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The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)

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Without another word, Arnest walks away from the tower, two of his guards in the lead, and the third several paces behind him, careful to make sure no one can approach Arnest from behind unseen.

The march to the north side of town, above whose cliffs the Whiteside Barrows are located, is tense but uneventful. Arnest's bodyguards clear a path through the morning crowds with practiced, impersonal brutality, so progress is quick. At one point there are a number of faint screams far to the west. Arnest ignores them.

Soon you pass beyond the town's limits into the hills at the base of the cliffs. The area is lightly forested and the paths leading north to the cliffs are winding things of packed earth and occasional patches of gravel, signifying at least token attempts at maintenance.

Not far into the forested paths, you a trio of screams rips the wooded quiet somewhere ahead of you.


"Aaaahhh Help! Help! Augh!!"

"Aaaaaaah! What is... Run, boy! Run and don't look ba-aaaaargh!"

"Ow! Ow, leggo, ahhhhhh!"

Around a bend in the path come running a trio of humans, a man, a woman, and a small boy. The boy pelts ahead, fleeing in terror, while the adults, perhaps his parents, lag behind. They are closely pursued by a half dozen floating, insubstantial figures with long, flickering, many-fingered arms. When touched by the wraiths, the man and woman slow to a crawl, ugly black lesions breaking out on their bodies. They fall, and quickly the wraiths are on them. Then another ghostly figure appears, directly in the boy's path, and exudes a spectral miasma, catching the boy squarely. His face pales, and his legs keep pumping a few moments more before collapsing onto his face only a few paces in front of Arnest's guards.

When the adult humans stop twitching, the wispy figures turn towards you, tendril-arms flicking outward once again.



ooc: initiative, please! I'd normally do it for you, but I'm going out of town for the weekend in a few hours, so I wouldn't be able to update anyway. We'll pick this up when I get back on Sunday.


First Post
"Huzzah! Violence! And I'm not paying for the resurrection of some dumb-***** half-orc, but I call dibs on searching their corpses!"

Initiative: 1d20+3=17

[sblock=Palindrome's Stats]Palindrome - Human Wizard (Illusionist) 2
Passive Perception 13, Passive Insight 13
AC 15, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 17
HP 24/24, Bloodied 12, Surge Value 6, Surges 6/6
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Illusory Ambush, Magic Missile, Scorching Burst
Encounter Powers: Dire Radiance, Grasping Shadows, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere
Cantrips: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation


First Post
Atreus' hand moves to his shiny new dagger while he asks Tander calmly " Familiar with these shadows and their weaknesses!? "

Initiative: Got 26

[sblock=Atreus Stats] Atreus D’torian - Human Rogue 2
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 17
AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 18, Will 15
HP 29/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: Not Used Yet
Powers: Deft Strike, Piercing Strike, Sly Flourish, Fleeting Ghost
Positioning Strike, Blinding Barrage, Deathstalker Dagger[/sblock]


First Post
"Wraiths," Tander whispers. "I've heard of them, although I've been fortunate enough to avoid encountering them until now. I've read that they often arise from the bodies of those who died or were killed suddenly. Pray they do not kill us or we may join their number."

OOC: Initiative 11, Monster Knowledge (religion) 26.

[sblock=Tander Stat Block]
Tander Oaksmith, Human Cleric 2
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 20
AC 17, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 19
Resist 5 poison
HP 29/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 8/8
Speed 5, Initiative +7
Action Points: 1

Current Effects

Encounter Resources
Spiteful Glamor
Divine Glow
Healing Word One
Healing Word Two
Channel Divinity (Turn Undead or Divine Fortune)
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Beacon of Hope
Cure Light Wounds
Last edited:


First Post
"Wraiths," Tander whispers. "I've heard of them, although I've been fortunate enough to avoid encountering them until now. I've read that they often arise from the bodies of those who died or were killed suddenly."

“Good,” Woe grins. “Then they know the drill.”

The warrior brandishes his spear, ready to jump into the fray at a moment's notice.

“That means it will come as less of a shock to them when they die suddenly – again.”

Initiative = 22

[sblock=Woe stats]Woe Chinua - Human Fighter 2
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 14
HP 40/40, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 11/11
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Powers: Cleave, Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron; Pass Forward; Weapon: Spear of Myrdroon's Shard, At-Will;
Steel Serpent Strike; Comeback Strike, Inspiring Word; Weapon: Spear of Myrdroon's Shard, Daily[/sblock]


[sblock=knowledge]Everyone: You can clearly see that these beings are not quite fully present in the physical world. They are translucent like smoke or fog, and hover above the ground without apparent effort.

ooc: they're all insubstantial and hovering.

[sblock=Tander]Your training identifies three types of undead.

The wraiths are weak spirits, whose touch slows the limbs. Like most undead, they fear divine radiance, but resist decay.

The specter is also weak against radiant damage and strong against necrotic, but can become invisible when it chooses.

The griefmote is rare among undead in neither fearing divine light nor resisting necrotic decay. It resists cold, and can emit waves of chilling frost that freeze the bones of the living.

The shadows react slowly, perhaps cowed by the daylight. Whatever the reason, you easily get time to strike first. Arnest reacts quickly too, but coolly waits until his bodyguards are ready, to act as a unit.

[sblock=initiative and status]

Atreus hp 29/29 surges 7/7 <=== You're up
Woe hp 40/40 surges 10/10
Palindrome hp 24/24 surges 6/6
Tander hp 29/29 surges 8/8
Arnest unharmed
Half orc 1 unharmed
Half orc 2 unharmed
Half orc 3 unharmed
specter 1 unharmed
mote 1 unharmed
wraith 1 unharmed
wraith 2 unharmed
wraith 3 unharmed
wraith 4 unharmed
wraith 5 unharmed
wraith 6 unharmed

Resources used:
none yet

[sblock=map (unchanged)]



First Post
“ Great “ Atreus says sarcastically. He heroically dashes behind Arnest’s meatshield and shoots with his trusty sling at the closest undead.

[Sblock= Actions]
Move Action – Pulls forth his sling and moves to r5
Standard Action – Uses sly flourish specter 1, hits AC 19 and does 20 damage
Minor – Action – Nothing…

[sblock=Atreus Stats] Atreus D’torian - Human Rogue 2
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 17
AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 18, Will 15
HP 29/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: Not Used Yet
Powers: Deft Strike, Piercing Strike, Sly Flourish, Fleeting Ghost
Positioning Strike, Blinding Barrage, Deathstalker Dagger [/sblock]

[Sblock=The Terrain]
Is it possible to hide in the bushes indicated on the map?

[Sblock= To Covaithe]
I completely forgot to buy some healing potions in town, is it possible that we could have had the chance to buy a couple of them when we were on our way to here?


First Post
Palindrome will delay until after the half-orcs move, because...uhm...accidents can happen when you cast area-effect spells. Heh-heh!


First Post
Palindrome will delay until after the half-orcs move, because...uhm...accidents can happen when you cast area-effect spells. Heh-heh!
My thoughts exactly. :D

Woe will also delay, going after Arnest, orcs, and "Friendly Fire" Palindrome.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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