwing shield]Well, it's off of Woe's wish list, so I'd assume it's a heavy shield. It's not Large or two-handed in any technical sense, so I don't think there's any mechanical reason Hacker couldn't use it, other than the fact that his implement is currently 2 handed.


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The vampire stares at you in disbelief for a long moment, still poised to strike, then suddenly laughs. He releases the magical bonds that hold you in place. Kathalia's mind clears, and she regains control of her actions. "Well, you do not lack for courage, that is certain. And perhaps it is best this way; now you know for certain that you are helpless against me. Very well, we shall continue our discussion."
“Good sport, that’s the spirit. I really felt we all had a close bonding experience here, in a not-spawn-and-master kind of way. Next time its darts and drinks on me!”

While smoothing things over, Woe reconsiders his choice of words.

“Well, uh, not literally drinking on... you know what I mean, Mister Fangs.”

The flagstone in question has not been visited recently, as its thin layer of dust attests, but neither does is have the deep, years-old filth of much of the rest of the crypt. The flagstone is some six feet square, of solid granite, and takes all of your combined efforts to lift it, but at last you succeed. Beneath is indeed a large chest, with a lock that opens to the goblin's key. Inside are several vials of translucent red liquid, a large round shield with a stylized sunburst chased in bronze around a central boss shaped like a lion's head, and a significant pile of gold and silver coin.

[sblock=treasure]2 potions of healing, a throwing shield, and 500g in assorted coinage.
Woe dusts off the bronze shield and tries it on, feeling his hand grip naturally without any immediate jolts of pain.

“Solid, but light. Almost too light. I wonder...”

An impulse comes over the warrior and with a discus-like throw he flings the shield, sending it with pin-point accuracy across the room to smash off the nose of the most beautiful sarcophagus in the room, ricocheting onwards to a pillar while just barely missing the vampire, and back to Woe who instinctively grabs it just inches over Hacker’s head.

“Step-dancing tramps on a tightrope! I’m in love!”

A dilemma occurs to Woe and he compares the sunburst-framed lion’s head on the new shield to his own smiling and winking “You the man!” face on the old shield. With a sigh, he hugs the emblem of his own face.

“Sorry boy. We’ve been through much together, but I think it’s time for you catch some off-time... Don’t worry; your heritage will live on when I get a smith to adjust this lion head to resemble me.”

[sblock=Joy!]Captain America, eat your heart out! I love flavourful items like this. :)

I’m not sure Hacker would have use for a throwing shield since they use Strength, but let me know if you’re also interested, of course.[/sblock]


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Nah. It's cool. I was joking about Hacker taking the shield. ;)

Hacker is nonplussed as the shield narrowly misses his head. He exhales a large cloud of smoke and twirls his finger in an impatient "Can we get this dog and pony show on the road" gesture.


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[sblock=OOC]As part of his demi-resurrection, is he going to be more cooperative and less of a suspicious ****?What's a magic ki focus?[/sblock]


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Well, it really depends on what you mean. Is he going to be best friends with Hacker after he returns? Don't count on it, but he is going to ease up on some things, after all he has a lot on his mind. Well, being suspicious is part of his backache from the kingdom, never knowing who to trust and stuff, so I wouldn't count on that changing either. I am hoping though that Hacker and Atreus eventually can get along. If only Hacker would ease up on him ;).

Magic Ki Focus is a special Assassin class talent. It enables them to enchant the weapons they are using, making them magical. You basically just treat weapons as a ordinary magical +1 weapon.

Whats a Gnome fist fight? I have been wondering about that since Hacker challenged Atreus?

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