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The Coldlands War, Part I

Argent Silvermage

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Tyliss gives the halfling a "Humph!" and starts to clean off a section of the diagram. "If shooting's all your good for we should have a talk about your future potential."
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"And what would you know about my potential?" says Elkus, fiercely. He can't wait for the train to get going. Is there a need to look for mad wizards when there's apparently one here already?

Argent Silvermage

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Tyliss squats to look Elkus in the face. "It would seem I have offended you. I am sorry. Sometimes I forget how I effect others. That is why I am here in this gods forsaken place of ice and death."

He removes his hood for the first time revealing his true heritage. His face is handsome in a way but the slit pupals of his blue eyes and the short ivory horns partialy hidden in his silver/white hair mark him as something other than human. He smiles and his teeth are a bit more pointed then would seem safe for ones tongue.

"I meant there is so much more to you that just a gunslinger. I just wanted you to know I understand there is more to you and who you are to be than you are letting on."


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Akamarr looks at the argument between the two disdainfully. He looks at Tyliss peculiarly. What kind of creature was this wizard? Either way, perhaps they were right to not trust the arcane. This one unnerved him.

"Are you sure about that, mage?" Akamarr asks Tyliss. "Perhaps our friend here is just a gunslinger--and there's nothing wrong with that, little one. We all have secrets, of course, but that doesn't matter now. We're stuck doing this together, and we'd be better off seeing each other just as a wizard or a shooter or a fighter."


OoC: My apologies for not updating in awhile. I've been having some RL issues, and haven't really had the time... next time, I'll be sure to warn you before going on hiatus. :)

The train lurches to a start, then slowly gathers speed; after a few minutes, you are moving along quite quickly, though not quite so smoothly. Though not incredibly bumpy, the ride is still accentuated by no small number of bumps.

After a little less than an hour of endless, featureless snowy plains, you get a view of a small settlement nestled in a slight depression. Overlooking it from the west is a massive cliff, the nearest edge of which is lacking snowcover - the reason apparent among the western edge of the city, which is filled with rubble. Even from this distance, you can make out several decimated buildings and boulders the size of large horses amongst the rubble.

As you near the town, you can make out signs of an only slightly-used road parallel to the tracks. Next to the road is a large wooden sign, bearing the name "Balcony" in large black lettering.

The bumps become worse, the train wobbling slightly on the tracks and causing you to shift slightly in your seats. After a few moments of extreme turbulance, however, the train lurches to a stop. There is a wide boardwalk along the tracks, with a single signpost nearby that looks quite similar to the one in Mechanicus.

The buildings here show recent wear and tear; rocks and rubble litter the streets. The two boardwalks, one on either side of the tracks and street, seem to have been slightly protected from the deluge of rocks; however, many of the buildings on the west side have been at least partially destroyed by the rockslide. The people, however, seem to have recovered from the initial shock; they are working in small crews to clear up the rubble, and already some are up on the roofs, carrying planks of wood and various carpentry tools that are difficult to make out from this distance.


Elkus looks out of the window, enjoying seeing the land rolling past him. "Looks like quite a bit of nasty damage," he says, refering to the rockslide. The halfling surreptitiously checks out some of the other passengers on the train. Always best to know who you're travelling with , he thinks to himself.


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Even as the train squeals to a halt, Ursus moves towards the door. Pulling it open with one massive metal hand, he motions for the others to follow and steps off the train. "This is where we disembark. Be alert to anything out of the ordinary."

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tyliss walks out of the car vaery slowly. He looks around while making sure his hood is up and covering what needs covering.
"Well when do we go first? The local constable?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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